Margo floated on a turquoise raft in the private pool attached to their villa. She could see the ocean below and hear the waves gently washing over the rocks … the tide was coming in.

The sun on her body warmed her all the way to her heart. She and Jack had been here five days which seemed, in some ways, like a lifetime, and in others, like minutes.

There was an otherworldly feeling to Puerto Vallarta that had proved to be healing for both Margo and Jack. At this moment they had a lot to forget but a lifetime ahead to make new memories.

There was a splash and droplets of water cooled Margo’s body as Jack dived into the pool. He popped out of the water right beside her raft and immediately kissed her.

‘Happy anniversary, Mrs McCarthy,’ he said.

‘Same to you, Mr McCarthy.’ She kissed him back. ‘I love my present,’ she added, looking at the delicate gold bracelet on her wrist.

‘I’m glad,’ Jack said. ‘I had to fight with Billy to be allowed to buy it. He wanted you to have emeralds or diamonds. Or both.’

‘This suits me perfectly. I’ll never take it off.’

He kissed her again, managing to tip over her raft in the process. Laughing, they swam to the side of the pool, pulled themselves out of the water.

Jack wrapped her up in a towel and carried her to a giant lounge chair. He lay next to her, held her tenderly.

‘I didn’t buy you a present,’ she said, wiping the water from his face.

‘I love the wedding photograph you gave me more than anything you could have bought.’

‘I do have something else for you, though. A little something … I’ve been waiting to make sure all systems were on go after that business at Whit’s house.’

Jack’s eyes were filled with concern. He frowned. ‘Are you all right? What are you talking about?’

‘Pregnant women aren’t usually supposed to go about falling on top of men holding guns.’

Jack stared at her, so startled by her comment he was flabbergasted.

She said, ‘I’ve been checked by my doctor. No harm done.’

Jack almost couldn’t get the words out. ‘You’re going to have a baby?’ he asked, his voice full of surprise.

‘No,’ she said, kissing him again. ‘We are.’ She moved closer to him as she spoke.

‘Those are words I never thought I would hear,’ Jack said, a new lightness in his voice.

‘And I never dreamed I would ever say them either,’ Margo answered. ‘Our new life is just beginning, Jack.’

‘Thanks to you … and your stubborn belief in me.’

‘I might have asked myself who you really were at times, when you disappeared, but deep down I knew you were a good man.’

‘And I’ll spend the rest of our lives together proving it to you.’ His arms tightened around her. He was filled with protectiveness and the kind of peace he had never known before.