
This is my second novel in a three-book series. The list of people that I need to thank is long. I will do my best but apologize up front for anyone I leave out in this writing. First, great thanks to John Koehler, my publisher at Koehler Books, and Joe Coccaro, extraordinary wizard of the written word. I made Joe’s work harder on this book and he hung in there with me. Thank you! I need to mention the line editors, and there are several. Thank you, team.

To my trusted friends, who have supported my late jump into a writing career. You listen to my ideas that I ramble on about, provide me feedback and encouragement, and you give me the honest truth. Too many to name, but because of all of you I am a very lucky man.

To all the broadcasters that read advance copies of Murder at Broadcast Park and will read Live on TV3: Palm Springs, thank you. Your feedback always helps make it a better book.

For more than forty-six years, I have had the incredible privilege to work in the broadcast industry. Every day I got up and couldn’t wait to go to my station or stations. I love broadcasters, and in no way do the novels I write in the Murder at Broadcast Park series reflect anything but the fun that I’ve had over a pretty good career. And, yes, a lot of these stories have a lot of truth in them, but I write them from a place of respect and love for everyone that I’ve worked with. They are just great stories.

As I’ve said so many times, “You can’t make this stuff up.”