BACK AT THE COMMAND CENTER, THE Nobodies regroup to find out how to finish off Earth’s invaders. They walk inside one of the rooms for a briefing. Inside is a group of special operations soldiers highly skilled in missions such as the one they’re about to face.
One of the soldiers, Master Sergeant Legend, jokes, “I’m fina’ be the first black man in outer space! My name especially should go in the history books. I’m just sayin’.”
At that time one of the scientists escorted by the aliens enters the room and calls, “OK! Attention, everyone!” All eyes turn to him. He continues, “This is how we defeat the enemy!” He holds up a computer microchip. “The information on this chip holds a virus that will immobilize all the aliens within a ten-mile radius of it! Here’s the plan. First, we’re going to need some of the escape pods that the aliens have in their ships. We’re going to use those as our Trojan horse to get into their mothership in outer space.”
As the scientist speaks, the team is seen boarding an escape pod with the two scientists who have been with the alien monsters. The pod lifts off into space.
The lead scientist continues, “Now these monsters are very intelligent, but they’ll assume we’re one of them. After all, none of our people know their tech, and you guys have driven enough of them back for them to believe it.”
Upon arrival in the mothership’s departure bay, the Nobodies, along with the two scientists, step out of their shuttle. Sabre reports, “We’re in, standing by.”
The lead scientist says, “We’ll split into two teams. Alpha will go for the mainframe, which is in the command deck. Omega will go for the ship’s power supply.”
Another shuttle enters the departure bay. Feral is on the other side of the entrance doors, standing guard. He smells someone coming down the giant halls of the mothership, and he races to ambush them. Once the enemy is down, he reports, “All clear at the bay doors. Let’s go, Omega.” At that command, the group of soldiers in tactical space suits exit the shuttle and meet Feral at the doors.
The lead scientist says, “Alpha, escort my partner and me safely to the command deck. Once there, we’ll insert this virus into the alien main computer. Once it’s uploaded, all the mutants will fall.”
Dozer and Harpy clear each path that Alpha takes, making the enemy troops drop, while Cato and the two scientists ride on the back of an evolved form of Lynx, a giant leopardlike cat. Once Alpha is close to the command deck, the lead scientist points and notifies, “That’s the command deck. I need a distraction and cover.”
Cato responds, “Dozer, you’re up.”
Dozer yells, “One distraction comin’ right up!” as he rams through the command deck doors.
The lead scientist says, “Omega, you will plant explosive devices all throughout the engine room. Once the mission is over, you blow the place…if Alpha fails, you blow the place.”
Feral and his team fight their way into the gigantic engine room. Once inside, the team spread out to plant their explosive devices in random positions throughout the room. They move as smoothly and quickly as possible. After what seems to be an easy assignment, the crew exits the room to return to the departure bay. Unfortunately, the Omega team is intercepted and surrounded by enemy soldiers.
Meanwhile, with the Alpha team, Dozer breaks through and clears the command deck of the mothership so that the scientists can operate the main computer. After clearing the room, Cato and Lynx fuse into Sabre. He and Harpy join Dozer to keep the room clear of enemies.
The scientists reach the main computer and insert their microchip into it. The virus downloads into the mainframe, and the scientist prepares to press the button of execution.
“Now once this virus is downloaded into the system, you guys,” the lead scientist says, as he points at the Nobodies, “will have to be separated from your partners. Once activated, it may affect you too. So wait for my signal.”
As the Nobodies continue fighting the foreign creatures, the downloading of the virus is 99 percent complete. The lead scientist notifies over their radio, “All right, Nobodies, it’s time to separate.”
Then Harpy changes to Angel and giant Phoenix, Dozer to Diesel and giant raging Torro, and Sabre to Cato and giant Lynx. Feral, on the other hand, is fighting a large, hairless, doglike creature. It has a head and jaws large enough to bite Feral’s upper body off. He’s having a strenuous time with it while his team holds off the rest of the alien soldiers with their high-powered weapons. Feral responds while pinned against a wall, struggling to keep the doglike creature’s mouth away from his head, “Argh! I can’t right now! Kinda stuck in the middle of something!”
The lead scientist, who’s just seconds away from pressing the button, insists, “We’re ready, Feral! We need you to unfuse now! This window may not last much longer.”
Feral grunts, “I need a minute!”
Cato jumps on Lynx’s back and orders, “Lynx and I are coming! Hang on!”
He points at the scientists while ordering, “Angel, Diesel, stay and cover them!”
Angel and Diesel stand guard at the doors as Phoenix and Torro wreck the halls with oncoming alien bodies. The scientist urges, “We don’t have time to wait! We must do this now!”
Then suddenly there’s an explosion in the hallway near the command deck. In runs Angel as she carries a devolved Phoenix, and Diesel follows her from the other side of the hall to check on her. He asks, “She OK?” At that instant the lead scientist panics and presses the button of execution.
As Cato and Lynx race to aid Feral, they’re stopped by more alien soldiers, but they end up collapsing to the floor. “No,” Cato whispers to himself.
“Feral, are you there?” he calls as he and Lynx continue their pursuit. “Feral! Feraaaalll!”
A voice down the hall responds, “We’re in here!”
Lynx turns to go down the hall. Around the corner the Omega team stands over Feral, who’s lying on the floor, unconscious.
As he shakes his head at the matter, Legend says, “He almost had him.” With the look of despair on his face, Cato asks the soldiers to help mount Feral on Lynx’s back, and they all move to the departure bay.