AN IMPORTANT ATTRIBUTE WHICH COMES to a person who lives by truth is to be farseeing, which is set out in Chapter 33.13.
AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 33.13
Give me bliss, make me far-seeing and reveal to me Your incomparable gifts – Your power, and the blessings of the Pure Mind. O Holy Right-Mindedness, teach us clearly as to how truth guides our way of thinking.
Another attribute is gratitude set out in Chapter 31.5.
AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 31.5
Declare what is true unto me so that I may decide as to what is better for me. That I may know this through the pure mind and feel exalted in whatever good may come to me – whether it comes or does not come.
A number of verses speak of humility. These are self-explanatory and are set out in this chapter.
AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 28.1
To the Almighty God, I pray in all humility, with uplifted hands which reach out for perfect happiness. This prayer is, first of all, to the Good Spirit, which I seek to emulate through deeds done for the love of truth. These deeds are what bring wisdom, the highest that the mind can attain. It is this wisdom that Mother Earth needs the most so that peace can be brought to her.
USTAVAITI – Yas. 44.12
This do I ask You, tell me truly, O Lord:
Who will I associate with – the righteous or those who are evil? On which side am I – the victim or the perpetrator of evil? The doer of evil sets himself against truth and its rewards – is it not that such person as this thinks not aright?
SPENTA MAINYU – Yas. 49.10
And this, O Lord, will I find in Your abode, in Your great dominion – the Pure Mind, and the souls of the righteous, who, filled with humility and the desire to be right-minded, look kindly on mankind in support.
Questioning about all these as to how he should advance life in truth, the Protector, upright in his deeds, acquires good insight through humility. He is the true guide to those who are wise, bringing them blessings.
Meditation is said to be best for spiritual growth in Chapter 43.15.
USTAVAITI – Yas. 43.15
As holy indeed have I recognized You, O Lord, when the Pure Mind entered me and said that silent meditation is good for spiritual growth. Never should any person try to placate evil persons for they will always regard the righteous as their enemies.
Progress is said to be achieved only through effort in Chapter 32.7.
AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 32.7
These violent persons do not understand the Herculean effort required to tread the path of truth, which is taught by life’s molten metal test. You know best, O Lord, what fate is in store for them.
Those who are poor and meek are to be protected. The verses set out herein below also tell us that hardened sinners may become famous on Earth but will fail when God ultimately judges them. Worldly grandeur hinders mankind from obtaining its ultimate goal, a man of small possessions being more inclined to truth than great lords and their ladies. God’s law is to defend and protect the meek, which law gets defeated when those who are strong oppress the meek instead of protecting them.
AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 32.6
Thus deluded, a complete sinner might appear to succeed and become famous. But God, who remembers all, is aware of his real worth – for verily Truth, High-Mindedness, and God’s power, all of which instruct us, shall prevail.
AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 32.11
Persons like this corrupt life. They regard as great evil lords and their evil ladies. They deprive us of our true inheritance – the best that truth has to offer. They distract the mind, O God.
How great is Your power, and my wish to do good deeds, so that I may be with You, O Lord, Truth and Pure Mind. In order to protect those in need, we speak of You as above all others and apart from ‘other Gods’ and wicked men.
AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 34.8
Of those persons who do good are evil persons who are afraid of them – but they are harmful to many. Being powerful, they oppress mankind, defying Your law, O God. Those who stray from the path of truth are far away from the Pure Mind.
Because of this spirit, the evil persons’ plans are frustrated, O God – but not those of the righteous. Only one who has little material wealth is inclined to be righteous. But being rich and powerful, such person is inclined to being evil.
VAHISTA ISTI – Yas 53.9:
Being slaves to their own passions, those who are evil are filled with hatred, and struggle with themselves. They hate those who are good. Who will oppose such persons with everything at his command? O Lord, it is through Your power that You give to the righteous meek the ultimate reward.
Non-violence is an important fundamental of the faith. Violence is only permitted to resist a person who comes to murder you. This is best brought out in the following verses:
AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 31.18
Let not any of you listen to the words and teachings of those who are evil. Because such persons make this earth a miserable place. It is only when such persons come to kill you that you can resist their violence with violence.
Keep hatred far away and steel yourselves against violence, those of you who wish to cling onto the best wisdom. To increase truth, be in the company of holy men, who will lead such persons to Your abode, O Lord.