
Writing this book would not have been possible without the involvement of the 18 interviewees. Each of them gave freely of their time among their own busy schedules to ensure deadlines were met and editors kept happy. My utmost thanks go to them for their open, honest and often candid responses to the questions that were posed to them. I would also like to thank them for their ongoing contribution to the education of other traders throughout the world. I am honoured that each of them has willingly contributed to this book.

As always, I am grateful to, and inspired by, the many other traders and students of the markets I have met over the years who have encouraged and supported me in my journey.

Kristen Hammond and the staff at John Wiley & Sons have once again been pivotal, encouraging and supportive as a vague idea of ‘yet another trading book’ crystallised into the book you are now reading.

My wife Cate and sons Jesse and Ollie provide the balance, support and love that makes it all worthwhile!

Carpe Punctum