Appendix A: Poultry from Scratch Worksheet

IN EACH SECTION, circle all answers that apply. Add additional information where needed.

1.    General

I am interested in raising:





I want to raise poultry because:

         Pet or 4-H project

         Meat and/or eggs for my family

         To make money

         Novelty, just to try something different

         To breed and/or show


My family and home situation is:

         I have a job outside of my home (PT or FT?) and am away ______ hours per day.

         I have ______ children at home, of whom ______ are old enough to help with birds.

         I have dogs or other outdoor pets and/or livestock (list type and number of each).


           Other family-related concerns or questions that occur to me:


2.    Time

         I have plenty of time to spend learning about and caring for my poultry.

         I have limited time due to (circle) my job, family issues, other animals.

         Other time-related questions and concerns:


3.    Space

         I have plenty of room for my birds to roam or free-range during the day.

         I have limited space and will need to confine my birds to a coop or pen.

         I plan to free-range my birds, and understand how many birds I can keep on the amount of pasture or yard space I have.


         Other space-related questions and concerns:


4.    Housing

         I have already prepared (circle all that apply) housing, roosts, nest boxes, fencing.

         I have a good supply of appropriate bedding for the coop(s).

         I understand how often I need to clean out the coop(s) and have a plan for this.

         My coop(s) have adequate ventilation.

         Other housing-related questions and concerns:


5.    Feed

         I understand what feed is appropriate for each stage of my birds’ growth stages.

         I have located a nearby source of the correct feed (Name, hours and contact info):


         I haven’t yet located a reliable source of the feed I want.

         Other feed-related questions and concerns:


6.    Health

         I am willing to spend some time learning about common poultry health issues and take appropriate preventative measures (list):


         I know of a local veterinarian who handles poultry (Name, hours, contact info):


          I have a plan for dealing with sick or injured birds who may be suffering:


         Other health-related questions and concerns:


7.    Breeding

         I want to breed poultry mainly to replenish my flock each year.

         I want to breed poultry seriously to help preserve a rare breed or to show.

         I have prepared additional housing and nest box space needed for incubating hens.

         I plan to collect hatching eggs and incubate them artificially.

         I am prepared to brood chicks if a hen should abandon her nest.

         I have a plan for dealing with extra roosters, inferior birds and other cull issues:


         Other breeding-related questions and concerns:


8.    Predators

         Possible predators in my area include:


           Hawks and eagle





           Weasels or mink





         As far as I know, there are no potential predators near my poultry.

         My plan for minimizing or preventing daytime attacks is:

         My plan for minimizing or preventing nighttime attacks is:


         Other predator-related questions and concerns:


9.    Egg birds

         There are _______ egg eaters in my family. I plan to keep ______ laying hens to supply enough eggs for us.

         I’m thinking of raising a larger laying flock and selling the extra eggs.

         I am aware of local and state licensing laws related to selling eggs. (Describe)


         I don’t want to sell eggs, but I have a plan for dealing with extra eggs when there is a surplus.


         I have a plan for dealing with older hens who are past their prime laying years.


         Other egg-related questions and concerns:


10. Meat birds

         I plan to raise ________ meat birds per year for my family.

         My preferred breed for meat birds is:


         I know of a nearby source of appropriate meat bird feed (Name, hours and contact info):


         I own or have access to appropriate slaughtering equipment.

         I know someone with slaughtering experience who is willing to show me the ropes.

         I have decided which method of slaughtering meat birds is preferable for me:


         I plan to raise fast-growing hybrid meat birds, and am confident I can get them slaughtered in a timely manner.

         I have plenty of freezer space to store _______ whole birds.

         I want to raise meat birds to sell, and am aware of local and state licensing regulations and facility requirements.

         Other meat-related questions and concerns: