Chapter 8

We’re trying to make the most of our time here while we’re waiting to see the king, and that means finding Appa. Hopefully these missing- bison posters and fliers will help. Aang has been flying over the city spreading them everywhere.

Someone’s knocking at the door. It’s Joo Dee–the first Joo Dee.

“What happened to you?” Sokka asked. “Did the Dai Li throw you in jail?”

“Of course not,” Joo Dee replied. “I simply took a short vacation to Lake Laogai, out in the country.”

That’s odd. “But why did they replace you with some other woman who also said her name was Joo Dee?”

“I’m Joo Dee.”

Yeah, lady, I heard you, but that still doesn’t answer my question. Why am I even expecting an answer? She’s ignored almost every question we’ve asked her since we got here. Boy, this conspiracy runs really deep. It’s like it’s compromised everybody. …

“I’m here to tell you that dropping fliers and putting up posters is forbidden.”

“We don’t care about your rules!” Aang shouted. “We’re finding Appa on our own, so just stay out of our way!” Then he slammed the door in Joo Dee’s face.

I guess we’re not following their rules anymore. Finally! I mean, usually I think it’s best to try to work things out before it gets to this point, but that clearly isn’t happening here. These people will do anything to stop us from speaking the truth, even if that means keeping us from Appa. We were never going to get any help from Joo Dee or the Dai Li.

We’re heading out with piles of missing-bison posters. If we split up, we’ll cover more ground. … I’ll go this way.


HUH? I know that voice. It can’t be!

“I think I can help you.”

I don’t believe it! Jet! Here in Ba Sing Se! I’m still so mad at him for flooding that village, I could scream! Since he’s so fond of floods, I’ll show him a flood. WHOOSH!

“Katara, I’ve changed!” he cried as the powerful rush of water slammed him into the alley’s back wall.

“Tell it to some other girl, Jet!” I can never trust him again. Never! I cared for him, really cared for him. I thought he was brave and strong and good. And then he failed me.

“I don’t want to fight you!” he yelled, slashing my ice daggers with his sword.

What’s he doing? He’s dropping his sword to the ground. But wait, what’s he reaching for? I knew he was lying!

WHOOSH! It’s not so easy to fight when you’re pinned against the wall with ice daggers, is it, Jet?

“Katara, what is it?”

Sokka! Thank goodness. “Jet’s back, and we can’t trust anything he says.”

“But we don’t even know why he’s here,” Sokka said.

“I don’t care why he’s here. Whatever the reason is, it can’t be good.” Why is Sokka defending him? He knows what Jet did!

“I’m here to help you find Appa,” Jet said.

Huh? What’s that rolled up in his hand? It’s one of our Appa fliers. I thought he was reaching for a weapon. … Well, I don’t want his help. I don’t want anything to do with him!

“Katara, we have to give him a chance,” Aang said, catching up to us.

“Katara, I swear I’ve changed,” Jet pleaded. “I was a troubled person. I let my anger get out of control. But I don’t even have my gang now. I’ve put all that behind me.”

Talk is cheap. All that talk about saving innocent people from the Fire Nation and doing the right thing, and yet he flooded an entire village just to prove a point! Well, I’m not going to let him do this again. He’s not going to make me trust him. “You’re lying!” What’s Toph doing? She’s walking over. She’s feeling the wall he’s leaning against. Is she going to take out the wall?

“He’s not lying,” Toph announced. “I can feel his breathing and heartbeat. When people lie, there’s a physical indication. He’s telling the truth.”

“Katara, we don’t have any leads,” Aang added. “If Jet says he can help us find Appa, we have to check it out.”

So nobody feels like I do? They’re all willing to just forget about what Jet did and believe him. Maybe I’m overreacting. Why am I still so mad at him? I guess I can’t ask Aang to pass up any opportunity to find Appa just because my feelings for Jet are … complicated. “All right. But we’re not letting you out of our sight.”

As we followed Jet to the warehouse where he’d heard they were keeping Appa, I tried to make sense of my feelings. Maybe it’s just been a really long time since I’ve had someone to lean on, someone who was older, someone who was wise and brave. I guess that when I met Jet, I was so excited because he was kind of that person to me. He was totally devoted to fighting the Fire Nation; I didn’t even have to convince him of how important it is! And I guess I did sort of feel a special connection with him. I felt safe when he was around, and then he betrayed that, he betrayed ME. I’d really like to believe that he’s changed, but what if he hasn’t? What if I get hurt again?

Time to snap out of it–we’re here. … So Jet WAS telling the truth. Appa was here, but the janitor said that he’s been sold to some guy who took him to some distant island. Maybe I can trust him again after all. …

“I don’t care how far it is,” Aang said. “We have to try.”

Aang’s right. Now that we know where Appa is, we’ve got to go after him.

“All right,” Sokka said. “Let’s get moving.”

“I’ll come with you,” Jet said.

“We don’t need your help.” I already have way too much to deal with. I can’t handle him, too.

“Why won’t you trust me?” Jet pleaded.

He can’t be serious, can he? How can he ask that question? “Gee … I wonder.”

“Was this guy your boyfriend or something?” Toph asked.

What? Why would she ask that? She wasn’t even with us when everything first happened–how does she know that we weren’t just friends? Am I acting like an angry ex-girlfriend? Is that why she said that? “No!”

“I can tell you’re lying,” Toph said.

She’s infuriating.

“Jet!” someone called out.

It’s those two kids from his gang. I knew it! I knew he was lying! He’s never going to change, and I almost fell back into trusting him.

“I thought you said you didn’t have your gang anymore.”

“I don’t,” Jet said.

He has some nerve to continue to lie right to my face when the proof that he’s lying is standing right here.

“How did you get away from the Dai Li?” one of his gang buddies asked.

“The Dai Li?!” Is he in with those thugs too? What if this really is a trap?

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Jet said.

“He got arrested by the Dai Li a few weeks ago.”

“This doesn’t make any sense,” Toph said, feeling the ground between the two of them. “They’re both telling the truth.”

“That’s impossible.” Jet’s lying, I just know it.

“No, it’s not,” Sokka said. “They both think they’re telling the truth. Jet’s been brainwashed!”

What? So he is being honest after all? Wait a minute–if that’s true, things are starting to make sense. …

“The Dai Li must have sent Jet to mislead us, and that janitor was part of the plot too.”

“We need to find a way to jog Jet’s real memories,” Aang said.

“Maybe this will help,” I said, bending the water from my pouch into a band around Jet’s head. Hopefully my healing abilities will cut through the brainwashing.

“They took me to a headquarters under the water,” Jet recalled. “Like a lake.”

“Wait!” Sokka said. “Joo Dee said she went on vacation to Lake Laogai.”

“That’s it!” Jet cried. “Lake Laogai!”

We went to Lake Laogai, where Toph discovered a hidden tunnel leading down to the Dai Li’s secret headquarters under the lake.

Jet’s leading us down a hallway toward the cell where he said they were holding Appa. Now, that’s really strange. There’s a roomful of women all practicing to be Joo Dee! No wonder that new Joo Dee just ignored my question and acted like she’d been with us from the start–the Dai Li brainwashes them! This place is even creepier than we thought.

“I think it’s through here,” Jet said, stopping at a big door and flinging it open.

Long Feng! And a squad of Dai Li agents! It WAS a trap. Jet double-crossed us–again! I can’t believe I let this happen!

“Take them into custody!” Long Feng ordered, and his Dai Li began fighting us.

What? It looks like Jet is fighting on our side–against the Dai Li! I can’t figure him out, I’m so confused! But now I have to focus my energies on the Dai Li. I’ll deal with Jet later.

“Long Feng is escaping!” Aang cried. Then he and Jet took off after Long Feng while Sokka, Toph, Jet’s gang, and I finished off the rest of the Dai Li agents. When we found Aang and Jet, Jet was sprawled out on the ground. Oh, no, he’s hurt! It looks really bad. I can’t believe that I was so cruel to him, and he really was just trying to help.

Wait! Maybe I can heal him. Okay, here it goes. … He should be up and walking any min– It’s not working. Why isn’t it working? “This isn’t good.”

“You guys go find Appa, we’ll stay with Jet,” his friends said.

“We’re not going to leave him.” I can’t leave him, not now, not like this. He needs to get better. I need to find a way to make him better.

“Don’t worry, Katara,” Jet said with a smile. “I’ll be fine.”

His smile, it’s so sweet. I can’t believe this happened. … I guess this is good-bye.

Okay, Katara, just stay focused on finding Appa. … We’re almost at the other cell. Whatever you do, don’t think about Jet.

“He’s gone!” Aang cried, busting open the empty cell. “Long Feng beat us here.”

We dashed back up the tunnel and out to the lake’s shore, but found ourselves surrounded by Dai Li. They raised high stone walls.

We’re trapped. We’ll never get to tell the Earth King about the eclipse or invading the Fire Nation. And poor Aang. My heart is breaking for him. … Appa is gone! Now he’ll never find him–wait, why is Momo going so crazy, screeching and jumping and flying into the air? What does he see?

It’s Appa! Appa’s flying toward us!

After Appa helped us take out the Dai Li, he flew us to an island in the middle of the lake where we could all rest. Aang is so relieved and happy, it’s wonderful to see. But we didn’t rest for long. At first I wanted to just leave this place behind us, but Sokka convinced us that Long Feng can’t threaten us anymore because we have Appa! Our chances of getting the information to the Earth King are much better this time around!

So we battled our way into the palace.

Finally, we’re in the throne room! The king is surrounded by guards, some Dai Li agents, and Long Feng himself.

“Detain the assailants,” Long Feng ordered his agents. “Make sure the Avatar and his friends never see daylight again.”

“You’re the Avatar?” the king asked.

The king agreed to come with us to Lake Laogai. Now we can prove to him that Long Feng and the Dai Li have been plotting to overthrow him! Finally, we’re making progress. We just need to get to the lake–

Something’s wrong. Where’s the tunnel that leads down under the lake?

“The tunnel is gone,” Toph announced. “There’s nothing down there anymore.”

The Dai Li destroyed the evidence. They’ve covered everything up!

“Long Feng was right,” the king said. “This was a waste of time. I’m going back to the palace.”

We can’t let it end here. We know the truth, but it doesn’t matter if we can’t convince the king. There’s got to be something else to prove that–wait! That’s it. “The outer wall! They’ll never be able to cover that up in time!”

Please be there, please be–THERE! “It’s still there.”

“What is that?” the king asked, surprised.

“It’s a giant drill,” Sokka explained. “Made by the Fire Nation to break through your walls.”

“I can’t believe I never knew,” the king said, obviously shaken by this discovery.

“I can explain this, Your Majesty.”

Long Feng! How’s that snake going to slither out of this one?

“It’s nothing more than a construction project,” Long Feng said.

“Oh, really? Then perhaps you could explain why there’s a Fire Nation insignia on your construction project.” Take that, you nut!

“Dai Li, arrest Long Feng!” the king ordered.

Yes! Finally, he believes us. Now we can actually do something with the information we have about the eclipse.

“I thought my people lived in peace,” he said. “But it was an illusion.”

“That’s why we came here, Your Highness,” Sokka said. “Because we think you can help us end the war.”

“We don’t have much time,” Aang explained. “There’s a comet coming this summer. It will give the Firebenders unbelievable strength. They’ll be unstoppable.”

“But there is hope,” Sokka continued. “A solar eclipse is coming. The sun will be entirely blocked by the moon, and the Firebenders will be helpless. That’s the day we need your army to invade the Fire Nation.”

“Very well,” said the king. “You have my support.”

This is what we’ve been waiting to hear for so long. Finally, things might be okay.

That’s when General How, leader of the Council of Generals, arrived with some amazing news. “We’ve searched Long Feng’s office. There are secret files on everyone in Ba Sing Se, including you kids.”

Toph got a letter from her mom saying she wanted to see her. Aang got a scroll from a guru; he’s waiting for Aang at the Eastern Air Temple. He says he can teach Aang how to control the Avatar state!

“Here is an intelligence report,” the general said, handing me some papers.

“A small fleet of Water Tribe ships are protecting the mouth of Chameleon Bay. They are led by Hakoda! Sokka, it’s Dad!”

Gosh, I’ve missed him so much. I worry about him every day. I’ve kept up hope, but it’s easy to get discouraged. … Sometimes I even get angry with him, for leaving us behind. There have been so many times when we needed his help, so many moments when I wish he was here with us. And now we are actually going to see him!

“I hate to say it, but we have to split up.”

“Split up?” Aang protested. “But we just found Appa and got back together.”

“Aang, you have to meet this guru so you’ll be ready to invade the Fire Nation. Toph, you need to see your mom.”

“I guess you’re right, Katara,” Aang said. “I could drop you and Sokka off at Chameleon Bay so you can see your dad.”

“Someone has to stay here with the Earth King and help him plan for the invasion,” Sokka said. “I guess that’s me.”

Gosh, I’d love to see Dad. But Sokka needs this more than I do. He’s been waiting for years for Dad to come back so they can go into battle together, so Dad can be proud of him. I can’t deny him the chance. “No, Sokka. You go to Chameleon Bay. I’ll stay here with the king.”

I’ve never seen Sokka so happy– overwhelmed with emotion is more like it. Now he’s giving me a big hug. “You are the nicest sister ever!”

I know, Sokka. I know.

I’m really going to miss these guys. They’ve become family, complete with all the love and all the arguments.

“Katara, I need to tell you something,” Aang said as he loaded his stuff onto Appa. “I’ve been wanting to say it for a long time.”

“What is it, Aang?” Hmm, he’s been wanting to tell me for a long time? But we’re always together. This feels like a big deal. He looks so nervous. He’s blushing … and we’re all alone. Oh my gosh, is he going to tell me he loves me? I’ve thought about it, lots of times. … What will I say? I mean, I love Aang as a … as a–

“Katara, I–”

“All right!” Sokka interrupted. “Who’s ready for a little men-only man trip?” He punched Aang in the arm playfully.

SOKKA! He ruined it! Then again, maybe Aang wasn’t going to say anything romantic at all. Who knows? I mean, yes, he told me I looked beautiful when I got dressed up for the Earth King’s party, and in the Cave of Two Lovers he–this is crazy! He probably just wanted to say he was going to miss me. Either way, I wish he had the chance to say whatever it was that he’d been waiting so long for. I wonder how long it will be before the moment comes back again. … Now he’s turning away–he looks so deflated! “Wait, Aang.”

Here’s a hug, and a kiss–on the cheek. There’ll be time to talk, when he returns.

As the king was wishing us luck, a royal messenger arrived.

“Your Majesty, there are three female warriors from Kyoshi Island here to see you,” the messenger announced.

“That’s Suki!” Sokka exclaimed.

“Do you know these warriors?” the king asked.

“They are skilled warriors. Trustworthy, too. And they’re good friends of ours,” Sokka said.

“Then welcome them as honored guests,” the king ordered.

Safe travels, my friends. I’ll see you soon.