USTAVAITI – Yas. 43.1
Happiness to him who gives happiness to whomsoever else. May God who rules at will grant this. I wish for progress, strength of character, and life renewed. For upholding truth, grant to me, O Right-Mindedness, the blessings of a life spent with a mind illumined by light.
USTAVAITI – Yas. 43.2
To him will come all that is best. Through striving for light, man will attain light. As did the wise holy spirit, O God. Grant to us truth, and the might of the Pure Mind, growing every day within us in a long life of fulfillment.
USTAVAITI – Yas. 43.3
Surely the best will come to him who teaches us about the path of righteousness, which leads to bliss, both mental and physical, leading to the worlds of reality where God dwells. May Your devotee, who is wise and good, be one with You, O God.
USTAVAITI – Yas. 43.4
May I recognize You as holy and powerful, O Lord, who, with a mere wave of the hand, does fulfil our longings. You give both the good and the evil their just desserts. Through Your blazing fire, mighty with truth, will mental strength come to me.
USTAVAITI – Yas. 43.5
I have realized that You are holy, O Lord, when I recognized that You were the first, even before life came into being. You have ordained that all words and deeds will bear fruit. Misery to those who are evil, and the blessings of well-being to those who are good. Thus shall it be till the ultimate goal of creation is reached.
USTAVAITI – Yas. 43.6
At which goal You stand, O Lord, with the holy spirit, Your power and the Pure Mind, through all of whom life advances along the path of truth. These are pointed out by Right-Mindedness’s teaching – the doing of Your will, which can be thwarted by no one.
USTAVAITI – Yas. 43.7
As holy have I recognized You, O Lord, when the pure mind entered me and asked: Who are you? Where do you belong? What daily signs are given to allay doubts about oneself and one’s life?
USTAVAITI – Yas. 43.8
I am in the first place Zarathustra, dedicated to good, and the true adversary of evil, to the extent I can contain it. To the righteous, I will be a source of strength and joy. In future, may I be gifted with Your infinite power so long as I am your devotee, O Lord, and sing hymns of praise to You.
USTAVAITI – Yas. 43.9
As holy, indeed, have I recognized You, O Lord, when the Pure Mind entered me and asked: To whom should I pay homage? Henceforth, I will pay homage to fire with all humility. And I will live by truth, which is my own desire.
USTAVAITI – Yas. 43.10
So do You give to me truth, for whom I yearn, accompanied by right-mindedness. You question mankind and test us – passing the test makes us strong, so that tested by you, mankind is made strong.
USTAVAITI – Yas. 43.11
As holy indeed have I recognized You, O Lord, when the Pure Mind entered me.
When I was first taught by Your revelation, my faith in the goodness of mankind helps me in times of difficulty and I do what I have been taught by you – to be best.
USTAVAITI – Yas. 43.12
And when you told me to follow truth to acquire understanding, you did not tell me to do something which will be unheeded by me. I will bestir within myself my conscience which will then bless me with the accompaniment of great light. You award both the sides with their just dues.
USTAVAITI – Yas. 43.13
As holy indeed have I recognized You, O Lord, when the Pure Mind entered me and asked: To ascertain the purpose of our wishes, grant that to me – long life, which no one dares to ask from You, and the blessed existence in Your dominion.
USTAVAITI – Yas. 43.14
The wise Lord gives to his beloved mankind – to my people, O Lord – the gift of joy which comes from truth and strength. All men will unite in defence of your teaching and in defence of those who are mindful of your hymns.
USTAVAITI – Yas. 43.15
As holy, indeed, have I recognized You, O Lord, when the Pure Mind entered me and said that silent meditation is good for spiritual growth. Never should any person try to placate evil persons for they will always regard the righteous as their enemies.
USTAVAITI – Yas. 43.16
O Lord, Zarathustra chooses for himself the way of the holy spirit. May Truth incarnate uplift us with her strength. May Right-Mindedness and Your power, resplendent as the sun, bless deeds done from good motives.
Chapter 44
USTAVAITI – Yas. 44.1
This do I ask You, tell me truly, O Lord:
How should your devotees worship you? Let your assistant Truth, O God, point out this to me – until the revelations of the Pure Mind arrive to all mankind.
USTAVAITI – Yas. 44.2
This do I ask You, tell me truly, O Lord:
The first thing in life is to strive for the best: to lead another yearning soul to attain the best, for, such person indeed is holy through truth, and will attain the goal of all mankind. This person is our guardian spirit and life-renewing friend, O Lord
USTAVAITI – Yas. 44.3
This do I ask You, tell me truly, O Lord:
Which Being, our father, first created truth? Which Being laid down the path of the sun and the stars? Through which Being does the moon wax and wane alternately? All this and other things do I wish to know, O Lord.
USTAVAITI – Yas. 44.4
This do I ask You, tell me truly, O Lord:
Which Being supports the Earth and the other worlds? Which Being created the waters and the plants? Which Being moves the wind and dark clouds? Which Being, O Lord, is the creator of the pure mind?
USTAVAITI – Yas. 44.5
This do I ask You, tell me truly, O Lord: Who created light and darkness? Who created sleep and wakefulness? Who created dawn, day, and night? All these instruct the wise about life’s purpose.
USTAVAITI – Yas. 44.6
This do I ask You, tell me truly, O Lord:
I will ask whether this is indeed true: Right-Mindedness, working through good deeds, increases truth. Right-Mindedness promises this through Your power and through the pure mind. For whom did you fashion this abundant and joy-giving Mother Earth?
USTAVAITI – Yas. 44.7
This do I ask You, tell me truly, O Lord:
Who created Your precious power and right-mindedness? Who, with his living breath, made the son follow the father? Thus, would I clearly recognize You, O Lord, as the creator of the holy spirit and everything else.
USTAVAITI – Yas. 44.8
This do I ask You, tell me truly, O Lord:
Reveal your plan, O God, so that we may rejoice in it – the revelations of the Pure Mind shall I seek – and truth, to correctly understand life’s purpose, so that my soul shall go ahead in attaining all that is good.
USTAVAITI – Yas. 44.9
This do I ask You, tell me truly, O Lord:
How shall I bring to perfection my way of thinking through Your wisdom, O Father, and through Your power. For, in truth, Your power brings blessings to us, O Lord – may I dwell in Your abode with Truth and the Pure Mind.
USTAVAITI – Yas. 44.10
This do I ask You, tell me truly, O Lord:
Your revelation is best for all living beings, which advances truth and life and guides aright our words and deeds, O Right-Mindedness, so that my desire to understand Your will, O Lord, is fulfilled.
USTAVAITI – Yas. 44.11
This do I ask You, tell me truly, O Lord:
How will Right-Mindedness penetrate those to whom Your revelation is proclaimed? For this task have I been sent as the first – all others who are sham do I regard with hostility.
USTAVAITI – Yas. 44.12
This do I ask You, tell me truly, O Lord:
Who will I associate with – the righteous or those who are evil? On which side am I – the victim or the perpetrator of evil? The doer of evil sets himself against truth and its rewards – is it not that such person as this thinks not aright?
USTAVAITI – Yas. 44.13
This do I ask You, tell me truly, O Lord:
How do we keep lies away from us? How do we keep away those who are conscienceless – who do not want to keep company with Truth and the Pure Mind.
USTAVAITI – Yas. 44.14
This do I ask You, tell me truly, O Lord:
How shall I deliver the lie into the hands of the truth? How will I overthrow the lie by teaching Your holy word? How do I bring complete frustration of the plans of those who are evil? How do I get them into trouble and get them to be hated?
USTAVAITI – Yas. 44.15
This do I ask You, tell me truly, O Lord:
Since you are able to protect me through truth when both sides together invoke You – then, in accordance with Your law, to which of these will You grant victory?
USTAVAITI – Yas. 44.16
This do I ask You, tell me truly, O Lord:
Which victor will protect all who exist through his teachings? Clearly reveal to me the guide who will give life a new direction. To him grant pure-mindedness and an active conscience, O Lord, and to whomsoever else, as well.
USTAVAITI – Yas. 44.17
This do I ask You, tell me truly, O Lord:
How do I attain the goal set by You, O Lord – how do I become your companion, so that I may convince mankind about our common future, namely perfection and immortality, attained through Your holy word, which is our best guide owing to its truth.
USTAVAITI – Yas. 44.18
This do I ask You, tell me truly, O Lord:
How shall I earn through truth that reward: Material wealth in the form of ten mares, led by a stallion, and a camel, so that I may bring perfection and immortality to mankind.
USTAVAITI – Yas. 44.19
This do I ask You, tell me truly, O Lord:
What happens to those who do not reward persons who speak the truth? What is their punishment at present? I know what will happen to them at the end.
USTAVAITI – Yas. 44.20
How, O Lord, have the followers of polytheism become so powerful? This do I ask: Those who are self-centered have delivered Mother Earth to wrath and continuous wailing, like the priests of old and evil rulers, who do not advance and increase the cause of truth.
Chapter 45
USTAVAITI – Yas. 45.1
Now will I explain – give me your ear and listen, those who have come from nearby, and those who have come from afar. And please try to understand what I have to say and keep it clearly in mind. Never again will the preacher of evil destroy life. He has become evil and speaks evil because he has gone astray and chosen to be evil.
USTAVAITI – Yas. 45.2
I will explain about the two spirits at life’s beginning – of whom the holy one spoke to the evil one thus: Between us, neither thoughts, nor teachings, nor understanding, nor moral choice, nor words, nor deeds, nor way of thinking, nor souls, are alike.
USTAVAITI – Yas. 45.3
I will explain the first thing that should be known about life, this was revealed to me by God. Those among you who do not put into practice these hymns as I understand and speak them will only land up in misery at the end of life.
USTAVAITI – Yas. 45.4
And I will explain about the best there is in life. Because of following the path of truth, God has revealed it to me. He is the father of the active and good mind and his daughter, Right-Mindedness, makes us do good deeds. God, who is all-seeing, is never deceived.
USTAVAITI – Yas. 45.5
I will explain what the Holiest has revealed to me. What He says is best for mortals to hear. Those who obey and revere it will attain perfection and immortality and through deeds done from the loftiest motives, God Himself.
USTAVAITI – Yas. 45.6
And I will explain about the greatest of all, praising His wisdom and truth. Through the holy spirit, may God listen to us. Through the Pure Mind, may I become devoted to Him. May He in His wisdom guide me onwards to the highest.
USTAVAITI – Yas. 45.7
To all seekers of salvation, past, present, and future, I have this to say: The soul of the righteous will be victorious and will gain immortality. Ever renewed are times of trouble for those who are evil. This is sent by God through His power.
USTAVAITI – Yas. 45.8
Him do I seek to praise, in all humility. Indeed, I have seen him with my mind’s eye. By good thought, deed, and word, and by knowledge brought by the path of truth have I perceived God Himself. Let us, therefore, offer songs of devotion to Him in the abode of song where God dwells.
USTAVAITI – Yas. 45.9
God and the Pure Mind do I seek to worship, who, in his plan, has made for us both good and its opposite, evil. God’s power has made us serve our human flock so that they advance to the highest truth and wisdom.
USTAVAITI – Yas. 45.10
Him, through devotion to right-mindedness, will I seek – who is forever known as the Lord who is the Great Creator. For, through Truth and the Pure Mind, He has promised that through His power, perfection, and immortality will be given to all persons, as also strength of character and life renewed.
USTAVAITI – Yas. 45.11
Who in future opposes ‘the gods’ and their followers; who despises them and opposes them, they being so different from Him; and he who thinks with reverence of Him, is a saviour, a wise father, a holy thinker, a friend, a brother, and a father, O Lord.
Chapter 46
USTAVAITI – Yas. 46.1
To which land can I flee? They hold me apart from my Magha brothers – evil rulers keep me away from them. How do I carry out your mission, O Lord?
USTAVAITI – Yas. 46.2
I know why I am helpless – I have a small following because I am a man of a few possessions. Please consider this fact carefully, O Lord. I wish for the bliss that one friend gives to the other – teach me about the might of the Pure Mind through truth.
USTAVAITI – Yas. 46.3
When, O Lord, will there be a new dawn when truth shall shine forth from all life, following the effective teachings of wise saviours. To whose help this shall come, together with the Pure Mind – I have chosen You as the subject of my teaching.
USTAVAITI – Yas. 46.4
And evil persons all around us thwart the righteous from helping life. These persons are enemies of life, as shown by their actions. Whosoever opposes them with all his life and strength, O Lord, is a helper along the paths of holy wisdom.
USTAVAITI – Yas. 46.5
Whoever, being in a position of strength, receives any person in kindness or in friendship, and whoever receives anybody because he is a follower of Your revelation; is blessed; and even if such a person, being righteous, receives an evil person, he should teach him the path to salvation to save him from destruction, O Lord.
USTAVAITI – Yas. 46.6
But, whoever, being able to do so, does not do so, shall himself be ensnared by evil. Because he who is good to those who are evil is himself evil. And he who befriends the righteous is himself righteous. This is Your law ever since You first created us.
USTAVAITI – Yas. 46.7
Who, O Lord, will protect me when evil persons threaten me with violence? Who other than Your fire and the Pure Mind? When they both are at work within me, truth prevails, O Lord. Declare this clearly so that I may understand this philosophical truth.
USTAVAITI – Yas. 46.8
Whoever is violent to life, his deeds of flaming hate will not touch me but will recoil on him, this which keeps him from the good life, but not from hateful evil ways.
USTAVAITI – Yas 46.9
Who is Your foremost devotee who will teach me to regard You as worthy of worship – as holy judge over our actions. And Truth has revealed You as the creator of Mother Earth. I wish for truth and for your pure mind.
USTAVAITI – Yas. 46.10
Whichever man or woman, O God, gives to life what is regarded by You as best will have the blessing of truth and mental strength. I will lead such persons across the bridge which separates the good from those who are evil.
USTAVAITI – Yas. 46.11
Through their power, priests and kings would destroy mankind through their evil ways. But their own conscience and thought shall trouble them when they come near to the bridge of the separator. Through all time will they live in the abode of misery.
USTAVAITI – Yas. 46.12
Among the descendants and progeny of the Turanians, there will emerge the strong Fryana who through right-mindedness zealously helps the living. He will help them to reach the pure mind and bliss, which God will grant.
USTAVAITI – Yas. 46.13
Whosoever helps Zarathustra Spitama will among men be known as upright – to him shall God grant life and through the pure mind advance life in general. Him do we regard as having bonded with truth.
USTAVAITI – Yas. 46.14
Zarathustra, who is loyal to Truth? Who will make famous your great brotherhood? King Vistaspa has ushered in this new era. You have made him king in this kingdom which is well administered, O Lord, so that I may deliver Your message which I have received from the Pure Mind.
USTAVAITI – Yas. 46.15
The Haecat-aspa and Spitama family do I speak to, so that you may discriminate between understanding and ignorance. Through deeds of truth will you march forward in accord with God’s primeval law.
USTAVAITI – Yas. 46.16
Frashostra – go there with other devotees. For you all we wish eternal happiness, where truth and right-mindedness meet; Where the Pure Mind reigns supreme; where God dwells in all His glory.
USTAVAITI – Yas. 46.17
I have told you that action, not inaction, is best, O Wise Jamaspa. With Your conscience aroused, do You seek to worship – You will discriminate between understanding and ignorance. God and Truth are our wonderful protectors.
USTAVAITI – Yas. 46.18
Whosoever is wholeheartedly with me do I promise the best. I wish for him the blessings of the pure mind. But I will oppose that man who opposes me, fulfilling your wish, O Lord, through truth. This choice is made by my own mental discrimination.
USTAVAITI – Yas. 46.19
Whoever will accomplish through truth and His will this complete renovation on Earth for Zarathustra, to him will be given the reward of eternal life, together with all that he desires from our bountiful Mother Earth. All this You did reveal to me, O Lord, most Wise.