Note: FFP—first French publication; FEP—first English publication.

Bourdieu’s works

Bourdieu, P. (1978). Outline of a Theory of Practice, trans. R. Nice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (FFP 1972, FEP 1977).

—— (1979a). Algeria 1960, trans. R. Nice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (FFP 1963, FEP 1979).

—— (1979b). ‘Preface to the American Edition’, in P. Bourdieu & J.-C. Passeron, The Inheritors: French Students and Their Relation to Culture, trans. R. Nice. Chicago: University of Chicago Press (FEP 1979).

—— (1985). ‘The Genesis of the Concepts of “Habitus” and of “Field”’. Sociocriticism, 2(2): 11–24 (FEP 1985).

—— (1986). ‘The Forms of Capital’, trans. R. Nice. In J. Richardson (ed.), Handbook of Theory and Research for the Sociology of Education. New York: Greenwood Press (FFP 1983, FEP 1986).

—— (1988). Homo Academicus, trans. P. Comer. Cambridge: Polity Press (FFP 1984, FEP 1988).

—— (1989). Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgment of Taste, trans. R. Nice. London: Routledge (FFP 1979, FEP 1984).

—— (1990a). ‘Academic Order and Social Order: Preface to the 1990 Edition’, in P. Bourdieu & J.-C. Passeron, Reproduction in Education, Society and Culture, trans. R. Nice. London: Sage (FEP 1990).

—— (1990b). In Other Words: Essays Towards a Reflexive Sociology, trans. various. Cambridge: Polity Press (FFP 1982/1987, FEP 1990).

—— (1990c). The Logic of Practice, trans. R. Nice. Cambridge: Polity Press (FFP 1980, FEP 1990).

—— (1991a). The Political Ontology of Martin Heidegger, trans. P. Collier. Cambridge: Polity Press (FFP 1988, FEP 1991).

—— (1991b). ‘Sport and Social Class’, in C. Mukerji & E. Schudson (eds), Rethinking Popular Culture, Berkeley, CA: University of California Press (FEP 1991).

—— (1993a). The Field of Cultural Production: Essays on Art and Literature, trans. various. New York: Columbia University Press (FFP 1968–87, FEP 1993).

—— (1993b). Sociology in Question, trans. R. Nice. London: Sage (FFP 1984, FEP 1993).

—— (1995). The Rules of Art: Genesis and Structure of the Literary Field, trans. S. Emanuel. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press (FFP 1992, FEP 1995).

—— (1996). The State Nobility: Elite Schools in the Field of Power, trans. L. Clough. Cambridge: Polity Press (FFP 1989, FEP 1996).

—— (1998a). Acts of Resistance: Against the New Myths of Our Time, trans. R. Nice, Cambridge: Polity Press (FFP 1998, FEP 1998).

—— (1998b). On Television and Journalism, trans. P. Ferguson. London: Pluto Press (FFP 1996, FEP 1998).

—— (1998c). Practical Reason: On the Theory of Action, trans. various. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press (FFP 1994, FEP 1998).

—— (1999). The Weight of the World: Social Suffering in Contemporary Society, trans. various. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press (FFP 1993, FEP 1999).

—— (2000). Pascalian Meditations, trans. R. Nice. Cambridge: Polity Press (FFP 1997, FEP 2000).

—— (2001). Masculine Domination, trans. R. Nice. Cambridge: Polity Press (FFP 1998, FEP 2001).

—— (2003). Firing Back: Against the Tyranny of the Market 2, trans L. Wacquant. London: Verso (FFP 2001, FEP 2003).

—— (2004). Science of Science and Reflexivity, trans. R. Nice. Cambridge: Polity Press (FFP 2001, FEP 2004).

—— (2005a). ‘From the King’s House to the Reason of State: A Model of the Genesis of the Bureaucratic Field’. In L. Wacquant (ed.), Bourdieu and Democratic Politics. Cambridge: Polity Press (FEP 2005).

—— (2005b). Language and Symbolic Power, trans. G. Raymond & M. Adamson. Cambridge: Polity Press (FFP 1982–84, FEP 1991).

—— (2005c). The Social Structures of the Economy, trans. C. Turner. Cambridge: Polity Press (FFP 2000, FEP 2005).

—— (2007). Sketch for a Self-Analysis, trans. R. Nice. Cambridge: Polity Press (FFP 2004, FEP 2007).

—— (2008a). The Bachelors’ Ball, trans. various. Cambridge: Polity Press (FFP 2002, FEP 2008).

—— (2008b). Political Interventions: Social Science and Political Action, trans. D. Fernbach. London: Verso (FFP 2002, FEP 2008).

—— (2010). Sociology is a Martial Art: Political Writings by Pierre Bourdieu, trans. various. London: The New Press (FEP 2010).

—— (2012). Picturing Algeria, trans. various. New York: Columbia University Press (FFP 2003, FEP 2012).

—— (2013). Algerian Sketches, trans. various. Cambridge: Polity Press (FFP 2008, FEP 2013).

—— (2014). On the State: Lectures at the Collège de France 1989–1992, trans. various. Cambridge: Polity Press (FFP 2012, FEP 2014).

Bourdieu, P., Boltanski, P., Castel, R. & Chamboredon, J.-C. (1990). Photography: A Middle-brow Art, trans. S. Whiteside. Cambridge: Polity Press (FFP 1965, FEP 1990).

Bourdieu, P., Chamboredon, J.-C. & Passeron, J.-C. (1991). The Craft of Sociology: Epistemological Preliminaries, trans. R. Nice. New York: Walter de Gruyter (FFP 1968, FEP 1991).

Bourdieu, P. & Chartier, R. (2015). The Sociologist & the Historian, trans. D. Fernbach. Cambridge: Polity Press (FFP 2010, FEP 2015).

Bourdieu, P., Darbel, A. & Schnapper, D. (1990). The Love of Art: European Art Museums and Their Public, trans. C. Beattie & N. Merriman. Cambridge: Polity Press (FFP 1966, FEP 1990).

Bourdieu, P. & Haacke, H. (1995). Free Exchange, trans. various. Cambridge: Polity Press (FFP 1994, FEP 1995).

Bourdieu, P. & Passeron, J.-C. (1979a). ‘Epilogue’. In P. Bourdieu & J.-C. Passeron, The Inheritors: French Students and Their Relation to Culture, trans. R. Nice. Chicago: University of Chicago Press (FEP 1979).

—— (1979b). The Inheritors: French Students and Their Relation to Culture, trans. R. Nice. Chicago: University of Chicago Press (FFP 1964, FEP 1979).

—— (1990) Reproduction in Education, Society and Culture, trans. R. Nice. London: Sage (FFP 1970, FEP 1977).

Bourdieu, P., Passeron, J.-C. & Saint Martin, M. (1994). Academic Discourse: Linguistic Misunderstanding and Professorial Power, trans. R. Teese. Cambridge: Polity Press (FFP 1965, FEP 1994).

Bourdieu, P. & Wacquant, L. (1992). An Invitation to Reflexive Sociology. Chicago: University of Chicago Press (FEP 1992).

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