Men are chauvinists. For the most part, men have always expected women to “do” for them. After church yesterday, Allen disappeared into his room and took a nap. He didn’t tell me where he was going. He just expected someone to wake him up when dinner was ready. I have five children to take care of and a meal to fix. What did he think I should do? Follow him around and take note of where he decided to relax? Well, I didn’t, so no one knew where he was when we sat down for dinner. And get this! When he did get up, he became angry at me and said how awful I was. Why? Because I asked him to let me know in the future when he was going to take naps while I fixed his dinner. “Oh, yes, my Lord. It’s done, my Lord. Would you like it in bed, my Lord? Can I get you something else, my Lord?”
It was Sunday, for crying out loud! We were both commanded to rest on the Sabbath. Why should I cook while he sleeps? Chauvinism! It isn’t fair! Now, if he had told me he was so tired he was sick, I would have said, “Poor baby… go take a nap! What time do you want to get up for dinner?” But please, show me a little respect.
That was only one event from yesterday. Everything else was as bad or worse. It ended by my telling my children and husband that I wished I’d never married or had children. It was partly true. I am so sick and tired of feeling like a failure that it seems it would have been better never to have tried.