Chapter Nine



‘HAPPINESS TO HIM WHO GIVES HAPPINESS to whomsoever else’ is the opening statement of the Ustavaiti Gatha.

In the verses set out in this chapter, what is achieved by following the path of truth is happiness here on Earth and upward progress in the realms of light hereafter. This is brought out well in the verses set out here, which are self-explanatory. One other interesting thing spoken of is the fact that light arises from within and it is from striving for light that man ultimately attains light.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas.28.1

To Almighty God, I pray in all humility, with uplifted hands, which reach out for perfect happiness. This prayer is first of all to the Good Spirit, which I seek to emulate through deeds done for the love of truth. These deeds are what bring wisdom, the highest that the mind can attain. It is this wisdom that Mother Earth needs most so that peace can be brought to her.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 30.1

To those who wish to hear, I shall speak of the two created by God – this teaching is to instruct the wise. I shall praise God and the Pure Mind, pray to Truth, so that you all may grow spiritually to attain light.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 30.11

If you understand these principles which God has laid down for man – happiness and misery, and punishment of a long duration for those who are evil, and upward progress for those who are good – happiness will be your lot.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 31.7

Who, through that first word, brought light down to us from heavenly light? Who, through his wisdom is the creator of truth? The upholder of the Highest (mentally). That light do You brighten within us, which has otherwise remained dormant till now.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 31.20

Whoever follows those who are righteous will abide in light. But to long ages of darkness and words of misery, will the evil person lead himself, thanks to his way of thinking and his deeds.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 34.3

Whatever is due to You, O Lord, and to Truth, will I give with all humility. All lives which, with Your power, promote the Pure Mind, and can be seen as good (in realms far away from Earth) have bliss forever when living with God.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 34.11

And both perfection and immortality lead onwards to light and display the power of the Pure Mind. Truth and right-mindedness increase strength of character and make life take on a new meaning. Through the workings of these will your opponents be vanquished.

image USTAVAITI – Yas. 43.1

Happiness to him who gives happiness to whomsoever else. May God, who rules at will, grant this. I wish for progress, strength of character, and life renewed. For upholding truth, grant to me, O Right-Mindedness, the blessings of a life spent with a mind illumined by light.

image USTAVAITI – Yas. 43.2

To him will come all that is best. Through striving for light, man will attain light. As did the wise holy spirit, O God. Grant to us truth, and the might of the Pure Mind, growing every day within us in a long life of fulfilment.

image USTAVAITI – Yas. 43.12

And when you told me to follow truth to acquire understanding, you did not tell me to do something which will be unheeded by me. I will bestir within myself my conscience which will then bless me with the accompaniment of great light. You award both the sides with their just dues.

image USTAVAITI – Yas. 43.14

The wise Lord gives to his beloved mankind – to my people, O Lord – the gift of joy which comes from truth and strength. All men will unite in defence of your teaching and in defence of those who are mindful of your hymns.

image USTAVAITI – Yas. 45.9

God and the Pure Mind do I seek to worship, who, in his plan, has made for us both good and its opposite, evil. God’s power has made us serve our human flock so that they advance to the highest truth and wisdom.

image SPENTA MAINYU – Yas. 48.5

Let rulers of good understanding rule – not those of poor understanding – by deeds which are both good and wise, O Right-Mindedness. Dedication to purity from birth onwards is best for mankind. For Mother Earth should we toil, leading all men to the realms of light.

image VOHU KSHATREM – Yas. 51.20

Of one accord are you all in granting us blessings, O Truth, the Pure Mind, and the word of Right-Mindedness. With humility will Your worshipper yearn for bliss, O God.