Routledge Global Institutions Series
127 The Politics of Expertise in International Organizations (2017)
edited by Annabelle Littoz-Monnet (The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva)
126 Obstacles to Peacebuilding (2017)
by Graciana del Castillo (Ralph Bunche Institute for International Studies, Graduate Center, City University of New York, CUNY)
125 UN Peacekeeping Doctrine in a New Era (2017)
Adapting to stabilization, protection and new threats
edited by Cedric de Coning (Norwegian Institute of International Affairs), Chiyuki Aoi (Aoyama Gakuin University), and John Karlsrud (Norwegian Institute of International Affairs)
124 Global Environmental Institutions (2nd edition, 2017)
by Elizabeth R. DeSombre (Wellesley College)
123 Global Governance and Transnationalizing Capitalist Hegemony (2017)
The myth of the “emerging powers”
by Ian Taylor (University of St Andrews)
122 Human Rights and Humanitarian Intervention (2016)
Law and practice in the field
by Elizabeth M. Bruch (University of Washington Tacoma)
121 UN Peacebuilding Architecture (2016)
The first 10 years
edited by Cedric de Coning (Norwegian Institute of International Affairs) and Eli Stamnes (Norwegian Institute of International Affairs)
120 Displacement, Development, and Climate Change (2016)
International organizations moving beyond their mandates
by Nina Hall (Hertie School of Governance)
119 UN Security Council Reform (2016)
by Peter Nadin
118 International Organizations and Military Affairs (2016)
by Hylke Dijkstra (Maastricht University)
117 The International Committee of the Red Cross (2nd edition, 2016)
A neutral humanitarian actor
by David P. Forsythe (University of Nebraska–Lincoln) and Barbara Ann J. Rieffer-Flanagan (Central Washington University)
116 The Arctic Council (2016)
Governance within the Far North
by Douglas C. Nord (University of Umeå)
115 Human Development and Global Institutions (2016)
Evolution, impact, reform
by Richard Ponzio (The Hague Institute for Global Justice) and Arunabha Ghosh (Council on Energy, Environment and Water)
114 NGOs and Global Trade (2016)
Non-state voices in EU trade policymaking
By Erin Hannah (University of Western Ontario)
113 Brazil as a Rising Power (2016)
Intervention norms and the contestation of global order
edited by Kai Michael Kenkel (IRI/PUC-Rio) and Philip Cunliffe (University of Kent)
112 The United Nations as a Knowledge System (2016)
by Nanette Svenson (Tulane University)
111 Summits and Regional Governance (2016)
The Americas in comparative perspective
edited by Gordon Mace (Université Laval), Jean-Philippe Thérien (Université de Montréal), Diana Tussie (Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales), and Olivier Dabène (Sciences Po)
110 Global Consumer Organizations (2015)
by Karsten Ronit (University of Copenhagen)
109 Expert Knowledge in Global Trade (2015)
edited by Erin Hannah (University of Western Ontario), James Scott (King’s College London), and Silke Trommer (University of Helsinki)
108 World Trade Organization (2nd edition, 2015)
Law, economics, and politics
by Bernard M. Hoekman (European University Institute) and Petros C. Mavroidis (European University Institute)
107 Women and Girls Rising (2015)
Progress and resistance around the world
by Ellen Chesler (Roosevelt Institute) and Theresa McGovern (Columbia University)
106 The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (2nd edition, 2015)
by Julian Lindley-French (National Defense University)
105 The African Union (2nd edition, 2015)
by Samuel M. Makinda (Murdoch University), F. Wafula Okumu (The Borders Institute), David Mickler (University of Western Australia)
104 Governing Climate Change (2nd edition, 2015)
by Harriet Bulkeley (Durham University) and Peter Newell (University of Sussex)
103 The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (2015)
Politics, problems, and potential
by Turan Kayaoglu (University of Washington, Tacoma)
102 Contemporary Human Rights Ideas (2nd edition, 2015)
by Bertrand G. Ramcharan
101 The Politics of International Organizations (2015)
Views from insiders
edited by Patrick Weller (Griffith University) and Xu Yi-chong (Griffith University)
100 Global Poverty (2nd edition, 2015)
Global governance and poor people in the post-2015 era
by David Hulme (University of Manchester)
99 Global Corporations in Global Governance (2015)
by Christopher May (Lancaster University)
98 The United Nations Centre on Transnational Corporations (2015)
Corporate conduct and the public interest
by Khalil Hamdani and Lorraine Ruffing
97 The Challenges of Constructing Legitimacy in Peacebuilding (2015)
Afghanistan, Iraq, Sierra Leone, and East Timor
by Daisaku Higashi (University of Tokyo)
96 The European Union and Environmental Governance (2015)
by Henrik Selin (Boston University) and Stacy D. VanDeveer (University of New Hampshire)
95 Rising Powers, Global Governance, and Global Ethics (2015)
edited by Jamie Gaskarth (Plymouth University)
94 Wartime Origins and the Future United Nations (2015)
edited by Dan Plesch (SOAS, University of London) and Thomas G. Weiss (CUNY Graduate Center)
93 International Judicial Institutions (2nd edition, 2015)
The architecture of international justice at home and abroad
by Richard J. Goldstone (Retired Justice of the Constitutional Court of South Africa) and Adam M. Smith (International Lawyer, Washington, DC)
92 The NGO Challenge for International Relations Theory (2014)
edited by William E. DeMars (Wofford College) and Dennis Dijkzeul (Ruhr University Bochum)
91 21st Century Democracy Promotion in the Americas (2014)
Standing up for the Polity
by Jorge Heine (Wilfrid Laurier University) and Brigitte Weiffen (University of Konstanz)
90 BRICS and Coexistence (2014)
An alternative vision of world order
edited by Cedric de Coning (Norwegian Institute of International Affairs), Thomas Mandrup (Royal Danish Defence College), and Liselotte Odgaard (Royal Danish Defence College)
89 IBSA (2014)
The rise of the Global South?
by Oliver Stuenkel (Getulio Vargas Foundation)
88 Making Global Institutions Work (2014)
edited by Kate Brennan
87 Post-2015 UN Development (2014) )
Making change happen
edited by Stephen Browne (FUNDS Project) and Thomas G. Weiss (CUNY Graduate Center)
86 Who Participates in Global Governance? (2014)
States, bureaucracies, and NGOs in the United Nations
by Molly Ruhlman (Towson University)
85 The Security Council as Global Legislator (2014)
edited by Vesselin Popovski (United Nations University) and Trudy Fraser (United Nations University)
84 UNICEF (2014)
Global governance that works
by Richard Jolly (University of Sussex)
83 The Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) (2014)
Cooperative governance for network innovation, standards, and community
by Susan V. Scott (London School of Economics and Political Science) and Markos Zachariadis (University of Cambridge)
82 The International Politics of Human Rights (2014)
Rallying to the R2P cause?
edited by Monica Serrano (Colegio de Mexico) and Thomas G. Weiss (The CUNY Graduate Center)
81 Private Foundations and Development Partnerships (2014)
American philanthropy and global development agendas
by Michael Moran (Swinburne University of Technology)
80 Nongovernmental Development Organizations and the Poverty Reduction Agenda (2014)
The moral crusaders
by Jonathan J. Makuwira (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University)
79 Corporate Social Responsibility (2014)
The role of business in sustainable development
by Oliver F. Williams (University of Notre Dame)
78 Reducing Armed Violence with NGO Governance (2014)
edited by Rodney Bruce Hall (Oxford University)
77 Transformations in Trade Politics (2014)
Participatory trade politics in West Africa
by Silke Trommer (Murdoch University)
76 Rules, Politics, and the International Criminal Court (2013)
by Yvonne M. Dutton (Indiana University)
75 Global Institutions of Religion (2013)
Ancient movers, modern shakers
by Katherine Marshall (Georgetown University)
74 Crisis of Global Sustainability (2013)
by Tapio Kanninen
73 The Group of Twenty (G20) (2013)
by Andrew F. Cooper (University of Waterloo) and Ramesh Thakur (Australian National University)
72 Peacebuilding (2013)
From concept to commission
by Rob Jenkins (Hunter College, CUNY)
71 Human Rights and Humanitarian Norms, Strategic Framing, and Intervention (2013)
Lessons for the Responsibility to Protect
by Melissa Labonte (Fordham University)
70 Feminist Strategies in International Governance (2013)
edited by Gülay Caglar (Humboldt University, Berlin), Elisabeth Prügl (the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva), and Susanne Zwingel (the State University of New York, Potsdam)
69 The Migration Industry and the Commercialization of International Migration (2013)
edited by Thomas Gammeltoft-Hansen (Danish Institute for International Studies) and Ninna Nyberg Sørensen (Danish Institute for International Studies)
68 Integrating Africa (2013)
Decolonization’s legacies, sovereignty, and the African Union
by Martin Welz (University of Konstanz)
67 Trade, Poverty, Development (2013)
Getting beyond the WTO’s Doha deadlock
edited by Rorden Wilkinson (University of Manchester) and James Scott (University of Manchester)
66 The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) (2012)
Industrial solutions for a sustainable future
by Stephen Browne (FUNDS Project)
65 The Millennium Development Goals and Beyond (2012)
Global development after 2015
edited by Rorden Wilkinson (University of Manchester) and David Hulme (University of Manchester)
64 International Organizations as Self-Directed Actors (2012)
A framework for analysis
edited by Joel E. Oestreich (Drexel University)
63 Maritime Piracy (2012)
by Robert Haywood (One Earth Future Foundation) and Roberta Spivak (One Earth Future Foundation)
62 United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) (2nd edition, 2012)
by Gil Loescher (University of Oxford), Alexander Betts (University of Oxford), and James Milner (University of Toronto)
61 International Law, International Relations, and Global Governance (2012)
by Charlotte Ku (University of Illinois)
60 Global Health Governance (2012)
by Sophie Harman (City University, London)
59 The Council of Europe (2012)
by Martyn Bond (University of London)
58 The Security Governance of Regional Organizations (2011)
edited by Emil J. Kirchner (University of Essex) and Roberto Domínguez (Suffolk University)
57 The United Nations Development Programme and System (2011)
by Stephen Browne (FUNDS Project)
56 The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (2011)
An emerging collaboration architecture
by Lawrence Sáez (University of London)
55 The UN Human Rights Council (2011)
by Bertrand G. Ramcharan (Geneva Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies)
54 Responsibility to Protect (2011)
Cultural perspectives in the Global South
edited by Rama Mani (University of Oxford) and Thomas G. Weiss (The CUNY Graduate Center)
53 The International Trade Centre (2011)
Promoting exports for development
by Stephen Browne (FUNDS Project) and Sam Laird (University of Nottingham)
52 The Idea of World Government (2011)
From ancient times to the twenty-first century
by James A. Yunker (Western Illinois University)
51 Humanitarianism Contested (2011)
Where angels fear to tread
by Michael Barnett (George Washington University) and Thomas G. Weiss (The CUNY Graduate Center)
50 The Organization of American States (2011)
Global governance away from the media
by Monica Herz (Catholic University, Rio de Janeiro)
49 Non-Governmental Organizations in World Politics (2011)
The construction of global governance
by Peter Willetts (City University, London)
48 The Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) (2011)
by Ian Taylor (University of St. Andrews)
47 Global Think Tanks (2011)
Policy networks and governance
by James G. McGann (University of Pennsylvania) with Richard Sabatini
46 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) (2011)
Creating norms for a complex world
by J.P. Singh (Georgetown University)
45 The International Labour Organization (2011)
Coming in from the cold
by Steve Hughes (Newcastle University) and Nigel Haworth (University of Auckland)
44 Global Poverty (2010)
How global governance is failing the poor
by David Hulme (University of Manchester)
43 Global Governance, Poverty, and Inequality (2010)
edited by Jennifer Clapp (University of Waterloo) and Rorden Wilkinson (University of Manchester)
42 Multilateral Counter-Terrorism (2010)
The global politics of cooperation and contestation
by Peter Romaniuk (John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY)
41 Governing Climate Change (2010)
by Peter Newell (University of East Anglia) and Harriet A. Bulkeley (Durham University)
40 The UN Secretary-General and Secretariat (2nd edition, 2010)
by Leon Gordenker (Princeton University)
39 Preventive Human Rights Strategies (2010)
by Bertrand G. Ramcharan (Geneva Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies)
38 African Economic Institutions (2010)
by Kwame Akonor (Seton Hall University)
37 Global Institutions and the HIV/AIDS Epidemic (2010)
Responding to an international crisis
by Franklyn Lisk (University of Warwick)
36 Regional Security (2010)
The capacity of international organizations
by Rodrigo Tavares (United Nations University)
35 The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (2009)
by Richard Woodward (University of Hull)
34 Transnational Organized Crime (2009)
by Frank Madsen (University of Cambridge)
33 The United Nations and Human Rights (2nd edition, 2009)
A guide for a new era
by Julie A. Mertus (American University)
32 The International Organization for Standardization (2009)
Global governance through voluntary consensus
by Craig N. Murphy (Wellesley College) and JoAnne Yates (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
31 Shaping the Humanitarian World (2009)
by Peter Walker (Tufts University) and Daniel G. Maxwell (Tufts University)
30 Global Food and Agricultural Institutions (2009)
by John Shaw
29 Institutions of the Global South (2009)
by Jacqueline Anne Braveboy-Wagner (City College of New York, CUNY)
28 International Judicial Institutions (2009)
The architecture of international justice at home and abroad
by Richard J. Goldstone (Retired Justice of the Constitutional Court of South Africa) and Adam M. Smith (Harvard University)
27 The International Olympic Committee (2009)
The governance of the Olympic system
by Jean-Loup Chappelet (IDHEAP Swiss Graduate School of Public Administration) and Brenda Kübler-Mabbott
26 The World Health Organization (2009)
by Kelley Lee (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine)
25 Internet Governance (2009)
The new frontier of global institutions
by John Mathiason (Syracuse University)
24 Institutions of the Asia-Pacific (2009)
ASEAN, APEC, and beyond
by Mark Beeson (University of Birmingham)
23 United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) (2008)
The politics and practice of refugee protection into the twenty-first century
by Gil Loescher (University of Oxford), Alexander Betts (University of Oxford), and James Milner (University of Toronto)
22 Contemporary Human Rights Ideas (2008)
by Bertrand G. Ramcharan (Geneva Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies)
21 The World Bank (2008)
From reconstruction to development to equity
by Katherine Marshall (Georgetown University)
20 The European Union (2008)
by Clive Archer (Manchester Metropolitan University)
19 The African Union (2008)
Challenges of globalization, security, and governance
by Samuel M. Makinda (Murdoch University) and F. Wafula Okumu (McMaster University)
18 Commonwealth (2008)
Inter- and non-state contributions to global governance
by Timothy M. Shaw (Royal Roads University)
17 The World Trade Organization (2007)
Law, economics, and politics
by Bernard M. Hoekman (World Bank) and Petros C. Mavroidis (Columbia University)
16 A Crisis of Global Institutions? (2007)
Multilateralism and international security
by Edward Newman (University of Birmingham)
15 UN Conference on Trade and Development (2007)
by Ian Taylor (University of St. Andrews) and Karen Smith (University of Stellenbosch)
14 The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (2007)
by David J. Galbreath (University of Aberdeen)
13 The International Committee of the Red Cross (2007)
A neutral humanitarian actor
by David P. Forsythe (University of Nebraska) and Barbara Ann Rieffer-Flanagan (Central Washington University)
12 The World Economic Forum (2007)
A multi-stakeholder approach to global governance
by Geoffrey Allen Pigman (Bennington College)
11 The Group of 7/8 (2007)
by Hugo Dobson (University of Sheffield)
10 The International Monetary Fund (2007)
Politics of conditional lending
by James Raymond Vreeland (Georgetown University)
9 The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (2007)
The enduring alliance
by Julian Lindley-French (Center for Applied Policy, University of Munich)
8 The World Intellectual Property Organization (2006)
Resurgence and the development agenda
by Chris May (University of the West of England)
7 The UN Security Council (2006)
Practice and promise
by Edward C. Luck (Columbia University)
6 Global Environmental Institutions (2006)
by Elizabeth R. DeSombre (Wellesley College)
5 Internal Displacement (2006)
Conceptualization and its consequences
by Thomas G. Weiss (The CUNY Graduate Center) and David A. Korn
4 The UN General Assembly (2005)
by M. J. Peterson (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)
3 United Nations Global Conferences (2005)
by Michael G. Schechter (Michigan State University)
2 The UN Secretary-General and Secretariat (2005)
by Leon Gordenker (Princeton University)
1 The United Nations and Human Rights (2005)
A guide for a new era
by Julie A. Mertus (American University)
Books currently under contract include:
The Regional Development Banks
Lending with a regional flavor
by Jonathan R. Strand (University of Nevada)
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
For a people-centered development agenda?
by Sakiko Fukada-Parr (The New School)
The Bank for International Settlements
The politics of global financial supervision in the age of high finance
by Kevin Ozgercin (SUNY College at Old Westbury)
International Migration
by Khalid Koser (Geneva Centre for Security Policy)
The International Monetary Fund (2nd edition)
Politics of conditional lending
by James Raymond Vreeland (Georgetown University)
The UN Global Compact
by Catia Gregoratti (Lund University)
Institutions for Women’s Rights
by Charlotte Patton (York College, CUNY) and Carolyn Stephenson (University of Hawaii)
International Aid
by Paul Mosley (University of Sheffield)
Coping with Nuclear Weapons
by W. Pal Sidhu
Global Governance and China
The dragon’s learning curve
edited by Scott Kennedy (Indiana University)
The Politics of Global Economic Surveillance
by Martin S. Edwards (Seton Hall University)
Mercy and Mercenaries
Humanitarian agencies and private security companies
by Peter Hoffman
Regional Organizations in the Middle East
by James Worrall (University of Leeds)
Reforming the UN Development System
The Politics of Incrementalism
by Silke Weinlich (Duisburg-Essen University)
The International Criminal Court
The Politics and practice of prosecuting atrocity crimes
by Martin Mennecke (University of Copenhagen)
by João Pontes Nogueira (Catholic University, Rio de Janeiro) and Monica Herz (Catholic University, Rio de Janeiro)
The European Union (2nd edition)
Clive Archer (Manchester Metropolitan University)
Protecting the Internally Displaced
Rhetoric and reality
Phil Orchard (University of Queensland)
For further information regarding the series, please contact:
Nicola Parkin, Editor, Politics & International Studies
Taylor & Francis
2 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon
Oxford OX14 4RN, UK