• Acknowledgments •
As much as I loved writing The Smoke Series and my boys from Ocala, I’m gonna admit that writing the Georgia branch of the family has made me insanely giddy. Adding the deep south to the characters (because unless it’s Northwest Florida it’s not really the south) was a blast. Little things like Maeme asking for a “bite of sugar”- that was what my Granny Campbell used to always say when we went to visit her. It meant she wanted a kiss on the cheek. Speaking of Maeme there is nothing more amusing as writing a badass grandmother who cooks for her family, doesn’t allow cursing in her house, has everyone say the blessing before they eat but will shoot a man between the eyes and not even flinch.
I hope you loved reading about the Georgia side as much as I enjoyed writing it. I can’t wait to dig deeper…and get to Thatcher’s book. That one is already simmering in my head. It’s gonna be epic.
To all the people I couldn’t do this without-
Britt is always the first I mention because without him, I wouldn’t get any sleep, and I doubt I could finish a book.
Emerson, for dealing with the fact that I must write some days and she can’t have my full attention. I’ll admit, there were several times she did not understand, and I might have told my seven-year-old “You’re not making it in my acknowledgments this time!” to which she did not care. Although she does believe she is famous after attending some signings with me. But that is not my fault. I blame the readers ;)
My older children, who live in other states, were great about me not being able to answer their calls most of the time and waiting until I could get back to them. They still love me and understand this part of Mom’s world. I will admit, I answer Austin’s calls more now because he happens to have my first grandbaby on FaceTime when he calls.
My editor, Jovana Shirley at Unforeseen Editing, for always working with my crazy schedules and making my stories the best they can be. This summer she has gone above and beyond with this crazy schedule of mine and this fall it doesn’t slow down. She’s a rock star.
My formatter, Melissa Stevens at The Illustrated Author. She makes my books beautiful inside. Her work is hands down the best formatting I’ve ever had in my books. I am always excited to see what she does with each one. Each book seems to be better than the last! It’s amazing.
Autumn Gantz, at Wordsmith Publicity, for saving me from losing my mind and taking over all the things that I can’t keep up with anymore. Her help allows me to write more. Send her cookies.
Beta readers, who come through every time: Jerilyn Martinez, and Vicci Kaighan. I love y’all!
Sarah Sentz, Enchanting Romance Designs, for my book cover. I am in love with the way it looks.
Abbi’s Army, for being my support and cheering me on. I love y’all!
My readers, for allowing me to write books. Without you, this wouldn’t be possible.