God’s power is great. It comes as a reward to those who are dedicated and eager to serve the cause of truth. By doing deeds of truth will one reach the highest – for that alone will I strive now and always.
First of all, these deeds are dedicated to You, O Lord, and Truth, and Right-Mindedness. Teach me about Your power and Your will. Through the Pure Mind, grant upward progress to Your worshipper.
Let all those who do good deeds come together to foster Mother Earth. God and Truth speak the language of revelation that comes from the highest mind – from the beginning have You been the teacher.
Which shepherd will look after Your worshipper? When will compassion take over? When will truth take over? And when will right-mindedness do the same? Where is the highest mind and Your power, O God?
Questioning about all these as to how he should advance life in truth, the protector, upright in his deeds, acquires good insight through humility. He is the true guide to those who are wise, bringing them blessings.
Whosoever proves himself to be better than good, thus fulfilling life’s purpose, will be helped by God’s power. But it shall be worse than bad for him who does not do so at the final end of life.
Grant me, O Creator of Mother Earth, the waters and plant life, immortality and perfection through Your holiest spirit, O Lord. Grant me strength of character and life renewed through the teachings of the Pure Mind.
Your message will I preach – this should be proclaimed only to those with understanding. Misery will come to those who are evil – and happiness to those who cling to truth. He who spreads this word to those who understand will be happy.
The just desserts which are given to both sides by Your blazing fire, O God, through the molten metal test – may that grant us spiritual guidance. Frustrated will be those who are evil and blessed those who are good.
VOHU KSHATREM – Yas. 51.10
And the man who seeks to destroy, contrary to these laws, O God, is himself the child of the lie. All such are of poor understanding. For my people will I invoke Truth to come to us with its best blessings.
VOHU KSHATREM – Yas. 51.11
Who is the friend of Zarathustra? Who communes with truth, and holy right-mindedness, and the highest ideals – thus regarding himself as an upright member of the Magha brotherhood?
VOHU KSHATREM – Yas. 51.12
Not satisfactory to me, Zarathustra, is the smooth passage of evil kings through this world. Because spiritual growth is attained by those who, with ardent fervour, toil for it.
VOHU KSHATREM – Yas. 51.13
Thus, do the evil corrupt upright and truthful ways of thinking. Their souls will chide them and send them, when on the path of the separator, to misery. For this they are themselves to blame, as by their own words and deeds they have strayed from the path of truth.
VOHU KSHATREM – Yas. 51.14
Neither to God’s laws nor to man’s do the priests listen with reverence. They deceive good persons. Through their deeds and teachings will they be consigned to the abode of woe/misery.
VOHU KSHATREM – Yas. 51.15
The reward which Zarathustra has promised to the Magha brotherhood comes from beyond – the house of song which was first inhabited by God Himself, and the blessings of Truth and the Pure Mind.
VOHU KSHATREM – Yas. 51.16
This reward King Vistapa has attained through the power of the brotherhood and the hymns which come from the highest mind. This is the wisdom decreed by Truth and the Holy God who leads us to happiness.
VOHU KSHATREM – Yas. 51.17
Precious Frashostra Hvogva eagerly offers himself for the good cause. May Almighty God grant him his earnest desire of attaining truth.
VOHU KSHATREM – Yas. 51.18
This is the wisdom of the wise Jamaspa Hvogva, who desiring light, has chosen the path of truth and the strength that comes with the revelations of the Pure Mind. Grant this to me so that I may forever cling to You, O Lord.
VOHU KSHATREM – Yas. 51.19
Therefore, that man, O Maidyo-Manha, shall dedicate to him realization of the self. Whoever wishes to understand the meaning of life is better able to demonstrate God’s laws through doing good deeds.
VOHU KSHATREM – Yas. 51.20
Of one accord are you all in granting us blessings, O Truth, the Pure Mind, and the word of Right-Mindedness. With humility will Your worshipper yearn for bliss, O God.
VOHU KSHATREM – Yas. 51.21
That man is holy who is filled with right-mindedness. Through his wisdom, words, deeds, and way of thinking, he promotes truth. May God give him the power of the Pure Mind – for this highest blessing do I pray.
VOHU KSHATREM – Yas. 51.22
To him who makes every act of worship an act of truth is regarded as the best by God. All such who have been and who are do I bless in their own names and will, with respect, reach out to all of them.