Chapter Two



APART FROM WHAT IS STATED IN THE two great sermons, there are verses of the Gathas that have been put together in this chapter to further explain the moral teachings of Zarathustra. These verses stress the fact that human beings have been created not as puppets but as thinking beings capable of moral choices. Human beings are apart from the animal creation in this one respect, and perhaps the worship of fire as a symbol of truth or correct moral choice is also because (apart from fire being light) an animal cannot light, kindle, or put out a fire. It is, therefore, the symbol of moral choice par excellence. So, a human being, by using his conscience, both lights and kindles his inner fire and, by ceasing to use his conscience, puts it out.

Among the various verses below are two extremely important ones. Chapter 34 Verse 13 restates the teaching of every great saviour. It is that every good deed inspired by truth alone reaches far. Likewise, Chapter 43 Verse 5 makes it clear that all acts and words bear fruit – nobody can escape the consequences of her/his acts and words. Another interesting verse, Chapter 46 Verse 6 makes the dichotomy between good and evil crystal clear by declaring that he who is good to those who are evil is himself evil, and he who is good to the righteous is himself righteous.

These verses also tell us that it is through striving by one’s own inner urge and self-sacrifice that one understands and then follows revelatory truths, and that ultimately, the highest is reached and the laws of God are followed only through good deeds.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 31.9

Yours has been right-mindedness and the wisdom which created life, O God. Unto life have You granted the choice of following the teachings of a true protector or the wiles of a false so-called protector.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 31.11

From the beginning, O Lord, You created life and thought to minds of understanding. You created upliftment for mankind – after all, deeds, teachings, and wills are a matter of individual choice.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 31.12

Therefore, each loudly proclaims whatever he wishes – whether it be false or true; whether it be wise or foolish – with head and heart, his spirit stands beside Right-Mindedness, questioning as to how to resolve his doubts.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 31.17

Which of the two paths do either the righteous or unrighteous choose as the better one? Let the enlightened person explain this to the man of good understanding. Let the man of poor understanding not lead us astray. Do You, O God, instruct us about the purity of the mind.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 34.12

What is Your law, Your will, concerning Your worship. Speak to me clearly, O Lord, so that the blessings of rectitude come upon us. Lead us onto the path of truth and self-realization through the pure mind.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 34.13

That path, O Lord, which You pointed out to me – the creed of all saviours – that every good deed inspired by lofty motives alone goes far. This teaching is for the clear-sighted, leading to the ultimate reward which you will grant.

image USTAVAITI – Yas. 43.5

I have realized that You are holy, O Lord, when I recognized that You were the first, even before life came into being. You have ordained that all words and deeds will bear fruit. Misery to those who are evil, and the blessings of well-being to those who are good. Thus shall it be till the ultimate goal of creation is reached.

image USTAVAITI – Yas. 43.12

And when you told me to follow truth to acquire understanding, you did not tell me to do something which will be unheeded by me. I will bestir within myself my conscience, which will then bless me with the accompaniment of great light. You award both the sides with their just dues.

image USTAVAITI – Yas. 43.15

As holy indeed have I recognized You, O Lord, when the Pure Mind entered me and said that silent meditation is good for spiritual growth. Never should any person try to placate evil persons, for, they will always regard the righteous as their enemies.

image USTAVAITI – Yas. 44.10

This do I ask You, tell me truly, O Lord:

Your revelation is best for all living beings, which advances truth and life and guides aright our words and deeds, O Right-Mindedness, so that my desire to understand your will, O Lord, is fulfilled.

image USTAVAITI – Yas. 44.14

This do I ask You, tell me truly, O Lord:

How shall I deliver the lie into the hands of Truth? How will I overthrow the lie by teaching Your holy word? How do I bring complete frustration of the plans of those who are evil? How do I get them into trouble and get them to be hated?

image USTAVAITI – Yas. 46.4

Evil persons all around us thwart the righteous from helping Life. These persons are enemies of life as shown by their actions. Whosoever opposes them with all his life and strength, O Lord, is a helper along the paths of holy wisdom.

image USTAVAITI – Yas. 46.5

Whoever, being in a position of strength, receives any person in kindness or in friendship, and whoever receives anybody because he is a follower of Your revelation, is blessed; even if such a person, being righteous, receives an evil person, he should teach him the path to salvation to save him from destruction, O Lord.

image USTAVAITI – Yas. 46.6

But, whoever, being able to do so, does not do so, shall himself be ensnared by evil. Because he who is good to those who are evil is himself evil. And he who befriends the righteous is himself righteous. This is your law ever since you first created us.

image USTAVAITI – Yas. 46.7

Who, O Lord, will protect me when evil persons threaten me with violence; who, other than Your fire and the Pure Mind? When they both are at work within me, truth prevails, O Lord. Declare this clearly so that I may understand this philosophical truth.

image USTAVAITI – Yas. 46.8

Whoever is violent in life, his deeds of flaming hate will not touch me but will recoil on him, this which keeps him from the good life, but not from hateful evil ways.

image USTAVAITI – Yas. 46.15

The Haecat-aspa and Spitama family do I speak to, so that you may discriminate between understanding and ignorance. Through deeds of truth will you march forward in accord with God’s primeval law.

image USTAVAITI – Yas. 46.17

I have told you that action, not inaction, is best, O Wise Jamaspa. With your conscience aroused, do you seek to worship – you will discriminate between understanding and ignorance. God and Truth are our wonderful protectors.

image SPENTA MAINYU – Yas. 48.4

Whosoever makes his mind better or worse, his words and deeds show his way of thinking. He chooses for himself – at the end, in your wisdom, will he stand apart (depending on the choice made).

image SPENTA MAINYU – Yas. 49.5

But he, O Lord, who, through earnest desire and zeal, links his way of thinking with the Pure Mind – each such applies right-mindedness and grows wise by following the truth – all such will dwell under Your rule, O Lord.

image VOHU KSHATREM – Yas. 51.1

God’s power is great. It comes as a reward to those who are dedicated and eager to serve the cause of truth. By doing deeds of truth will one reach the highest – for that alone will I strive now and always.

image VOHU KSHATREM – Yas. 51.4

Which shepherd will look after your worshipper? When will compassion take over? When will truth take over? And when will right-mindedness do the same? Where is the highest mind and Your power, O God?

image VOHU KSHATREM – Yas. 51.6

Whosoever proves himself to be better than good, thus fulfilling life’s purpose, will be helped by God’s power. But it shall be worse than bad for him who does not do so at the final end of life.

image VOHU KSHATREM – Yas. 51.19

Therefore, that man, O Maidyo-Manha, shall dedicate to Him the realization of self. Whoever wishes to understand the meaning of life is better able to demonstrate God’s laws through doing good deeds.

image VAHISTA ISTI – Yas 53.5:

These words are spoken to young girls who are getting married and to their young men – bring the Pure Mind down to your own minds, and let each one strive to surpass the other in truth and high-mindedness, which will surely bring rich rewards.


As Zarathustra’s teaching is universal, the verses set out below show us that he set out to convert mankind as a whole, regardless of caste, creed, or race. In fact, Fryana, a Turanian (i.e. a non-Persian – probably Mongol in origin), has also come over to the faith, and is said to advance life, and becomes zealous in spreading the faith himself.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 28.5

On self-realization through wisdom, when will I actually see the very embodiment of Truth and the Pure Mind? The path to the Almighty God is obedience to His will. (This is self-realization.) Through this excellent verse will wicked people, by word of mouth, be taught to choose correctly.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 31.3

You give to us fire in spirit and bliss, promised to all who follow truth, so that those who can discern correctly are given your divine revelation. Declare this revelation from your own mouth so that all the living may choose aright.

image USTAVAITI – Yas. 46.12

Among the descendants and progeny of the Turanians, there will emerge the strong Fryana who, through right-mindedness, zealously helps the living. He will help them to reach the Pure Mind and bliss, which God will grant.