VOHU MANAH, WHICH LITERALLY MEANS the good mind, is almost as important as Asha, and recurs throughout the Gathas. It is through Vohu Manah that God’s revelations are made known to Zarathustra. Since life on Earth, and in the hereafter, has to do with the mind/spirit, it is Vohu Manah whose gifts are most precious. The basic ‘Yatha Ahu Vairyo’ prayer, in its second part, speaks of these gifts. These gifts are set out in the verses below, and are four in number:
Tevishi – that is strength of character
Utayuiti – life renewed or taking on a different direction or course
Hu Urva Tat – wholeness or perfection
Amere Tat – immortality
The first two gifts are given to a human being here on Earth, and are the by-products of following the path of truth. The last two gifts are given to mankind only after it has been completely cleansed of evil, and therefore occur only in the hereafter.
AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 28.7
Grant, O Truth, the reward of what is the best that the mind can achieve. O Right-Mindedness, grant this to Vistaspa and to my people, through your power, O Lord, so that your worshippers may carry out your wishes.
USTAVAITI – Yas. 44.1
This do I ask You, tell me truly, O Lord:
How should your devotees worship you? Let your assistant, Truth, O God, point out this to me – until the revelations of the Pure Mind arrives to all mankind.
USTAVAITI – Yas. 45.10
Him, through devotion to Right-Mindedness, will I seek – who is forever known as the Lord who is the Great Creator? For, through Truth and the Pure Mind, He has promised that through His power, perfection, and immortality will be given to all persons, as also strength of character and life renewed.
She alone is our safe haven – the gifts of the Pure Mind are strength of character and life renewed. God, through Truth, has clothed her with vegetation, which nourished life at the very beginning.
VOHU KSHATREM 7 – Yas. 51.7
Grant me, O Creator of Mother Earth, the waters and plant life, immortality and perfection through Your holiest spirit, O Lord. Grant me strength of character and life renewed through the teachings of the Pure Mind.