LITERALLY TRANSLATED, THIS REFERS TO the holy spirit. This holy spirit was created at the beginning of time and was given the choice of whether it would be beneficent or malignant – it chose the former. Interestingly enough, its twin, which is its equal in every respect, was also given the same choice, but it chose to be malignant. Angra Mainyu, or the evil spirit, is all that exists as the embodiment of evil in the Gathas. There is no devil here who is both powerful and an opposing force to the Almighty God. God is clearly omnipotent in the Gathas, and evil is only equated with wrong moral choice.
The verses chosen below refer only to the holy spirit – Angra Mainyu being spoken about in the two great sermons of Zarathustra which will be set out a little later. In these verses, Zarathustra chooses to be like Spenta Mainyu, who is equated with the highest that any human mind can achieve. This spirit speaks in accordance with the Pure Mind’s revelations and fulfills the tasks that any right-minded person must do, inspired by the fact that God alone is the Father of Truth. Importantly, it is on account of this spirit that evil persons feel thwarted and righteous persons feel comforted. Spenta Mainyu is clearly the spirit which, when it works in man’s brain, produces results which accord with the teachings of the Pure Mind.
To Almighty God, I pray in all humility, with uplifted hands which reach out for perfect happiness. This prayer is, first of all, to the Good Spirit, which I seek to emulate through deeds done for the love of truth. These deeds are what brings wisdom, the highest that the mind can attain. It is this wisdom that Mother Earth needs most, so that peace can be brought to her.
USTAVAITI – Yas. 43.16
O Lord, Zarathustra chooses for himself the way of the Holy Spirit. May Truth incarnated uplift us with her strength. May Right-Mindedness and Your power, resplendent as the sun, bless deeds done from good motives.
By the holy spirit and best mind, by words and deeds of truth, perfection and immortality are bestowed by God, His power and Right-Mindedness.
Thus, the best and the holiest spirit speaks words of the highest wisdom. With Right-Mindedness helping it does it toil, doing good deeds with both its hands, inspired by the thought that God is the Father of Truth.
You are indeed the Father of the Holy Spirit –you have fashioned our joyful Mother Earth for it, and to protect it have you sent peace, and right-mindedness, and the Pure Mind, when it asked for help.
Because of this spirit, the evil persons’ plans are frustrated, O God – but not those of the righteous. Only one who has little material wealth is inclined to be righteous. But being rich and powerful, such person is inclined to being evil.
Through this holy spirit, O God, have You promised the best to the righteous. The evil person will get his just desserts removed from Your love, because of his evil intent and bad deeds.