Dear Reader,

I’ll get in the mood here and say, “Howdy!”

How the West was wooed! I love that slogan. But it’s going to take some doing for Beau Diablo to woo Amy Vale. First, he hates her before he ever lays eyes on her. Second, she’s engaged to someone else. So wooing, in their case, looks pretty hopeless.

That’s exactly the scenario for romances I love the most— an impossible situation with an utterly devastating hero and a perfectly lovely, though misunderstood, heroine. They think they can’t stand each other, but are forced to spend days and nights in close proximity. Yep, that’s my favorite. And I had a good time bouncing this couple off each other—in the snow, at a barn dance, in a sleigh, under a wintertime moon. Even once while she was in the bathtub, but I don’t want to tell too much!

Add to that mix cowboy boots, tight jeans and a gorgeous man mounted on a big, black stallion. Picture him glaring down at our spirited heroine, completely out of her element, but who simply can’t be cowed—and, well, I’m in romance heaven.

Being from Oklahoma, where cowboys are thicker than the smoke from a wet wood fire, I had lots of fun writing To Lasso a Lady. Beau and Amy became special to me, and I hope their romance will be special to you, too. So, whether you know anything about the American West or not, and even if you don’t care a speck about cattle ranching, sit back, put your feet up and come along with me to wintertime Wyoming to meet Beau and Amy. I think you’ll enjoy their perilous and amusing venture into love—as well as the whole HITCHED! series!

Happy trails, partner!

