Chapter Six



THE VERSES COLLATED BELOW SPEAK OF what is mankind’s lot in the ultimate analysis. We are told that once these concepts become clear to man, he will promote truth. Also, evil people are said to defraud mankind of both a happy life on Earth and immortality in the life beyond. One extremely enigmatic verse namely, Chapter 44 Verse 18 speaks of Zarathustra asking for 10 mares, a stallion, and a camel so that he may bring perfection and immortality to mankind. By itself, this verse makes no sense. But when read in conjunction with Chapter 46 Verse 2, which states that Zarathustra is helpless and nobody follows him because he is a man of meagre possessions, everything falls into place.

In the mountains in which Zarathustra lived, at least 3,000 years ago, wealth was in the form of livestock. His asking, therefore, for wealth in the form of mares, a stallion, and a camel is only a means to achieve an end. He wants to become a man of property so that he will not be dismissed as a lightweight by people around him. He can then preach a message that would be understood even by those who are skeptical of him because he is not wealthy.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 31.6

The best will be the lot of the wise man who speaks the truth – words which bring perfection and immortality in the realm of truth. Such is God’s power that with this thought good intent will increase from within.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 31.21

God will grant perfection and immortality, and through his wholeness, truth, God’s power, and pure-mindedness, all of which sustain life, to the one who is his friend in spirit and in action.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 32.5

Thus, did you cheat mankind of a good life on earth and immortality in the future. The evil spirit deceived you into bad thought, word, and deed when it taught you that evil will reign supreme.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 33.8

Carefully, see for yourself my purpose which I pursue with a good motive. Worship is of only You, though I speak words of praise for Truth as well. Grant us the blessing of perfection and immortality once life changes our direction to the path of good.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 33.9

These two spiritual attainments, O Lord, are mighty promoters of truth – they bring light and strength. May the Pure Mind bring their assistance to us from afar – they whose souls work as one.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 34.1

The path of truth – words, deeds, and worship – brings immortality, and through Your power, O God, perfection. May we bring this to mankind by propagating this most zealously, O Lord.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 34.11

And both perfection and immortality lead onwards to light and display the power of the Pure Mind. Truth and right-mindedness increase strength of character and make life take on a new meaning. Through the working of these will your opponents be vanquished.

image USTAVAITI – Yas. 44.17

This do I ask You, tell me truly, O Lord:

How do I attain the goal set by You, O Lord – how do I become your companion, so that I may convince mankind about our common future, namely perfection and immortality, attained through Your holy word, which is our best guide owing to its truth?

image USTAVAITI – Yas. 44.18

This do I ask You, tell me truly, O Lord:

How shall I earn through truth that reward: material wealth in the form of ten mares, led by a stallion, and a camel, so that I may bring perfection and immortality to mankind?

image USTAVAITI – Yas. 46.2

I know why I am helpless – I have a small following because I am a man of few possessions. Please consider this fact carefully, O Lord. I wish for the bliss that one friend gives to the other – teach me about the might of the Pure Mind through truth.

image USTAVAITI – Yas. 45.5

I will explain what the Holiest has revealed to me; what He says is best for mortals to hear. Those who obey and revere it will attain perfection and immortality and through deeds done from the loftiest motives, God Himself.

image USTAVAITI – Yas. 45.10

Him, through devotion to Right-Mindedness, will I seek – who is forever known as the Lord who is the Great Creator. For, through Truth and the Pure Mind, He has promised that through His power, perfection and immortality will be given to all persons, as also strength of character and life renewed.

image SPENTA MAINYU – Yas. 47.1

By the holy spirit and best mind, by words and deeds of truth, perfection and immortality are bestowed by God, His power, and right-mindedness.