Notes to the Illustrations


FIG. 1.1 From Scientific American, June 1967. By courtesy of W. H. Freeman & Co.
FIG. 1.4 Reproduced by courtesy of the University of Chicago Press.
FIG. 4.2 Tomb distribution based on Hood 1960 (revised); vegetation zones based onTurrill 1929.
FIG. 4.4 Reproduced by courtesy of Hirmer Verlag.
FIG. 5.2 The burnished bowl in Chios. 1, A. Gala, Upper I, A 3.20–3.36; 2, A. Gala, Upper I, 2.90–3.00; 3 to 14 are from Emborio: the Roman numeral indicates the phase: 3, XA, 1466; 4, IXB, 1419; 5, VIII, B1, 535 and 536; 6, VIII, B1, 3532; 7, B3,1325; 8, VII, 953 ; 9, VII, 1, 969; 10, VII, 1, 976; 11, VII, 1, 635A; 12, VI, 1E, 747; 13, VI, iD, 709; 14, II, 2490.
FIG. 5.3 Aegean later neolithic bowls. 2 and 4 to 15, dark with heavy burnish; 1, unburnished; 3, pattern-burnished on the inside. 1 to 4, Kum Tepe, Trench A1, 3.80 m to bedrock; 5 to 10, Kum Tepe, Trench A1, 2.40 to 3.60 m; 11, Kum Tepe, Trench Ai, o to 1.40 m; 12 and 13, Lerna II, J.442 and Bl. 13; 14 and 15, Poliochni I (Black).
FIG. 5.4 Regional groups of pattern-burnish pottery. Group I (Attic-Kephala culture): 1, Kephala; 2, Velatouri; 3, Athens Agora; 4, Aegina; 5, Askitario; 6, Corinth; 7, Prosymna; Group II (Pyrgos ware, Early Minoan): 8, Pyrgos; 9, Knossos; 10, Lebena; 11, Arkalachori; 12, Phais-tos; 13, Krasi; 14, Eileithyia; and other sites; Group III (Beşikatepe ware): 15, Beşikatepe; 16, Kum Tepe; 17, Akbaş; 30, Tigani; Group IV (C. and N. Greece): 18, Elateia; 19, Or-chomenos; 20, Varka Psachna; 21, Tsangli; 22, Messiani Maghoula; 23, Arapi; 24, Otzaki; 25, Servia; 26, Aghios Mamas; 27, Vardina; Group V (Chios): 28, Emborio; 29, Aghio Gala.
FIG. 7.1 Reproduced by courtesy of Professor J. L. Caskey.
FIG. 7.2 Reproduced by courtesy of Kohlhammer Verlag.
FIG. 7.3 Pottery from Poliochni, Manika and lasos. 1, Poliochni V, Myrina Museum 926; 2, Poliochni V, Myrina Museum 248; 3, Manika, find of 1905; 4, Manika tomb (B5); 5, lasos grave 12, Izmir Museum; 6, lasos, Izmir Museum 4645.
FIG. 7.4 Reproduced by courtesy of the Harvard University Press.
FIG. 8.4 Reproduced by courtesy of the Cambridge University Press.
FIG. 10.1 Grotta-Pelos bowls. Nos. 1–3, 14–16, from Grotta Naxia; 4, 10–13 from Phylakopi in Melos; 5, from Aghioi Anargyroi in Naxos; 6, from Kato Akrotiri in Amorgos; 7 and 9, from Aïla in Naxos; 8, from Aghios Pandelemon in Melos.
FIG. 10.3 Grotta-Pelos vessels. 1, cylindrical pyxis from Pelos in Melos, Athens NM 5696; 2, footed vessel from Pelos, Athens NM 5700; 3, spherical pyxis from Pelos, Athens NM 5699; 4, marble kandila from grave 9 at Plastiras in Paros, Paros Museum.
FIG. 10.4 lasos and the Grotta-Pelos culture, 1, Izmir Museum 559; 2, Plastiras grave 9; 3, Izmir Museum 364; 4, Panormos district of Naxos, Apeiranthos Museum; 5, Izmir Museum 4645; 6, Pelos cemetery, Melos, Athens NM 5699.
FIG. 10.6 Kum Tepe lb bowls. 1, Kum Tepe; 2, Protesilaos; 3, Thermi; 4, Poliochni; 5, Emborio; 6, Pamukcu; 7, Kayişlar; 8, Grotta; 9, Aghioi Anargyroi; 10, Ano Kouphonisi; 11, Aïla; 12, Kato Akrotiri; 13, Phylakopi; 14, Aghios Pandelemon; 15, Pelos; 16, Akrotiraki; 17, Athens Acropolis; 18, Eutresis; 19, Lerna.
FIG. 11.1 Syros forms from Chalandriani, in the Syros Museum. Nos. 4 to 8 of marble; 9, clay, red paint on a white slip; the remainder un pa in ted pots. 1, Museum number 161; 2, 172; 3, 160; 4, 179; 5, 186; 6, 182; 7, 178; 8, 190; 9, 159; 10, 152.
FIG. 11.2 From Kastri, in Syros Museum. 1, K62/91; 2, K62/88; 3, K62/89; 4, K62/53; 5, K62/26; 6, K62/44.
FIG. 11.4 Drawings based on Bossert 1967 and Doumas 1963.
FIG. 12.1 Forms of the Phylakopi I culture. Nos. 1 to 3, painted vessels from Melos in the British Museum: A 346, A 335 and A 340. No. 4, incised kernos, Naxos Museum 736.
FIG. 12.2 Forms of the Phylakopi I culture, all incised. Nos. 1 and 5 from Paroikia, Paros Museum; nos. 3 and 4 from Phylakopi, Athens National Museum; no. 2, Apeiranthos Museum.
FIG. 14.1 Neolithic tell mounds listed: Paradimi, Laphrouda, Dikiiitash, Polystylo, Sitagroi, Megalokambos, Dhimitra, Kritsana, Nea Nikomedeia, Servia, Argissa, Arapi, Souphli, Ghediki, Rini, Marmariani, Maghoulitsa, Tsani, Tsangli, Rachmani, Sesklo, Dhimini, Acheilleon, Pyrassos, Maghoula Aidheniotiki, Zereiia, Lionochladi, Elateia, Chaironeia, Corinth, Hagiorgitika, Knossos, Emborio.
FIG. 14.4 Settlement hierarchy in Crete. Late Minoan settlement distribution from Graham 1962; modern distribution and cultivated lands from Allbaugh 1953; modern sub-regions and transport axes from D. M. Smith et al. 1966.
FIG. 15.2 Reproduced by courtesy of Princeton University Press.
FIG. 16.1 Reproduced by courtesy of Johns Hopkins Press.
FIG. 16.4 & FIG. 16.6 Reproduced by courtesy of Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner.
FIG. 17.2 From Archaioiogikon Deltion by courtesy of Upourgeion Proedrias tis Kuberniseos.
FIG. 17.3 Reproduced by courtesy of Princeton University Press.
FIG. 18.2 Major early bronze age sites. Fortified sites: 1, Lerna; 2, Aegina; 3, Askitario; 4, Raphina; 5, Manika; 6, Chalandriani; 7, Panormos; 8, Emborio; 9, Thermi; 10, Poliochni; 11, Troy. Cemeteries: 12, Steno; 13, Zygouries; 14, Corinth; 15, Aghios Kosmas; 16, Athens Agora; 5, Manika; 17, Pyrgos; 18, Krasi; 19, Kanli Kastelli; 20, Kalathiana; 21, Platanos; 22, Porti; 23/ AghiaTriadha; 24, Lebena; 25, Koumasa; 26, Sphoungaras; 27, Mochlos; 28, Palaikas-tro; 29, Glykoperama; 30, lasos; 31, Hanaytepe; 32, Yortan; 33, Babakoy; 34 / Ovabaymdir. For Cycladic cemeteries see figs. Appx. 1, 2 to 5 and the Gazetteer. ‘Sauceboat’ distribution in mainland Greece based on French 1968 (simplified); data on olive and cereal yields from Kayser and Thompson 1964. (Turkey not included.)
FIG. 19.7 Findspots of folded-arm figurines. 1, Dokathismata; 2, Kapsala; 3, Apantima; 4, Chalandriani; 5, Aghia Irini; 6, Spedos; y, Karvounolakkoi; 8, Phyrroghes; 9, Aghioi Anargyroi; 10, Kastraki; n, Phylakopi; 12, Thera; 13, Dhespotikon; 14, Dhaskalio; 15/ Keros, uncertain location; 16, Schinousa, uncertain location; 17, Kapros; 18, Aphendika; 19, Roon; 20, Loutra (Ano Kouphonisi); 21, Polichni; 22, Lionas; 23, Herakleia, uncertain location; 24, Aigiale; 25, Trymalia; 26, south-east Naxos; 27, Pidima; 28, Knossos; 29, Herakleion; 30, Pyrgos; 31, Teke; 32, Siteia; 33, Aghios Onouphrios; 34, Platanos; 35, Koumasa; 36, Lebena; 37, Platyvola.
FIG. 20.4 Forms documenting the international spirit of the Early Bronze 2 period. 1, Syros Museum 173; 2, Herakleion Museum, from Lebena Tomb II, 343 (kindly drawn by Dr P. M. Warren); 3, Apeiranthos Museum 54; 4, Myrina Museum 694; 5, with cream-coloured slip, Apeiranthos Museum.
FIG. 20.7. Data from Bass 1967, Buchholz 1958, Stubbings 1951 and Taylour 1958.
FIG. 20.8. Reproduced by courtesy of Tavistock Publications.
  The following figures are reproduced by courtesy of the Trustees of the estate of the late Sir Arthur Evans: 4.1; 43; 6.1; 6.2; 6.3; 6.7; 6.9; 15-8; 15.16; 16.2; 17.1; 17.4; 17.5; 18.5; 18.6; 18.7; 18.8; 18.9; 18.10; 19.3; 19.8; 19.12; 20.2; 20.3; 20.6; 21.2; 21.3; 21.4.


  Photographs by the author unless otherwise stated. Note that the measurements given are approximate only.
FRONTISPIECE Goulandris collection no. 142, ht 15.2 cm (photo Ino loannidou and Lenio Bartziotis).
PL. 1 1, Ashmolean Museum 1938.727; 2, Copenhagen Nationalmuseet 476 (photo National Museum); 3, British Museum 43.5-7.75 (photo courtesy Trustees of the British Museum); 4, Thera Museum.
PL. 2 1, National Museum, Athens NM 6140, 6, 7, 9–11 (museum photo); 2, from Glypha in Paros, Athens NM 4762 (photo Zervos); 3, from Levkais in Paros, Ashmolean Museum AE 417 (photo courtesy Ashmolean Museum); 4, from Levkais in Paros, Ashmolean AE 415 (photo courtesy Ashmolean Museum); 5, from Amorgos, Ashmolean Museum AE 174 (photo courtesy Ashmolean Museum).
PL. 3 1 and 2, British Museum; 3 to 8, British School of Archaeology at Athens.
PL. 4 1, Musée du Louvre (photo Zervos); 2, National Museum, Athens; 3 to 6, sherds collected by author, now in British School sherd collection: 3 and 5 from Kato Akrotiri, Amorgos; 4 from Aïla, Naxos; 6 from Aghios Pandelemon, Melos; 7 to 10, National Museum, Athens; 11, Naxos Museum; 12, British School Collection; 13 and 14, Aegina Museum.
PL. 5 1, Herakleion Museum; 2, Melos Museum; 3, Goulandris collection no. 94 (photo loannidou and Bartziotis); 4, Melos Museum; 5, British Museum; 6, Herakleion Museum.
PL. 6 1, British Museum 1912.6-26.11 (photo courtesy Trustees of the British Museum); 2, Goulandris collection no. 59 (photo loannidou and Bartziotis); 3, British Museum, TB 614 (photo courtesy Trustees of the British Museum); 4, British School Collection; 5 and 6, Herakleion Museum.
PL. 7 1, Syros Museum; 2 to 5, Athens National Museum (photos Zervos).
PL. 8 1 to 8, National Museum, Athens; 9, Melos Museum; 10 and 11, Syros Museum; 12 and 13, British School Collection; 14, Syros Museum.
PL. 9 1, Athens National Museum 4998; 2, Athens National Museum (photo Zervos); 3, Athens NM 5196; 4, Athens NM 5026; 5 and 6, British Museum.
PL. 10 1, Athens National Museum (photo Zervos); 2, Musée National Céramique de Sèvres (photo Zervos); 3 to 5, Athens National Museum; 6, Aegina Museum.
PL. 11 1, Musée National Céramique de Sèvres (photo Zervos); 2, British School Collection; 3, Herakleion Museum 4194.
PL. 12 1 and 2, Thera Museum; 3 and 5, Aegina Museum; 4, Archaeological Museum, Istanbul; 6, Ashmolean Museum AE 265.
PL. 13 1, Naxos Museum; 2, Stratigraphic Museum, Knossos; 3 to 6, National Museum, Athens.
PL. 15 1, Museum antiker Kleinkunst, Munich (photo Zervos); 2 (photo Hirmer).
PL. 16 1, Apeiranthos Museum; 2, Athens NM 6176 (photo Zervos); 3, Athens National Museum (photo Zervos).
PL. 17 British Museum (photo courtesy Trustees of the British Museum).
PL. 18 1 (photo courtesy Italian School of Archaeology, Athens); 2, National Museum, Athens (after Brea); 3, National Museum, Athens; 4, Herakleion Museum (photo Hirmer); 5, National Museum, Athens (photo courtesy Bolletino d’Arte).
PL. 19 1, British Museum (photo courtesy Trustees of the British Museum); 2, Athens National Museum; 3, Musée du Louvre; 4, Athens, National Museum; 5, Ashmolean Museum AE 158 (photo courtesy Ashmolean Museum); 6, Goulandris collection no. 313 (photo loannidou and Bartziotis).
PL. 20 Photos courtesy Professor J. L. Caskey.
PL. 22 1 and 2, Ashmolean Museum, AE 241 and 242; 3 to 5, Athens, National Museum (photo courtesy Italian School of Archaeology, Athens); 6 and 7, Ashmolean Museum AE 239 and 232 (photos courtesy Ashmolean Museum); 8 to 10, British Museum 81.5-9, 5 to 7 (photo courtesy Trustees of the British Museum).
PL. 23 1, a, after Caskey; I, b, after Müller (photo courtesy German Archaeological Institute, Athens); 1, c, after Blegen; 2, Ashmolean Museum AE 159; 3, Athens National Museum (after Brea); 4, Herakleion Museum (Giamalakis Collection) (photo Hirmer).
PL. 24 1, Goulandris collection no. 329 (photo loannidou and Bartziotis); 2, Herakleion Museum (photo Hirmer).
PL. 26 1, Apeiranthos Museum; 2, Naxos Museum; 3, Paros Museum; 4 to 6, collected by the author, British School Collection.
PL. 27 1, Athens NM 3910 (photo Zervos); 2, Badisches Landesmuseum, Karlsruhe (photo Zervos); 3, Herakleion Museum (photo Hirmer).
PL. 28 1 and 2, Athens National Museum; 3 and 4, Ashmolean Museum 1938.725 and 1929.26 (photos courtesy Ashmolean Museum); 5 and 6, Herakleion Museum (photos Zervos).
PL. 29 1, Athens NM 4974 (photo Zervos); 2 (photo Hirmer).
PL. 30 1 and 2, Athens NM 4722 and 4723 (photo courtesy National Museum); 3 and 4, Herakleion Museum; 5, Ashmolean Museum AE 170 (photo courtesy Ashmolean Museum); 6, Ashmolean Museum AE 172.
PL. 31 Goulandrls collection nos. 257 and 304 (photos loannidou and Bartziotis).
PL. 32 1, Copenhagen Nationalmuseet 4697 (photo Lennart Larsen); 2, Goulandris collection no. 252 (photo loannidou and Bartziotis); 3, Musée du Louvre (photo Zervos); 4, Athens NM 2309 (photo Hannibal).
  The following plates are reproduced by courtesy of Éditions Cahiers d’Art: 2, 2; 4, 1a; 4, 1b; 7, 2; 7,3; 7,4; 7, 5; 9, 2; 10,1; 10, 2; 11,1; 15,1; 16, 2; 16, 3; 27,1 ; 27, 2; 28, 5; 28, 6; 29, 1; 32, 3.