Patriots of Treason
Copyright © 2012 by David Thomas Roberts
This is a fictional narrative. The storyline of this novel and the characters are for entertainment purposes only. It is not intended to imply any real person actually made statements, nor acted in any manner consistent with the storyline of this novel.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical or by any information or storage and retrieval system without permission in writing from the author.
Published in Texas by
Printed in the USA
The Patriot Series© by David Thomas Roberts
For information about special discounts for bulk purchases or this author’s availability for speaking engagements, contact or 888-315-9446.
ebook: 978-0-9905439-6-1
Paperback: 978-0-9905439-4-7
Hardcover: 978-0-9905439-5-4
Edited by Janet Musick
Cover Art by Radoslaw Krawczyk
Interior for print and ebook by Debbi Stocco
Distributed by Hillcrest Media Group