Chapter 7

I did my best to push Appa out of my mind. I tried to focus all my thoughts and energy on getting to Ba Sing Se to tell the Earth King about the solar eclipse.

We finally got out of the desert and arrived at a waterfall pond. We ended up traveling across this stretch of land called Serpent’s Pass, along with a refugee family that we met on the way. Serpent’s Pass was definitely scary, but we made it through safely.

Katara keeps asking me about Appa, and I want to talk about it, but after what happened back in the desert, I’m trying to stay as unemotional as possible. The Avatar state is really dangerous, and until I know how to control it, I’d rather not get angry or upset enough to go into it again. I guess it’s hard for Katara to understand that, though. She’s all about feelings, and stuff like that.

Did I mention that one of the members of the refugee family is pregnant? Well, she just went into labor. It’s pretty lucky we’re off Serpent’s Pass, huh? Katara has taken charge and is delivering the baby now; she used to help Gran Gran deliver babies back home. Wait, I just heard crying … it’s a boy!

Now I’m inside the tent. There are the mom and dad, cuddling their newborn son. The baby is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen! It’s amazing to watch them celebrate in the midst of all this pain and fighting, but I think the new life came to remind us that life goes on no matter what. I guess this is what living is all about: loving and caring for your family.

Sometimes I forget that I have a family now too—Katara, Sokka, Momo, and Appa. Even Toph. Just because Appa is missing, that doesn’t mean I should stop caring about everyone else I love in my life. In fact, losing Appa has actually made me realize that I should show them how much I care about them, because we never know what might happen. It’s okay for me to miss Appa. It’s okay for me to feel sad, and to lean on Katara for help. That’s what family is for, right?

“I’ve been going through a really hard time lately,” I told the family. “But you’ve made me hopeful again.”

Katara took my hand and smiled sweetly. My heart is beating so fast I can hardly breathe! “I thought I was trying to be strong, Katara. But I was really just running away from my feelings. Seeing this family together, so full of happiness and love, reminded me of how I feel about Appa.”

Come on Aang, you can do it. …

“And how I feel about you.” That’s what I should have said in the Cave of Two Lovers. … Oh well, I hope I’ve at least redeemed myself from that!

Katara burst into tears. I guess I really do have a family. A pretty good one, too, if you ask me!

I said good-bye, then Momo and I took off to find Appa. “I promise, I’ll find Appa as fast as I can. I just really need to do this. I’ll see you all in Ba Sing Se.”