
Thank you to everyone—adults, teenagers and children—I spoke to while researching Lessons for a Sunday Father, including those who preferred to remain anonymous, and especially the following:

Kevin Grout, Jane Ufton and pupils of Lady Joanna Thornhill Primary School in Wye, Kent

Joe Moran, Dominic Bergen and pupils of Walworth School, London

Trevor Dry, the Pied Piper of mackerel, with thanks for providing inspiration and fishing tips

Glass ‘N’ Glaze of Pluckley near Ashford, Kent, especially Jim, Thelma and Trevor Pearson

Dr Paul Barnett, Ned and Dan Brackenbury, Jordan Dry, Will Faulkner, Laurence Fegenbaum, Darren Peters, Oscar Russell, Mark Smithson, Igor Sprodnik, Ben Tansey, Honor Wilson-Fletcher

Terry Hill and Dave Watson for illuminating the mysteries of the male mind

James Barraclough, for early morning alarm calls

Jonathan Edgington, for advice on blokishness, vocabulary and swimming

My mother, Pat McNeill, for slogging through the first and second drafts and offering keen editorial insights as well as nice motherly encouragement

My late father, Mel, who knew that being a Sunday father is a full-time job

My sister, Stephanie, my one-woman cheerleader team, for her unfailing support

My agent, Jo Frank, for being so much more than an agent, and Vicky Cubitt for enthusiasm beyond the call of duty

My editor, Linda Evans, for having immense patience and a light touch with the red pen

… And Larry, a dedicated man, who really puts his heart into his work