Tuesday, February 21, 1989
232 pounds

I was desperate to weigh 199 by the time I went to Palm Springs. As each day passed, I became more and more frantic for success. I simply could not go to one of the most posh resort cities in America looking so fat.

At this point, the psyche of the fat person becomes fascinating. Okay. You have this intense struggle for weeks. Over and over you repeat to yourself, “Control your intake. Control your intake.” Then, finally, you acknowledge that it is impossible —without liposuction — to lose your desired amount of weight before the deadline. So, do you determine to at least lose something before the big day? Do you earnestly vow to forge valiantly onward in your weight-reduction program? To lose those miserable extra pounds after all? Even if not in time for that special program, party, reunion, or whatever? Suuuure you do!

No, you quit your diet with a resounding, “I’m outta here!” And you drive to the closest store, with your arms open wide, ready to embrace the nearest candy, cookies, pizza, cheese puffs, or German chocolate cake to your ample bosom. You’re not going to reach your goal, right? So why try at all? And poor li’l you—you’ve been depriving yourself for so long. Go ahead and enjoy!

Here’s one girl who refuses to justify any more binges. I refuse to get any deeper into debt with my own fat.