To those editors who made it easier to write:

Tony Proudlock, John Battersby, Andrew Walker, Jovial Rantao, Jeremy Gordin, Maureen Isaacson, Alf Hayter, Gus Silber, Jeremy Maggs, Chris Nicklin, Chris Roper, Kate Wilson, Louise Steyn, Mike Moon, Cara Bouwer, Peter Bruce, Clare O’Donoghue, Andy Davis, Brendon Cooper, Steve Pike, Fiona Zerbst, Katherine Butt, Collin Howell, Leverne Gething and of course the incomparable, inestimable and suavely cosmopolitan Robert Plummer.

But mostly to Robert Greig, arts-and-culture editor of The Sunday Independent, who for no good reason gave me my first writing job and my first column, and without whom I scarcely know where I would be now,


Marlene Fryer, who asked me to write my first book, thought up the subject for the first book and made sure that I wrote my first book. And the books since.