Rae stood in the center of Play Room Four with her arms crossed over her chest and her eyebrows raised.
Play Room Four looked like an idealized and impossible fantasy of a co-ed’s dorm room—spacious, hung with pink frou-frou and college team pennants, and strewn with turquoise shag rugs,—and thus nothing at all like Rae’s cramped dorm room that she split with her cousin-roommate Hester, who may or may not ever speak to Rae again.
In The Devilhouse’s fantasy dorm room, a wide, carved desk with a few cheap books stood against one wall.
In Rae’s room at the university, a flimsy desk built into the tiny study room’s wall groaned under the weight of books and computer equipment, and no books at the university bookstore were ever cheap.
Flowery, girlie scent drifted through The Devilhouse’s air, a far cry from the subtle mustiness of the decades-old carpeting and the unwashed laundry pile that slouched in the dorm room’s corner, waiting to be driven back to Pirtleville.
The bed, instead of two flat twin bed mattresses set on bare frames, was king-sized and braced by a sturdy brass headboard and footboard with high posts.
“This is a little weird,” Rae told Wulf.
He shrugged. “Some of our clients like a youth angle. The staff was consulted, and we all agreed that any décor suggestive of younger than college age was to be avoided.”
Rae swallowed a sour taste. “Yeah.”
“Our screening methods eliminate most problem personalities before they get this far.”
Neither of them mentioned her cousin Jim Bob.
“This room does, however, have rather comfortable seating,” Wulf gestured to pink, furry armchairs. “My office seemed a little sterile, and that window can be problematic.”
He hadn’t minded the window when he had bent her over that big, glass desk of his.
Maybe he was anticipating something worse.
Wulf waved to the black globe embedded in the ceiling and then flicked a finger across his neck, telling the person in the security booth to cut the camera feed. He removed his suit coat and hung it by the collar over a pink hitching post.
Wulf checked his phone, tapped the screen, and said, “All right. We’re alone.”
Wulf the Billionaire Dude seemed like an alien to her, someone she couldn’t know, someone who a redneck girl like her should never meet.
She wanted one more time with The Blond Hottie. No worries. No future. No secrets. Just a moment of abandon like a quick, rough screw against a wall.
Rae leapt into his arms. Her lips found his and she kissed him hard.
She couldn’t let him take over. She had to Domme the heck out of him or else he would tie her down and reduce her to giggling girl-jelly, and then he would tell her something awful, something that stopped her heart, or something so intimate that his soul must be ripped open, and then she would be stuck with whatever stupid, sex-crazed reaction popped out of her mouth. If one of the things that he had yet to tell her involved opening an emotional vein in his quiet, understated, very British way, an insipid reaction from her might hurt him, and she desperately didn’t want that.
After the briefest of instants which Rae prayed to God was due to surprise, Wulf grabbed her around the waist and kissed her back. He kissed her like he was famished for her, sucking on her lips and crushing her to him. His heart beat hard under Rae’s hand. He picked her up by her waist with one arm and swung her legs around, catching them in his other arm and cradling her to his chest.
She was still kissing him and then she was falling and landed on the bed. Wulf crawled on top of her and buried his face in her neck, mouthing her neck and shoulder.
No, she was going to have him. She wanted one more moment like that first night. She arched her back and grabbed his shoulders, pressing him to her.
He pushed back, startled.
She cocked a leg under herself and flipped him over.
Rae was raised with four brothers and fifty cousins, most of whom were also male. Keeping her brothers and cousins in line had occasionally required wrassling one of them to the ground to reestablish the pecking order. Country justice can be rough.
Wulf landed on his back and she kissed him, hard, pushing him down into the pink bedspread.
When she broke for air, he chuckled and said, “My, we’re aggressive this morning, aren’t we?” He wrapped his arms and one leg around her, trapping her limbs, and rolled her beneath him again. “Remember, your safe word is Macbeth.”
Rae kissed him again, distracting him, and then flipped him.
Wulf landed heavier this time, a thump on that so-soft bed. She straddled him and grinned down. “And your safe word is—.”
He reached up and cupped the back of her neck, pulling her to him to kiss her again. He wrapped his hands in her hair, holding her curls back and, she noticed, quite in control even from below her.
He opened his mouth under her lips, tasting her. Rae opened her lips and touched her tongue to his, running the tip along the sides of his tongue. He deepened the kiss, fitting his mouth to hers and pulling her down to him by the back of her neck. His other hand roved her body, pressing her waist and hips and pushing her body down on his.
She kissed his lips, then his smooth chin, then lower. Wulf hadn’t worn a tie, just a black suit and a bright white shirt open at his throat, practically sloppy for him. She nipped one of the strong cords on his neck. He groaned and stretched, and his hands tightened in her hair. The scents of spiced tea and warm man wafted from his collar, and she raked her teeth over his neck muscle, tasting the faint musk in her mouth.
She popped one button lower and lipped down his chest. His torso rose when he caught his breath, and desire and power surged through Rae. She wished she could magic their clothes away and take him into her body, but far too much fabric separated them. She opened another shirt button and kissed lower.
Wulf pulled her head back by her hair and sat up underneath her. He stood her on her feet beside the bed and stripped her of her tee shirt and shorts, purchased and delivered by Hans just that morning, and then flicked off her bra and underwear.
She was still trying to work the next button on his shirt when he lifted her legs out of her clothes and she was naked. The air in the play room chilled her skin, but her body heated as Wulf brushed his hands over her, almost tickling, as she struggled with his shirt buttons. His palms and fingers trailed over her back and ass, and her skin grew more sensitive. All her attention was on his hands touching her, almost grabbing her, as she fumbled with his shirt buttons.
He finally moved her hands away and, still kissing her, unbuttoned his own shirt, jerked it down his arms in back, and stripped his white undershirt over his head. Fine blonde hair softened his golden skin and the hard, heavy muscle that covered his chest and arms. A shimmering line ran between the ridges of abdominal muscles and into his pants. The dark cloud of tattoo ink clung to his shoulder.
Rae started to unbuckle his belt, but Wulf tackled her to the bed, flipped her over, and nibbled the back of her neck.
“No,” she said. “I want—”
“I’ll tell you what I want.” He kissed lower down her spine toward the small of her back. He jammed one of his knees between her legs, parting her thighs. Her pussy opened, and hot cream seeped between her folds. “I want to do all the things to you I’ve been holding back on.”
His hand slid over the cheek of her bare ass while he mouthed her back. “I thought you might run away screaming when I showed you those numbers.”
She tried to push herself up with arms and turn around, but he tipped her back down with one hand and braced himself on her shoulder. His other hand caressed up her inner thigh while his mouth worked the skin over her spine.
Rae could barely speak around the fluffy pink comforter, even when she turned her head. “Do most women run away screaming when they see that much money?”
“Most women don’t return jewelry, so you aren’t most women, are you?” His fingers reached the apex of her legs and trailed over her soft folds. Her pussy clenched at his first touch. His fingers stilled, resting just at her entrance.
She quivered, waiting.
He murmured against her spine, “Tell me you aren’t.”
“I’m not,” she admitted, though she might have told him whatever he wanted to hear at that particular moment.
He stroked her, one long stroke up from the top of her pussy, a smooth slide over her clit, a fingertip dip inside her, and she gasped. Then he kept going, kept going, sliding her wetness back to her asshole, then he pressed, just a little, and she felt her body yield.
She tried to push up again but he shoved her back down.
He nipped her shoulder and then her neck. His knee kept her legs apart, even as she tried to slide them closer. His mouth was by her ear, and he whispered, “Do you submit?”
She was so turned on that her voice keened like a whimper. “What are you going to do to me?”
His knee between her legs and the pressure on her ass suggested that he wanted anal sex. She had talked to Lizzy and Georgie about it, and they agreed that you had to do things first, a hot bath and a massage and before that you had to do things that Rae had never heard of and had blushed to learn about. Some of the things took days. Rae hadn’t done any those things.
Yet, his rough knee against her pussy and her ass made her so hot that she wanted to do anything to please him. Anything.
He was turning her into a sub.
She would have to put a stop to that.
Sometime when his breath wasn’t brushing the back of her neck and his hand wasn’t hard on her shoulder.
He whispered in her ear, “First, I’m going to drive you wild.”
Rae closed her eyes and rubbed her cheek against his smooth face, groaning, “Check.”
“Oh, no. Far more.”
“Don’t think that’s possible.”
His hand reached around her and stroked the sides of her breasts. “Then, when you are wild with desire, I will adorn you with this.” Wulf reached over to the nightstand and she assumed that he was going for a condom, but he retrieved a small, red box. “I had been planning to bring you back here last Saturday night, so I left it here.”
He held a scarlet box in front of where she had turned her head and struggled to open it with one hand. He tore off the plastic overwrap easily enough, but the foil seal over the flaps thwarted him. He stood on his knees for a second to rip the cardboard apart.
With his weight off of her, Rae tried to flip over, but his legs still pinned her to the cushiony bed, and he tossed her back down and then rested on her back, showing her the thing by holding it front of her. His weight pressed her into the bed.
It looked like a skinny, silvery, smooth torpedo, about the length of her longest finger. At the base, instead of a propeller, a sparkling red stone like a ruby jutted out.
This was one of those things that Lizzy and Georgie had told her about, though it was half the size of the one Georgie had rummaged through her nightstand to find. The reveal of Georgie’s butt plug had finally driven Rae out of the room, laughing hysterically but firmly shutting their adjoining door.
Yet, everything Wulf did to her felt fantastic. Before Rae had met Wulf, all of her orgasms had been watered-down throbbings, when they happened. Every time Wulf touched her, he played her body like a cello, bracing her with his arms and legs and then strumming every note to crescendo.
If he slid that thing into her ass, the glittering gem would look like jewelry, like a harem dancer with a jewel spirit-gummed into her belly button, but more naughty.
Way more naughty. Far more erotic.
Yeah, she wanted to try it, and yet the thought of it freaked her out.
Beside her face, Wulf smiled a knowing, wicked smile, showing her his white, even teeth. “Do you submit?”
“I don’t know.” Even while her pussy twitched as his knee bumped her.
“Do you trust me?” He mouthed her shoulder again, working his way around to the back of her neck. Sparks slid down her spine, and her pussy tingled.
The silver thing lay amid the pink ruffles in front of her. The overhead lights glinted glowing spots on the torpedo.
“What, then? You have your safe word.”
“This is stupid. I feel stupid.” Her desire ebbed just enough that she could wrap her head around words and say them. “It makes me feel,” and she tried to find a right word, any right word, “worried.”
“That church told you lies about love, about sex, didn’t they?”
“My whole life.”
“But you had already broken free, and then they excommunicated you. You aren’t bound by them anymore.” He whispered in her ear, a seductive devil. “You don’t have to hear it anymore, ever again. You don’t have to go back. You can have this, and you can have me, and you can open your clinic anywhere you want in the world. Instead of taking a degree in counseling, you could go to medical school.”
“Oh, I couldn’t.”
“Whyever not?”
Why not?
Rae’s heart clenched. “Because I shouldn’t leave home for that long, and because all that science would change me too much and it’s too worldly, and I don’t have the money and my parents can’t help me, but they threw me out, and now I work here and make plenty of money for any tuition, so none of that matters anymore.” Tremors quivered in her arms and legs. “I could do that. I could do any of it. I could do it all.”
“Yes,” he said. He mouthed his way down her spine again, slowly massaging her inner thighs, and she spread her arms on the bed. “Relax,” he said. “Open yourself. There is more to the world than you have dreamed.”
His hands worked the tension and fear out of her shoulders and back. He palmed her ass, rolling her body.
He said, “Let me show you what you’ve been missing.”
Her body liquefied, and she breathed, “Yes. I submit.”
Wulf pried her thighs open farther, exposing her pussy again. Cool air hit her wet flesh, and then his hand warmed her.
He moved sideways and flipped her over on her back, then pulled her to the edge of the bed. She thought he had changed his mind and was just going to take her, but he dropped to his knees between her legs, mouthed down her stomach, and lowered his head.
She pushed herself up on her elbows. “Wulf! No! Not that!”
“Unless you use your safe word, you are submitting to me. Now lie back.”
“You can’t want to do that!”
“I want to see you wild with desire.” He stood for just a moment, looming over her. “I want to see you so blind with passion that you can’t think.” He pushed her sternum back with one hand. “Now lie back before I tie you down.”
She pressed her arms over her breasts and turned her hips to cover her nakedness. “You don’t have to do this.”
“Blast it all.” He unbuckled his belt and whipped it out of his belt loops with one fluid motion.
Rae was shocked that he might hit her with it, but he grabbed one of her wrists, held it over her head, pulled the belt through the buckle to make a tight cuff, and bound her hands together. He was really proficient at that.
His hard chest flexed above her as his arms worked. “Don’t move, or I will tie you to the bedposts.”
Rae let her head fall against the soft bed and stared up at the lights in the ceiling as Wulf kissed and bit her chin.
He kneaded her thighs, opening her farther. Her legs trembled.
She wanted to touch him, but he had tied her hands.
His hard torso wedged her legs open, pushing her soft thighs apart.
She twisted her wrists in the belt, but the leather held her arms together. She wanted to stop him because it seemed selfish of her to just lie there, and yet, because she couldn’t touch him, and she couldn’t think about his needs, all she could do was feel.
The bright lights in the ceiling glared down at her, and Wulf mouthed down her neck.
He reached her breasts and cupped them, bringing them together. Rae’s back bowed, pushing her breasts up toward him. His breath touched her nipple first, tickling and warm. He licked her boob, slowly, warmly and with the flat of his tongue, then drew the peak into his mouth. Rae moaned at his tender touch, so he sucked her nipple gently, then harder. Shocks flew through her from her breast down to her clit.
Rae tried to move her hands to run her fingers through his blond hair, but his belt still bound her hands. She strained against the leather, but it didn’t move. He was really skilled at tying people up. If her wrists had been crossed, she would have had a better range of movement, but he had bound her wrists flat together. She couldn’t do anything, so she let her arms drop above her head.
He sucked harder, and her boob pointed into his mouth, tightening. He mouthed her taut nipple, pulling it until it was so tight that Rae couldn’t breathe. She twisted her hands in the belt again, wishing she could stop him because even the thought of receiving oral always seemed a little embarrassing and that one guy just kind of prodded her with his tongue and that wasn’t even sexy, but the belt held her wrists firm.
Her other nipple grew hard, waiting for him. He moved across her, holding that breast and thumbing the hard tip, and he ran his tongue over her other breast. While he suckled that one, drawing her blood and pleasure up into the nipple, he slipped his fingers over her other breast, pinching, keeping it fully erect. Twin bolts ran through Rae, constricting her breasts and tightening her pussy.
“Wulf,” she said. She could barely squeeze the words out because her head spun with every suck on her boob. “Wulf, please.”
He chuckled.
His mouth left her breasts, and the cold air chilled her, tightening her nips more. He kissed down her stomach and licked her belly button, and she nearly cried in frustration with wanting him inside her.
His mouth reached her pussy, and he touched her with his tongue.
She gasped and arched. The intensity of his tongue flat against her opening overwhelmed her. Her hands turned in their bonds, and she grabbed the ruffles to hold on and closed her eyes.
With her eyes closed, in the darkness, her pussy swelled under his mouth. She heard him whisper, “So wet already.” The words vibrated against her delicate skin.
His tongue slipped inside the folds of her pussy, and he licked her deeply. Pressing his tongue into the membranes, he sent waves up her body, traveling up her spine to her brain. Blood roared in her ears.
Then, for a moment, nothing, and she floated down like an autumn leaf, resting for a moment as the overwhelming sensation rippled away.
He opened the lips of her pussy with his thumbs, grabbed her thighs with his long fingers, and pressed his whole mouth to her.
Her body bucked upward from the onslaught, and she cried out. He flicked his tongue around her opening. All the skin there fluttered, sending her flying. He ran his tongue up one side, under her folds, and down the other, and around.
Her whole body clenched, forcing another cry from her mouth. His tongue pushed pleasure and desire up her body, and yet still she wanted more. She didn’t know how there could be more, but she nearly flew off the bed with wanting him.
His tongue glided around her pussy, just missing her clit but rubbing everything else. She wound tighter, grasping the ruffles behind her head. His tongue pushed inside her, licking inside her, and he fucked her with his tongue.
Oh, his tongue writhed inside her, running over her inner walls, and pleasure ballooned inside her, pressing outward. She pulled her legs up but Wulf pushed them back, widening her pussy to his mouth. She couldn’t breathe but she heard herself crying out with each pant.
Just when she thought he was going to go on forever and she was going to die, Wulf licked upward, upward, and he caught her aching clit in his mouth and pushed against it with his tongue, and his tongue moved, rough on her clit.
Her body clamped down and shattered under his tongue.
Ecstasy surged and rolled through her again and again, every tiny vibration of his tongue inflamed another fiery wave, and time slowed as the orgasm rolled through her from pussy up her spine and into her brain.
His tongue licked her, slowly, endlessly, just skimming her clit, and fire spiraled up her flesh with every touch.
Then he was mouthing her navel, and she drifted on dark waves. She couldn’t even open her eyes.
She felt her body flip over, and her cheek rested against the soft pink ruffles. Her hands were still bound together above her, and she stretched her fingers.
He massaged her lower back, a needless gesture because Rae was so wrung out that she couldn’t move. His hands caressed her skin, gentling her. Her arms and legs flopped because that orgasm had eaten every last ounce of energy in her body. Under his hands, her limp muscles relaxed farther.
He ran one finger up the inside of her thigh, and she awoke, every fiber of her attention on his one finger that wove upward, nearing her pussy.
His hand veered away, and he rubbed her thighs.
She sighed in frustration, and she wondered how she could be frustrated because she had just had an earthquake orgasm, but she wanted him again.
No, she wanted him still. She still wanted him inside her, making love to her.
His hands were all over her, grabbing and releasing the traces of tension left in her. She relaxed into his hands, nearly dreaming, when he said, “Are you ready?”
She had kind of thought that he had changed the plan after giving her that orgasm. Surely, after that, he didn’t expect her to be able to function. She was dang near out of it, but she nodded. She wasn’t ready to let him go yet, either.
The cold and slippery thing nudged her ass.
She grew a little scared, a little worried that it was going to hurt or that she would freak and look like a fool to him, but he leaned over her and said, “You will like this.”
“Okay.” She still wasn’t sure about it, but last Saturday night at the club, when the brute of a man had fucked the woman wearing the pink sundress in the ass, Rae had been so turned on while watching it.
“Push back.”
Rae complied, carefully.
The rings of muscle in her ass stretched, widening, as the thing pressed against her. She took a deep breath and pushed back, opening herself, and the thing pinched as it slipped inside her. The neck of it caught in the tight pucker of her asshole.
“Beautiful,” he said.
Rae couldn’t seem to catch her breath. All those nerve endings were already humming. That thing pressed against them.
She was doing it. She felt naughty but in a good way, like not getting caught doing something fun, and she wanted more.
Rae glanced over her shoulder at Wulf, who was caressing her hips. She lowered her voice until she thought she sounded coy, “Now what are you going to do to me?”
His grin was wicked, suggesting all sorts of naughty things.
He grabbed her hips, dragging her back. Rae tried to hold onto the bedspread’s pink ruffles, but he gripped her flesh and she slithered across the silky sheets toward him. Wulf crawled over her for just a moment, long enough to whisper with a voice rasping with desire, “I’m going to make you come again.”
“Impossible.” Rae rested her cheek against the satin and believed it as she said it.
“Ah, a challenge.” Wulf rose up behind her and yanked her hips to him, startling her. The leather around her wrists gave just enough for her to gather her elbows under her.
A small part of her brain whispered, Keep the sub off balance.
Her pussy slapped his pants, and she wanted him inside her. The thing in her ass, even though it made her feel full, it did nothing to slake her craving for him. She stretched, humming with need. “Please,” she whispered.
Her knees rested on the bed, and he dropped her hips. He eased one finger inside her pussy, rubbing, and the thing in her butt pushed down on his finger so that he rubbed her in a whole new way. She gasped and pushed back, wanting more.
“So tight.” His voice was lower, almost hoarse with lust and testosterone.
“Please, what?”
She couldn’t answer for a moment because his finger rubbing her inside occupied all her thoughts. Her whole body flexed, gripping him.
He chuckled, an almost desperate sound, as her pussy tightened around him. “Are you already so close?”
“It feels so good,” she gasped out.
“What do you want?”
Her whole body quivered, wanting him to fill her. “You!” she cried. “Please, I want you!”
His hands left her for a moment and she fell forward, resting her forehead against the soft sheets, but then he grabbed her again.
Rae stole a quick glance back at him.
Wulf had pulled his pants off, and his body gleamed with a fine sheen of sex sweat. The lights glowed on his heavy shoulders and ab ripples down his torso. He was an inverted triangle of muscle, burly shoulders squeezing down to his trim waist and hips. His cock, huge as he held it in his fist and leaned toward Rae’s pussy, jutted out straight. Veins engorged with passion lined the sides. His calm expression, just a narrow smile and sleepy lids over his blue eyes, belied the tension that made even his smallest movement look like he was straining against a wall.
The head of his cock touched her pussy, jolting her. She shied away, but Wulf rested one hand on the small of her back.
She hoped this was going to work and leaned back.
He dipped his cock into her, just a little, and then used the head to paint her folds with her juices. Rae sucked air in, reveling in his slow path around her pussy. Her body was tightening again, and she could feel another orgasm building.
Wulf rubbed his cock in her opening, teasing her that he might plunge in. Her pussy clenched down as she tried to grab him, but he pressed in and then popped free, denying her. “Please!”
“Ah, I love to hear that.” He did it again, screwing into her and then withdrawing, as she panted.
“Please, Wulf. I’ll do anything!”
“That’s even better.”
He pushed deeper this time, and she felt that thing in her ass press his cock down inside her. It felt like her first time again, not virginal pain, but just stretching and unaccustomed fullness. “Oh!”
“Oh my God that feels good.” She waited, holding her ass in the air on her knees and elbows, every fiber in her body vibrating, dying for his next thrust.
Wulf moved into her again, gently forcing himself inside. Despite his languid expression, his jaw didn’t move as his voice rumbled low in his throat, “You’re so tight.”
“It feels so good.”
He held her hips, stroking her slowly. The butt thing pressed him into her, and at the top of every stroke, his cock grazed something far inside her, and she blazed like a phoenix, reigniting.
“What is that? I don’t know what?” she gasped into her bound, clasped hands. She was beyond making sense even to herself.
“G-spot,” Wulf growled.
“Oh!” Every stroke blazed a long trail of sparks up the front wall of her pussy that ended in a burst of ecstasy. Her voice climbed octaves and ended in a squeak. “Oh, yes! Oh, Wulf!”
Every thrust inside her lit her fire, and yet the pressure built again.
“Oh, Wulf. Harder.”
His hands gripped her hips and pulled her back to meet him. He wasn’t fast, but he shoved himself deep inside her.
Everything inside her built, tightened, and compressed inside her, and yet the anticipation kept building and wouldn’t release. The passion was beginning to crush her and she gasped, trying to breathe.
As he thrust into her, Wulf’s hand glided around her hip, following the line of her pelvis, and slid into the top of her pussy. He pressed, pushing her clit up and back, and his cock rubbed her as he pumped, lighting the spark.
The orgasm flashed inside her like lightning hitting a bomb. She flew apart in waves rolling through space, and she couldn’t see or hear anymore. She was blasted apart and falling.
Behind her, Wulf grunted and arched, straining upward, and his cock pulsed as he came. The thing in her ass squeezed him so tightly that could feel him throb deep inside her.
Another deep wave rolled through her body, scattering her very being and slamming her down.
She spun and then floated back down.
Her quivering heart slowed.
Her body gathered around her again, and her thighs and arms trembled.
Wulf pulled out and collapsed beside her on the bed, then yanked the belt, freeing her hands.
Rae’s knees slid out from under her, and she collapsed onto the ruffles. She couldn’t think, couldn’t move, couldn’t feel anything except the cool air on her back and shoulders and that her hands could move. She stretched her fingers.
Wulf tucked her under his arm, holding her. She laid one arm across his chest, feeling his solidity because her body was still floating. He massaged her wrist.
His bass voice drifted through the air to her ringing ears. “Are you all right?”
“Oh-my-God.” Sweet air rushed into her lungs. Her body still ebbed and flowed, in and out.
“Did you like that?” A smile had crept into his voice.
“Oh, my God,” she repeated, unable to think of anything else to say.
“Rae, there is something I should tell you.”
“Oh my God! You’re doing it again!” She jerked away from him, turned her face down, jammed a pillow over her head, and groaned into the hot ruffles and mattress. The last of the orgasm trickled away.
The pillow over her head muffled his voice somewhat, but his voice was so deep that those long, dark, British wavelengths rumbled through the stuffing. “I’m doing what?”
“Throwing bombs.” She could barely breathe under the stuffy pillow but she squeaked it out. “Emotional hand grenades. Sometimes it’s during sex. Sometimes it’s before or right after. But it’s always with sex and it’s always this big revelation and I can’t process it properly because my brain is goo.”
“Do I?” he mused. The bed shifted beside her.
She lifted the edge of the pillow to peek out. He had rolled onto his side, and was peering under the fluffy, pink edge of the pillow at her. His blue eyes were so amused at her, darn him. “So totally.”
His laughing expression bordered on exultant. “And your brain is goo?”
He said “goo” like it was a new word, like he, as an English gentleman, had never deigned to pronounce it before.
She said, “Heck, yeah.”
“I can’t think worth beans, so don’t throw any bombs at me right now, ‘kay?”
“Well, then,” he rolled over on his back and considered the ceiling lights. “We’ve never had a proper date, have we?”
“Are you saying that I violated the three-date rule?” she muttered, though of course she had.
“I’ve been remiss,” he said. “We’ll go tonight.”
“My brain is goo, but I know it’s still Sunday.” The pink ruffles muffled her voice. “I have class tomorrow morning.”
“We’ll have you home by daylight.” His amusement fell away, and even though all his expressions were muted compared to Americans, Rae could see dismay written there. He said, “I don’t know what kind of music you like.”
“I don’t know. Everything? Fun stuff. Classic rock. You know, old Maroon 5.”
“Right. Something quite modern, then.” Wulf rolled toward her and leaned over her back. “Now let me help you with that.”