Date and location: Classified
The year 2017 was possibly the most important year for the study of UFO phenomenon. To the Stars Academy of Arts and Science, a public benefit aerospace, science, and entertainment company, released three declassified videos that show military aircraft chasing unidentified flying objects. The first footage we will examine was taken by navy jets from the U.S.S. Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier, and is known as the “GIMBAL” footage. The thirty-four second footage shows an unidentified flying object carrying out unusual maneuvers that could not have been performed by a terrestrial aircraft.
The Footage
The name GIMBAL comes from a type of suspension of the same name, which allows an object to rotate about a single axis. This is most likely attributed to the movements the object was able to execute. The footage itself was captured by an F/A-28 Super Hornet using Raytheon AN/ASQ-228 Advanced Targeting Forward-Looking Infrared. This is the most advanced sensor and tracking radar system any nation can be in possession of.
Unlike the Tic Tac UFO in the Nimitz incident (see Chapter 44), we do not have a lot of background information on this footage, and the date and location are still classified. Before analyzing the footage and the UFO, the following is the transcript of the conversation between the two pilots who encountered the extraterrestrial aircraft. We must keep in mind that these pilots are not only highly skilled, but they are also the best of the best. For years, these pilots have been trained to distinguish aircraft by their shape, altitude, and speed, and then forced to decide whether the aircraft constitutes a threat based on the analysis. Although military pilots are also trained to manage the stress they might experience when airborne, it is evident that these two pilots cannot comprehend what they are witnessing before their very own eyes.
Pilot 1: It’s a fucking drone, bro.
Pilot 2: There’s a whole fleet of them. Look on the ASA.
Pilot 1: My gosh!
Pilot 2: They’re all going against the wind. The wind is 120 knots out of the west.
Pilot 2: Look at that thing dude!
Pilot 2: That’s not a (inaudible) is it?
Pilot 1: That is an (inaudible).
Pilot 1: Look at that thing! It’s rotating!
From the audio of the footage, it is clear that the pilots had never experience a similar encounter; the excitement and thrill can be heard in their voices. The footage itself is made of infrared images, which alternate between white and black. The items that are black indicate that they are colder than their background, whereas the items that are white indicate that they are warmer than their background.
At the beginning of the footage the UFO is white, traveling at 383 miles per hour at an altitude of 25,010 feet. Although we can only see the one disk-shaped object in the sky, from the transcript we can gather that there were multiple ones. The object then switched to black, indicating that there was a drop in temperature. The object itself had an oval shape with a bump on its top and bottom. The most important characteristics of the UFO are the lack of exhaust plumes and wings, and the fact that it performed a 180-degree angle rotation whilst perpendicular to the horizontal plane. This maneuver shows that the object does not follow the known aerodynamic principles every terrestrial aircraft is bound by.
Speaking to UFO researcher Luis Elizondo for the first time about the incident was Lieutenant Ryan Graves, who is an active duty Navy fighter pilot. Graves told Elizondo that as they were preparing for deployment to the Middle East, several pilots reported seeing strange objects in the sky. The footage released by To the Stars Academy is simply a shorter and lower resolution video of what Graves and his colleagues were shown later that day on board the U.S.S. Roosevelt. The GIMBAL UFO visible in the declassified footage was accompanied by five other unidentified aircraft flying in formation. This explains why one of the pilots says “there’s a whole fleet of them.”
Interestingly enough, in March 2015, prior to their deployment to the Arabian Gulf, the UFOs had not been observed by the military personnel for a period of time. It was only once the Roosevelt was deployed to the Arabian Gulf that the UFOs reappeared over the Middle East. Is this a modern account of the foo fighter sightings pilots had witnessed during the Second World War? For what reason did these unidentified aircraft suddenly reappear as the Americans were deployed to the Middle East? It is evident that whoever was piloting the aircraft was aware of the military’s presence. Could it be that this global presence is a way for these beings to monitor our actions and military decisions to destroy other countries? We must then ask ourselves, for what reason are these beings interested in mankind’s self-destructive behaviors? Could it be that they are interested in preserving life on this planet?