We would like to thank the people who have brought their own special magic to this book: Martha Lawrence, who not only helped shape this book but our hearts as well; our new SSL team members Victoria Cutler, Kim King, and Jay Campbell; Maril Adrian, who shepherded Self Leadership and the EDGE to their success; Linda Hulst, Patrice DeVeau Simpson, and Charlene Ables, who took personal interest in improving the quality of this book; clients and colleagues who took time from their busy lives to provide feedback and support, especially The Marmaxx Group and Nancy Maher; Jim Martin of Dow Chemical; Humberto Medina, Trevor Keighly, Linda Taylor, Carla de Bose, Jason Arnold, Richard Andrews, Debra Talbert, and Mark Manning of The Ken Blanchard Companies; and our brilliant editor at William Morrow, Henry Ferris.
Susan: I would like to personally thank Kenny Taylor, who teaches wisdom through the martial arts and self leadership through application; Peter Turner, who taught me to take magic seriously; Bill Brown, who opened my eyes to things unseen; Aubrey Keen, who has partnered with me in my ongoing search for self-knowledge; Kip Woodring, for his support over many years, his motorcycling wisdom, and his classic parts-salesman song.
We all wish to thank our partners. Ken thanks his wife, Margie, who has been an inspiration and learning partner for more than fifty years. Susan thanks Drea Zigarmi, her mentor and life partner, whose passion about leadership is exceeded only by his passion for good thinking; Laurence thanks Laurie Ozanne Hawkins, who has been part of the Blanchard journey all the way.