I opened my eyes then shut them just as fast with a curse. Why did the light burn? Sitting up was even worse. It felt like my brain was rolling around inside my skull, crashing into the sides of my skull repeatedly. What had I done last night? The last thing I remembered was Jared and I getting in a fight and him flying away as I yelled after him that he was wrong.
Now in the glaring morning sun, I realized he was right.
We both thought the feelings we had for each other in the beginning would last. As time went on though, we drifted apart. He was constantly working to restructure the new Hunters and aiding his father with the Council. I was busy helping those here in the valley, keeping up with my witch training under Selma, and being there for Everest.
I grunted in annoyance and hunkered back down on the couch. I loved Everest and Slade, was glad they were together, but their happiness sometimes made me wish I had my own. Probably why I refused to admit Jared was right about our not working out. Why we should’ve given up years ago and just been friends.
I let my arm fall to the couch then frowned.
Why was I on a couch?
Slowly opening my eyes and squinting against the sunlight, I glanced around. Plastic covered furniture and hung from a doorway across the room. A set of stairs were behind me, and there were a couple of beer bottles on a coffee table. The craftsmanship was incredible. I found my feet and took a couple of wobbly steps around what I assumed was a living room.
The sound of sudden hammering made me jump, and I followed the noise through the plastic, into a kitchen that was half demolished—missing cabinets and appliances—then out the back door. The hammering went on and on then stopped abruptly, followed by the sound of a male voice cursing.
“Tank?” I hurried across the yard to the open doors of a large workshop.
Tank shook out his hand at the opposite end of the shop, muttering under his breath. The flannel shirt he wore hugged his broad shoulders. I’d seen him plenty of times in his battle gear, but in these, he looked incredible. But why did I wake up on his couch?
Tank whipped around then grinned when he spotted me. “Good. You’re alive after all. How do you feel?” he asked, wrapping a rag around his fingers.
“Like crap. What did you do to your hand?” I reached for it and clicked my tongue when I saw the bandage on his palm and three bleeding fingers. “That looks painful. Want me to take care of it for you?”
“No, I’ll survive. Had worse.”
“I know.”
His hands were so warm and strong. Why did it feel so familiar to be standing this close to him? All we shared was one amazing moment, and it was like I was right back to that moment. Why had I let him convince me it was adrenaline from the fight? Jared was a great dragon, but he was always so focused on his duties and on the Hunters that there’d never been time for anything else. Instinctively, I knew Tank wouldn’t be like that. I’d felt it that day we kissed, and it had nothing to do with adrenaline.
“Mind if I have my hands back?” Tank asked.
I raised my head. His dark blue eyes spoke volumes, and I quickly released his hands, taking a large step back.
“So, last night,” I said, walking around the shop, “what exactly happened?”
“What do you remember?”
“I went to the bar, and you were there.” Had we danced together? No, that had to be a dream. “We talked and then I don’t remember much after that.” Ugh. What had I said to him? I never drank like that.
All this time, I wanted nothing more than a happily ever after and I made myself miserable trying to get it. I ran my hands through my messy hair.
“I’m a terrible person.”
“Why do you say that?” Tank asked.
“It’s nothing,” I mumbled and moved past him. “I should go. Thanks for keeping an eye on me last night and all. Won’t happen again.”
“Amelie, wait.” Tank took hold of my hand. “Just stop for a second.”
My heart pounded “What for? I’m not the kind of girl that needs her friends to babysit her like that. It must’ve been awful.” I glanced at him, and I was surprised to find him smiling, not looking annoyed at all.
“You could’ve been worse.”
“Did I, um—did I say anything embarrassing?”
His smile fell, and he shifted on his feet. “No, nothing bad. All I know is Jared and you broke up. Everything after that was kind of mumbled.”
He was lying. I could tell. What had I said?
“Why are you glaring at me?”
“Because you’re lying.” Planting my hands on my hips, I demanded, “Tell me what I said.”
“You were a bit intoxicated. Not going to happen.”
“Tank, come on.”
“Nope, I’m saving you from yourself.” He turned his back on me and went to the table, picked up the hammer, and began pounding on a board.
I should’ve taken that as my cue to leave, but my feet stayed put. “What’s with the house?”
He shrugged. “Keeps me busy.”
“Because you don’t have enough to do with being Slade’s main bodyguard?”
He hefted the hammer onto his shoulder, doing his best to avoid my gaze. “Not like he really needs a bodyguard here. Black Diamonds are gone, so are the Blood Moon Priests. No sign of them for years, now. Slade is doing just fine without me.” He growled over the last couple of words.
I knew the feeling. I’d stayed by Everest’s side all throughout the war. Then afterward, I helped her and her mom assist those we’d saved. We trained together for a while, but then she and Slade married. She became the clan leader with him, and now they had the baby on the way. It sounded terrible, but I was jealous of them both. Jealous and annoyed. Everest didn’t need me like she used to, and now with Jared gone, what was I going to do with my time? Who was I going to spend it with?
“Oh, crap,” I muttered.
“What’s wrong?’
“Ah, it’s nothing for you to worry about. Just me and my witchy problems.”
We were approaching one of the many sacred light magic festivals, and I was supposed to go to the coven’s mansion with Jared for the celebration. He wasn’t meant to play any part in the ceremonies, but the company would’ve been nice. My family couldn’t make it this year, and now, it looked like I was going to be going alone. Not that I didn’t know anyone there. It was always nice to have someone who was not a witch to talk to at the end of the day. Everest already said she wasn’t going to go because it would be so close to her due date. Not that I blamed her.
“Something I can help you with?”
Tank stood right in front of me. How hadn’t I seen him move? His blue eyes searched mine, and a flicker of the two of us dancing passed through my mind. Tank and I danced. The notion was laughable, but my gut said it happened. I frowned as more flashes of the night came back to me. He carried me to his place.
Butterflies filled my stomach, and instead of taking a step back like I told myself to do, I inched forward, drawn to him.
All this time, I told myself what happened between me and Tank meant nothing. Why was I such an idiot?
Tank waved his hand over my face. “Amelie? You alright or you about to pass out?”
“Huh? Oh, sorry. Just overthinking.”
“Noted. So, can I help you or not?”
“It’s nothing. I just have this witch gathering to go to. Jared was going to go with me since my family’s too busy.”
“Does anything weird happen at this gathering?” he asked hesitantly.
“Yeah, you know we all dance naked under the full moon and have some crazy massive bonfires that we roast a couple of pigs over.”
His cheeks turned three shades of red as his eyes did a quick glance down my body then he turned away, clearing his throat roughly.
“Tank, I’m kidding.”
“Right, sure, I knew that,” he said.
“It’s basically a festival where witches and warlocks get together to show what we’ve all learned over the years. An excuse to gossip, drink some good wine, eat some good food, and do some magic tricks.” A flush came over me as Tank’s cheeks remained bright red. “But you know, it might be boring for you. There won’t be any fighting or sparring.”
“Not everything I do involves kicking someone’s ass,” he commented.
I nodded slowly, throwing a look toward his house. “I can tell. You’re quite the carpenter.”
“Good with my hands.”
“You’ve had this house for three years. Maybe getting away from it would be good for you.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
Craning my neck, I said, “Nothing. Just that I might not be the only one who could use a vacation right now.”
“I’m doing just fine.”
“Sure you are.”
“Says the one who just broke up with her boyfriend and got drunk,” he shot back.
I bristled. “Right, well, thanks for last night. See you around.” I stormed out of the workshop and walked around his house instead of through the messy construction zone. Who was he kidding? I might not have spent every day with Tank, but anyone could tell he was doing his best to stay distracted.
There were many dragons who suffered after the war. Not physically, but mentally. Radnak’s evil had taken its toll on everyone. Tank was no different no matter what he might say or do. That house was a testament to how much was going on inside his head. By the time I reached what had been my small cottage, I froze on the front porch, unsure if I wanted to go inside. What if Jared was home? It wasn’t like either one of us had a car that’d be parked in the street. Getting a grip on my nerves, I unlocked the front door and stepped inside as Jared was coming out of the back room.
He jumped when he saw me, a traveling bag in his right hand and his jacket in his left.
“Hi,” I said, the word coming out garbled, and tried again.
“Hey. I was hoping to be gone before you got back from wherever you were.” He set the bag down and put on his jacket. “I’ll get out of your way.”
“Jared, I’m sorry.”
His lips thinned, then he sighed. “I am too, for what I said yesterday. You were right, about my pulling away all this time.”
“No, but I did it too,” I said quickly. “Guess we both just wanted it to work out.”
He smiled then and reached for my hand. “You’re a great person, Amelie. A great witch. Don’t ever forget that.” He kissed my cheek.
I hugged him. “I’ll see you around. Be careful, alright?”
“Always.” He squeezed my hand then picked up his bag and walked out.
The door barely closed behind him when it opened again.
“So, something going on you want to talk about?” Everest asked as she shut the door. “Amelie?”
“Who told you?”
She shrugged. “It’s a small town, and quite a few people saw you in the bar last night… with Tank… dancing.”
“Nice to know it wasn’t a dream.”
“What was that?”
“Nothing,” I replied, but she was grinning. “What? Don’t look at me like that.”
“Just curious as to what’s going on with my best friend is all. Feel like I haven’t talked to you in forever, and now all this stuff...” She faltered, running her hands over her pregnant belly. “I’m sorry about that by the way, not being here when you needed me.” She started crying a second later.
I sighed going to hug her.
“Sorry, hormones and all that crap. I’m not usually this blubbery.”
“You’re perfectly fine,” I assured her laughing. “You’ve been a bit busy.”
“No excuse.” She sniffed hard as we sat down on the couch. “I’m here now, all yours for the rest of the day. Want to talk about it? Have a girly day like we used to do?”
I had two more days before I had to leave for the gathering. “You know, a girly day would be great.”
“Yep, as long as you and your big belly can handle it.”
“Oh, I can. Needed to get out of the house anyway. Slade is driving me insane with how overprotective he’s gotten. Freaking dragons, right?”
I smiled, but it wasn’t Slade or Jared who came to mind. No, it was the broad-shouldered, hardheaded hunk of dragon burying himself in projects. “Yeah, freaking dragons.”

Everest and I laughed until our sides hurt. We spent the day out walking around and shopping, mostly for baby clothes, and a few new dresses for me to take to the gathering. Lunch was spent at the café where Slade and Mason happened to stop in for lunch.
Everest had chucked several fries at Slade, then told him she wasn’t going to do anything crazy if he left her alone for a day. He’d growled, then she’d growled, and they got into a dragon stare down until I stepped between them and promised I would take good care of her all day long.
Slade had backed down, but not before dropping a comment about how my night with Tank was. I’d chucked a few fries at him then followed Everest out. We made it back to my house and had been sitting on the couch gossiping as I tried on my new clothes and she told me about all the names they picked out for their son or daughter.
“Can’t believe you don’t want to know.” I zipped up the dark red dress then spun around for Everest to see. “Yes, no?”
“Definitely, yes.” She winked at me and made several hand gestures that had me blushing. “And I’m excited about the surprise. Slade is too, when he gives himself a few moments to enjoy the moment.”
“He will once the baby comes. You ready?”
“To be a mom?” She blew out a breath, laughing nervously. “Yes and no? It’s kind of crazy.”
“You’re going to be amazing.”
Tears shimmered in her eyes. “You think?”
“Yeah, I do. You and these hormones,” I teased.
She wiped at her eyes. “Just you wait. One day it’ll be your turn to go through all this.”
“Just not with Jared.”
“You okay with that? Not being with him still?”
Yesterday, I would’ve said no, but after our brief talk this morning, I felt relieved to not be in that relationship anymore. Both of us had held on too long. “Think we were caught up in the moment,” I told Everest. “Then the moment wore off, and we were too scared to admit that’s all it was. So yeah, I’m okay.”
She made a slight grunting sound as she sipped on her decaf coffee.
“What’s that about?”
“Nothing at all. Now that you’re single again, what are you going to do first?”
“First,” I said loudly as I got up to change out of the dress, “I’m going to get to the gathering and enjoy a week amongst my own kind.” I winked at her as she waved her hand at me. “Hey, being around all these dragons so much gets to a girl.”
I put my jeans and sweater back on then plopped on the couch next to Everest. She hadn’t stopped eyeing me, and I waited for her to finish saying whatever was on her mind.
Only she didn’t, and there was a knock at the door. I frowned, not expecting anyone to stop by.
I opened the door to find Slade and Tank on the stoop.
“Oh, hi guys.”
Tank smiled for a second then glared at Slade.
I glanced between the two of them. “Something wrong?”
“Nope, nothing at all just came to check on Everest,” Slade growled as he stomped inside.
“Sorry, he dragged me along, in case Everest decided to deck him for overreacting.”
“And what are you supposed to do if she does?”
He shoved his hands in his front pockets, the sleeves of his flannel shirt bulging with his muscle. “Be here for moral support I guess.”
“Want a beer while you’re giving moral support?”
Slade and Everest were already arguing in the living room. She really needed to have the baby. Slade was stressing out way too much about everything she did. Part of me understood, after all they’d been through during the war, but that didn’t mean I had to sit there and listen to another pointless argument that would end with them in each other’s arms kissing.
A memory floated to the surface of my mind of Tank and me sharing a kiss after the battle, and my cheeks grew hot.
“Right, beer,” I muttered and led the way into the kitchen, Tank right behind me. I handed him one and took out a second for myself. As we stood there, I wished he’d stopped by a couple minutes sooner when I was still in that red dress.
“I was thinking today,” he mused, spinning his bottle around on the counter, “about what you said.”
“Which part?”
“All of it really. I’m sorry for being so harsh earlier, and I wondered if I could make it up to you by going with you to this gathering thing.”
“You sure?”
He tapped his fingers on the counter as I waited for his reply. He tugged at the collar of his shirt as if it was suddenly too tight. When his eyes found mine, I was transported right back to that moment. The moment that both of us tried and failed to forget, but didn’t mention.
“Yeah, I’m sure. Don’t want you going alone.”
“You’ll have a good time, I promise.”
“With you, I don’t doubt it.” His lips twitched in a grin that had me smiling.
We drank our beers in companionable silence, listening to Everest and Slade carry on in the living room.
“How are you doing by the way? With everything?” Tank asked after a while.
“Good. I saw him this morning, and we talked.”
“And we apologized to each other, and that was that.”
His head bobbed slowly. “Glad to hear it, I mean that you’re alright with everything,” he added hastily. “Was worried about you.”
“No need to. After this vacation, I think we’ll both be doing much better.”
Everest and Slade laughed as they joined us in the kitchen, arms around each other’s waists. Tank’s lips thinned, and I knew I mirrored his look.
“You two are insane,” he grumbled.
“You’ll get it one day.” Slade kissed the top of Everest’s head, and she leaned into his side.
It was too harsh to say the sight made me sick, but I was close. For all these months, I tried to have that kind of closeness with Jared and failed. Now Tank was going with me to the witch gathering, and I realized this was my second chance to make things right between us. If he was even still interested, of course. Not that I could blame him if he wasn’t.
“We’re heading out. Amelie, when do you leave?” Everest asked.
“Two days.” I looked at Slade. “Tank’s coming with me so don’t worry if you don’t see him around.”
Slade’s brow rose. “Interesting.”
Tank glared at Slade, then turned my way. “See you in a couple of days,” he said, then told the others good night and left.
“Nice going.” Everest smacked Slade’s arm. “You’re impossible. You know that?”
“What? I can’t find it interesting?”
“I’ll take him home now. Call me before you leave?”
I hugged Everest. “Will do. And you let me know if you decide to pop early. I am not missing my best friend having her baby.”
Slade paled at my remark.
I patted him on the shoulder.
He mumbled something that sounded like a goodbye, and they left, too.
I stood alone in the kitchen for a while, finishing off my beer and making a mental list of everything I needed to pack for the gathering.
Or at least, I started to, until my mind drifted to spending a week with Tank and seeing if what I felt all that time ago was more than just adrenaline.