Page numbers have been removed from the index for this electronic edition. To locate any of the following terms, please use the search feature of your e-book reader.
Abdul, Paula
Agassi, Andre
Aitken, Max
Aladdin, quote from
Ali, Muhammad
Alice in Wonderland, quote from
Allen, Jared
Allen, Woody
All in the Family,
quote from
American Horror
Amin Dada, Idi
Archer, quotes from
Archie Bunker’s Place, quotes from
Armstrong, Louis
Asimov, Isaac
Assad, Bashar al-, quote about
Astor, Lady
Atkins, Chet
Atkinson, Ron
Bad Santa, quote from
Bachelor, The, quote from
Balotelli, Mario
Banks, Tony
Barkley, Charles
Barry, Marion
Barrymore, Michael
Bean, Billy, quote about
Beck, Jeff
Beckham, Davidquote about
Beecham, Thomas
Beethoven, Ludwig
Bergman, Ingrid, quote about
Berlioz, Hector
Bernier, Jonathan
Berra, Yogi
Best, George
Biden, Joe
Bieber, Justin quote about
Bier, August KarlGustav
Big Bang Theory, The, quotes from
Big Lebowski, The, quote from
bin Laden, Osama quote about
Black, Lewis
Blanco, Griselda
Bloomberg, Michael
Bob’s Burgers, quotes from
Bolin, Wesley
Bolt, Usain
Bonaparte, Na-poléon
Boondocks, The, quotes from
Boxer, Barbara
Bradshaw, Terry
Brown, Chris quote about
Bryant, Kobe
Buckland, William
Buffet, Warren
Bundy, Ted
Busch, Kurt
Bush, Barbara
Bush, George H. W. quote about
Bush, George W.
Bynes, Amanda
Byron, Lord
Cage, Nicholas
Cameron, Mike
Campbell, Naomi
Canseco, Jose
Cantona, Eric
Capone, Al
Caray, Harry
Carey, Mariah
Carlin, George
Carlito’s Way, quotefrom
Carson, Ben
Carter, Jimmy
Castro, Fidel, quote about
Chaney, Darrel
Charmed, quote from
Cheney, Dick
Chesterton, G. K.
Chikatilo, Andrei
Churchill, Winston quote about
Clancy, Tom
Clarett, Maurice
Clinton, Bill quotes about
Clinton, Hillary quote about
Colbert, Stephen
Coleman, Jerry
Collins, Doug
Con Air, quote from
Connery, Sean
Connors, Jimmy
Conway, Kellyanne
Cooper, Alice
Copland, Aaron
Costello, Frank
Coughlin, Charles E.
Cowher, Bill
Craft, Randy
Cravins, Don
Crawford, Joan quotes about
Crick, Francis
Crowley, Aleister
Cruise, Tom
Daffy Duck
Dahmer, Jeffrey
Daulton, Darren
Davis, Betty, quotes about
Davis, Monique
Dawkins, Richard
Dawson, Andre
Deadpool, quotes from
Dean, Dizzy
DeGette, Diana
Delgado, José
Deloria, Vine, Jr.
Devil Wears Prada, The, quote from
Diana, Princess, quote about
Dicks, Terry, quote about
Dillinger, John
Dinkins, David
Dirksen, Everett
Disney, Walt
Dole, Bob
Donnelly, Rich
Douglas, Sherman
Drew, Weldon
Drew Carey Show, The, quote from
Dukakis, Michael, quote about
Duncan, Tim, quoteabout
Dunham, Lena
Duva, Lou
Dykstra, Lenny
Einstein, Alfred, quote about
Eisenhower, Dwight
Elizabeth, Queen, quote about
Ellington, Duke
Escobar, Pablo
Everett, Carl
Family Guy, quotes from
Farage, Nigel
50 Cent
Fight Club, quote from
Fiorina, Carly, quote about
Fish, Albert
Fish Called Wanda, A, quote from
Ford, Gerald
Foreman, George, quote about
Frazier, Joe, quote about
Fuentes, Tito
Full Metal Jacket, quote from
Gambino, Carlo
Game of Thrones,
quotes from
Gandhi, Robin
Gangs of New York, quote from
Garavito, Luis
Gein, Ed
Genghis Khan
Gerulaitis, Vitas
Giancana, Salvatore “Mooney Sam,”
Gibson, Mel
Gielgud, John
Gingrich, Newt
Girls, quote from
Gobel, George
Goldwyn, Samuel
Golota, Andrew
Goncourt, Edmond de
Gordon, Drew
Gore, Al
Gosselin, Jon
Graham, Chuck, quote about
Grande, Ariana
Gravano, Salvatore “Sammy the Bull,”
Graziano, Rocky
Grease: Live, quote from
Guillen, Ozzie
Gullit, Ruud
Gumbel, Bryant
Guzman, Joaquin “El Chapo,”
Hagel, Chuck
Haley, Nikki, quote about
Halliwell, Geri “Ginger Spice,”
Hare, Augustus
Harlow, Jean
Harpootlian, Dick
Harris, Sam
Harrison, George
Heat, The, quote
Helmsley, Leona
Henderson, Rickey
Hendrix, Jimi quote about
Hepburn, Audrey, quote about
Hilton, Paris
Hinckley, John W., Jr.,
Hitchon, Sophie
Hitler, Adolf quote about
Holtz, Lou
House of Cards, quote from
How I Met You Mother, quote from
How to Get Away with Murder, quote from
Hubbard, L. Ron
Huffington, Ariana, quote about
Hughes, Howard
Hull, Brett
Hurley, Elizabeth
Iacocca, Lee
Ibrahimovic, Zlatan
Incaviglia, Pete
Incredibles, The, quote from
Jackson, Michael, quote about
Jacoby, Joe, quote about
James, Jerome
Jean, Olivier
Jefferson, Thomas
Jeffersons, The, quote from
Jenner, Kendall
Jessie J
Jobs, Steve
Johansson, Scarlett, quote about
John, Elton, quote about
Johnson, Dakota
Johnson, Magic
Jones, Caldwell
Jones, Cardale
Jordan, Michael
Juno, quote from
Kardashian, Khloe
Kardashian, Kim quote about
Keillor, Garrison
Kelly, R.
Kerr, Brian
Khomeini, Ayatol- lah
King, Billie Jean
King, Don
King, Stephen
King of the Hill, quotes from
Knight, Bob
Koch, Edward
Kruk, John quote about
Kuklinski, Richard “Iceman,”
Lady Gaga
Lamm, Dick
Lay, Kenneth,
LeBlanc, Jacques
Lennox, Annie
Lennon, John, quote about
Leno, Jay
Le Pen, Jean-Marie
Levant, Oscar
Levine, Adam
Levitt, Chuck
Lewis, Ray, quote about
Lincoln, Abraham, quote about
Lochte, Ryan
Lombardi, Vince
Lopez, Pedro Alonso
Luther, Martin
Mad Men, quote from
Malone, Karl
Mandela, Nelson,
quote about
Mann, Leslie
Manson, Charles
Manson, Marilyn
Maradona, Diego
Married with Chil-
dren, quote from
Martin, Steve
Massa, Eric
Masters of Sex, quote from
McCarver, Tim
McCorvey, Tim
McCovey, Willie, quote about
McEnroe, John
McGrath, Tracy
McGraw, “Tug,”
Melville, Herman Mendenhall,
Menzel, Idina, quote about
Mercury, Freddie
Meulens, Hensley
Meyer, Ron
Millen, Matt
Miller, Brad
Mindy Project, The, quote from
Minter, Alan
Misery, quote from
Mob Wives, quotefrom
Monroe, Marilyn quotes about
Montgomery, Wes
Monty Python and the Holy Grail, quote from
Moon, Keith
Morrison, Jim
Moss, Randy
Mourinho, José
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Murdoch, Rupert
Murphy, Daniel
Mussolini, Benito
Navratilova, Mar-tina
Nietzsche, Friedrich
9 to 5, quote from
Nixon, Richard
Norman, Greg
Obama, Barack quotes about
Obama, Michelle
Ocho Cinco, Chad
O’Connor, Sinéad
O’Malley, Martin
O’Neal, Shaquille
Orange Is the New Black, quotes from
Orta, Jorge, quote about
Osbourne, Kelly
Osbourne, Ozzy
Osinski, Dan
Palin, Sarah
Palmer, Arnold
Paltrow, Gwyneth quote about
Parker, Dorothy
Parsons, Jack
Peanuts, quote from
Perino, Dana
Perot, Ross
Perry, Gaylord quote about
Peterson, Bill
Phelps, Fred
Phillips, Bum
Pippen, Scottie,
Pirsig, Robert M.
Planes, Trains and Automobiles, quote from
Polk, Torren
Poor, Charles Lane
Powerpuff Girls, The, quotes from
Poynter, Dan
Presley, Elvis
Pryor, Richard
Putin, Vladimir
Qaddafi, Muammar, quote about
Quayle, Dan
Rachmaninov, Sergei
Ray, Rachael
Reagan, Ronald quotes about
Redford, Robert, quote about
Reid, Tara
Reznor, Trent
Rice, Jerry
Richards, Keith
Rick and Morty, quotes from
Rihanna, quote about
Rivers, Joan
Robertson, Pat
Robson, Bobby
Rock, Chris
Rockefeller, John D.
Rocker, John
Rodman, Dennis
Rodriguez, Alex
Roenick, Jeremy
Rogan, Seth
Rogers, George
Rose, Axl
Rossini, Gioachino
Rumsfeld, Donald
Saddam Hussein
Sagan, Carl
Salvini, Matteo
Sánchez, Ilich Ramírez (Carlos the Jackal)
Sanders, Deion
Sanford and Son, quote from
Sanjay and Craig, quote from
Scarface, quote from
Schumer, Amy
Sebelius, Kathleen
Shackleford, Charles
Sharpe, Shannon
Sharpton, Al
Shaw, George Bernard
Sheen, Charlie
Sheen, Fulton J.
Sheheen, Vincent, quote about
Silverstone, Alicia
Simpson, Jessica quote about
Simpsons, The, quotes from
Sinatra, Frank
Skilling, Jeffrey
Smith, Jaden
Smith, Sam, quote about
South Park, quotes from
Spears, Britney
Spicer, Sean quote about
Spikes, Brandon
Sprewell, Latrell
Stalin, Joseph
Stallone, Sylvester
Stewart, Jon
Stewart, Martha
Strauss, Richard
Stravinsky, Igor
Streep, Meryl, quote about
Supernatural, quote from
Swimming with Sharks, quote from
Sylvia, Tim
Tayor, Earl, quote about
Teigen, Chrissy
Teresa, Mother
Tesla, Nikola
Thomas, Helen
Thompson, David
Todd, Chuck
Tommy Boy, quote from
Toriola, Segun
Townshend, Pete
Toy Story, quote from
Travolta, John
Treblehorn, Tom
Trump, Donald quotes about
Trump, Ivanka
Turner, Kathleen
Turner, Ted
Twain, Mark
Tweed, William Magear “Boss,”
Two and a Half Men, quote from
Tyson, Mike
Ueker, Bob
Unreal, quote from
Vampire Diaries, The, quote from
Van Buren, Martin
Van Rompuy, Heman, quote about
Varsha, Bob
Veep, quote from
Venture Brothers, The, quote from
Wagner, Richard, quote about
Walker, Antoine
Walsh, Joe
Walton, Sam
War of the Roses, The, quote from
Waters, Maxine
Watt, James
Webb, James
Weinberg, Steven
Weiner, Anthony
Wellman, Gerald
Wells, Bonzi
West, Kanye
West, Mae
Whitaker, Lou
Williams, Serena
Williams, Vaughan, quote about
Williams, Walt
Wilson, Robert Anton
Wizard of Oz, The, quote from
Wohlford, Jim
World Peace, Metta
Worthy, James,
quote about
Wuornos, Aileen
Yang Xinhai
Young, Angus
Zappa, Frank
Zeman, Miloš
Zuckerberg, Mark