English |
Yiddish |
How You Say It |
A black year! |
A shvartz yor! |
A Shvartz yor! |
A boil is fine as long as it’s under someone else’s arm. |
A geshvir iz a gutch zach bei yenem unhern orem. |
A gesh-vir iz a gutch zach bei yen-em un hern o-rem. |
A cramp in his body [in his stomach; in his guts; in his bowels; in his fingers and toes)]. |
A kramp im in layb [in boyach; in di kishkes; in di gederem; in di finger]. |
A kramp in layb [in boy-ach, in di keesh- kes, in di ged-er-em, in di fing-er]. |
A cramp in your stomach. |
A kramp dir in boyd. |
A kramp dir in boyd. |
A fever should toss you (in bed) a foot high each time. |
Varfn zol did eylenvayz. |
Var-fen zol did ey len-wayz. |
A fire should strike you while you are speaking now. |
A fyer zol did trefn vee du redst. |
A fy-er did tref-en vee du redst. |
A friend you can get for nothing; an enemy has to be bought. |
A freint bekamt men umzist; a soineh muz men zich koifn. |
A freint bek-amt men um-zist; a soi-neh muz men zich koif-en. |
A friend you have to buy; enemies you get for nothing. |
A freint darf men zich koifn; sonem kright men umzist. |
A freint darf men zich koif-en; son-em kright men um-zist. |
A horrible end should befall you |
A finsteren sof. |
A fin-ster-en sof. |
Also can mean: May there be a dark ending for you. |
A hundred houses shall he have; in every house a hundred rooms and in every room twenty beds, and a delirious fever should drive him from bed to bed. |
Hindert hayzer zol er hobn; in yeder hoyz a hindert tsimern, in yeder tsimer tsvonsik betn un kadukhes zol im varfn fin eyn bet in der tsveyter. |
Hind-ert hay-zer zol er hob-en; in yed-er hoyz a hind-ert tsim-ern in yed-er tsim-er tsvon-sik bet-en un ka-duch-es zol im varf-en fin eyn bet in der tsveyt-er. |
A plague on you. |
A choleryeh oyf dir. |
A cho-ley-er-yeh oyf dir. |
A plague on you. |
A finsteren yor. |
A fin-ster-en yor. |
Literally means: A dark year (for you). |
A plague should befall you. |
A magaifeh zol dich trefen. |
A ma-gay-feh zol dich tref-en. |
A rope around your neck. |
A shtrek dir oyfn haldz. |
A shtrek dir oyf-en haldz. |
A stabbing pain in your stomach. |
A shnaydenish dir in boyd. |
A shnay-de-nish dir in boyd. |
A wise man knows what he says, a fool says what he knows. |
A kluger vaist vos er zogt, a nar zogt vos er vaist. |
A klug-er vaist vos er zogt, a nar zogt vos er vaist. |
A young child should be named after him. |
A kleyn kind zol noch im heysn. |
A kleyn kind zol noch im heys-en. |
All his teeth should fall out except one to make him suffer. |
Ale tseyn zoln bay im aroysfalen, not eyner zol im blayben oyf tsonveytung. |
Ale tseyn zoln bay im a-roys-fal-en not eyn-er zol in blayb-en oyf tson-veyt-ung. |
All problems I have in my heart should go to his head. |
Ale tsores vos ich hob oyf mayn hartsn zoln oysgeyn tsu zayn kop. |
Ale tsor-es vos ich hob oyf may-en harts-en, zoln oysg-eyn tsu zhine kop. |
All the troubles (that weigh down my heart) should fall on your head. |
Ale tsores (vos id hob oyf mayn hartn) zoln oysgeyn tsu dayn kop. |
Ale tsor-es (vos id hob oyf mayn hart-en) zoln osy-gey-en tsu dayn kop. |
An ugly ending to you. |
Miesseh meshuneh. |
Meese-eh ma-shee-neh. |
Also means: To wish lots of trouble on someone. Literally means: A strange death or a tragic end. |
Annoying person |
Nudnik |
Nood-nik |
Also can be used to refer to someone who is a bore, is being obnoxious, nagging you, or generally being a nuisance. |
Are you crazy? |
Tsi bistu meshugeh? |
Tsi-bis-tu me-shug-eh? |
As many years as he’s walked on his feet, let him walk on his hands, and for the rest of the time he should crawl along on his ass. |
Vifil yor er iz gegangn oyf di fis zol er geyn af di hent un di iberike zol er zich sharn oyf di hintn. |
Vi-fil yor er iz ge- gang-en oyf di fis zol er geyn af hi hent un di i-ber-ike zol er zich sharn oyf di hint-en. |
As you make your bed, so will you sleep in it. |
Vi me bet zich oys, azoy darf men shlofn. |
Vi me bet zich oys, a zoy darf men shlof-en. |
Ass kisser |
Toches-lecker |
Too-ches leck-er |
Also can refer to a brown-noser or someone who will do anything to gain favor. Literally means: buttock-licker. |
Bagel |
Beygl |
Bay-gul |
Probably one of the most popular Jewish foods that has found its way into many American hearts. It’s a hard, ring-shaped bread roll that finds its roots in the Middle High German word bougel. |
Bastard |
Mamzer |
Mamz-er |
Also someone who is a nasty, unworthy person. |
Better a crooked foot than a crooked mind. |
Beser a krumer fus ayder a krumer kop. |
Bes-er a krum-er fus ay-der a krum-er kop. |
Better that you should live and suffer. |
Zolst beser lebn—un mutshen zid. |
Zolst bes-er leb-en—un mut-shen zid. |
Better to do nothing than to make something into nothing. |
Beser dos kind zol vaynen ayder der foter. |
Bes-er dos kind zol vayn-en ay-der der fot-er |
Bialy |
Bialy |
Bee-ya-lee |
Roll, shaped like a disc, which is thicker around the outer edges and flattened in the middle. The middle of a bialy is traditionally filled with onion pieces and sometimes cheese. It gets its name from the Polish city Bialystok, which is credited with its creation. |
Big deal, so what. |
Groisser gehilleh. |
Groys-eh geh-hill-eh. |
Big idiot |
Groisser putz |
Groys-er putz |
Also: big prick, big penis, big fool or big shot. |
Big good-for-nothing. |
Groisser gornisht. |
Groys-er gor-nisht. |
Bimbo |
Tzatzkeh |
Tzatz-keh |
Also can refer to someone who is a mistress, sexually attractive girl, or an overdressed woman. Another meaning can be a toy, ornament or expensive plaything. |
Black sorrow is all that Finstere leyd zol nor di Fin-ster-eh leyd zol nor his mother should see mama oyf im zen. di ma-ma oyf im zen. of him. |
Blintz |
Blintse |
Blint-seh |
Looks like a thick crepe or thin pancake that’s folded around some type of filling. Cheese, potatoes and fruit, individually or combined, |
are the most common fillings used. Its origin is in the Russian word blinets or “little pancake.” |
Braggart |
Shvitzer |
Shvitz-er |
Literally means: Someone who sweats. |
Burst |
Plotz |
Plots |
When you feel like you are ready to explode from too much excitement or anger, you can say, “I want to plotz.” |
Butter-fingered |
Shlemiel |
Shleh-meal |
Also an inept or bungler. foolish person, a simpleton, nincompoop or a |
Choke on it. |
Ver dershtikt. |
Vair der-shtikt. |
Clumsy person |
Shmuck |
Shmuck |
Shmuck means a clumsy or stupid person. This comes from the Yiddish word shmock, which means penis or fool, but some think its beginnings are actually in the Polish word smok, which means serpent or tail. |
Clumsy person |
Klutz |
Klutz |
Also a stupid person or a dolt |
Comedy act |
Shtik |
Shtik |
Piece or routine. An entertainment routine, usually a comedy act. Its origins are from High Middle German word, stucke or piece. |
Complainer |
Kvetcher |
Kvetch-er |
Also can refer to someone who is a whiner. Nothing is ever good enough for them. Rodney Dangerfield was known as the king of the kvetchers. Kvetch in Yiddish means to squeeze. |
Confused person |
Farblondjet |
Far-blond-jet |
When you think someone is totally confused, you can say they are farblondjet. Also used when you think someone is lost. |
Crazy bastard |
Meshugener mamzer |
Meh-shu-gen-er mamzer |
Its roots are from the Hebrew word meshugga (meh-shu-ga) for crazy and mamzer for bastard. |
Dirt |
Shmutz |
Shmutz |
Lots of dirt or slime. |
Do me a favor and drop dead. |
Folg mich a gang un gai in drerd. |
Folg mich a gong un gay in drerd. |
Don’t aggravate me. |
Tsap mir nit dos blut. |
Tsap meer nit dos blut. |
Literally means: Don’t bleed me. |
Don’t be a fool. |
Zeit nit kain goylem. |
Zye nit kane go-lem. |
Also can mean: Don’t be a robot. |
Don’t be a fool. |
Zeit nit kain nar. |
Zye nit kane nar. |
Don’t be an idiot. |
Zei nit kain vyzoso. |
Zye nit kane vi-zo-so. |
Also can mean: Don’t be a damn fool, or Don’t be a penis. |
Don’t boast of money because you can easily lose it. |
Mit gelt tor men nit stolzyern, veyl me ken es gleych farleyren. |
Mit gelt or men nit stolz-yer-en, veyl me ken es gleych far-leyr-en. |
Don’t bother me. |
Hak mir nit kain cheinik. |
Hak meer nit kayn chynik. |
Literally means: Don’t bang on the teakettle. |
Don’t bother me. |
Drai mir nit kain kop. |
Dray meer nit kayn kop. |
Literally means: Don’t twist my head. |
Don’t bother me. |
Chepeh zich nit tsu mir. |
Chep-eh zich nit tsu meer. |
Literally means: Don’t attach yourself to me! |
Don’t bother me. |
Chepeh zich op fun mir. |
Chep-eh zich op fun meer. |
Don’t butt in. Keep your nose out of it. |
Mish zich nisht arayn. |
Mish zich nisht a-rhine. |
Don’t fuck with me. |
Bareh nit. |
Bar-eh nit. |
Also means: Don’t fornicate around, but more mildly can mean, Don’t fool around, don’t annoy or don’t bother someone. |
Don’t threaten me |
Strasheh mich nit. |
Stra-sheh mich nit. |
Dreamer |
Luftmensh |
Luft-mensh |
Also can refer to someone who is an unrealistic optimist; builds castles in the air and has no trade or income. You definitely don’t want to loan money to a person like this for their next big scheme to make money. Literally means: Air man. |
Drive yourself crazy. |
Gai fardray zich dein aigenem kop. |
Gay far-dray zich dine eye-gen-em kop |
Drop dead. |
Zolst lign in drerd. |
Zolst lig-en in drerd. |
Drop dead. |
Geharget zolstu verren. |
Geh-har-get zolst-u ver -en. |
Literally means: You should get killed. |
Drop dead. |
Zol dir got arayngebn a naye neshumah un tsuhemen di alte. |
Zol dir got a-rhine-geben a naye ne-shum-ah un tsu-hem-en di al- the. |
Literally means: May God give you a new soul and take your old one. |
Drop dead. |
Ich hob dich. |
Ich hob dich. |
Drop dead. |
Ver derharget. |
Ver der-har-get. |
Also can mean: Bury yourself. Go kill yourself. |
Drunkard |
Shikker |
Shik-er |
Someone who is a drunkard, is a shikker. Its origins are in the Hebrew word sikkor or sakar, “to be drunk.” |
Dull-witted |
Poyer |
Poy-er |
Also can refer to a peasant, farmer, boor or dullard. |
Dumbbell or dunce |
Dumkop |
Dum-kop |
Literally means: Dumb head. |
Expert |
Maven |
May-vin |
When you think someone is an expert, you can call him a maven. Also used to indicate someone is an authority on a subject or a connoisseur. |
Finished fucking? |
Shoyn opgetrent? |
Shoin op-geh-trent? |
Also translates to: Are you finished screwing around? Or, Have you finished the dirty work? Literally means: Have you finished fornicating? |
Fooey |
Feh |
Fay |
Multipurpose word that can mean “Fooey!”; “That’s terrible!”; “I hate that!”; “That stinks!”; or “How disgusting!” |
Fool or idiot |
Putz |
Putz |
For the smallest favor you become a debtor. |
Far der klenster toyveh vert men a ba’al-choyv. |
Far der klenst-er toyv- eh vert men a ba’al- choyv. |
Fortune makes you smart, because fortune makes you rich. |
Der mazel macht klug, veil der mazel macht reich. |
Der maz-el macht klug, veil der maz-el macht reich. |
From fortune to misfortune is a short step; from misfortune to fortune is a long way. |
Fun glik tsum umglik iz a shpan; fun umglik tsum glik iz a shtik veg. |
Fun glik tsum um-glik iz a shpan; fun um- glik iz a shtik veg. |
From litigation you can never recover your loss. |
Az me tut zich lodn, kumt men sey vi nit tsum shodn. |
Az me tut zich lod-en, kumt men sey vi nit tsum shod-en. |
From overeating one suffers more than from not eating enough. |
Fun iberessn cholyet men mer vi fun nit deressn. |
Fun i-ber-es-sen chol- yet men mer vi fun nit der-es-sen. |
Full of shit |
Farcockt |
Far-cocked |
Shitty or badly soiled. When you think someone is full of shit, you can say, “You’re farcockt.” |
Gefilte fish |
Gefilte |
Ge-fil-te |
Stuffed fish. It’s made by using a whole fish, then chopping the fish meat into very small pieces. Most often, carp, pike or salmon is used and sometimes a mixture of more than one of these types of fish. |
Other common ingredients include onions, celery, carrots, sugar, white pepper, salt, eggs and matzo meal. The mixture is then stuffed back into the fish’s skin or body cavity (bones and all) and boiled or baked. Today most people just buy balls of gefilte fish mixture in jars or cans, and you will find it on the dinner table at all Jewish holiday celebrations. |
Get lost. |
Ver farblondjet. |
Vair far-blond-jet. |
Give a pig a chair, he’ll want to get on the table. |
Az me lozt a chazzer aruf af’n bank, viler af’n tish. |
Az me lozt a chazz-er a-ruf af’n bank vil-er af’n tish. |
Gloat |
Kvell |
K-vell |
Used when you are gloating over your children to show pride in their accomplishments. Someone might also kvell when they are enjoying an enemy’s bad luck. |
Go bang your head against the wall. |
Gai klop zich kop in vant. |
Gay klop zich kop in vant. |
Go bother the bedbugs. |
Gai bareh di vantsen. |
Gay bar-eh di vant-sen. |
Go break a leg. |
Gai tsebrech a fus. |
Gay tse-brech a foos. |
Go break you own head. |
Shlog zich kog in vant. |
Shlog zich kog in vant. |
Go bury yourself. |
Leyg zin in drerd arayn. |
Leyg zin in drerd a- rhine. |
Go drive yourself crazy. |
Fardray zich dayn aygenem kop. |
Far-dray zich dayn ay- gen-em kop. |
Go drive yourself crazy. |
Gai fardrai zich deyn kop. |
Gay far-dray zich deyn kop. |
Go drown. |
Ich hob dich in bod. |
Ich hob dich in bod. |
Literally: I have you in the bath. |
Go fuck yourself. |
Gai tren zich. |
Gay tren zich. |
Go jump in a lake. |
Nem zich a vaneh. |
Nem zich a van-eh. |
Literally means: Go take a bath. |
Go mix yourself up, not me. |
Gai fardray zich dayn aigenem kop. |
Gay far-dray zich dayn ay-gen-em kop. |
Go screw up your head. |
Fardrai zich dem kop. |
Far-dray zich dem kop. |
Go shit on the ocean. |
Gai cocken ahfen yam. |
Gay cock-en ah-fin yam. |
Also can be used to mean: Don’t bother me, or Get lost. |
Go take a shit. |
Cock zich oys. |
Cock zich oys. |
Also means: Go take a shit for yourself. |
Go to hell and bake bagels there. |
Lign drerd un bak beygel. |
Lig-en drerd un bak beyg-el. |
Literally means: Live underground and bake bagels there. |
Go to hell together with your bones. |
Gey in drerd mit dee beyner. |
Gey in drerd mit dee beyn-er. |
Go to hell. |
Gai kab enyeh mattereh. |
Gay kab en-yeh ma-ter- eh. |
Go to hell. |
Gai in drerd arayn. |
Gay in draird a-rhine. |
Literally means: Go down into the earthly grave. |
Go to hell! |
Ich hob dich in drerd! |
Ich hob dich in draird. |
Go to hell. |
Gai kabenyeh matyreh. |
Gay ka-ben-yeh ma- tyr-eh. |
Go to hell. |
In drerd mitten kop. |
In drerd mit-en kop. |
Literally means: Be in the ground up to your head. |
Go to hell. |
Gey tsu al dee gute-ior. |
Gey tsu al dee gut-e-ior. |
Literally means: Go to all the demons. |
Go to the black pit. |
Gey tsum shvare-ior. |
Gey tsum shvar-eh-i-or. |
Go to the devil. |
A ruech in dein tatn’s tatenarein. |
A ru-ech in dein tat- en’s tat-en-a-rhine. |
Go to the devil. |
A ruech in dein tatn’s tateh. |
A ru-ech in dein tat- en’s ta-teh. |
God helps the poor man; he protects him from expensive sins. |
Got helft dem oreman: er farhit im fun tey’ereh avayres. |
Got helft dem o-re- man: er far-hit im fun tey’er-eh a-vayr-es. |
God should bestow him with everything his heart desires, but he should be a quadriplegic and not be able to use his tongue. |
Got zol gebn, er zol hobn altsding vos zayn harts glist, nor er zol zayn geleymt oyf ale ayvers un nit kenen rirn mit der tsun. |
Got zol geb-en er zol hob-en alts-ding vos zhine harts glist, nor er zol zayn ge-leymt oyf ale ay-vers un nit ken- en rirn mit der tsun. |
God should bless you with three persons: one should hold you, the second should kill you and the third should bury you. |
Got zol dir bentshn mit dray mentshn: eyner zol did haltn, der tsveyter zol did shpaltn un der driter zold id bahaltn. |
Got zol dir bent-shen mit dray ment-shin: ey- ner zol did halt-en, der tsveyt-er zol di shpalt- en un der drit-er zold id ba-halt-en. |
God should help you to see everything and not have the wherewithal to buy anything. |
Got zol dir helfen dee zolstu altsdeng, zen un nit hobn far vos tsu koyfn. |
Got zol dir hel-fen dee zols-tu alts-deng, zen un nit hob-en far vos tsu koyf-en. |
God should visit upon him the best of the Ten Plagues. |
Got zol oyf im onshikn fin di tsen makes di beste. |
Got zol oyf in onsh-ikn fin di tsen mak-es di bes-te. |
Good deed |
Mitzvah |
Mits-veh |
A good deed. When you do something to help someone else, it’s called a mitzvah. |
Good health. |
Gezunt-heit. |
Ge-zunt-heit. |
Commonly used when someone sneezes, sometimes in conjunction with “God bless you.” You can also use it as part of a toast. |
Good luck. |
Mazel tov. |
Ma-zel tov. |
Mazel means luck and Tov means good. Also used to say Congratulations! |
Gossip |
Yenta |
Yen-teh |
Also can refer to someone who is a busybody, talkative woman or blabbermouth. |
Greasy |
Shmaltz |
Shmaltz |
Melted fat. Usually used to refer to something that is greasy, gooey or has lots of fat drippings. But, you’ll also hear it when someone is talking about something corny or overly sentimental. In that case a “y” is added at the end. For example, “Wasn’t that a shmaltzy play?” Some people also use shmaltzy to describe something as flattery, sweet talk or overpraise. For example, “Wasn’t that a shmaltzy introduction?” Its origins are in the German word schmaltz of the same meaning. |
Halvah |
Halvah |
Hal-vah |
Sweetmeat. Claimed not only by the Jews, but many Middle Eastern cultures. It originated in the Balkans and eastern Mediterranean regions. It’s made with sesame seeds and honey or sugar syrup. Other ingredients can be added, such as dried fruit, pistachio nuts and almonds. Some people add cinnamon and cardamom. The ingredients are blended together, heated and poured into bars or loaves. In addition to the Yiddish word halvah, Turkish call it helva, Greeks call it halva, Arabs call it halwa or halawi. In each case it translates to “sweetmeat.” |
Hang yourself with a sugar rope and you’ll have a sweet death. |
Heng dich oyf a tsikershtrikl vestu hobn a zisn toyt. |
Heng dich oyf a tsi-ker- shtrikl ves-tu hob-en a zis-en toyt. |
He should be transformed into a chandelier, to hang by day and to burn by night. |
Migulgl zol er vern in a henglayhter, bay tog zol er hengn, un bay nacht zol er brenen. |
Mi-gul-gel zol er vern in a heng-layht-er, bay tog zol er heng-en, un bay nacht zol er bren-en. |
He should break a leg. |
Zol er tzebrechne a fus. |
Zol er tze-brech-en a foos. |
He should burn up. |
A fyer zol im trefn. |
A fy-er zol im tref-en. |
He should crap blood and pus. |
Er zol kakn mit blit un mit ayter. |
Er zol kak-en mit blit un mit ayt-er. |
He should drink too much castor oil. |
Azoy fil ritzinoyl zol er oystrinkn. |
A-zoy fil rit-zin-oyl zol er oy-strink-en. |
He should drop dead. |
Paygeren zol er. |
Pay-ger-en zol er. |
He should get so sick as to cough up his mother’s milk. |
Oyskrinkn zol er dus mame’s milach. |
Oy-strink-en zol er dus ma-me’s mil-ach. |
He should give it all away to doctors. |
Oyf doktoyrim zol er dos avekgebn. |
Oyf dok-toy-rim zol er dos a-vek-geb-en. |
He should go to hell. |
A gehenem oyf im. |
A geh-hen-em oyf im. |
He should go to hell. |
Er zol gayn in drerd. |
Er zol gayn in drerd. |
He should grow a wooden tongue. |
A hiltsener tsung zol er bakumn. |
A hil-tsen-er zol er ba- kumn. |
He should grow like an onion with his head in the ground. |
Er zol vakesen vi a tsibeleh, mit dem kop in drerd. |
Er zol vakes en vi a tsib-el-eh, mit dem kop in drerd. |
He should have a large store, and whatever people ask for he shouldn’t have, and what he does have shouldn’t be requested. |
A groys gesheft zol er hobn mit shroyre: vus er hot, zol men bay im nit fregn, un vos men fregt zol er nisht hobn. |
A groys ge-sheft zol er hob-en mit shroy-re: vus er hot, zol men bay im nit freg-en, un vos men fregt zol er nisht hob-en. |
He should have lots of trouble. |
Er zol zain ayf tsores. |
Er zol zain ayf tsor-es. |
He should have lots of trouble. |
Er zol ainemen a miesseh meshuneh. |
Er zol ai-ne-men a mies-eh mesh-un-eh. |
He should have lots of trouble. |
Aleh tsores oyf zein kop. |
Al-eh tsor-es oyf zine kop. |
He should marry the daughter of the Angel of Death. |
Khasene hobn zol er mit di malech hamoves tochter. |
Khas-en-eh hob-en zol er mit di ma-lech ha- mov-es tocht-er. |
He should see everything, but have no reason (with which) to buy it. |
Er zol altsting zen, un nit hobn farvos (mit vos) tsu koyfn. |
Er zol als-ting zen, un nit hob-en far-vos (mit vos) tsu koyf-en. |
He talks himself into sickness. |
Er redt zich eyn a krenk. |
Er redt zich eyn a krenk. |
He who keeps quiet is half a fool; he who talks is a complete fool. |
Az me shvaygt iz men a halber nar; az me redt iz men a gantser nar. |
Az me shvagt iz men a halb-er nar; az me redt iz men a gants-er nar. |
He who lives with the devil, becomes a devil. |
Az me lebt mit a tayvel, vert men a tayvel. |
Az me lebt mit a tayv- el, vert men a tayv-el. |
He who throws stones on another gets them back on his own bones. |
Ver es varft oil yenem shteyner krigt tsurik in di aigneh bainer. |
Ver es varft oil yen-em shteyn-er krigt tsur-ik in di aig-neh bain-er. |
Hello |
Shalom |
Sha-lom |
Hebrew word with lots of different meanings including, hello, peace, good-bye, so long and other similar words of welcome when some one comes in, or good-bye when someone leaves. But it’s only good bye until you can welcome someone again. |
His luck should be as bright as a new moon. |
Zayn mazel zol im layhtn vee dee levone in sof choydesh. |
Zayn maz-el zol im layht-en vee dee lev- one in sof choy-desh. |
Hole in the head |
Loch in kop |
Loch in kop |
Holy shit. |
Oy gevalt. |
Oy ge-valt. |
Use it when you hear shocking news. It’s usually used to express alarm, dismay, fear, terror or astonishment. When used with “oy,” it can mean “That’s dreadful!” or “Holy Shit!” The Yiddish origin is the word G’vald, which means force or violence. |
Honor |
Koved |
Ko-vid |
When you hold high respect for someone or something, you are said to koved it. Koved means respect, honor, revere or hold in high esteem. |
I despise you. |
Ich fief oyf dir! |
Ich fife oyf deer. |
Literally means: I |
whistle on you. |
I don’t give a damn. |
Es hart mich vi di vant. |
Es hart mich vee dee vant. |
Literally means: It bothers me like a wall. |
I hope I can come to you on joyous occasions and that you will come to me on crutches. |
Id tsu dir oyf simchut, du tsu mir oyf kuliem. |
Id tsu dir oyf sim-chut, du tsu mir oy ku-li-em. |
I hope to see you dead. |
Id zol hobn a zchut bay got, er zol dir tsunenen fun der erd. |
Id zol hob-en a zchut bay got, er zol dir tsu- nem-en fun der erd. |
Literally means: May God grant me the favor of removing you from this world. |
I hope to see you on one leg and may you see me with one eye. |
Id zol dir zen oyf eyn fus un du mir mit eyn oyg. |
Id zol dir zen ofy eyn fus un du mir mit eyn oyg. |
I need it like a hole in the head. |
Ich darf es vi a loch in kop. |
Ich darf es vee a loch in kop. |
I need it like a wart on my nose. |
Ich darf es vi a lung un leber oif der noz. |
Ich darf es vee a lung un leb-er oif der noz. |
I shit on him. |
Ich cock ahf im. |
Ich cock ahf im. |
I should outlive him long enough to bury him. |
Vi tsu derleb ich im shoyn tsu bagrobn. |
Vi tsu der-leb ich im shoy-en tsu ba-grob-en. |
I will bury you in the ground as though you were a treasure. |
Id vel did bagrobn in der erd vi an oytser. |
Id vel did ba-grog-en in der erd vi an oyts-er. |
I wish you a sweet death: a truck full of sugar should run over you. |
A zisn toyt zolstu hobn a trok mit tsuker zoldid iberforn. |
A zis-en toyt zols-tu hob-en a trok mit tsuk- er zol-did i-ber-forn. |
I’ve got him by the ass. |
Ich hob im in toches. |
Ich hob im in too-ches. |
Also can mean: I have him in my ass. |
Idiot |
Shmegegi |
Shmeh-geh-gee |
Also a nothing or a nobody |
If anyone writes you, they should write you doctors’ prescriptions. |
Shraybn zol men dir retseptn. |
Shrayb-en zol men dir re-tsept-en. |
If one steals a lot of eggs, one can also become rich. |
Az men ganvet a sach ayer, ken men oich verren a nogid. |
Az men gan-vet a sach ay-er, ken men oich ver-ren a nog-id. |
If you don’t save the penny, you’ll not have the dollar. |
Az me shport nit dem groshn, hot men nit dem rubel. |
Az me shport nit dem grosh-en, hot men nit dem rub-el. |
If you have money, you are wise and good- looking and can sing well too. |
Az me hot gelt, iz men klug un shain un men ken gut zingn. |
Az me hot gelt, iz men klug un shain un men ken gut zing-en. |
If you have the money, you have the say. |
Az men hot di matbayeh, hot men di dayeh. |
Az men hot di mat-bay- eh, hot men di day-eh. |
If you invest in a fever, you will realize a disease. |
Az me laight arayn kadoches, nemt men aroyz a krenik. |
Az me laight a-rhine ka-doch-es, nemt men a-royz a kren-ik. |
If you keep on talking, you will end up saying what you didn’t intend to say. |
Az me redt, derredt men zich. |
Az me redt, der-redt men zich. |
If you lie down with the dogs, you get up with the fleas. |
Az me shloft mit hint, shtayt men oyf mit flay. |
Az me shloft mit hint shtayt men oyf mit flay. |
If you repeat often enough that you’re right, you will discover you are wrong. |
Az men chazert tsu fil iber vi grecht men iz, vert men umgerecht. |
Az men chaz-ert tsu fil i-ber vi grecht men iz, vert men um-ger-echt. |
If you tell a lie, may you lie ill. |
Oyb du zogst lign, zolstu krenk lign. |
Oyb du zogst lig-en, zols-tu krenk lig-en. |
If you want to avoid old age, hang yourself in youth. |
Az me vil nit alt verren, zol men zich yungerhayt oyfhengen |
Az me vil nit alt ver-en zol, men zich yun-ger- hayt oyf-heng-en. |
If you want to please everybody, you’ll die before your time. |
Vest vellen zich oysfaynen far layt, vestu shtarbn far der tsayt. |
Vest vell-en zich oys- fay-nen far layt, ves-tu shtrab-en far der tsayt. |
If you’re a child at twenty, you’re an ass at twenty-one. |
Az men iz biz tsvantsik yor a kind, iz men tsu ayn-un-tsvantsik a behaymeh. |
Az men iz biz tsvant-sik yor a kind, iz men tsu ayn un tsvant-sik a be- hay-meh. |
If you’re at odds with your rabbi, make peace with your bartender. |
Az men krigt zich mitn rov, muz men sholem zeyn mitn shainker. |
Az men krigt zich mit- en rov, muz men shol- en zyen mit-en shaink-er. |
Impolite person |
Bulvan |
Bul-van |
Also means: A rude or ill-mannered person. |
Incompentent person |
Loy yitslach |
Loy yits-lach |
Also can refer to someone who has perpetual bad luck. |
Incompetent person |
Shlemazel |
Shleh-mah-zel |
Also can refer to someone who has perpetual bad luck or misfortune. |
Inexperienced person |
Pisher |
Pish-er |
Also can be used to indicate someone is inexperienced, unseasoned or “wet behind the ears.” Or for someone who thinks he’s adult enough to handle a task, but really isn’t. Another more literal meaning is bed-wetter. |
Informer |
Mosser |
Moo-ser |
Insane or crazy |
Mishegass |
Mih-sheh-gas |
When everything is just crazy or gone insane, you can call it a big “mishegass.” This is a variation of the Hebrew word meshugga (meh- shu-ga), which means crazy. |
It would have been better if a stone had come out of your mother’s womb, rather than you. |
Beser volt oyf dyn ort a shteyn arayn. |
Be-ser volt oyf dyn ort a shtey-en a-rhine. |
It’s easier to earn money than to keep it. |
Gelt tsu fardinen iz gringer vi tsu haltn. |
Gelt tsu far-din-en iz gring-er vi tsu halt-en. |
It’s useless. It’ll help like bloodletting on a dead body. |
Es vet helfn vi a toitn bahnekes. |
Es vet helf-en vee a toyt-en bahn-kis. |
Joy |
Naches |
Nach-es |
Means joy or happiness. Used most often by parents who say their children give them great naches. |
Kaiser roll |
Kaiser |
Kai-ser |
Breakfast roll that is light and fluffy on the inside with a thin outer crust. It’s made by using a square piece of dough and folding the corners of the dough into the center. Sometimes it’s made with poppy seeds and sometimes without the seeds. The name for this roll actually comes from Germany, called Kaisersemmel for the German emperor, plus semmel, which means roll. |
Kibbitz or Kibbitzer |
Kibbitz or Kibbitzer |
Kib-itz or Kib-itz-er |
When someone talks too much or gets involved in a subject when they shouldn’t, they’re called a kibbitzer. Kibbitz usually means unsolicited or unwanted advice. A person that offers that advice is a kibbitzer, also known as a meddlesome spectator. |
Kiss my ass. |
Kush mich in toches. |
Kush mich in too-ches. |
Kiss my ass. |
Kush in toches arayn. |
Kush in too-ches a- rhine. |
Knish |
Knish |
K-nish |
Piece of dough stuffed with potato, meat or cheese and baked or fried, commonly eaten as a snack or an appetizer. Its origins are in the Ukrainian word Knysh. |
Kosher |
Kosher |
Ko-sher |
Conforming to dietary laws, when talking about food. Its origin is Hebrew and means fitting or proper. Today as slang it’s used for nonfood items and means that the material is legitimate, permissible, genuine or authentic. For example, it’s commonly used in phrases such as: “Using bikes on the path is kosher,” or “The story about New York is kosher.” |
Kugel |
Kugel |
Ku-gel |
Casserole-like dish made with noodles or potatoes then baked with eggs and seasoning. A sweet kugel can be made with noodles, raisins and apples. In Yiddish, kugel actually means ball, which related to its puffed-up or mound shape. The word originates in Middle High German. |
Lazy man |
Foiler |
Foy-ler |
Leave me alone. |
Loz mich tzu ru. |
Loz mich tzu ru. |
Literally means: Let me be in peace. |
Leave me alone. |
Chepeh zich op fun mir. |
Chep-eh zich op fun meer. |
Also means: Get away from me. |
Lecherous old man |
Alter kucker |
Al-ter kuck-er |
Also means: Old fogy. Literally means: An old defecator. |
Leeches should drink him dry. |
Trinkn zoln im piavkes. |
Trink-en zoln im piavkes. |
Let what I wish on him come true [most, even half, even just 10 percent]. |
Zol es im onkumn vos ich vintsh im [chotsh a helft, chotsh halb, chotsh a tsent cheyli]. |
Zol es im on-kumn vos ich vintsh im [chotsh a helft, chotsh halb, chotsh a tsent chey-li]. |
Liar |
Ligner |
Lig-ner |
Life is the biggest bargain—we get it for nothing. |
Der lebn iz di gresteh metsi’eh—me wrigt es umzist. |
Der leb-en iz di grest-eh met-si’eh—me wrigt es um-zist. |
Long-winded story |
Megillah |
Me-gil-lah |
When someone blows something way out of proportion, you can call it a big megillah. It’s also used to express that someone has told you the entire story with complete details—many times in a very long winded way. The word actually is the name of the story of Esther and read on the holiday of Purim. |
Lost years are worse than lost dollars. |
Farloreneh yoren iz erger vi a farloreneh gelt. |
Far-lor-en-eh yor-en iz erg-er vi a far-lor-en-eh gelt. |
Lox |
Laks |
Laks |
Smoked salmon, from the Yiddish word laks, which means salmon. This actually comes from the German word for salmon, lachs, which was taken from an Indo-European word meaning salmon. |
May a boil grow on your belly button. |
S’zol dir vaksn a geshver oyfn pupik. |
S’zol dir vaks-en a gesh-ver oyf-en poo-pik. |
May a bone remain stuck in your throat. |
A beyn zol dir in haldz blayben shtekn. |
A beyn zol dir in haldz blayb-en shtek-en. |
May a cannon ball split your skull. |
A harmat zol dayn kop tseshmetern. |
A harm-at zol dayn kop tsesh-met-ern. |
May a demon take your father’s father. |
A ruech in dayn tatns zun arayn |
A ru-ech in dayn tat- ens zun a-rhine. |
May a disease enter his gums. |
A krenk zol im arayn in di yosles. |
A krenk zolim a-rhine in dee yos-lis. |
May a fire burn in your guts. |
A brand dir in dee kishkes. |
A brand dir in dee keesh-kes. |
May a fire burn in your stomach. |
A fyer dir in boyd. |
A fy-er dir in boyd. |
May a fire catch hold of you. |
A fyer oyf dir. |
A fy-er oyf dir. |
May a fire consume you. |
A fyer zucht din. |
A fy-er zucht din. |
Literally means: A fire is seeking you. |
May a fire inflame your liver. |
A fyer in doyn leber. |
A fy-er in doyn leb-er. |
May a red beet grow out of your belly button, and may you pee borsht. |
Zoln dir vaksn burekes fun pupik, in zolst pishn mit borsht. |
Zoln dir vaks-en bu- rek-es fun pup-ik in zolst pish-en mit borsht. |
May a soft balcony fall on your head. |
A vecher balkon dir in kop. |
A vech-er bal-kon dir in kop. |
May a thunder shake your body. |
A duner dir in dee zaytn arayn. |
A dun-er dir in dee zayt-en a-rhine. |
May a wheel run over your skull. |
A rud zol dir ariber iber dee gehirn. |
A rud zol dir a-rib-er i-ber dee ge-hirn. |
May all the possible bad dreams stuff your head. |
Ale beyze chlumut tsu dayn kop. |
Ale beyz-e chlum-ut tsu dayn kop. |
May all your teeth fall out, except one to give you a toothache. |
Ale tseyn zoln dir aroysfaln, nor eyner zol dir blaybn – oyf tsonveytik. |
Al-e tsey-en zoln dir a- roys-faln, nor eyn-er zol dir blayb-en – oyf tson- vey-tik. |
May an epidemic strike you. |
A mageyfe zol oyf dir kumen. |
A ma-geyf-e zol oyf dir kum-en. |
May calamity strike you. |
Eyn oyschapenysh zol oyf dir kumen. |
Eyn oys-chap-ensysh zol oyf dir kum-en. |
May calamity strike you and your filthy family. |
A brod oyf dir un oyf dyn. |
A brod oyf dir un oyf dyn. |
May calamity strike you in the stomach [in your head, in your guts]. |
A klog dir in boyd [in kop, in dyn podle kishkes]. |
A klog dir in boyd [in kop, in dyne pod-le kishk-es]. |
May characters like you be sown thickly and germinate thinly. |
Azoyne zol men kedicht zeyn in seeter zoln zee oyfgeyn. |
A-zoyne zol men ke- dicht zeyn in sit-er zoln zee oyf-geyn. |
May cholera rot your bones. |
A cholere dir in dee beyner. |
A chol-er-e dir in dee beyn-er. |
May destruction strike you. |
A churbn oyf dir. |
A churb-en oyf dir. |
May disaster strike you. |
A klog zol dir trefn. |
A klog dir tref-en. |
May doctors know you well and vice versa. |
Doktoyrim zoln visen fun dir un di fun doktoyrim. |
Dok-toy-rim zoln vis- en fun dir un di fun dok-toy-rim. |
May God give you a large cancer as well as a small cancer—and then you will have a nice outfit. |
Got zol dir gebn a rak mit a rekele – vestu hobn a gantsn kostium. |
Got zol dir geb-en a rak mit a rek-e-le ves-tu gants-en kos-ti-um. |
In Yiddish this is a pun. The Yiddish word rak is both a term for cancer and a term for jacket. |
May God see to it that no smoke leaves your chimney for eight consecutive years. |
Got zol gebn em zol dir acht yor nun anand nit geyn keyn royn fun koytn. |
Got zol geb-en em zol dir acht yor nun a- nand nit geyn keyn royn fun koyt-en. |
May I grieve after you. |
A brod zol in nod dir hobn. |
A brod zol in nod dir. |
May I have the privilege of sewing your shroud. |
A soyve zol id dir machn. |
A soyv-eh zol id dir mach-en. |
May I mourn your death. |
Id zol veyn oyf dayne iorn. |
Id zol veyn oyf dayne i-orn. |
May I not lose anything more than your head. |
Mer vi dayn kop zol id nit onvern. |
Mer vi dayn kop zol id nit on-vern. |
May illness strike your brain. |
A chvarobe dir in dee gehern. |
A chvar-ob-e dir in dee ge-her-en. |
May it end badly for you. |
Zol es dir aroys bokem. |
Zol es dir a-roys bok- em. |
May misfortune fall upon you. |
Eyn umgleek oyf dir. |
Eyn um-gleek oyf dir. |
May misfortune strike you. |
Eyn umgleek zol dir trefn. |
Eyn um-gleek dir tref- en. |
May misfortune strike your guts. |
Eyn umgleek dir in kishkes. |
Ryn um-gleek dir in kishk-es. |
May prayers be offered up for your soul. |
Me zol did trogn un zingn. |
Me zol did trog-en un zing-en. |
Literally means: May you be carried away amidst song. |
May sickness drain all you have and may you pawn your wife’s skirt. |
Oyskrenkn zolstu alts vos du farmogst un farzetsn der vaybs spodnitse. |
Oys-krenk-en zols-tu alts vos du far-mogst un far-zets-en der vayb- es spod-nit-se. |
May someone call a doctor for you urgently, and when he arrives, they should inform him that it is too late. |
Me zol rufn tsu dir srotshne a dokter un az iener vet kumen zol men im zogn az me darf shoyn nit. |
Me zol ruf-en tsu dir srotsh-ne a dok-ter un az i-en-er vet ku-men zol men im zog-n az me darf shoyn nit. |
May suffering consume you. |
Oysgefleekt zolstu vern. |
Oys-gef-leekt zols-tu vern. |
May syphilis consume your flesh. |
Frantsn zoln esn dayn dayb. |
Frants-en zoln esn dayn dayb. |
May the Angel of Death fall in love with you. |
Der malechamo’ves zol zid id dir farlibn. |
Der ma-lech-a-mo’ves zol zid dir far-lib-en. |
May the Angel of Death remove you from this world. |
Der malechamo’ves zol did tsunemen fun der velt. |
Der ma-lech-a-mo’ves zol did tsu-nem-en fun der velt. |
May the Devil [the cotton-wool maker] take you. |
Chapt did der ruech [dir vate-macher]. |
Chapt did der ru-ech [dir va-te-ma-cher]. |
The “cotton-wool maker” is a popular Yiddish euphemism for the Devil. |
May the Devil carry you on his shoulders. |
Trogn zol did der ruech oyf di pleytses. |
Trog-en zol did der ru- ech oyf di pleyts-es. |
May the devil take your thieving father. |
A ruech in dayn ganvishn tatn arayn. |
A ru-ech in dayn gan- vish-en tat-en a-rhine. |
May the Lord send a blessing for success to your pack of troubles. |
A mazel-bracheh zol dir der eyberster tsores. |
A maz-el brach-eh zol dir der ey-best-er tsor-es. |
May there be a great fair in Paradise and may you be very successful there. |
Zol shoyn zany a groyser irid in gen- eden, un zolst dortn matslich shem. |
Zol shoyn za-ny a groys-er i-rid in gen-e- den un zolst dort-en mats-lich shem. |
May trouble come upon your head. |
A brod tsu dayn kop. |
A brod tsu dayn kop. |
May worms hold a wedding in your stomach and invite their relatives from all over. |
Zoln verem praven a chaseneh in dayn boyn in aynladn ale zeyere kroyvim—fun inupets biz sladobke. |
Zoln ver-em prav-en a chas-e-neh in dayn boyn in ayn-lad-en ale zey-ere kroy-vim—fun in-u-pets biz slad-ob-ke. |
May you be a dead duck tonight. |
A kaporeh zolstu veren hayntike nacht. |
A ka-por-eh zols-tu ver- en hayn-ti-ke nacht. |
May you be a lamp: hang by day, burn by night and be snuffed out in the morning. |
Zolst syn vee a lump: hengen by tog, brenen by nacht in oysgeyn zolstu in der fri. |
Zolst syn vee a lump: heng-en by tog, bren-en by nacht in osy-geyn zols-tu in der fri. |
May you be as tormented in your death as I am in my life. |
Zolst zid azoy matern mitn toyt vee in mater zid. |
Zolst zid a-zoy ma-tern mit-en toyt vee in ma- ter zid. |
May you be buried nine feet deep in the ground. |
Ver bagrobn nayn eyln in der erd. |
Ver ba-grog-en nayn eyl-en in der erd. |
May you be carried out on a dead man’s stretcher. |
Trogn zol men dir oyf der miteh. |
Trog-en zol men dir oyf der mit-eh. |
May you be consumed by fire. |
A fyer zol dir farbrenen. |
A fy-er zol dir far- bren-en. |
May you be consumed by syphilis and may your nose drop off. |
Frantsn zoln dir oyf esn un din noz zol dir aropfaln. |
Frants-en zoln dir oyf esn un din noz zol dir a-rop-fal-en. |
May you be healthy and tough as iron, so much so that you cannot bend over. |
Nezunt un shtark zolstu zayn vee ayzn, zolst zid nit kenen. |
Ne-zunt un shtark zols- tu zayn vee ayz-en zolst zid nit ken-en. |
May you be in mourning in summer days and suffer from a toothache on winter nights. |
In dee zumerdike teg zolstu zitsen shiveh un in dee vinterdike necht zolstu zid rayst oyf dee teyn. |
In dee zu-mer-di-ke teg zols-tu zits-en shi-veh un in dee vin-ter-di-ke nect zols-tu zid rayst oyf dee teyn. |
May you be invited to a feast by the governor and may you belch in his face. |
Me zol din aynladn tsum gubernator oyf a seydeh in du zolst im gebn a grepts in ponem arayn. |
Me zol din ayn-lad-en gu-ber-na-tor oyf sey- deh in du zolst im gebn a grepts in pon- em a-rhine. |
May you be spared the indignities and illnesses of old age. |
Zolst farshporn di bizoynut un di krenh fun der elter. |
Zolst far-shpor-en di bi-zoyn-ut un kren-eh fun der elt-er. |
May you be struck dumb forever. |
Antshvign zolstu vern oyf eybik. |
Ant-shvig-en zols-tu vern oyf ey-bik. |
May you become so rich that your widow’s husband should never have any worries about his livelihood. |
Zolst vern azoy rayd almo’nes man zol zid keyn mol nit zorgen vegn perno’se. |
Zolst vern a-zoy rayd almo’nes man zol zid keyn mol nit zorg-en veg-en. |
May you break all your bones. |
Tseboyechen zolstu ruk- un-lend. |
Tse-boy-ech-en zols-tu ruk-un-lend. |
Literally means: May you break your back and your sides. |
May you break down and collapse. |
Ayngebrochen zolstu vern. |
Aynge-broch-en zols-tu vern. |
May you break your arms and your legs. |
Oysbrechen zolstu dee hent mit dee fus. |
Oys-brech-en zols-tu dee hent mit dee foos. |
May you choke on a fish dumpling. |
A feshkneydh zol zid dir shtelnin haldz. |
A fesh-kneyd-eh zol zid dir shtel-nin haldz. |
May you choke on your next bite of your food. |
Dershtikt zolstu vern mit bisn. |
Der-shtikt zols-tu vern mit bis-en. |
May you choke on your next juicy morsel. |
Dershtikt zolstu dir mit dem fatn bisn. |
Der-shtikt zols-tu dir mit dem fat-en bis-en. |
May you enjoy your wedding breakfast and choke on your last bite. |
Zolst hobn hano’ie fun dayn chuneh-seudeh un zid dervargn mit letstn bisn. |
Zolst hob-en ha-no’ie fun dayn chun-eh seu- deh un zid der-varg-en mit letst-en bis-en. |
May you explode—from pleasure. |
Platsn zolstu—fun naches. |
Plats-en zols-tu—fun nach-es. |
May you fall and never rise up. |
aln zolstu nit oyfshteyn. |
Fal-en zols-tu ni oyf- shteyn. |
May you feel pricks, bites, aching bones and sores all over your body. |
S’zol dir onchapn a shtechenish un a brechenish, a raysenish un a baysenish. |
S’zol dir on-chap-en a shtech-en-ish un a brech-en-ish, a ryas- en-ish una bays-en-ish. |
May you go begging from door to door with your descendants for many generations. |
Iber di hyzer zolstu zid shlepn mit kindskinder oyf dur-durut. |
I-ber di hy-zer zols-tu zid shlep-en mi kinds- kind-er oyf dur-dur-ut. |
May you go crazy and run around the streets. |
Meshugeh zolstu vern un orumloyfn iber dee gasn. |
Me-shug-eh zols-tu vern un o-rum-loyf-en i-ber dee gas-en. |
May you have a long bout of bad luck. |
A biter mazel oyf dir. |
A bi-ter maz-el oyf dir. |
May you have a revolution in your stomach. |
S’zol dir dreyn in boyd. |
S’zol dir drey-en in boyd. |
May you have terrible stabbing pains in your bowels. |
S’zol dir shnaydn bay di kishkes. |
S’zol dir shnayd-en bay di keesh-kes. |
May you have the juiciest goose—but no teeth; the best wine—but no sense of taste; the most beautiful wife—but be impotent. |
Zolst hobn di same fete gandz—nor kit keyn tseyner; di beste vayn nor nit keyn chushtem; di senste vayb—nor nit keyn zehrut. |
Zolst hob-en di sa-me fete gandz—nor kit key-en tseyn-er di bes- te vine nor nit keyn chush-tem di sens-te vayb—nor nit key-en zeh-rut. |
May you live until one hundred and twenty—with a wooden head and glass eyes. |
Zolst lebn biz hoondert un tsvantseek yor—mit a heeltsernem kop in glezerne oygn. |
Zolst leb-en biz hoond- ert un tsvants-eek yor—mit a heel-tser-nem kop in glez-erne oyg-en. |
May you never be remembered. |
Nit gedacht zolstu vern. |
Nit ge-dacht zols-tu vern. |
May you never become old. |
Nit derlebn zolstu eltertsu vern. |
Nit der-leb-en zols-tu el-ter-tsu vern. |
May you never enjoy any goodness in your home. |
Nit hobn zolstu keyn guts in stub. |
Nit hob-en zols-tu key- en guts in stub. |
May you never have anything good all your life. |
Nit hobn zolstu keyn guts vayl du lebst. |
Nit hob-en zols-tu key- en guts vayl lebst. |
May you not stand in a cemetery, only lie there. |
Oyf keyn guten-ort zolstu nit shteyn nor lign. |
Oyf keyn gut-en-ort zols-tu nit shtey-en nor lig-en |
May you own ten ships full of gold and may you spend it all on your illnesses. |
Tsen shifn mit gold zolstu farmogn in dos gantse gelt zolstu farkrenkn. |
Tsen shif-en mit gold zols-tu far-mog-en in do gant-se gelt zols-tu far-krenk-en. |
May you push up daisies soon. |
Groz zol oyf dir vaksn. |
Groz zol oyf dir vaks-en. |
May you romp with the Angel of Death. |
Mitn malechamo’ves zolstu zid shpeln. |
Mit-en ma-lech-a- mo’ves zols-tu zid shpel-en. |
May you rot so badly that goats, skunks and pigs will decline to travel in the same cart as you. |
Zolst azoy farfoylt vern az tsign, tchoyrn, un chazirim zoln zid opzogn tsu forn mit dir in eyn fur. |
Zolst a-zoy far-foylt vern az tsign, tchoy-ern un cha-zir-im zoln zid op-zog-en tsu forn mit dir in eyn fur. |
May you run to the toilet every three minutes or every three months. |
Loyn zolstu in bet- chakis iede dray minut oder iede dray chadoshim. |
Loyn zols-tu in bet- chak-is i-ed-e dray min- ut o-der i-ed-e dray cha-do-shim. |
May you speak so eloquently that only a cat will understand you. |
Zolst azoy seyn redn az nor di kats zoln dir farshteyn. |
Zolst a-zoy sey-en red- en az nor kats zoln dir farsht-eyn. |
May you spend all your money on doctors. |
Farkrenk dos oyf dayn guf. |
Far-krenk dos oyf dayn guf. |
Literally means: May you spend all your money on your body. |
May you suffer a cruel and unusual death. |
A miteh-meshuneh zolstu hobn. |
A mit-eh-me-shun-eh zols-tu hob-en. |
May you turn into a pancake and be snatched away by the cat. |
Vern zol fun dir a blintshik in dee kats zol did chapn. |
Vern zol fun dir a blint- shik in de kats zol di chapn. |
May you turn into a pancake and he into a cat. He should eat you and choke on you—that way we will be rid of both of you. |
Vern zol fun dir a blintshik in fun is a kats. Er sol dir oyfesn un mit dir zin dervargn—volt men fun ayn beydn ptur gevorn. |
Vern zol fun dir a blint- shik in fun is a kats. Er sol dir oyf-esn un mit dir zin der-varg-en—volt men fun ayn beyd- en ptur ge-vorn. |
May your arms and hands be paralyzed. |
Opkenumen zoln dir dee hent vern. |
Op-ken-u-men zoln dir dee hent vern. |
May your bones rot in hell. |
Dayne beyner zoln foylen in gehnum. |
Dayne beyn-er zoln foyl-en in geh-num. |
May your enemies sprain their ankles dancing on your grave. |
Zoln dayne shunim oyslenkn zeyere fim ven zey veln tantsn oyf dayn keyver. |
Zoln day-ne shun-im oys-len-ken zey-ere fim ven zey veln tants-en oyf dayn key-ver. |
May your father be possessed by a demon. |
A ruech in dayn tatn arayn. |
A ru-ech in dayn tat-en a-rhine. |
May your grandfather be possessed by a demon. |
A ruech in dayn zeydn arayn. |
A ru-ech in dayn zeyd- en a-rhine. |
May your guts come out. |
Dee kishkes zoln dir aroym. |
Dee keesh-kes zoln dir a-roym. |
May your guts freeze so hard that only hellfire will be able to thaw them. |
Zoln dayn kishkes farfrayrn vern oyf azoy fil, az nor der fyer fun gehnum zol zey kenen tseshmeltsn. |
Zoln dayn kish-kes far- frayr-en vern oyf a-zoy fil, az nor der fy-er fun geh-num zol zey ken-en tsesh-melt-sen. |
May your innards turn and grind so much, people will think you are an organ grinder. |
Sazol dir azoy dreyen boyd me zol meynen az sayiz a katerinke. |
Sa-zol dir a-zoy drey-en boyd me zol mey-nen az say-iz a ka-ter-in-ke. |
May your intestines be pulled out of your belly and wound around your neck. |
Aroysshlepn zol men dir dee kishkes fun boyd un arumviklen zee ebern haldz. |
A-roys-shlep-en zol men dir dee keesh-kes fun boyd un a-rum- vik-len zee e-bern haldz. |
May your legs be lopped from under you. |
Dee fim zoln dir untergehakt vern |
Dee fim zoln dir un-ter- gehakt vern. |
May your liver come out through your nose piece by piece. |
Dee leber zol dir shteklechvayz doord der noz aroysfleen. |
Dee LEB-er dir shtek- lech-vayz doord der noz a-roys-fleen. |
May your luck light your way for you like the waning moon at the end of the month. |
Dyn mazel zol dir laychtn vee dee levone in sof. |
Dyn maz-el zol dir laycht-en vee dee lev- one in sof. |
May your soul enter a cat and may a dog bite it. |
Dyn neshome zol arayngeyn in a kats, un a hoont zol er a bis tun. |
Dyn ne-shom-e zol a-rhine-geyn in a kats un a hoont zol er a bis tun. |
Mensch |
Mensch |
Mensch |
Someone who does good work and helps others is called a mensch. Literally it means: person or human being. Use this word when you want to give others the impression that someone is truly worthy of respect for his good deeds, would make a good husband or business partner, treats others fairly and meets his obligations. |
Mess |
Mishmash |
Mish-mash |
When everything is a mess, you can call it a “mishmash.” Also fits when you think something is a hodgepodge or a jumble. It is believed this comes from the fifteenth century and was formed by a repetition of the word mash. |
Mixed-up person |
Farmisht |
Far-misht |
When you think someone is all mixed-up or confused, you can say, “You’re farmisht.” |
Money buys everything except brains. |
Far gelt bakumt men alts, nor kain saychel nit. |
Far gelt bak-umt men alts, nor kain say-chel nit. |
Money causes conceit and conceit leads to sin. |
Gelt brengt tsu ga’aveh un ga’aveh tsu zind. |
Gelt brengt tsu ga’a- veh un ga’a-veh tsu zind. |
Money goes to money. |
Gelt gayt tsu gelt. |
Gelt gayt tsu gelt. |
Money is round; it rolls away from you. |
Gelt is keylechdik; amol iz es do, amol iz es dort. |
Gelt is key-lich-dik; a- mol iz es do, a-mol iz es dort. |
Money lost, nothing lost; courage lost everything lost. |
Gelt farloren, gor nit farloren; mut farloren, alts farloren. |
Gelt far-lor-en, gor nit far-lor-en; mut far-lor- en, alts far-lor-en. |
My money went down the drain. |
In drerd meyn geytl. |
In drerd meyn geyt-el. |
Nerve |
Chutzpah |
Chuts-pah |
Audacity. Means a lot of nerve. This can be a good thing or bad thing. When you use it positively it means someone has a lot of nerve and daring. But negatively it can mean someone has a lot of nerve and has gone too far. This word has its origins in the Hebrew word huspa, which means to be insolent. |
Nosh |
Nash or nashn |
Nash |
Light snack or light nashn, which means can be found in the to nibble. |
meal. This comes from to eat sweets or to Middle High German |
the Yiddish word nash or nibble on food. Its origins word naschen, which means |
Nudge |
Nudjen |
Nud-jen |
Pester or bore. persistently. Its origins the same. |
Someone who pesters, are from the Polish |
annoys or complains word nudzi, which means |
Nudnik |
Nudnik |
Nood-nik |
If someone is badgering you can call them a being obnoxious, |
you and they are nudnik. Also used when nagging you or generally |
a very annoying person, someone is a bore, being a nuisance. |
Oh, God |
Gottenyu |
Got-ten-yu |
Use it to express a substitute for “Oh, |
despair, anguish or to God!” |
show pity for something. It’s |
Oh, hell! or Damn it! |
A broch! |
Ah brooch |
Oh, no. |
Oy vay. |
Oy vay. |
Oy vay means Oh, also use it to say |
no, but in Yiddish actually things like “How terrible” |
means Oh, woe. People or “That’s horrible.” |
Old wives’ tale |
Bubbeh meisseh |
Bub-eh my-seh |
Use it when you think or something completely mother’s story, but knows Yiddish, or just don’t believe |
someone is telling unbelievable. It don’t use it around your she’ll be pretty angry. what someone is telling |
you an old wives’ tale literally means a grand- grandmother if she It’s usually used when you you. |
On summer days he should mourn, and on wintry nights, he should torture himself. |
In dee zumerdike teg zol er zitsn shiveh, un in dee vinterdike necht zich raysn ayf di tseyn. |
In dee zu-mer-dike teg zol er zitsn shiveh, un in di vin-ter-dike necht zich rays-en ayf di tsey-en. |
One lie is a lie, two are lies, but three is politics. |
Ayner iz a ligen, tsvai iz ligens, dray iz politik. |
Ay-ner iz a lig-en, tsvai iz lig-ens, dray iz pol- it-ik. |
One misfortune is too few for him. |
Eyn umgleek az far im veynik. |
Eyn um-gleek az far im vey-nik. |
Onions should grow on your navel. |
Zol dir vaksn tzibbeles fun pupik. |
Zol dir vox-en tzib-eh- les fun poop-ik. |
Panhandler |
Shnorrer |
Shnor-er |
Also can refer to a beggar, moocher or freeloader. Shnorrers make a career of panhandling and think they are doing others a favor by allowing them to do a mitzvah (good deed) through donating to the needy. |
Piece of shit |
Shtik drek |
Shtick drek |
Pig |
Chazzer |
Chaz-er |
Also someone who is greedy, eats too much or takes more than his share. |
Pimp |
Yentzer |
Yents-er |
Also, someone who will screw you in a nonsexual way. |
Pitiable person |
Nebach |
Neb-ach |
Poor dresser |
Shlump |
Shloomp |
Also unstylish or with bad posture. When a someone corrects another because his shoulders are drooping, they can say “Don’t shlump!” |
Poverty is no disgrace, but also no great honor |
Orem iz nit kayn shand, ober oych kayn groisser koved nit. |
O-rem iz nit kayn shand, o-ber oych kayn grois-er kov-ed nit. |
Put up or shut up. |
Toches ahfen tish. |
Too-ches ah-fin tish. |
Also can be used to mean: “Let’s conclude this!” Or “Come clean, buddy!” Literally means: Put your buttocks on the table. |
Rich men are often lean and poor men are fat. |
Faran dareh gvirim un feteh oremeleyt. |
Far-an dar-eh ge-vir-im un fet-eh o-rem-el-eyt. |
Rugelach |
Rugelach |
Ru-ge-lach |
Crescent-shaped cookie made from a cream-cheese dough filled with jam, chocolate, cinnamon, sugar or nuts, or some combination of these ingredients, cut into a triangle and rolled up. |
Run away from an insult but don’t chase after honor. |
Far umkoved antloyf, ober yog zich nit noch koved. |
Far um-kov-ed ant-loyf, o-ber yog zich nit noch ko-ved. |
Scatterbrain |
Draikop |
Dray-kop |
Also someone who goes all out trying to confuse you. Often this refers to a con artist who deliberately is trying to take advantage of you. |
Schmear |
Schmir |
Schmear |
To use a dab of cream cheese is one common meaning, but you will also hear shmeer used when people talk about buying a bunch of things together, such as “She bought the whole shmear.” The Yiddish word schmir means smear or smudge from the word shmirn or grease, which stems from the Middle High German word smiren also meaning to smear or grease. When not used in the context of eating, shmear can mean the whole works or to be excessively kind for selfish gains. |
Schmooze |
Shmuesn |
Shmues-en |
Engage in casual conversation many times in order to gain an advantage or make a social connection. The Yiddish word shmuesn has its origins both in shmues (chat) or schmue (rumor). |
Self-made fool |
Shmuck |
Shmuck |
Also dickhead, idiot or jerk. Another word for penis. Literally means: Jewel. |
Shame |
Shandeh |
Shan-deh |
Use when you are embarrassed about something or think something is a shame. |
She should have stones and not children. |
Shteyner zol zi hoben, nit kayn kinder. |
Shtey-ner zol zi hob-en, nit kayn kin-der. |
Shit head |
Kucker |
Kuck-er |
Shit on a stick |
Drek oyf a shpendel |
Drek oyf a shpen-del |
Also means: As unimportant as dung on a piece of wood. |
Shlep |
Shlepn |
Shlep-en |
Means to drag an object with difficulty. It can also be used to mean a long, tedious or difficult journey. Like Wasn’t that trip to the city a shlep? Its origin is the German word schleppen, which means to drag. |
Shlock joint |
Shlak |
Shlak |
Junk shop or has no value. Literally it means evil. When you go into a store that sells cheap stuff, you can call it a “shlok joint.” Its origin is the Middle High German word slag. |
Shmo |
Shmok |
Shmok |
If you think someone is a complete jerk or patsy, you can call him a shmo. It comes from the Yiddish word, shmok, which means penis or fool. |
Shnook |
Shnook |
Shnook |
When someone is easily victimized, in other words stupid, a sucker or a dupe, you can call them a shnook. Its origins are in the Lithuanian word snukis, which means mug or snout. |
Shnoz |
Shnoits |
Shnoyts |
Nose, which comes from the Yiddish word shnoits, which means snout. |
Shove it up your ass. |
Shtup es in toches. |
Shtoop es in too-ches. |
Shut your mouth. |
Farmach dos moy. |
Far-mach dos moyl. |
Slob |
Zhlob |
Zhlob |
Also someone who is clumsy, uncouth or foolish. |
Smelly person |
Shtinker |
Shtink-er |
Also can refer to someone who behaves offensively. |
So it goes in this world: one has the purse, the other has the money. |
Azoy gayt ayf der velt: ayner hot di beytel, der tsvayter hot di gelt. |
A-zoy gayt ayf der velt: ayn-er hot di beyt-el, der tsvayt-er hot di gelt |
So what do you think you can do to me? |
Ti mir eppes. |
Tee mir ep-is. |
Nothing. |
Sponger |
Shlepper |
Shlep-per |
Also can refer to someone who always tags along or a jerk. |
Stones on his bones. |
Shteyner ayf zayne bainer. |
Shteyn-er ayf zayne bain-er. |
Sucker |
Shlumpf |
Shlumpf |
Also a patsy, fall guy or second-rater. |
Ten ships of gold should be his and the money should only make him sick. |
Tsen shifn mit gold zol er farmorgn, un dos gantse gelt zol er farkrenkn. |
Tsen shif-en mit gold zol er far-morg-en un does gant-se getl zol er far-krenk-en. |
The first time it’s smart, the second time it’s cute, the third time you get a sock in the teeth. |
Ain mol a saichel, dos tsvaliteh mol chain, dem dritten mol git men in di tsain. |
Ain mol a sai-chel, dos tsva-lit-eh mol chain, dem drit-ten mol git men in di tsain. |
The heaviest burden is an empty pocket. |
Der shversteh ol iz a laydikeh kesheneh. |
Der shverst-eh ol iz a layd-ik-eh kesh-en-eh. |
The poor man’s enemies are few, the rich man’s friends are even fewer. |
Der oreman hot vainik eint, der reicher hot vainiker freint. |
Der ore-man hot vain- ik, der reich-er hot vain-ik-er freint. |
They should free a madman, and lock him up. |
A meshugener zol men oyshrabn, un im arayn shrabn. |
A me-shug-en-er zol men oy-shrab-en, un im a-rhine shrab-en. |
Thief |
Gonif |
Gon-if |
Also can be used to refer to someone who is a swindler, crook, burglar or racketeer. |
Those who can’t bite should not show their teeth. |
Az men ken nit beissen, zol men nit veizen di tsayin. |
az men ken nit beis-en zol men nit veiz-en di tsayn |
Throw salt in his eyes, pepper in his nose. |
Zalts im in di oygen, feffer im in di noz. |
Zalts im in di oyg-en, fef-er im in di noz. |
To hell with him. |
Ich hob im in bod. |
Ich hob im in bod. |
Literally means: I have him in the bath house. |
To hell with it. |
Zole es brennen. |
Zol es Bren-in. |
Tough luck |
Tough toches |
Too-ches |
Literally means tough ass. Use when you want to say tough luck or too bad. Toches is another word for butt, ass, backside or fanny. You get the idea. |
Trashy |
Drek |
Drek |
Also can be used to refer to someone who is cheap, trashy, shoddy, worthless or useless. |
Troubles |
Tsores |
Sor-es |
When you have a lot of problems or troubles, you can say you are facing a lot of tsores. Also can be used to express misery. |
Truth |
Emmes |
Em-mes |
Truth, or on the level. If you want to indicate that you believe something someone is telling you, you say that it’s “emmes.” |
Unkosher |
Traif |
Trayf |
Forbidden food and not prepared by the rules of Jewish dietary laws. It’s the opposite of kosher. You may hear this word also used for non-food items, such as books or movies, that are forbidden. For example, “Don’t go to see Deep Throat [a pornographic flick]—it’s traif.” |
Venereal disease should consume his body. |
Fransn zol esn zayn layb. |
Frans-en zol esn zayn layb. |
Weakling |
Nebbish |
Neb-ish |
Also a pitiable person but not as bad as a Nebach. |
What’s new? |
Nu? |
Nu? |
Nu is a commonly used Yiddish slang for “What’s new?” but has many other uses as well. It can also be used as a question, such as “Nu? When does he show up?”; to show impatience, such as “Nu! What was said?”; to dare someone, “Nu, prove it to me!”; or to just make a strong statement, “Nu, I told you so!” |
When a mother shouts at her child “Bastard,” you can believe her. |
Az di muter shrayt oyfen kind “Mamzer,” meg men ir gloiben. |
Az di mu-ter shrayt oyf- en kind “Mam-zer,” meg men ir gloib-en. |
When does a wealthy man go hungry? When the doctor orders him. |
Ven hungert a nogid? Ven der doktor hayst im. |
Ven hung-ert a nog-d? Ven der dokt-or hayst im. |
When the head is a fool, the whole body can go to hell. |
Az der kop iz a nar, ligt der gantser guf in der erd. |
Az der kop iz a nar, ligt der gants-er guf in der erd. |
When the stomach is empty, so is the brain. |
Az der mogen iz laidik iz der moi’ech oich laidik. |
Az der mog-en iz laid-ik iz der moi’ech oich laid-ik. |
When you grease the palm, everything goes easy. |
Az me shmirt, fort men. |
Az me shmirt, fort men. |
When you sow money, you reap fools. |
Az me zayt gelt, vaksn naronim. |
Az me zayt gelt, vaks- en na-ron-im. |
Who are you kidding, who do you think you are screwing around with? |
Vemen barestu? |
Vay-men bar-es-tu? |
Literally means: Who are you screwing? |
Who is smart? He whose fortune follows him. |
Der iz klug? Vos zeyn mazel gayt im noch. |
Der iz klug? Vos zeyn maz-el gayt im noch. |
Why bother getting up alive? |
Farshporn zol er oyf tsu shteyn? |
Farsh-porn zol er oyf tsu shteyn? |
Wise |
Saichel |
Say-chel |
When you think someone is very smart or wise, you say they have saichel. This can also mean someone has common sense, tact or diplomacy. |
With a good guest, you are happy when he arrives; with a bad one, when he leaves. |
Mit a gutn gast frayt men zich ven er kumt arayn; mit a shlechtn gast, ven er gayt avek. |
Mit a gu-TEN gast frayt men zich ven er kumt a-rhine; mit a shlecht- en gast, ven er gayt a-vek. |
Worms eat you up when dead and worries eat you up alive. |
Verem essn toiterhayt un deiges lebedikerhayt. |
Ve-rem es-sen toi-ter- hayt un dei-ges le-bed- i-ker-hayt. |
You ass. |
Chamoyer du einer. |
Cha-moy-er du eye-ner. |
Also can mean: You dope, You idiot. |
You can vomit from this. |
Me ken brechen fun dem. |
Me ken brech-en fun dem. |
You cannot pay a debt with a noble pedigree. |
Mit zechus oves batsolt men nit kayn choyves. |
Mit zach-us oves bat- solt men nit kayn choy-ves. |
You don’t scare me. |
Gai strasheh di gens. |
Gay stra-sheh di gens. |
Literally means: Go scare the geese. |
You moron. |
Chamoyer du ainer. |
Cha-moy-er du ain-er. |
You should choke on it. |
Der shtikt zolst du veren. |
Der shtikt zolst du ver- en. |
You should explode. |
Gai plotz. |
Gay plotz! |
Also can mean: Go split your guts! |
You should get a stomach cramp. |
Zol dir grihmen in boych. |
Zol dir grih-men in boych. |
You should have no better luck. |
Keyn besern mazel zolstu. |
Key-en bes-ern maz-el zols-tu. |
You should only get a stomach cramp. |
Zol dich chappen beim boych. |
Zol dich chap-in byme boych. |
You should shove it up your ass. |
Zolst es shtupin in toches arayn. |
Zolst es shtoop-en in too-ches a-rhine. |
You should swell up like a mountain. |
Zolst geshvolln veren vi a barg. |
Zolst geh-shvol-en ver en vi a barg. |
You’re nuts. |
Bist tsedrayt. |
Bist tse-drayt. |
You’re nuts. |
Bist meshugeh. |
Bist me-shug-eh. |
You’re pissing in the wind. |
Gai feifen ahfen yam. |
Gay fife-en ah-fin yam. |
Literally means: Go whistle on the wind. |
Your stomach will rumble so badly, you’ll think it was a Purim noisemaker. |
Es zol dir dunern in boych, vestu meyen az s’iz a homon klaper. |
Es zol dir dun-ern in boych, ves-tu mey-en az s’iz a hom-on klap-er. |
For those not familiar with the holiday of Purim: As part of the celebration, various kinds of noisemakers are used to drown out the name of the enemy of the Jews—Haman—as the story of Esther is told during the reading of the Megillah, which is the Book of Esther. |