Chapter Seven



THE VERSES SET OUT BELOW FIRST SPEAK OF the importance of revelation, and thereafter of the importance of prayer. The first word ever uttered by God is said to be a word of sacrifice, so that light may stream forth and come to Earth from heavenly light. Revelation or the holy word given to Zarathustra by God is said to be the best possible guide because it is true, and it is said that he who expounds on this to those with understanding will attain great happiness.

image AHUNAVAITI 1.7 – Yas. 29.7

Absolute Truth is created by the holy word of sacrifice uttered by God. God gives all the good things of Mother Earth to the holy protectors because of their teaching of truth to mankind. Who, O Pure Mind, do you have in mind, who will save mankind?

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 31.7

Who through that first word brought light down to us from heavenly light? Who through his wisdom is the creator of truth? The upholder of the Highest (mentally). That light do You brighten within us, which has otherwise remained dormant till now.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 34.2

To You do we turn our minds, full of the revelations of the Pure Mind and the deeds of holy men, whose souls are at one with truth. Lead us near You, O Lord, worshipping You by singing Your praises.

image USTAVAITI – Yas. 44.17

This do I ask You, tell me truly, O Lord:

How do I attain the goal set by You, O Lord? How do I become your companion, so that I may convince mankind about our common future, namely perfection and immortality, attained through Your holy word, which is our best guide owing to its truth.

image USTAVAITI – Yas. 45.5

I will explain what the Holiest has revealed to me. What He says is best for mortals to hear. Those who obey and revere it will attain perfection and immortality and through deeds done from the loftiest motives, God Himself.

image VOHU KSHATREM – YAS. 51.8

Your message will I preach – this should be proclaimed only to those with understanding. Misery will come to those who are evil – and happiness to those who cling to truth. He who spreads this word to those who understand will be happy.


The verses on prayer divide themselves into three groups. The first speaks of prayer being important as a reminder of how to lead life morally. The second makes it clear that, correctly stated, they will guide the path of a person’s tongue, so that he may both instruct other persons and lift up his voice in adoration of God. The third group tells us that if something is asked for by way of prayer, it is answered, provided that what is asked for is righteous. We are told that the best reward that prayer can give is goodness as it enures to the benefit of everybody else. Some of the verses tell us how both persons who are good, as well as persons who are evil, alike pray, so that unless prayer is directed to righteous ends, it is of no avail. The verses in Chapter 50 speak of ecstatic singing of hymns which brings mankind back to its creator.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 28.10

You know those who are truthful, wise, and upright, O Lord. Fulfil their desires, for I know that prayers by such devout persons to further goodness will not remain unanswered by you.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 28.11

So, through prayer may I be reminded of truth and high-mindedness forever. Please tell me Yourself, O Lord, (through Your own mouth) how life first came into being.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 29.4

God bears in mind all prayers made to Him, past, present, and future; those made by ordinary people as well as the believers in many gods. God is the sole judge; so let God’s will be done.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 32.1

To God pray all three grades of the Magha brotherhood, as also the believers in many gods, in the same way and as earnestly. May the brotherhood become your messengers to repel those who spread duplicity.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 33.12

Unfold Yourself within me, O Lord. Grant me the strength of character through right-mindedness. Through the holiest spirit, O Lord, grant me goodness as a reward for prayer. Grant me a life full of vigour through truth, and may the Pure Mind look after me.

image SPENTA MAINYU – Yas. 49.12

What help will come to Your worshipper? What help will come to Zarathustra from the Pure Mind? I would sing hymns to please you, O Lord, asking for that which is best.

image SPENTA MAINYU – Yas. 50.4

And worshipping You and praising You, O God, with Truth and Pure Mind and Your power, may he who desires to hear Your revelation listen to Your devotees in the abode of song.

image SPENTA MAINYU – Yas. 50.5

From beyond, O Lord, and Truth, may I sing that which is revealed to me – your joy giving hymns. You can help us with a wave of the hand (which I can see clearly) which will lead us to light.

image SPENTA MAINYU – Yas. 50.6

I, Zarathustra, will sing these uplifting hymns, O Lord, befriended by Truth, in all humility. May the Creator of Wisdom always guide my tongue – may he teach me and guide me through the Pure Mind.

image SPENTA MAINYU – Yas. 50.7

Lead me to the path to adore you, O Lord, Truth and the mighty Pure Mind, so that leading us, you become our helpers.

image SPENTA MAINYU – Yas. 50.8

Ever with chants which well up to You from within, may I reach You with hands uplifted, O Lord. As Your humble devotee, may I reach Truth and the great wisdom of the Pure Mind.

image SPENTA MAINYU – Yas. 50.9

With these hymns of praise may I come to you, O Lord, O Truth, and through deeds, to the Pure Mind when I have fully achieved all I have set out to do. I yearn to become the possessor of Your wisdom.