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7. Paul Esposito, Michael Esposito, and Audrey-Jo Esposito v. The New York City Department of Transportation et al. (November 12, 2003).
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9. Kerry Griffiths’s notice of claim, Case 1:03-cv-06049-ERK-VVP Document 949 (filed March, 6, 2009).
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7. Somerset County Court, Sentencing Hearing, April 13, 2012.
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13. Kris Sperry, Pathologist Report, Sperry Forensic Pathology Consultants, July 29, 2015.
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3. State of NJ v. Rahman A. Nichols, 12-08-2091, March 11, 2013.
4. State of NJ v. Rahman A. Nichols, 12-08-2091, March 11, 2013.
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