A bitter wind scythed between the hills. The ground was hard, the grass yellow and devoid of goodness. Water froze in pipes and buckets. Sheep grew thin; some died. Those brought to market for selling were in poor condition and prices were low. Tam worked from morning till night, aided as much as he was able by his father. Jeannie, despite her pregnancy, put all her effort into making the lives of the two men as comfortable as possible.
Apart from the uncertainty that was a constant companion to those living in a country at war, Jeannie was happy in her pregnant state. She felt well and was able to contribute to the smooth running of the farm. Moreover, the expected baby was an excitement that she and Tam could share and she hoped it was drawing them closer together.
The New Year brought a recurrence of the snowy conditions of the previous year. Towards the end of January and again in February huge drifts made farming difficult and the death of many animals inevitable. The one good bit of news was the monthly letters that now came from Alan, addressed to Douglas but read avidly by them all. For now, he was safe. Letters came too from Glasgow, the last one the most worrying.
Laird’s House
Dumbarton Road
Saturday 15th February 1941
Dear Jeannie,
Thank you for your letter. I hope you are continuing to keep well in the current freezing conditions. Do look after yourself and get plenty of rest.
I do not have good news to give you. The effect of the cold weather on your uncle has been noticeable. Not only has he been unable to get out, but he is breathless even when resting and his legs are very swollen.
Your father has been to visit us, but he is unable to take much time off from caring for his parishioners. Uncle Cameron thinks of you as a daughter and would very much like to see you. He feels he has not long for this world. I believe that you too share a special bond with him and would feel bereft should he die without you saying goodbye.
Come at any time, as soon as the weather in your part of the country makes it possible.
Your loving aunt,
When Tam entered the kitchen, coming in out of the darkness and stamping snow off his boots, Jeannie was sitting at the kitchen table with her head resting on her arms. She looked up and he saw the wretchedness in her face.
‘What’s the matter, sweetheart? Are you feeling unwell?’
‘It’s my uncle. He’s dying. See this letter.’
Tam scanned the letter, then glanced at his wife. ‘Well, you can’t go in this weather. And we don’t know how long this bad spell will last. By the time the snow has gone you will only have a few weeks to go before the baby arrives.’
‘I must go and see him. He’s been more like a dad to me than my own father. As soon as things improve, I’m going.’
‘And, if I’m the father of this baby, I’m saying that he or she should be your first consideration.’
Jeannie jumped from her chair, her eyes flaming. ‘What do you mean, “if I’m the father”? Of course you’re the father. And I’m the mother and I’m telling you I’m going. The baby will be fine,’ she declared and stormed from the room.
That evening she wrote a short note to her aunt.
Wednesday 20th February
Dear Auntie Christine,
I’m coming to see you as soon as the weather improves. I do hope Uncle Cameron is a bit better.
Tam says I mustn’t go, but he’s not going to stop me. I wish he and I got on as well as you and Uncle have always done.
With much love to you both,
Jeannie. xx
There was a note from her aunt the following week.
Laird’s House
Dunbarton Road
Your uncle is getting worse. Do come as soon as you are able.
Maybe you will tell me more about what is wrong when we meet. You know I would do anything to help. xx
Over the following days, the atmosphere inside the cottage was as frosty as the wintry conditions outside. Nothing more was said about the proposed visit. Tam was sure that his wife would not go ahead against his wishes, but her defiance had angered him and he was not going to apologise for what he had said.
A slight improvement in the weather raised everyone’s spirits. Into the second week of March, no new snow having fallen and there being signs of a thaw, Tam decided to bring some of the pregnant ewes down to the farm so that he could feed them the extra that they would require for a successful lambing. He and his border collie Sam were away most of the day. Tired and hungry, he entered the kitchen late in the afternoon. The fire was out and there was no sign of food. His father sat at the table, a sheet of paper in front of him.
‘What’s going on?’ Tam asked, frowning at his father. ‘Where’s Jeannie?’
‘She’s gone. Look.’ He passed the piece of paper to Tam with a shaking hand.
Now that the weather has improved, I am taking the opportunity to visit my aunt and uncle. I know this goes against your wishes and I am sorry you don’t understand the need for me to go. I will be perfectly safe. There is no need for you to worry.
Tam’s face contorted with rage and he screwed up the paper and threw it fiercely from him. It hit the edge of a chair and came to rest beneath the table. ‘I told her that she should stay at home, being so near her time. How dare she disobey me like this!’
‘Well, son, you can’t say you weren’t warned. What did your brother say at your wedding? She is headstrong and has a mind of her own. I would say she’s been pretty docile up till now and she’s just wanting a bit of her own way.’
The mention of his brother was too much for Tam. He turned on his heel and left the room, slamming the door behind him. It was ten o’clock before he returned. His father must have gone to bed, but he had lit the fire, which was blazing brightly in the stove. Tam placed the kettle on the hob and while it came to the boil he sat staring into the fire till his eyes watered.
How had she even made the journey? For someone fit and healthy it was a long way to walk to the station, and for one in her condition surely impossible. And why had she disobeyed him? Was it because the child was not his but his brother’s? He had wondered as much for months. He had suspected even before they were married that she preferred his brother to him.
Very well then, he would let her be. He wouldn’t go after her and plead with her to return. He had that much self-respect. If she didn’t return, he would know he was right.