
Garrie’s World

Bob/Bobbie – Garrie’s default name for all ghosts

Caray – a Spanish interjection, meaning, “!!!”

Chicalet – Lucia’s nickname for Garrie, based on Spanish chica and the English diminutive, not to mention an allusion to a certain brand of wee gum.

Darkside – a place vague in Garrie’s understanding, from which invading entities come. They all have the same flavor to her. She has thought of it in terms of spiritual planes rather than dimensions. This is changing.

Etherea – an energy plane and its energies, manifesting in breezes that Garrie (and, as it turns out, many beings from Kehar) can manipulate.

Reckoner – those who take care of a final reckoning for spirits who need it; specifically someone who can manipulate ethereal breezes, although Garrie considers her whole team to be reckoners beside her.

Trevarr’s World

Atreya – heart partner

Atreyvo – bondmate

’Bloods – Mudbloods. Enforcers. Mixed races, usually of less fortunate mixes—without much wit or initiative, but trainable.

Book of Trevarr, Trevarr’s Bestiary – the reference book Trevarr leaves with Quinn.

Drones – less than successful mudbloods, dull creatures with little free will.

Echveria – Formal name for storage pods; Garrie calls them energy eggs.

Ekhevia – the Gatherer, the unfolding weapon that takes ethereal beings into custody/”stores” them.

Fark – Pretty much what you think it means, but more—a specific verb reference to inter-being sex, considered most disgusting on Kehar and the origin of the reviled part-bloods.

Freehand – the non-mendihar hand

Ghehera – Tribunal HQ and detention, a small city in its own right. Nefarious evil overlords live there.

Gheherian Master – one of the entitled powerful members of the tribunal

Keharian Tribunal – also simply called Ghehera

kirkhirra - a record of clan history kept in knots and formed into a ceremonial belt. The most complex macramé ever.

Klysar – a hard god, not much called upon. The Everybeing, more recently co-opted by Ghehera to represent human form.

Klysar! or Klysar’s Blood/various rude body parts! – irreverent cursing.

Klysarneh – the worst of curses. Blasphemy. I’m not even going to say it.

Krevata – a clan of semi-ethereal demons, particularly ill-formed and excitable.

K’thai – encounter braids, the conduits for certain energies, affects hair color

Kyrokha – blood dragon

Mendikha – one who wields the mendihar; Mistress of the glove and blood and darkness.

Mendihar – glove of blood and darkness (other hand called freehand); it harvests experiences and uses them against others.

Nortreya – once beloved

Oskhila – the Hand, the travel device Keharian name; oskhila minor

Shahh – Geherian master

Sklarr – a rare cluster of beings. Sklayne is one.

Rhekerra – a being with both ethereal and corporeal states

Solchran – Trevarr’s village
