We also want to keep the head in a neutral position. To do this make sure you are looking down slightly as you are descending. Do not bend the neck and look straight ahead on the way down.
Another No-No
As we return up to the standing position, we want to focus on engaging the glutes first, not pulling from the back. This takes some getting used to, but cueing yourself to think “glutes first,” will make a huge difference in how your muscles reprogram. Remember, proper function in
the body calls upon the glutes to move first, then the hamstrings, then the lower back last.
Sets/Reps: Perform 5 sets of 30 repetitions, squeezing your butt at the top each time.
Walking Lunges
Believe it or not, walking lunges can be done incorrectly. The main reason for doing a walking lunge is to recruit our gluteus medius to a greater extent and if we do this exercise in an incorrect manner we will not achieve this. In the end we may gain a little more glute and leg strength, but it will not be the right type of glute strength. The gluteus medius, if you remember, is one of the only butt muscles that will refer pain into the back due to trigger points. Strengthening the gluteus medius will make releasing it easier, which makes the importance of doing this exercise greater, and our program more optimal overall.
Muscles targeted: Gluteus medius, gluteus maximus, gluteus minimus, adductors, quadriceps, and the hamstrings.
How to perform
Start in a standing position with your hands on your hips.
Take a moderately long step and lightly touch your knee to the ground.
From here take another large step forward without your back foot touching the ground until you are in the lunge position again.