INSIDE THE BAH-SOKHAR, THE Doctor was sitting with his back very straight and his legs folded into the Lombukso Position, as he’d been taught by the High Metallama of X45ZD.
Actually, the Doctor could meditate in any position, but at least this felt familiar and comfortable and was something he’d done before without having his consciousness ripped apart, or being reduced to a dead-eyed shell, or simply evaporated.
By contrast, the Doctor had never attempted to access the full psychon energy at the psychic core of the TARDIS. From everything he knew about trying that – which was a lot – being ripped apart from his shoes to his personality was the least he could expect as a result.
He also hadn’t attempted to open his mind to the Bah-Sokhar, to let it all the way into his thinking. Which was equally unwise.
The Doctor had also not ever considered trying to do both those utterly reckless things while also making sure that a very level-headed female human didn’t get harmed in the process and while relying on a nervy young fool from Yinzill to help him out with a boost from some psy fluid at a point no one could predict – if it happened at all – a flask which was lost somewhere, probably on a golf course.
‘Well, here goes then…’ he told himself encouragingly.
He didn’t exactly feel encouraged.
The Doctor closed his eyes, both his hearts galloping in his chest, his blood banging in his ears, his hands shaking as they held each other firmly clasped, at the required three centons’ distance above the crown of his head. He breathed in the recommended manner for the Lombukso Ultimate Meditation. The Doctor was guessing that beginning with this particular, almost impossible, procedure would be his best chance of calling to the depths of the TARDIS and to the heart of the Bah-Sokhar.
The Lombukso Ultimate Meditation was usually only attempted after months of fasting and preparation, in the ideal peaceful conditions provided by the insulated cells of the High Retreat on Asdrak Island and with medically qualified attendants at the ready. The universe was a huge, wild place, after all, and the Ultimate was intended to clear the practitioner’s conscious identity, accelerate its artron energy, peel back their subconscious and then open their essence completely to exactly that hugeness and wildness of the universe.
No one was meant to carryout such a severe and generally fatal ritual when they were tired, scared, unprepared and relatively full of cucumber sandwiches and cake.
And you would have to be completely out of your mind to do this while you were actually inside the hugest and wildest consciousness in the huge, wild universe – the terrible Bah-Sokhar.
The Doctor breathed, focused, pictured himself racing and sliding and burrowing along a vast tunnel, a plunging blue and silver and earth-coloured tunnel. He saw the dark at its centre – the emptiness which is not empty, the space which is more than space, the start of anything and everything. He let himself fall into it.
And somewhere, distant but beautiful and like the scent of home, he could sense the presence of the TARDIS. He could understand her concern for him, her general flurry of alarm – and an undertow of joy that she was also aware of him in this new way. He just couldn’t quite reach her and he couldn’t tell her his plan. He was too afraid to speak clearly while the Bah-Sokhar might be listening.
And – crushing and burning, twisting who he was at the roots – here was the first touch of the Bah-Sokhar. It was pushing him away, it was fighting him, blocking him. There was fear here – and a vast anger. Loneliness, too, sustained at levels which would have killed a lesser being.
For an instant the Doctor could feel the Bah-Sokhar deciding that he was a threat, that he should be erased from reality.
But something distracted it, blurred its intentions.
And in that moment, the Doctor was able to think as loudly as he could towards the TARDIS – Bryony is ready – the in-the-bath girl – she will be our bridge – she will care about you and be a light – I need you to let me in – override all safety protocols and allow me full access – I am in the dark – we will not like the dark, but there will be light – there will be the Bah-Sokhar, but there will be light and courage – let me in.
And of course he told her. Please.