Chapter 28

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas.28.1

To Almighty God, I pray in all humility, with uplifted hands, which reach out for perfect happiness. This prayer is, first of all, to the good spirit, which I seek to emulate through deeds done for the love of truth. These deeds are what bring wisdom, the highest that the mind can attain. It is this wisdom that Mother Earth needs most so that peace can be brought to her.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 28.2

I would reach you, O Lord, through the Pure Mind. Grant me both physical and mental well-being, the rewards of living by truth. Those who are faithful to You will be led by You into light (as opposed to darkness).

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 28.3

To You, O Truth, and Pure Mind, shall I compose hymns as never before, and unto the Lord, the Great Creator, as well. Then, by Your limitless power, shall right-mindedness increase which, when invoked, comes to us to grant us perfect happiness.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 28.4

The soul/human mind on attuning itself to the pure mind, will become aware that it is blessed because it has done good deeds for the love of God. Therefore, as long as I have the will and the strength, will I teach mankind to strive for truth.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 28.5

On self-realization through wisdom, when will I actually see the very embodiment of truth and the pure mind? The path to Almighty God is obedience to His will. (This is self-realization.) Through this excellent verse will wicked people, by word of mouth, be taught to choose correctly.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 28.6

You told me, O Lord, that following the path of truth gives gifts which are of an enduring nature – namely everlasting happiness which alone can overcome hatred.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 28.7

Grant, O Truth, the reward of what is the best that the mind can achieve. O Right-Mindedness, grant this to Vistaspa and to my people, through Your power, O Lord, so that Your worshippers may carry out Your wishes.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 28.8

I wish for the best from the best – from truth and You, O Lord, for Frashostra and for my people. This is nothing less than the highest mental illumination/ joy through all time.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 28.9

Never, O Lord, O Truth, and O Pure Mind, may we provoke to anger. May we come to You with hymns of praise, for You are the best to invoke in prayer.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 28.10

You know those who are truthful, wise, and upright, O Lord. Fulfil their desires – for, I know that prayers by such devout persons to further goodness will not remain unanswered by you.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 28.11

So, through prayer may I be reminded of truth and high-mindedness forever. Please tell me Yourself, O Lord, (through your own mouth) how life first came into being.

Chapter 29

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 29.1

To You, O Lord, did Mother Earth complain: Why did you create me in the first place? I am surrounded by anger, rapine, and violence, which aggressively threaten me. For me, there is no protector other than You. So tell me who will protect me effectively against this onslaught.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 29.2

Thereupon the creator of Mother Earth asked Absolute Truth: Where is the protector for Mother Earth who can zealously perform this task? Which powerful person can repel such hatred and anger?

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 29.3

To God, the Absolute Truth, who binds all together, and is inimical to none, replied: No such one is known to me who can fight on the side of the upright. Of all living persons must he be very strong. I will try to respond as soon as possible.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 29.4

God bears in mind all prayers made to Him, past, present, and future; those made by ordinary people as well as the believers in many gods. God is the sole judge: so let God’s will be done.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 29.5

Therefore, may we with hands uplifted, receive God’s grace. Bountiful Mother Earth requests God thus: Never may harm come to those who are upright or to their leader, though they be surrounded by evil persons.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 29.6

Thereupon spoke God, who pervades everything with His wisdom: Is not a single powerful person or a protector who is righteous known to you? Is this why I made you protector of all things created by me?

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 29.7

Absolute truth is created by the holy word of sacrifice uttered by God. God gives all the good things of Mother Earth to the holy protectors because of their teaching of truth to mankind. Who, O Pure Mind, do you have in mind, who will save mankind?

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 29.8

The Pure Mind answers: One such is known to me – somebody who listened to our teaching – Zarathustra Spitama. About God and truth is he willing to speak. Grant him, therefore, the gift of eloquence.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 29.9

Mother Earth wailed: How do I accept such feeble support – a cowardly person – when I wanted a powerful Lord. When, if ever, will I get effective help from a strong protector?

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 29.10

Do you, O Lord, Truth, and God’s Power, grant strength to him so that he can give us peace and make Mother Earth a good place to live in? Him do we accept as our first saviour.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 29.11

When will truth, the pure mind, and God’s power come to me? Please give recognition to the Magha brotherhood, who will spread your teaching. Now that help has arrived, we will serve you as protectors of life on earth.

Chapter 30

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 30.1

To those who wish to hear, I shall speak of the two created by God – this teaching is to instruct the wise. I shall praise God and the Pure Mind, pray to Truth, so that you all may grow spiritually to attain light.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 30.2

Listen with your ears most attentively. Consider, clearly, what I have to say. Choose before deciding – man for man, each for himself, before this great new age is ushered in. Each one of you, awaken to this message.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 30.3

Now, in the beginning, there were two spirits. They were twins (equal in all respects) and got on well among themselves. In thought, word, and deed, they reveal themselves as Good and Evil. Those who are of greater understanding choose to be upright; not so those who are of lesser understanding.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 30.4

In the beginning, when these two spirits worked together, one fostered life and the other destroyed it. So will it be: The worst to those who are evil, and the best to those who are good.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 30.5

Of those two spirits, one chose to do its worst, whereas the holy spirit chose to live by truth. The holy spirit clothes itself in light imperishable and pleases God by willingly doing good deeds from good motives.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 30.6

Of the two, the believers in many gods chose wrongly. They were deluded when they argued among themselves concerning what is correct. They chose to have the worst of motives combined with deeds done in anger, which had baneful effects on mankind.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 30.7

Unto such will come God’s power, a mind which is pure, and truth. Right-Mindedness will grant continued spiritual progress, and they will be triumphant in the ordeal that is life – as if they have successfully gone through molten lava unscathed.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 30.8

But when retribution comes to those who indulge in violence, God’s judgment will be clearly revealed. It is then that the lie will be delivered into the hands of truth.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 30.9

Those who make life worth living for others have real companionship with truth. Such persons are clear-minded and free from doubt, and are able to withstand falsehood whenever reason sways in doubt.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 30.10

When the short-lived triumph of those who are evil is destroyed, they will get their just desserts. After this, they will reach the abode wherein dwells the Pure Mind, God, and Truth, and they will constantly strive to do good.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 30.11

If you understand these principles which God has laid down for Man – happiness and misery – punishment of a long duration for those who are evil, and upward progress for those who are good – happiness will be your lot.

Chapter 31

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 31.1

Bearing in mind these divine laws do we deliver a message hitherto unheard. People follow their evil ways, which destroy truth in this world. This message is understood best by those who have faith in God.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 31.2

Blinded by the teachings of those who are evil, the better path is not clearly in sight. Therefore, have I come to you all as God’s appointed instructor. God has sent me as an instructor to both good and evil persons so that we may all live in accordance with truth.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 31.3

You give to us fire in spirit and bliss, promised to all who follow truth, so that those who can discern correctly are given your divine revelation. Declare this revelation from your own mouth so that all the living may choose aright.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 31.4

When will you listen to me, O Truth, and you, O Lord, in all your manifestations, and you, O Right-Mindedness? Then shall I wish through the best mind that God’s mighty power is bestowed on us through the working of which the increase of evil may be overcome.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 31.5

Declare what is true unto me so that I may decide as to what is better for me. That I may know this through the pure mind and feel exalted in whatever good may come to me – whether it comes or does not come.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 31.6

The best will be the lot of the wise man who speaks the truth – words which bring perfection and immortality in the realm of truth. Such is God’s power, that with this thought, good intent will increase from within.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 31.7

Who, through that first word, brought light down to us from heavenly light. Who, through his wisdom, is the creator of truth. The upholder of the highest (mentally). That light do You brighten within us, which has otherwise remained dormant till now.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 31.8

May I think of You as first and last – the be all and end all of everything – always. As the father of the highest mind. May I behold You in my mind’s eye as the true creator of truth and the lord over the actions of the living.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 31.9

Yours has been right-mindedness and the wisdom which created life, O God. Unto life have You granted the choice of following the teachings of a true protector or the wiles of a false so-called protector.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 31.10

So between these two, let the choice as shepherd be for a man who possesses truth, a promoter of the best of intentions. Never, O Lord, may a wolf in sheep’s clothing purport to spread Your message.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 31.11

From the beginning, O Lord, You created life and thought to minds of understanding. You created upliftment for mankind – after all, deeds, teachings, and wills are a matter of individual choice.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 31.12

Therefore, each loudly proclaims whatever he wishes – whether it be false or true; whether it be wise or foolish – with head and heart, his spirit stands beside Right-Mindedness, questioning as to how to resolve his doubts.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 31.13

These questions are asked openly or secretly. When, for a small act of violence, one undergoes the highest penance, this is observed by You clearly, along with Truth.

image AHUNAVAITI –Yas. 31.14

This do I ask You, O Lord: How was it in the past and how will it be in the future? How have You noted the wishes of the righteous and those of the unrighteous, and how will you deal with them once their accounts are closed?

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 31.15

I ask this: What is the punishment for those who advance the power of evil doers, O Lord? Those who find nothing better than to injure the protector who opposes evil, and to injure his human flock.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 31.16

I ask this: Any man who strives earnestly to increase truth in the home, in the town, in the district, or in the entire nation – how is he to act so that he is of one accord with You, O Lord.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 31.17

Which of the two paths do either the righteous or unrighteous choose as the better one? Let the enlightened person explain this to the man of good understanding. Let the man of poor understanding not lead us astray. Do You, O God, instruct us about the purity of the mind.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 31.18

Let not any of you listen to the words and teachings of those who are evil. Because such persons make this earth a miserable place. It is only when such persons come to kill you that you can resist their violence with violence.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 31.19

Whoever listens to and thinks of Truth becomes wise and helps life. He will be eloquent in his speech with words which are true. Through the blazing fire of judgement will you assign the next dwelling place to all of mankind.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 31.20

Whoever follows those who are righteous will abide in light. But to long ages of darkness, and words of misery, will the evil person lead himself, thanks to his way of thinking and his deeds.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 31.21

God will grant perfection and immortality, and, through his wholeness, truth, God’s power, and pure-mindedness, all of which sustain life, to one who is his friend in spirit and in action.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 31.22

Clear are these teachings to the wise and to those whose minds are attuned to high-mindedness. With the help of God’s power and truth such person, through his words and deeds, helps God.

Chapter 32

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 32.1

To God pray all three grades of the Magha brotherhood, as also the believers in many gods, in the same way and as earnestly. May the brotherhood become your messengers to repel those who spread duplicity.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 32.2

To them, the Pure Mind, who is united in God, through his power replied: associate closely with Truth. Be good and unite with Right-Mindedness. Hold fast unto them.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 32.3

But all you believers in many gods are clearly from the evil spirit – and so are those who greatly honour you. Among you are liars, self-centered people and even those who are duplicitous, and men without conscience.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 32.4

And so you have brought about a situation where men doing the worst are called beloved of ‘the gods’. They have moved away from high-mindedness, God’s wisdom, and strayed from the path of truth.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 32.5

Thus, did you cheat mankind of a good life on Earth, and immortality in the future. The evil spirit deceived you into bad thought, word, and deed when it taught you that evil will reign supreme.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 32.6

Thus deluded, a complete sinner might appear to succeed and become famous. But God, who remembers all, is aware of his real worth – for verily Truth, High-Mindedness, and God’s power, all of which instruct us, shall prevail.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 32.7

These violent persons do not understand the Herculean effort required to tread the path of truth, which is taught by life’s molten metal test. You know best, O Lord, what fate is in store for them.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 32.8

Among these violent persons were Vivanhuso and Yima, who, desiring to placate mankind, illumined what is material instead of what is spiritual on Earth. From persons such as these may I stand apart on the Day of Judgement.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 32.9

The false teacher distorts the scriptures, and through his teachings corrupts life. He removes from us our real desire – the precious realization of high-mindedness. I have spoken out what is in my mind and appeal to You and to Truth.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 32.10

Such person distorts the scriptures when he says it is worst to be outdoors and in the sun. He makes the good follow evil. He hurls weapons against the righteous and poisons our habitat.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 32.11

Persons like this corrupt life. They regard as great, evil lords and their evil ladies. They deprive us of our true inheritance – the best that truth has to offer. They distract the mind, O God.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 32.12

Through such teachings they turn mankind away from doing the best deeds. For such as these, God decrees retribution. They corrupt life with their glib words. Grehma prefers to run after untruth instead of the truth.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 32.13

Whatever power this Grehma hopes to win in the worst mind’s abode he will ultimately destroy himself. He will then desire to know what is God’s real message. But I will watch over his threats to those who are truthful.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 32.14

Grehma and evil kings direct their energies since the days of yore, to ensnare good people. They approach evil persons for help, and doom Mother Earth to death in the hope that they are invincible.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 32.15

Thus are brought to ruin the plans of evil priests and evil kings. They are unfit to rule over persons who will ultimately be carried into the domain of the pure mind.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 32.16

This is the true teaching of a teacher who is followed correctly. You have power over those who plan to menace me. Therefore, I will restrain violent and evil persons from hurting your devotees.

Chapter 33

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 33.1

In accord with divine principles do I act; these are the laws governing life from the very beginning. The Teacher will act justly to both the righteous and the unrighteous and weigh the admixture of falsehood and truth in each.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 33.2

Whosoever frustrates evil by thought, word, or deed, or instructs his companion to do good, accomplishes life’s purpose out of love for God.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 33.3

Whosoever unto the righteous is the best, whether he be of any grade of the Magha brotherhood, or helps with zeal the living, will be at one with truth, and will dwell in the pastures of the Pure Mind.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 33.4

Therefore, acting against my conscience, and evil intent, will I correct by prayer, O Lord. And from the spiritually self-sufficient will I pray away perverse thought; from the worker who spreads the faith the envy of his evil relations; and from the friend to mankind slanderers; and from Mother Earth, the teacher of evil.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 33.5

Therefore, do I invoke Conscience, the best of all, to reach our final goal which is long life in the security of the pure mind, having followed the straight path of truth, which leads to where God alone rules.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 33.6

Therefore, as invoker of Truth’s straight path do I pray with the highest or loftiest motives. I invoke His Grace. That I may fulfil my role as the protector, as planned. Therefore, do I wish a vision of God and communication with God.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 33.7

Come to me, O Best of All, unmistakably in your own person, together with Truth and Pure Mind, in order that I may be heard beyond the Magha brotherhood. May You give to us clearly the duties we have to perform which are dedicated with humble reverence to You.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 33.8

Carefully see for Yourself my purpose which I pursue with a good motive. Worship is of only You, though I speak words of praise for truth as well. Grant us the blessing of perfection and immortality once life changes our direction to the path of good.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 33.9

These two spiritual attainments, O Lord, are mighty promoters of truth – they bring light and strength. May the Pure Mind bring their assistance to us from afar – they whose souls work as one.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 33.10

All lives well spent – past, present, or future, O Lord, are Yours. Out of Your grace, allow the Pure Mind, Truth, and Your power to come to us and increase within us happiness.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 33.11

You are Almighty, O Lord, Right-Mindedness, Truth, and God’s power, and You all bless life. Listen to me and take pity on me while apportioning just desserts to all.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 33.12

Unfold Yourself within me, O Lord. Grant me strength of character through right-mindedness. Through the holiest spirit, O Lord, grant me goodness as a reward for prayer. Grant me a life full of vigour through truth, and may the Pure Mind look after me.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 33.13

Give me bliss, make me far-seeing, and reveal to me your incomparable gifts – Your power, and the blessings of the Pure Mind. O Holy Right-Mindedness, teach us clearly as to how truth guides our way of thinking.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 33.14

Therefore, Zarathustra offers himself and his upliftment to God, and dedicates the first fruits of his thought inspired by the loftiest motives, his deeds of truth, and his words uttered according to his conscience – in effect, his whole being.

Chapter 34

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 34.1

The path of truth – words, deeds, and worship, brings immortality, and through Your power, O God, perfection. May we bring this to mankind by propagating this most zealously, O Lord.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 34.2

To You do we turn our minds, full of the revelations of the Pure Mind and the deeds of holy men, whose souls are at one with truth. Lead us near You, O Lord, worshipping You by singing You praises.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 34.3

Whatever is due to You, O Lord, and to Truth, will I give with all humility. All lives which, with Your power, promote the Pure Mind, and can be seen as good (in realms far away from Earth) have bliss forever when living with God.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 34.4

And for Your fire, O Lord, mighty through truth, do we yearn; powerful and giving clear help to those who are constantly faithful. But, O God, the fire sees through those who are unfaithful to You.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 34.5

How great is Your power, and my wish to do good deeds, so that I may be with You, O Lord, Truth, and Pure Mind? In order to protect those in need, we speak of You as above all others and apart from ‘other gods’ and wicked men.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 34.6

Since You are such in reality, O Lord, Truth, and Pure Mind, guide me when doubts arise, at every stage of life, so that your worshipper is free from the load which ultimately weighs the soul down.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 34.7

Where are your devotees, O Lord, whose minds are filled with understanding? Who, in times of ill fortune and trouble, teach us about our true inheritance which liberates our minds from the thought of the misery brought about by retribution? Nobody other than You do I acknowledge. Therefore, protect mankind through truth.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 34.8

Of those persons who do good are evil persons who are afraid of them – but they are harmful to many. Being powerful, they oppress mankind, defying Your law, O God. Those who stray from the path of truth are far away from the Pure Mind.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 34.9

Holy Right-Mindedness, bounteous and wise, is ignored by those doing evil. They are ignorant of pure-mindedness. From such as these, truth withdraws completely, just as uncultured and evil persons withdraw from good persons.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 34.10

Unto such, doing deeds out of pure motives, do persons of good understanding speak about the Holy Right-Mindedness, which gives true understanding and puts persons on the path of truth. All of them will come to You, O Lord, once they have knowledge of Your dominion over all.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 34.11

And both perfection and immortality lead onwards to light and display the power of the Pure Mind. Truth and right-mindedness increase strength of character and make life take on a new meaning. Through the working of these will your opponents be vanquished.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 34.12

What is Your law, Your will, concerning Your worship. Speak to me clearly, O Lord, so that the blessings of rectitude come upon us. Lead us onto the path of truth and self-realization through the pure mind.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 34.13

That path, O Lord, which You pointed out to me – the creed of all saviours – that every good deed inspired by lofty motives alone, goes far. This teaching is for the clear-sighted, leading to the ultimate reward which You will grant.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 34.14

That reward, O Lord, worth having, is granting spiritual upliftment to those in the flesh for deeds done from a pure mind. Those who serve our abundant Mother Earth – through Your power and wisdom, O Lord, will do Your will – and gain fulfillment by tasks of truth.

image AHUNAVAITI – Yas. 34.15

O God, teach me how to be best in word and deed. This is what I yearn for in my prayer, praising Truth and the Pure Mind. Through Your power, make my life take a new direction, now that truth has entered it.