Saturday, November 5, 1983
234 pounds

Oh, I am on, on, on! Do you know what this means? I want to fly out of my body and zoom around the world. I’m on my way to skinny. I’m escaping the vicious cycle.

Tonight, I was planning to go out to dinner with Allen, but Matthew, age six, performed surgery on himself. In reality, it was only a small cut on his finger. But from the looks of the bathroom where I found him, it appeared as if someone had cut his jugular vein! There was blood splattered on both sides of the room, from floor to ceiling. There was blood all over the floor and all over Matt, who was sitting on the bathroom counter. Blood covered the sink next to him. The diaper he used to clean up the blood was completely red!

Matt had simply cut his finger while trying to slice off the stem of a carrot. Instead of applying pressure to stop the bleeding, he kept shaking his hand. In the process of cleaning up, we found tiny pieces of chewed-up carrot on the bathroom counter beside him.

Allen: “Matt, what is this from?”

Matt: “From the carrot.”

Allen: “You were eating your carrot in here after you cut yourself?”

Matt: “Well, I was bleeding with my right hand and eating with my left!”

Ah, the gems that come from children.

We didn’t go out to dinner because it took us over an hour to clean up that mess. It was past ten-thirty, and I was too tired! What? Me too tired to eat? I tell you, I’m going to do it; this time I’m going to succeed!

The future is brighter as I see a thinner face staring back from the mirror. I want Allen to enjoy my feminine shape again! It’s been a long, fat time.