Billy was out of breath when he burst through the door of Margo’s office. He was clutching a small shopping bag to his chest as if it held the Holy Grail.
‘Billy, did you run all the way?’ Margo said. ‘It’s ten blocks!’
‘Running is unattractive. I do walk swiftly when the occasion warrants.’ Still trying to catch his breath he held out the bag to Margo and collapsed into a chair.
Margo took it eagerly and removed a framed photograph. She looked from the photo to the picture of Marcus on the television screen. Her team crowded around her.
‘Who are those kids?’ Courtney asked.
‘That’s Jack and Marcus,’ Pete said. ‘Holy cannoli! I see what you mean, Margo.’
‘Could someone please tell me what is going on?’ Billy said, looking from photo to screen. ‘Since I practically gave my life to get that photo here, I think I deserve to know. And who is that guy on the screen? He looks like he was hit by a bus.’
‘That’s Jack’s friend Marcus,’ Pete said. ‘Look at his hand, his left hand. Now look at the left hands on both of these kids!’ Pete was nervous but proud to be explaining something to the brilliant assemblage.
Billy put on a stylish pair of glasses and examined the photograph. ‘Their hands appear to have a disorder.’
‘It’s sign language!’ Margo explained. ‘Remember I told you Jack and Marcus learned Native American sign language so they could have secret conversations?’ She pointed to Marcus’ hand in the image on the TV screen. ‘Look.’
‘It’s the same. I mean, not exactly the same but he’s signing, signalling something to Jack.’
Jason’s fingers were already flying across the keyboard.
Margo was practically shouting. ‘Are you looking, Jay? Can you find out what it means?’
‘On it,’ Jason said, scrolling through pages on the computer. ‘Which tribe?’
‘I repeat, could someone please tell me what the hell is going on?’ Billy said. ‘I thought Marcus was dead.’
‘He was,’ Courtney explained calmly. ‘Now he’s not. That’s the reason why Jack didn’t make the plane.’
‘Now everything is clear,’ Billy said, not meaning a word of it.
‘I don’t know which tribe,’ Margo said. ‘He just said Native American.’
Jason stopped typing. ‘Are you aware there were over five hundred and sixty indigenous tribes in this country when the Pilgrims landed? Each had their own language. I need a hint.’
Everyone looked at Margo. ‘I’ve got nothing. Jack never said.’ She shook her head, looking despairing.
The air seemed to be pulled out of the room. Deflated, the team dropped into their seats. Except for Margo. She excused herself, went into her office and closed the door. The others just sat there, waiting.
After a few minutes she returned, putting on her coat. ‘Billy, can you get me a plane to Washington, DC?’
‘Sure, I guess,’ he said. ‘When?’
‘Now! It’s Christmas Eve. I’ve made dinner!’
Margo hugged him. ‘I know you did. But I need to get to DC right now. The only person who might know how I can find Jack is this guy, Robert Whitbred. He might know what Marcus is signalling to him.’
‘Whitbred doesn’t even have a telephone number,’ Courtney said. ‘Jason looked. How are you going to find him without a number?’
‘He has a home address. And Kyle, Senator Wainwright, just got it for me.’
‘So you’re going to knock on some CIA guy’s door on Christmas morning?’ Jason said.
‘That’s exactly what I’m going to do,’ she said. ‘And no, Billy, you cannot come.’
‘Then get your own plane.’
‘Billy, there’s nothing to worry about. Kyle said this guy is one of the most revered men in Washington. I’m in no danger. And if he loves Jack as much as Kyle thinks he does, he’ll help me.’
‘And what if he doesn’t love Jack?’ Courtney said. ‘What if he thinks he killed Marcus like everyone else at the agency does?’
‘Then I’ll show him the photo from Jack’s phone. I’m heading to Midway. Billy, text where I should meet the pilot.’ And she walked out.
Billy looked at the closed door for a long moment, and then resolutely hit a number on his speed dial. As it was ringing he looked at Margo’s crew.
‘She is the most independent, stubborn …’ He paused, then went on, ‘Am I the only one that’s worried sick about Margo?’
‘Of course we’re worried,’ Courtney said. ‘But when all this scary stuff started, Jason connected us to her mobile phone. We will know where she is every minute.’
‘Like you said, she’s pretty independent.’ Pete gave Billy a knowing look. ‘So we decided not to mention it to her.’
‘Brilliant,’ Billy said. ‘Anyone up for a fantastic Christmas Eve dinner?’
‘Heck, yes,’ Jason said for all of them. ‘I can monitor her from anywhere.’
But Billy wasn’t listening. He was ordering up a private jet for Margo.