have the last pack of cigarettes in the world; but no matches. I am in the bedroom, which has an enormous window, so I have to keep my body between the cigarettes and the window. Everybody is in the other room with the matches. I try to think of some disguised way of asking for the matches without giving away my secret.

I can’t think of any. I go out into the other room, hang around for a while in a state of desperate appetite, then sneak downstairs and open the broom closet, releasing the bull. I rush back upstairs and tell everybody that the bull is loose!

They all go downstairs, except for one blonde. To keep her ignorant of my real interests, I seduce her. She tells me she is so glad someone is finally seducing her, because she has just been fired from her job. After we have necked a bit, I suggest she go to the bathroom and prepare herself. She goes off coquettishly, saying she will tell me later all about why she really lost her job.

Immediately I rifle through the handbags that are lying around, find some matches and run into my room. But before I can light up I hear her coming out of the bathroom. I hide the matches and cigarettes. We start to fuck. I am unhappy; as I feel myself coming I moan “No! No!” because I don’t want to come, I want to smoke.

Suddenly there is cigarette smoke streaming from her mouth and her fingernails are on fire. I snap into a terrific ecstasy.