FIG. 1.1 |
From Scientific American, June 1967. By courtesy of W. H. Freeman & Co. |
FIG. 1.4 |
Reproduced by courtesy of the University of Chicago Press. |
FIG. 4.2 |
Tomb distribution based on Hood 1960 (revised); vegetation zones based onTurrill 1929. |
FIG. 4.4 |
Reproduced by courtesy of Hirmer Verlag. |
FIG. 5.2 |
The burnished bowl in Chios. 1, A. Gala, Upper I, A 3.20–3.36; 2, A. Gala, Upper I, 2.90–3.00; 3 to 14 are from Emborio: the Roman numeral indicates the phase: 3, XA, 1466; 4, IXB, 1419; 5, VIII, B1, 535 and 536; 6, VIII, B1, 3532; 7, B3,1325; 8, VII, 953 ; 9, VII, 1, 969; 10, VII, 1, 976; 11, VII, 1, 635A; 12, VI, 1E, 747; 13, VI, iD, 709; 14, II, 2490. |
FIG. 5.3 |
Aegean later neolithic bowls. 2 and 4 to 15, dark with heavy burnish; 1, unburnished; 3, pattern-burnished on the inside. 1 to 4, Kum Tepe, Trench A1, 3.80 m to bedrock; 5 to 10, Kum Tepe, Trench A1, 2.40 to 3.60 m; 11, Kum Tepe, Trench Ai, o to 1.40 m; 12 and 13, Lerna II, J.442 and Bl. 13; 14 and 15, Poliochni I (Black). |
FIG. 5.4 |
Regional groups of pattern-burnish pottery. Group I (Attic-Kephala culture): 1, Kephala; 2, Velatouri; 3, Athens Agora; 4, Aegina; 5, Askitario; 6, Corinth; 7, Prosymna; Group II (Pyrgos ware, Early Minoan): 8, Pyrgos; 9, Knossos; 10, Lebena; 11, Arkalachori; 12, Phais-tos; 13, Krasi; 14, Eileithyia; and other sites; Group III (Beşikatepe ware): 15, Beşikatepe; 16, Kum Tepe; 17, Akbaş; 30, Tigani; Group IV (C. and N. Greece): 18, Elateia; 19, Or-chomenos; 20, Varka Psachna; 21, Tsangli; 22, Messiani Maghoula; 23, Arapi; 24, Otzaki; 25, Servia; 26, Aghios Mamas; 27, Vardina; Group V (Chios): 28, Emborio; 29, Aghio Gala. |
FIG. 7.1 |
Reproduced by courtesy of Professor J. L. Caskey. |
FIG. 7.2 |
Reproduced by courtesy of Kohlhammer Verlag. |
FIG. 7.3 |
Pottery from Poliochni, Manika and lasos. 1, Poliochni V, Myrina Museum 926; 2, Poliochni V, Myrina Museum 248; 3, Manika, find of 1905; 4, Manika tomb (B5); 5, lasos grave 12, Izmir Museum; 6, lasos, Izmir Museum 4645. |
FIG. 7.4 |
Reproduced by courtesy of the Harvard University Press. |
FIG. 8.4 |
Reproduced by courtesy of the Cambridge University Press. |
FIG. 10.1 |
Grotta-Pelos bowls. Nos. 1–3, 14–16, from Grotta Naxia; 4, 10–13 from Phylakopi in Melos; 5, from Aghioi Anargyroi in Naxos; 6, from Kato Akrotiri in Amorgos; 7 and 9, from Aïla in Naxos; 8, from Aghios Pandelemon in Melos. |
FIG. 10.3 |
Grotta-Pelos vessels. 1, cylindrical pyxis from Pelos in Melos, Athens NM 5696; 2, footed vessel from Pelos, Athens NM 5700; 3, spherical pyxis from Pelos, Athens NM 5699; 4, marble kandila from grave 9 at Plastiras in Paros, Paros Museum. |
FIG. 10.4 |
lasos and the Grotta-Pelos culture, 1, Izmir Museum 559; 2, Plastiras grave 9; 3, Izmir Museum 364; 4, Panormos district of Naxos, Apeiranthos Museum; 5, Izmir Museum 4645; 6, Pelos cemetery, Melos, Athens NM 5699. |
FIG. 10.6 |
Kum Tepe lb bowls. 1, Kum Tepe; 2, Protesilaos; 3, Thermi; 4, Poliochni; 5, Emborio; 6, Pamukcu; 7, Kayişlar; 8, Grotta; 9, Aghioi Anargyroi; 10, Ano Kouphonisi; 11, Aïla; 12, Kato Akrotiri; 13, Phylakopi; 14, Aghios Pandelemon; 15, Pelos; 16, Akrotiraki; 17, Athens Acropolis; 18, Eutresis; 19, Lerna. |
FIG. 11.1 |
Syros forms from Chalandriani, in the Syros Museum. Nos. 4 to 8 of marble; 9, clay, red paint on a white slip; the remainder un pa in ted pots. 1, Museum number 161; 2, 172; 3, 160; 4, 179; 5, 186; 6, 182; 7, 178; 8, 190; 9, 159; 10, 152. |
FIG. 11.2 |
From Kastri, in Syros Museum. 1, K62/91; 2, K62/88; 3, K62/89; 4, K62/53; 5, K62/26; 6, K62/44. |
FIG. 11.4 |
Drawings based on Bossert 1967 and Doumas 1963. |
FIG. 12.1 |
Forms of the Phylakopi I culture. Nos. 1 to 3, painted vessels from Melos in the British Museum: A 346, A 335 and A 340. No. 4, incised kernos, Naxos Museum 736. |
FIG. 12.2 |
Forms of the Phylakopi I culture, all incised. Nos. 1 and 5 from Paroikia, Paros Museum; nos. 3 and 4 from Phylakopi, Athens National Museum; no. 2, Apeiranthos Museum. |
FIG. 14.1 |
Neolithic tell mounds listed: Paradimi, Laphrouda, Dikiiitash, Polystylo, Sitagroi, Megalokambos, Dhimitra, Kritsana, Nea Nikomedeia, Servia, Argissa, Arapi, Souphli, Ghediki, Rini, Marmariani, Maghoulitsa, Tsani, Tsangli, Rachmani, Sesklo, Dhimini, Acheilleon, Pyrassos, Maghoula Aidheniotiki, Zereiia, Lionochladi, Elateia, Chaironeia, Corinth, Hagiorgitika, Knossos, Emborio. |
FIG. 14.4 |
Settlement hierarchy in Crete. Late Minoan settlement distribution from Graham 1962; modern distribution and cultivated lands from Allbaugh 1953; modern sub-regions and transport axes from D. M. Smith et al. 1966. |
FIG. 15.2 |
Reproduced by courtesy of Princeton University Press. |
FIG. 16.1 |
Reproduced by courtesy of Johns Hopkins Press. |
FIG. 16.4 & FIG. 16.6 |
Reproduced by courtesy of Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner. |
FIG. 17.2 |
From Archaioiogikon Deltion by courtesy of Upourgeion Proedrias tis Kuberniseos. |
FIG. 17.3 |
Reproduced by courtesy of Princeton University Press. |
FIG. 18.2 |
Major early bronze age sites.
Fortified sites: 1, Lerna; 2, Aegina; 3, Askitario; 4, Raphina; 5, Manika; 6, Chalandriani; 7, Panormos; 8, Emborio; 9, Thermi; 10, Poliochni; 11, Troy.
Cemeteries: 12, Steno; 13, Zygouries; 14, Corinth; 15, Aghios Kosmas; 16, Athens Agora; 5, Manika; 17, Pyrgos; 18, Krasi; 19, Kanli Kastelli; 20, Kalathiana; 21, Platanos; 22, Porti; 23/ AghiaTriadha; 24, Lebena; 25, Koumasa; 26, Sphoungaras; 27, Mochlos; 28, Palaikas-tro; 29, Glykoperama; 30, lasos; 31, Hanaytepe; 32, Yortan; 33, Babakoy; 34 / Ovabaymdir. For Cycladic cemeteries see figs. Appx. 1, 2 to 5 and the Gazetteer.
‘Sauceboat’ distribution in mainland Greece based on French 1968 (simplified); data on olive and cereal yields from Kayser and Thompson 1964. (Turkey not included.) |
FIG. 19.7 |
Findspots of folded-arm figurines. 1, Dokathismata; 2, Kapsala; 3, Apantima; 4, Chalandriani; 5, Aghia Irini; 6, Spedos; y, Karvounolakkoi; 8, Phyrroghes; 9, Aghioi Anargyroi; 10, Kastraki; n, Phylakopi; 12, Thera; 13, Dhespotikon; 14, Dhaskalio; 15/ Keros, uncertain location; 16, Schinousa, uncertain location; 17, Kapros; 18, Aphendika; 19, Roon; 20, Loutra (Ano Kouphonisi); 21, Polichni; 22, Lionas; 23, Herakleia, uncertain location; 24, Aigiale; 25, Trymalia; 26, south-east Naxos; 27, Pidima; 28, Knossos; 29, Herakleion; 30, Pyrgos; 31, Teke; 32, Siteia; 33, Aghios Onouphrios; 34, Platanos; 35, Koumasa; 36, Lebena; 37, Platyvola. |
FIG. 20.4 |
Forms documenting the international spirit of the Early Bronze 2 period. 1, Syros Museum 173; 2, Herakleion Museum, from Lebena Tomb II, 343 (kindly drawn by Dr P. M. Warren); 3, Apeiranthos Museum 54; 4, Myrina Museum 694; 5, with cream-coloured slip, Apeiranthos Museum. |
FIG. 20.7. |
Data from Bass 1967, Buchholz 1958, Stubbings 1951 and Taylour 1958. |
FIG. 20.8. |
Reproduced by courtesy of Tavistock Publications. |
The following figures are reproduced by courtesy of the Trustees of the estate of the late Sir Arthur Evans: 4.1; 43; 6.1; 6.2; 6.3; 6.7; 6.9; 15-8; 15.16; 16.2; 17.1; 17.4; 17.5; 18.5; 18.6; 18.7; 18.8; 18.9; 18.10; 19.3; 19.8; 19.12; 20.2; 20.3; 20.6; 21.2; 21.3; 21.4. |
Photographs by the author unless otherwise stated. Note that the measurements given are approximate only. |
Goulandris collection no. 142, ht 15.2 cm (photo Ino loannidou and Lenio Bartziotis). |
PL. 1 |
1, Ashmolean Museum 1938.727; 2, Copenhagen Nationalmuseet 476 (photo National Museum); 3, British Museum 43.5-7.75 (photo courtesy Trustees of the British Museum); 4, Thera Museum. |
PL. 2 |
1, National Museum, Athens NM 6140, 6, 7, 9–11 (museum photo); 2, from Glypha in Paros, Athens NM 4762 (photo Zervos); 3, from Levkais in Paros, Ashmolean Museum AE 417 (photo courtesy Ashmolean Museum); 4, from Levkais in Paros, Ashmolean AE 415 (photo courtesy Ashmolean Museum); 5, from Amorgos, Ashmolean Museum AE 174 (photo courtesy Ashmolean Museum). |
PL. 3 |
1 and 2, British Museum; 3 to 8, British School of Archaeology at Athens. |
PL. 4 |
1, Musée du Louvre (photo Zervos); 2, National Museum, Athens; 3 to 6, sherds collected by author, now in British School sherd collection: 3 and 5 from Kato Akrotiri, Amorgos; 4 from Aïla, Naxos; 6 from Aghios Pandelemon, Melos; 7 to 10, National Museum, Athens; 11, Naxos Museum; 12, British School Collection; 13 and 14, Aegina Museum. |
PL. 5 |
1, Herakleion Museum; 2, Melos Museum; 3, Goulandris collection no. 94 (photo loannidou and Bartziotis); 4, Melos Museum; 5, British Museum; 6, Herakleion Museum. |
PL. 6 |
1, British Museum 1912.6-26.11 (photo courtesy Trustees of the British Museum); 2, Goulandris collection no. 59 (photo loannidou and Bartziotis); 3, British Museum, TB 614 (photo courtesy Trustees of the British Museum); 4, British School Collection; 5 and 6, Herakleion Museum. |
PL. 7 |
1, Syros Museum; 2 to 5, Athens National Museum (photos Zervos). |
PL. 8 |
1 to 8, National Museum, Athens; 9, Melos Museum; 10 and 11, Syros Museum; 12 and 13, British School Collection; 14, Syros Museum. |
PL. 9 |
1, Athens National Museum 4998; 2, Athens National Museum (photo Zervos); 3, Athens NM 5196; 4, Athens NM 5026; 5 and 6, British Museum. |
PL. 10 |
1, Athens National Museum (photo Zervos); 2, Musée National Céramique de Sèvres (photo Zervos); 3 to 5, Athens National Museum; 6, Aegina Museum. |
PL. 11 |
1, Musée National Céramique de Sèvres (photo Zervos); 2, British School Collection; 3, Herakleion Museum 4194. |
PL. 12 |
1 and 2, Thera Museum; 3 and 5, Aegina Museum; 4, Archaeological Museum, Istanbul; 6, Ashmolean Museum AE 265. |
PL. 13 |
1, Naxos Museum; 2, Stratigraphic Museum, Knossos; 3 to 6, National Museum, Athens. |
PL. 15 |
1, Museum antiker Kleinkunst, Munich (photo Zervos); 2 (photo Hirmer). |
PL. 16 |
1, Apeiranthos Museum; 2, Athens NM 6176 (photo Zervos); 3, Athens National Museum (photo Zervos). |
PL. 17 |
British Museum (photo courtesy Trustees of the British Museum). |
PL. 18 |
1 (photo courtesy Italian School of Archaeology, Athens); 2, National Museum, Athens (after Brea); 3, National Museum, Athens; 4, Herakleion Museum (photo Hirmer); 5, National Museum, Athens (photo courtesy Bolletino d’Arte). |
PL. 19 |
1, British Museum (photo courtesy Trustees of the British Museum); 2, Athens National Museum; 3, Musée du Louvre; 4, Athens, National Museum; 5, Ashmolean Museum AE 158 (photo courtesy Ashmolean Museum); 6, Goulandris collection no. 313 (photo loannidou and Bartziotis). |
PL. 20 |
Photos courtesy Professor J. L. Caskey. |
PL. 22 |
1 and 2, Ashmolean Museum, AE 241 and 242; 3 to 5, Athens, National Museum (photo courtesy Italian School of Archaeology, Athens); 6 and 7, Ashmolean Museum AE 239 and 232 (photos courtesy Ashmolean Museum); 8 to 10, British Museum 81.5-9, 5 to 7 (photo courtesy Trustees of the British Museum). |
PL. 23 |
1, a, after Caskey; I, b, after Müller (photo courtesy German Archaeological Institute, Athens); 1, c, after Blegen; 2, Ashmolean Museum AE 159; 3, Athens National Museum (after Brea); 4, Herakleion Museum (Giamalakis Collection) (photo Hirmer). |
PL. 24 |
1, Goulandris collection no. 329 (photo loannidou and Bartziotis); 2, Herakleion Museum (photo Hirmer). |
PL. 26 |
1, Apeiranthos Museum; 2, Naxos Museum; 3, Paros Museum; 4 to 6, collected by the author, British School Collection. |
PL. 27 |
1, Athens NM 3910 (photo Zervos); 2, Badisches Landesmuseum, Karlsruhe (photo Zervos); 3, Herakleion Museum (photo Hirmer). |
PL. 28 |
1 and 2, Athens National Museum; 3 and 4, Ashmolean Museum 1938.725 and 1929.26 (photos courtesy Ashmolean Museum); 5 and 6, Herakleion Museum (photos Zervos). |
PL. 29 |
1, Athens NM 4974 (photo Zervos); 2 (photo Hirmer). |
PL. 30 |
1 and 2, Athens NM 4722 and 4723 (photo courtesy National Museum); 3 and 4, Herakleion Museum; 5, Ashmolean Museum AE 170 (photo courtesy Ashmolean Museum); 6, Ashmolean Museum AE 172. |
PL. 31 |
Goulandrls collection nos. 257 and 304 (photos loannidou and Bartziotis). |
PL. 32 |
1, Copenhagen Nationalmuseet 4697 (photo Lennart Larsen); 2, Goulandris collection no. 252 (photo loannidou and Bartziotis); 3, Musée du Louvre (photo Zervos); 4, Athens NM 2309 (photo Hannibal). |
The following plates are reproduced by courtesy of Éditions Cahiers d’Art: 2, 2; 4, 1a; 4, 1b; 7, 2; 7,3; 7,4; 7, 5; 9, 2; 10,1; 10, 2; 11,1; 15,1; 16, 2; 16, 3; 27,1 ; 27, 2; 28, 5; 28, 6; 29, 1; 32, 3. |