MEANWHILE IN WASHINGTON, DC, THE president of the United States and staff members are all inside a safe place inside the White House. Their security and a group of military men stand ready to defend if necessary.
A thunderous sound is heard as explosions go off outside the building. The look of fear reflects off the staff members’ faces. Tears fall, and prayers are mumbled.
Outside is complete chaos. The monsters from other worlds fight US troops for their hostile takeover. The troops, however, are accompanied by a superpowered werewolf and werecat. The werewolf is Chaise and Coyote fused as one, and the werecat is the fusion of Cato and Lynx. The werewolf’s name is Feral, and the werecat is Sabre.
Feral and Sabre are about eight feet tall with sharp, bladelike claws. They also have claws bulging out of their knees and elbows. In addition, Feral has spikes on his knuckles, and Sabre has an arrowhead-shaped blade piercing out of the end of his tail. Feral and Sabre use their speed and their acrobatic martial arts skills to slice their way through the alien ground troops.
The invaders are no match for the teamwork of the animalized duo. They dash from every direction, dodging the alien attacks. Each enemy drops one by one at their hands. The alien ship, on the other hand, cannot be deterred. Feral looks up at it and attempts to jump toward the ship, but it shoots him down from his aerial pursuit.
Sabre analyzes the situation. “Gotta come up with a way to get to that ship,” he thinks as he rushes to Feral’s aid.
“You OK?” Sabre asks Feral.
Feral grunts as he recovers. “Yeah…goddamn, that hurts.”
Sabre suggests, “The best thing for us to do right now is to remain on the ground and steer clear of their ship’s fire until we come up with somethin’.”
He asks, “Can you still fight?”
Feral responds out of anger as he growls, “Watch me!” He charges back into battle to finish off the enemy.
The ship reaches the White House, and several more pods eject out of it, surrounding the president’s residence. One of the pods breaks through the roof and lands inside. Feral and Sabre rush toward the doors of the White House to help fight the oncoming enemies exiting their pods.
Not realizing the place has been infiltrated, the two can hear shots being fired inside the building as they fight off the foreign monsters by the front door. They stop to look at each other out of panic. Feral volunteers.
“Go! I’ll take care of things out here.” Sabre immediately breaks through the doors of the building to assist those inside.
Meanwhile, inside the safe place of the White House, the sound of gunfire, the roars of creatures, and the cries of wounded soldiers draw nearer. Anxiety fills the room as screams echo from the walls right next to the door to the safe place. Then suddenly heavy pounding arises at the door. Panic erupts in the room. The security people inside aim their weapons at the door, ready to open fire.
The pounding ceases. Boom! The door blasts open! Some of the men covering the door get knocked out from the blast. All the staff pile into a corner on the opposite end, screaming in panic. Two of the foreign monsters rush in, and the remaining armed men begin firing at them.
The aliens don’t go down easily; however, their skin can take some damage. That gives them time to eliminate the resistance in the room before one of them falls. Then the surviving reptilian intruder announces in English, “I come for your leader…show your s—” The alien’s sentence is interrupted while it falls to its knees, with Sabre standing behind it. Sabre holds a chunk of the enemy’s spine in his bloody fist.
Sabre notices the panic in the room fading. He asks, “Is everyone OK?” as soldiers enter the room.