- Academy Awards
- Accountability: Hollywood projects and negotiating pay and; Topcoder work quality measurement system for
- ADT Sensormatics
- Affordable Care Act (2010)
- “Agile cocreativity”
- AH Global
- Air France/KLM
- Alexander, Christopher
- Alitalia
- Allergan
- Alliances: accessing talent from another company through an; allowing partners to tap training and experiences at other companies; of ASML Holdings with Intel, Samsung, and TSMC; Association of Strategic Alliance Professional survey (2009) on; AstraZeneca and Bristol-Myers Squibb; Bharti Airtel; cost versus work optimization driving decision for; description of how they work; Disney and Siemens; Dutch tomato farmers' microbusinesses; early joint ventures leading to increased interest in; five basic types of; the future of; “Guide to Alliance Contracting” (Australian Department of Infrastructure and Transport) on; IBM and Apple; as labor market intermediary; members of the Sky Team Alliance; Meta's ability to create an ecosystem for augmenting reality using; Metro AG's Future Store Initiative alliance; Mitsubishi and Boeing; mixing of cultures during; multiple benefits of; reframed as dialing up permeability and interlinkage; the rise and development of; rising success rate of; Towers Watson (TW) leveraging the power of; used in combination with other ways to engage workers; Wall Street Journal's “reserve outsourcing” article on
- Amazon: automation used by; “disintermediating” the brick-and-mortar store; media shown on; MTurk developed by; offering Topcoder coders jobs at
- American Express
- Amino acids research: using Foldit game to recruit volunteer R&D workers; the problem that needed to be solved for
- Amylin Pharmaceuticals
- Anheuser-Busch
- Appirio. See also Topcoder
- Apple: IBM Apple Alliance; Steve Jobs and “key man risk” of
- AppMakr
- ASML Holdings
- Assignments (Lead the Work framework): deconstructing to break down assumptions about; description of the; examining how they can be packaged into suitable chunks; Foldit case on applying the choice categories of; IBM applications of the; introduction to the three choice categories of; JetBlue Airways case on applying choice categories of; Lead the Work map on; talent lifecycle attracting/sourcing for dialing up or down; talent lifecycle planning for dialing up or down; talent lifecycle selecting dialing up and down. See also Deconstruct choice; Detach choice; Disperse choice; Work
- Association of Strategic Alliance Professional alliance survey (2009)
- AstraZeneca
- Attracting/sourcing (talent cycle): “engagement brand” for; tasks involved during
- Australian Department of Infrastructure and Transport
- Automation issue
- Baker, David
- Balboni, Fred
- Banana Republic
- Bersin by Deloitte
- Bersin, Josh
- Beyond employment: accessing talent from another company through an alliance; as constantly detaching assignments from{} the traditional employment relationship; debate over future competition and exploitation of; developing future leaders by loaning out your best talent; the Upwork case on using the decision framework to decipher the; examples of workers engaged in; the new workplace and work reality of; overarching questions about the future of; six key governance principles in a world of. See also Employment; Free Agent World
- Beyond employment examples: AstraZeneca and Bristol-Myers Squibb alliance to fight diabetes; the free agency of the regular full-time employee; how free agents built the software for managing genomes; how to power an energy company with contract workers; how to unravel the mystery of folding proteins with volunteers; the pressures on regular full-time employment; Siemens hearing aid marketing by using Disney employees
- Beyond employment future: are the optimists or the pessimists right about the; the bright side of a; the dark side of; Germany's Work 4.0 conference (2015) on forward thinking toward a; preparing your kids to join the; what we should do to ensure a positive
- Beyond HR (Boudreau and Ramstad)
- Bharti
- Bharti Airtel alliance
- Big data: generated for reward optimization; how it fits into the new organization; preparing for a positive beyond employment future using
- Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
- Blacksmith trade
- Blackstone Capital
- “Blue Card” (IBM)
- Blue-collar workers
- Blue Talent Cloud platform (IBMer Assignment Agency)
- Boeing
- Boeing– Mitsubishi alliance
- Bokelberg, Eric
- Bonet, Rocio
- Boudreau, John
- Boundaries. See Organizational boundaries
- “Boxes”: how emerging trends are replacing the traditional reality of; as the traditional sense-making approach
- Brainstorm Strategy Group
- Brick-and-mortar stores
- “A Brief History of Outsourcing” (Handfield)
- Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Broadcast TV
- Broida, Don
- Brokers. See also Talent platforms
- Brown, John Seely
- Bryant, Kobe
- A Bug's Life (film)
- Build, Borrow, or Buy: Solving the Growth Dilemma (Capron and Mitchell)
- Built to Change: How to Achieve Sustained Organizational Effectiveness (Lawler and Worley)
- Bureau of Labor Statistics, on percentage of U.S. employed
- Burrell, Mark
- Burt, Alan
- Business schools
- Cable TV
- Call of Duty (video game)
- Cameron, James
- Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
- Cappelli, Peter
- Capron, Laurence
- Car-sharing services: Getaround; overview and comparison of; self-driving cars; Uber; Zipcars
- Car2Go
- Career development
- CareerBuilder
- Catmull, Edwin
- Center for Effective Organizations
- CEO of Me: embracing the future of being a; the flexibility, freedom, and influence enjoyed by; increasing trend of; means being prepared for turbulence; set of loyalties held by; transition to the. See also Free agency
- Champions for Growth program (IBM)
- Change: as a constant state; deconstructing to gain agility during times of; job security a lost illusion due to; sustainable performance by being “built to change”
- Chief learning officers (CLOs)
- Cisco– HP alliance
- Clegg, Chris
- Clients: ability to find a qualified free agent faster than developing a worker; attractive rewards offered to the anonymous Turkers by MTurk; Upwork offering and; existing stories and examples regarding; free agents who choose to work repeatedly with the same; IBM Expertise Locator service available to their; MTurk's offering and; outsourcing by; Tongal offering and; Topcoder offering and; the value of new rewards for leaders, workers, and. See also Customers
- Cloud-based talent platforms
- CloudMeBaby
- Cognitive computing
- Colgate
- Collaboration choice: considering the organizational value chain when making the; deciding how deeply to collaborate; description of the; dispersing less in order to increase; governance in action by making collaboration work; on how deeply to collaborate; how interlinkages can evolve into learning opportunities and; IBM's applications of; making decisions about the organization; as one of the PICF dimensions of the new organization structure; role of loyalty in the; for a staffing model that pools talent of noncompeting companies; talent lifecycle planning for dialing up or down; talent lifecycle selecting dialing up and down; visualizing the processes and possibilities of. See also Organization (Lead the Work framework)
- Columbia University
- Comarketing alliances
- Comcast
- Communication: high-bandwidth; IBM's common language of work for clear; selecting talent and issue of common work language used for
- Community motivator
- Community of organization
- “Company Man” approach
- Competition: the annual Topcoder Open tournament; debate over worker exploitation due to
- Consultants
- Contracted work: mistake to translate into full-time equivalents (FTEs); special challenges of free agents doing; talent platforms using reputation systems to rate. See also Free agents
- Cool Hand Luke (film)
- Coproduction alliance
- “Corporate Service Corps” (IBM)
- Costs: detach in order to lower; labor; overhead. See also Wages
- Creativity: “agile cocreativity” evolution of; community-based; Wikipedia as collaborative
- Crowdsourced contests: annual Tongies awards event; annual Topcoder Open tournament; applying incentive system principles to
- Culture: alliances the mixing of; definition of; Upwork's; leadership role in creating vision and; leading the work by creating engagement and; Metro's crafting of their vision and; Topcoder's. See also Engagement models; Free agents
- Customers: car-sharing; current and likely future governance roles of. See also Clients
- Day Communications
- De Julio, James
- De Man, Ard-Pieter
- Decision making: cost versus optimizing work as driving the outsourcing and alliance; examining how to made the bests for on the Work,; existing stories and examples on worker and client; lack of a framework to guide Work,; organization chart used to assess permeable and interlinked; PICF (permeate, interlink, collaborate, and flex) framework for; set of rules for governance principles. See also Lead the Work framework
- Decision science: definition of; HR discipline as a
- Decisions: array of options for possible; the decision framework visualized as a map with dials for navigating to the right; examining how assignments can be packaged into suitable chunks through; factors determining the right choices and; leaders of the work and examples of important
- Deconstruct choice: AH Global's practice of deconstructing the work; deconstruction through projects; description of the; driven by growth; emerging assignment opportunities through process of; goals and limits of; how it changes the notion of “separation”; IBM's applications of the; JetBlue Airways high dispersion, moderate detachment, and low; the Lean entrepreneur who deconstructs and reconstructs by necessity; mastering the process importance to leadership; questions to use for breaking down assumptions about assignments; reasons to deconstruct assignments les; reasons to deconstruct assignments more; relocating IBM workers using dispersing and; suggestions on how to implement in your organization; talent lifecycle attracting/sourcing for dialing up or down; talent lifecycle planning for dialing up or down; talent lifecycle selecting dialing up and down; 3D framework of dispersed, detached, and. See also Assignments (Lead the Work framework)
- Dela Airlines
- Deloitte
- Deploying and developing (talent cycle): blurred lines between worker selection and; leading the work for; tasks required for
- Detach choice: beyond employment as constantly engaging in the; description of the; IBM's applications of the; JetBlue Airways high dispersion, low deconstruction, and moderate; mixed loyalties issue o; rethinking the purpose of the employment relationship; role of intermediaries in the; 3D framework of deconstructed, dispersed, and; when to detach less; when to detach more. See also Assignments (Lead the Work framework)
- Developing countries
- Discretion and control motivators
- Discrimination
- Disney: Siemens' alliance with; a Tongaler doing animation for
- Disperse choice: AH Global's practice of dispersing the work; description of the; how TaskRabbit illustrates the challenges of the; how widely to disperse assignments; IBM's applications of the; JetBlue Airways low deconstruction, moderate detachment, and high; PayScale.com on the low-cost markets created by the; reasons to disperse work less; reasons to disperse work more; relocating IBM workers using deconstruction and; reward issues raised by the; talent lifecycle planning for dialing up or down; 3D framework of deconstructed, detached, and. See also Assignments (Lead the Work framework)
- Distribution alliances
- Diversity: definition of; HR reconsideration of inclusion and; IBM's “Corporate Service Corps” to increase
- Donald, Graham
- DriveAbility (Towers Watson)
- Dutch tomato farmers' alliance
- Economist (magazine)
- Economists: positive perceptive of beyond employment by; why there are concerns about the future beyond employment world by
- Ecosystems: Dutch tomato farmers' alliance creating a microbusiness; how application development companies may impact Google's; Meta's alliance to create an augmenting reality
- Elance
- Upwork: allowing pay level to be adjusted to qualifications; built-in tools to manage assignments at; data generated that allow for reward optimization; description and temp services provided by; dispute-resolution mechanism at; the engagement model and culture of; getting started as a leader of the work at; as hybrid model of organization; implications for your future as a leader of the work; “leaders” emerging from the workers of; the offering and clients of; Private Talent Cloud software used at; reporting on how the assignment to a worker is structured; reputation systems used at; selecting workers at; some low-paying jobs available on; stable core of employees at; talent cycle attracting/sourcing on; video on companies with large employee numbers on site of; the work done at; the workers of. See also oDesk; Talent platforms
- Employee turnover. See also Separating (talent lifecycle)
- Employment: automation replacing workers and; the casual look of U.S. percentage of worker; escaping the traditional regulation full-time; the high organizational cost of; historic evolution of; modern stresses on traditional; role of intermediaries in detaching assignments from. See also Beyond employment; Full-time employment; Work
- Employment lifecycle
- Employment relationship: detach more in order to increase flexibility as part of the; rethinking the purpose of the; role of intermediaries in detaching assignments from; societal laws and regulations that define the; when to detach and when not to detach the. See also Organizations
- EMSI report (2014)
- Energy company contract workers
- Engagement: comparing the free agent and regular FTE innovation and; leading the work by creating culture and
- Engagement brand
- Engagement models: Upwork; MTurk; Tongal; Topcoder. See also Culture; Free agents
- Enterprise resource planning (ERP) system
- Ericsson
- Everwise
- Facebook
- Field Nation
- Flexibility choice: applied to either workers or organizations; description of the; on how extensively to flex; IBM's applications of; making decisions about the organization; as one of the PICF dimensions of the new organization structure; private equity organizations and the; visualizing the processes and possibilities of; as worker motivator. See also Organization (Lead the Work framework)
- Foldit Contenders Group
- Foldit (online video game): dialing up the rewards example of; Nature Structural & Molecular Biology (journal) on research facilitated by; recruiting volunteer R&D workers using the
- Foldit Void Crushers Group
- Foldit@home program
- Ford
- Free agency: disappearance of the pretense of being part of a bigger organization; flexibility characteristic of; increasing acceptance as legitimate professional lifestyle. See also CEO of Me
- Free Agent Nation: the culture and engagement models used in the; driven by economics; growing social acceptability driving the; historical comparisons to modern; moving toward a Free Agent World. See also Self-employed
- Free Agent Nation: The Future Of Working for Yourself (Pink)
- Free Agent World: the culture and engagement models used in the; implications of the; increasing development and acceptance of the; mentoring kids to become part of the; new challenge facing unions in the; six key governance principles in the; three barriers to the. See also Beyond employment
- Free agents: automation replacing both employees and; changed nature of leadership when working with; comparing innovation and engagement of FTE workers and; debate over future competition and exploitation of; health insurance issue for; how talent platforms optimize freelancing work by; how the new rewards system benefits; mentoring your kids to become successful; special challenges faced by the; talent platforms using reputation systems to rate; what they can do as individuals to create positive beyond employment; who choose to work repeatedly with the same client. See also Contracted work; Culture; Engagement models
- Freelance Management Systems (FMS)
- Freelancers Union (U.S.)
- Full-time employment: the causal look at percentage of U.S.; comparing innovation and engagement of free agent and workers with; the free agency of the regular employee under; the high organizational cost of; historic evolution of; modern stresses on traditional; moving toward the less “regular”; the pressures on regular; traditional reward systems for. See also Employment
- Full-time equivalents (FTEs)
- Funk, Tyler
- Future HR outcomes: for diversity and inclusion; in engagement and culture; facilitating sustainable performance; Lead the Work framework used to create; leadership roles in the; the new HR professional and various roles undertaken to reach the
- Future Store Initiative alliance
- Gap, Inc.
- Gates, Bill
- Gates Foundation
- Gates, Melinda
- Geico Insurance
- General Electric's John F. Welch Leadership Center
- Genero
- Genome management software story
- Germany's Work 4.0 conference (2015)
- Getaround
- Ghemawat, Pankaj
- Gigwalk
- Glamour as reward
- Glassdoor.com
- The Global and Mail (Canadian newspaper)
- Global Opportunity Marketplace system (IBMer Assignment Agency)
- Global Talent 2021 study
- Google: alliances that allow companies to tap training and experiences at; analysts included in its People Analytics (HR) organization; application development companies that impact products o; attempts to predict employee turnover by; employee pride in being a Googler; multiacre campuses being built to increase dispersed work; offering Topcoder coders jobs at
- Gover, Ian
- Governance: future of unions and; Governance in Action: Making Collaboration Work illustrating principles of; potential scenarios on; six key principles in a world beyond employment
- Governance principles: knowledge management; logistics and control systems; ownership and protection of intellectual property (IP); risk management; time horizon; work quality control
- Government: current and likely future governance roles of; HR guidance on legal and transactional regulations of the; initiatives to create a positive beyond employment world
- Gratton, Lynda
- Great Place to Work conference (2013)
- Greenpeace
- “Guide to Alliance Contracting” (Australian Department of Infrastructure and Transport)
- Gupta, Akhil
- Hamori, Monica
- Handfield, Robert
- Harbage, Robin
- Harrison, Mark
- Harvard Business Review (HBR)
- Harvard University
- Hasse, Andreas
- Hay Job Evaluation system
- Health insurance
- Health Outcomes Marketplace
- High-bandwidth communication
- Hon Hai Precision Industry
- Honeywell
- HP– Cisco alliance
- HR departments: beyond employment concerns of; Blackstone Capital absorption of acquired company's; current and likely future governance roles of; employment concerns of traditional; how they can craft a total rewards approach; individualization of rewards challenge for the; looking for guidance in legal or transactional issues to; need to rethink separation as a failure; permeability between HR consultants and; role in facilitating engagement and culture by; when they ascribe to the traditional definition of leadership
- HR discipline: as a decision science; expertise related to; leading the work by “rewiring”; talent lifecycle in the context of; work engineering tasks of
- HR professionals: current and likely future governance roles of; Lead the Work framework providing a guide for; as leaders in their own right; orchestra conductors metaphor of the future; required skills and competencies of the future new; rethinking diversity and inclusion; rethinking required to meet future demands by; shaping a more sustainable performance; the talent lifestyle role by; three ways to rethink leadership; understanding the changed nature of leadership with free agents. See also Leaders
- Huffington Post,
- Hughes Telematics (now Verizon)– Towers Watson alliance
- Hulu
- Hurst, Aaron
- Hybrid model of organization: the best qualities of a; Upwork's
- IBM: as Bharti Airtel alliance partner; Bharti's IT function shifted over to; “Blue Card” rewards for employees of; common language of work used at; “Corporate Service Corps” of; diverting its PC division to Lenovo; employee pride in being a IMBer; examining their decisions about outsourcing and alliance; Expertise Taxonomy database of; as Future Store alliance partner with; Global Workforce Initiative of; how the Lead the Work framework is applied at; human resource information warehouse (HRIW) of; IBM Apple Alliance of; the IBM Expertise Locator solution available to clients of; IBM Watson Academy; IBMer Assignment Agency program of; the Lead the Work framework lesson learned by; Open Talent Marketplace (OTM) program of; optimizing across permeable boundaries of; organization dimension applied by; PICF applications for reshaping the old IBM into the current
- IBM Apple Alliance
- IBM Expertise Locator
- IBM Watson Academy
- IBMer Assignment Agency: Blue Talent Cloud platform for temporary jobs inside IBM; Champions for Growth program assignment IBM employees to business partners; common language of work used at; creating synergy and optimization through governance and coordination; description and functions of the; external temporary redeployment and relocating worker; Global Opportunity Marketplace system used by the; Zenith program assignment IBM employees to clients
- IBM's Open Talent Marketplace (OTM): benefits of; how managers optimally deconstruct regular work outcomes with the; illustrated diagram on the process of the; optimizing across IBM's permeable boundary; origins and overview of the; reasons for the development of the; the rewards for employees of the
- Imaginative choice: description of the; future possibilities of the; how to creatively imagine the reward; IBM's applications of; talent lifecycle planning for dialing up or down. See also Rewards (Lead the Work framework)
- Individualized choice: description of the; future possibilities of the; how to optimize individualizing rewards; how to specifically individualize rewards; IBM's applications of; talent lifecycle planning for dialing up or down. See also Rewards (Lead the Work framework)
- Individualized reward optimization: individualizing for top performers is not optimal; the three curves to consider for; traditional individualization is optimum; value of higher performance is much more than value of moderate performance
- Industrial era: development of the job evaluations during the; the history of labor in the
- Informal knowledge exchange
- Ingram Micro
- Innovation: community-based creativity and; comparing the independent free agent and regular full-time employee; IBM's PICF applications leading its; moving from intellectual property to “agile cocreativity”; traditional view of
- Intel
- Intellectual property
- Interlinked (or interconnectedness) choice: alliances as dialing up the; considering the organizational value chain when making the; deciding how strongly to interlink; description of the; evolution into collaborative learning opportunities; IBM's applications of; making decisions about the organization; as one of the PICF dimensions of the new organization structure; organization chart diagram to assess the; outsourcing as dialing up the; talent lifecycle planning for dialing up or down; talent lifecycle selecting dialing up and down; visualizing the processes and possibilities of. See also Organization (Lead the Work framework)
- Intermediaries. See Labor market intermediaries
- Internet advertising: multiple platforms used for; Tongal's impact on
- IP ownership and protection principle: current and likely future states for; scenario and preventative action on; set of decision rules on; statement of
- iTunes
- Jeopardy (TV show)
- Jesuthasan, Ravin
- JetBlue Airways
- Jiff– Tower Watson alliance
- Job evaluations: Topcoder's work quality measurement system or; the traditional approach to. See also Performance
- Job security illusion
- Jobs, Steve
- Jodorowsky, Alejandro
- John F. Welch Leadership Center (General Electric)
- Joint ventures
- Kelly Services survey (2011)
- “Key man risk”
- Khazanah Nasional (Malaysia): the decision framework for visualizing how to lead through the work at; loaning out leaders approach used by
- Kids: mentoring them for the new Free Agent World; understanding what skills they will need in the future
- Knowledge: detachment requirement of firm-specific; informal exchange of
- Knowledge management principle: current and likely future states for; scenario and preventative action on; set of decision rules for; statement of
- Kossek, Ellen Ernst
- Labor costs
- Labor market intermediaries: description of; detaching assignments from employment and role of; governance roles of
- Lake, Anne
- Language: “crosswalk” between Military occupational specialties (MOS) and civilian; IBMer Assignment Agency's efforts to use a common work; Siemens and Disney alliance adoption of work
- Lautsch, Brenda
- Lawler, Ed
- Lead the Work framework: Assignment dimension of the; comparing graphic representation of old and new view of; description and leadership benefits of a; the Upwork case on deciphering the work beyond employment using the; how IBM has successfully applied the; how workers can apply the; HR professionals and the; “Lead the Work” map of the; moving from managing your employees to; Organization dimension of the; rethinking leadership under the; Rewards dimension of the; as the solution for traditional work problems; two related tools of the; unlocking the “Lead the Work” code; visualized as a map with set of dials for navigating to the right decision. See also Decision making; Work
- Leaders: the “beyond employment” challenges facing today's; current and likely future governance roles of; how emerging trends are replacing the traditional sensemaking approach of; lack of a framework to guide workplace decisions by; loaning out your best talent in order to develop future; moving from managing your employees to leading the work; need to know how to optimize all options for getting work done. See also HR professionals; Managers
- Leaders of the work: considering the value chain in a highly interlinked and collaborative firm; on deconstruction, disperse, detach choices for assignments by; Upwork implications for your future as a; getting started in the talent platform world; important decisions required of; making decisions about the organization PICF dimensions; MTurk implications for your future as a; organization chart used to assess permeable and interlinked decisions by; Tongal implications for your future as a; Topcoder implications for your future as; understanding the changed nature of leadership with free agents; the value of new rewards for clients, workers, and; why mastering the deconstruction process is important for See also Decision framework
- Leadership: benefits of the decision framework to organization; creating vision and culture; description of; different questions being asked of modern; how free agency changes the relationship with; Lead the Work framework and rethinking; understanding that it is about the work; when HR systems ascribe to the traditional definition of
- League of Legends (web game)
- Lean entrepreneur
- Learning. See Organizational learning
- Learning motivator
- Legislation barriers
- Legos
- Lenovo
- Lincoln Electric
- LinkedIn
- Lionsgate
- LiveOps
- Logistics and control systems principle: current and likely future states for; scenarios and preventative action on; set of decision rules for; statement of
- Los Angeles Times,
- Loyalty: CEO of ME; how collaboration fits well with human motivation and; reframing the loss of “us” and not being a loss o; traditional elements driving
- Lyft
- Majchrzak, Ann
- Malaysia Airlines
- Malhotra, Arvind
- “Man in the gray flannel suit”
- Managers: current governance role of; likely future governance role of. See also Leaders
- Martin, Roger
- Matthews, Paul
- Mayer, Marisa
- McDonald's
- McKinsey
- Meaning in work motivator
- Mechanical Turk: Amazon's MTurk platform named after the; history of the fraudulent artificial intelligence
- Medtronic
- Mentoring: Everwise's use of; kids to become successful free agents
- Meta
- Metro AG's Future Store Initiative alliance
- Meyer, Stephanie
- Microsoft
- Military language of work
- Military occupational specialties (MOS) language
- Military veteran employees
- Min, Low Lik
- Mitchell, Will
- Mitsubishi
- Mitsubishi– Boeing alliance
- Modern Family (TV show)
- Money rewards
- Monster
- Motivation: how collaboration fits well with loyalty and; leadership role in driving; list of traditional rewards used for
- MTurk: allowing pay level to be adjusted to qualifications; Amazon's development of; anonymity of MTurkers; assessment systems used by; attractive rewards offered to the anonymous Turkers by client of; the engagement model used by; getting good data to make good decisions at; getting started as a leader of the work at; global environment of; implications for your future as a leader of the work; leading through the work lessons available through; the offering and clients of; retirees choosing to work at; rewarding their workers as soon as the job if done; talent cycle attracting/sourcing on; third-party groups supporting Turkers; the work done at; the workers of. See also Talent platforms
- Museum Tavern (Toronto)
- Nahles, Andrea
- NASA: as one of Topcoder's clients; Single Round Matches (SRMs) competitions held at Topcoder for
- Nations: German Work 4.0 conference (2015); positive perceptive of beyond employment by; what they can do to create a positive beyond employment world; why there are concerns about the future beyond employment world by
- Nature Structural & Molecular Biology (journal)
- Netflix
- The New Deal at Work: Managing the Market-Driven Workforce (Cappelli)
- The new organization. See Organization (Lead the Work framework)
- Newman, Paul
- Nissan
- Nokia (Bharti Airtel alliance partner)
- North of Now
- oDesk. See also Upwork
- Office for National Statistics (UK)
- 175 Grams (short film)
- Onorce
- Organization chart
- Organization (Lead the Work framework): the changing form and structure of the; deciding how strongly to interlink; description of; IBM's application of the; Lead the Work map on; the new technologies of social media and big data fit into; strategies for increasing permeability of boundaries in the; talent lifecycle attracting/sourcing for dialing up or down; talent lifecycle planning for dialing up or down; talent lifecycle selecting dialing up and down. See also Collaboration choice; Flexibility choice; Interlinked (or interconnectedness) choice; Permeability choice
- Organizational boundaries: deciding how extensively to flex; optimizing across IBM's permeable; outsourcing as setting outside; permeability of; PICF applications for reshaping IBM's; separation across the permeability of
- Organizational Dynamics (journal)
- Organizational learning: collaborations that facilitate opportunities for; Everwise's use of mentoring; how alliances allow training and experiences for; IBM Watson Academy created for; opportunity and paradox created by; Peter Voser's experience with
- Organizational value: collaboration choice and consideration of the value chain of; of new rewards for leaders, workers, and clients; ROIP (return on improved performance) related to
- Organizations: “boxes” used to make sense of our place in; considering the value chain in a highly interlinked and collaborative; decline of the defined-benefit pensions offered by; the high cost of employment for; how emerging trends are replacing the traditional “boxes” in; how IBM's OTM has optimized permeable boundaries of their; how the flexibility choice applies to either individual workers or; learning functions of; long-term job security no longer a reality at; operating as a community; PICF (permeability, interconnectedness, collaboration, and flexibility) dimensions of; private equity; strain of constant change on; sustainable performance by being “built to change”; the traditional view of; what they can do to create a positive beyond employment world; why there are concerns about the future beyond employment world; why they will be happy in the future beyond employment world; work being done outside of the actual location of the. See also Employment relationship; Vision
- Outsourcing: cost versus optimizing work driving decision for; getting client work done by; as labor market intermediary; mistake to translate into full-time equivalents (FTEs); reframed as dialing up permeability and interlinkage; the rise and development of; used in combination with other ways to engage workers
- Overhead costs
- Owner/shareholders: current governance role of; likely future governance role of
- Ownership and protection of IP principle: current and likely future states for; scenario and preventative action on; set of decision rules on; statement of
- Oxford Economics
- Paramount Pictures
- PayPal
- PayScale.com
- Pearson, Rich
- Peasant farmers
- People Analytics (HR) [Google]
- Performance: definition of; distribution of; governance as it relates to ensuring quality of work and; HR profession's role in shaping a more sustainable; individualizing for top performers is not optimal to reward; return on improved performance (ROIP); sustainable by being “built to change”; talent platforms using reputation systems to rate worker; traditional individualization is optimum to reward; value of higher performance is much more than value of moderate performance. See also Job evaluations; Workers
- Permeability choice: alliances as dialing up the; description of the; IBM's applications of; making decisions about the organization; as one of the PICF dimensions of the new organization structure; organization chart diagram to assess the; outsourcing as dialing up the; separation across the traditional organizational boundary through; strategies for increasing organization boundary permeability; talent lifecycle planning for dialing up or down; visualizing the processes and possibilities of. See also Organization (Lead the Work framework)
- Philips– Sara Lee/DL joint venture
- PICF (permeability, interconnectedness, collaboration, and flexibility) framework: deciding how deeply to collaborate; deciding how extensively to flex; deciding how strongly to interlink; how it making leading the work easier; increasing organization boundary permeability; introduction to the; visualizing the processes and possibilities of. See also specific dimension
- Pink, Dan
- Pitasky, Scott
- Pixar
- PlanDo
- Planning (talent lifecycle): dialing up and down assignments; tasks to be done during
- Portland Marketing Analytics
- Pottery Barn
- Power/labor struggle (Industrial era)
- Premier League (soccer system)
- Private equity organizations
- Private Talent Cloud
- Procter and Gamble
- Procurement departments
- ProRail
- The Purpose Economy (Hurst)
- Ramstad, Peter
- Reboot Work (Webb)
- Redefining Global Strategy (Ghemawat)
- Redford, Robert
- Reputation as reward
- Reputations: reputation systems to assess performance; value of leaders with strong public
- Research alliance type
- Retooling HR (Boudreau)
- Return on improved performance (ROIP)
- “Reverse outsourcing” article (Wall Street Journal)
- Revolt, Todd
- Rewards: “Company Man”; comparing traditional and those offered by talent platforms; how traditional employment creates a certain passivity toward; traditional systems for full-time employees. See also Workers
- Rewards (Lead the Work framework): AH Global's practice of providing; applying incentive system principles to crowdsourced contests; attractive rewards offered to the anonymous Turkers by clients; description of; Foldit example of dialing up the; governance issues related to; how creatively to imagine question to ask about; how HR can craft a total rewards approach to; how specifically to individualize question to ask about; IBM's Open Talent Marketplace (OTM) application for their employees; Lead the Work map on; list of different types of; Netflix example of dialing up the; offered to the anonymous Turkers by MTurk clients; reputation systems as element of; SAS example of dialing up the; show small a time frame to shorten question to ask about; talent lifecycle attracting/sourcing for dialing up or down; talent lifecycle planning for dialing up or down; talent lifecycle rewarding dialing up and down; talent lifecycle selecting dialing up and down; Tongal's annual Tongies awards event; Topcoder Open tournament used for; the value of new rewards for leaders, clients, and workers. See also Imagine choice; Individualize choice; Shorten choice
- “Rewired” HR
- Ricoh Australia
- Risk management: dial up detach choice for; governance principle on; “key man risk”
- Risk management principle: current and likely future states for; scenario and preventative action on; set of decision rules on; statement of
- Rolls Royce
- Royal Dutch Shell
- Salesforce.com
- Salvatore, Rob
- Samsung
- Sara Lee/DL joint venture
- Sara Lee/DL– Philips joint venture
- SAS reward system
- Schuetz, Christiane
- Screen Actors Guild
- Search engine optimization (SEO)
- Selecting (talent cycle): assignment, organization, and the reward choices during; becoming adept at analyzing methods and options for; blurred lines between worker deployment and; tasks involved during
- Self-driving cars
- Self-employed: EMSI report (2014) on; Kelly Services survey (2011) on. See also Free agent Nation
- Sense-making: how our traditional strategies are failing; the traditional “boxes” we use for
- Senseo product line
- Separating (talent lifecycle): description of the; how deconstructing the work changes the notion of; HR systems must rethink; the new approach to. See also Employee turnover
- Shapiro, Jay
- Sherman, Scott
- The Shift (Gratton)
- Shortened choice: applied to reward decisions; description of the; future possibilities of the; IBM's applications of; talent lifecycle planning for dialing up or down; when to lengthen the time frame of rewards; when to shorten the time frame of rewards. See also Reward (Lead the Work framework)
- Siemens: alliance between Disney and; as Bharti Airtel alliance partner
- SimX
- Sinclair, Nigel
- Singh, Narinder
- Sinopec
- Sky Team Alliance
- The Social Life of Information (Brown)
- Social media: how it fits into the new organization; HR professional as engineer and able to work with; Internet advertising
- Stakeholders: brokers; current and likely future role of; customers; governance and additional issues related to; governments; HR department and professionals; leaders/{}managers; owner/{}shareholders; procurement; unions; workers. See also Talent platforms
- Starbucks
- Sundance Film Festival
- Sundance Institute Short film Challenge
- Supplier alliances
- Swart, Gary
- Taleb, Nicholas Nassim
- Talent: dispersing work more in order to find the best; downsizing implications for available pool of managerial; Global Talent 2021 study on predicted talent shortages; how the new rewards help clients tap into better; Malaysia's Khazanah Nasional loaning out their leaders and; a staffing model that pools noncompeting companies. See also Workers
- Talent lifecycle: attracting and sourcing workers; deploying and developing; HR in the context of the; planning; rewarding; selecting workers; separating and ending the work relationship
- Talent platforms: advantages offered by; Blue Talent Cloud (IBMer Assignment Agency); current and likely future governance roles of; Everwise and advantages of cloud-based; Genero; getting started in the world of; Gigwalk; as intermediary in detaching assignments from employment; MOFILM; optimizing freelancing through; reputation systems of; TaskRabbit; UserFarm; Vizy; Wonolo; Wooshi. See also Brokers; Upwork; MTurk; Stakeholders; Tongal; Topcoder
- TalentHouse
- Target
- TaskRabbit
- Tenaga Nasional (Malaysia)
- 3D work framework
- Time horizon principle: current and likely future states for; scenario and preventive action on; set of decision rules on; statement of
- Tongal: annual Tongies awards event at; “appeals” system at; attracting/sourcing during talent cycle on; the attractions and challenges for free agents at; competitive wages for the free agent at; data generated that allow for reward optimization; the decision framework for visualizing how to lead through the work at; deliberate back-and-forth between the client and Tongaler of; engagement model and culture off; getting good data to make good decisions at; getting started as a leader of the work at; implications for your future as a leader of the work; “leaders” emerging from the workers of; leading through the work lessons available through; Lego-based commercials created through; the offering and client off; other talent platforms competing with; selecting worker process at; talent cycle attracting/sourcing on; Tyler Funk, Don Broida, and Low Like Min of; when they reward their workers; the work done at; the workers of. See also Talent platforms
- Tongies award (Tongal)
- Topcoder: allowing pay level to be adjusted to qualifications; the annual Topcoder Open tournament held at; building the software for managing genomes with free agents; challenging traditional employment on two fronts; client ability to find a qualified worker quickly on; the clients and offering of; collaborative development opportunities through; data generated that allow for reward optimization; description of; the engagement model used by; forecasting number of available freelancers from; full-time employees who moonlight on; full-time employment offered to talented coders on; implications for your future as a leader of the work; leading through the work lessons available through; reporting on how the assignment to a worker is structured; selecting workers at; when they reward their workers; the work done at; work quality measurement system for tracking and accountability at; the workers of. See also Appirio; Talent platforms
- Torrent, Ion
- Towers Watson (TW): forecasting number of available consultants from; the Global Talent 2021 study conducted by Oxford Economics and; hiring consultants from; Hughes Telematics (now Verizon) alliance with; Jiff alliance with; leveraging the power of alliances; research findings on decrease of pay differentiation by; research findings on paying for individual output instead of time
- Toy Story (film)
- Toyota
- TransCelerate BioPharma alliance
- Transformative HR: How Great Companies Use Evidence-Based Change for Sustainable Advantage (Boudreau and Jesuthasan)
- Turkoptican
- Twilight franchise
- Twitter
- Uber: compared to other car-sharing services; examined through the Lead the Work framework; how they can optimize ridesharing; legal challenges to the operating model of; as talent platform or not?
- UK Office for National Statistics
- Ultimate Frisbee competitions (India)
- Unilever
- Unions: current and likely future governance roles of; employment relationship role of; historic protection of blue-collar workers by; new Free Agent World and challenges facing; percentage of workers belonging to; a perspective on the future of; U.S. Freelancers Union
- Unit of analysis
- United States: the casual look of U.S. percentage of employed among; Freelancers Union in the
- University of South Carolina
- University of Southern California
- University of Washington
- Unsafe working conditions
- U.S. Department of Labor
- U.S. Freelancers Union
- Usage-based insurance (UBI) programs
- UserFarm
- Verizon– Towers Watson alliance
- Vimeo.com
- Visa
- Vision: Bharti Airtel alliance and their shared; of global full employment of everyone; IBM Apple Alliance to achieve their shared; leadership role in creating; Metro's crafting of their culture and; optimistic examination of possible HR future; Sundance film on Tongal awards as expression of; of what a successful learning strategy will require. See also Organizations
- Vizy
- Voser, Peter
- VU University (Amsterdam)
- Wages: concerns about future beyond employment; Hollywood projects and negotiating accountability and; PayScale.com on the dispersing work to low-cost markets; research findings on paying for individual output instead of time; some Upwork job postings offering low-paying; talent platforms allowing pay level to be adjusted to qualifications; Tongal's free agents earning competitive; of UK workers without a set number of working hours. See also Costs; Workers
- Wall Street Journal's “reserve outsourcing article
- Walmart: efforts to hire military veterans by; as largest employer in the world; retirees choosing to work at
- Webb, Maynard
- Welles, Orson
- White-collar workers
- Wikipedia
- Wilson, Sloan
- Wonolo
- Wooshi
- Work: “boxes” used to make sense of our organizational; common language of; deconstruction through projects; examining how to make the best decisions about the; how emerging trends are replacing the traditional reality of; how its evolution continually changes through decision points; is being done outside of the organization workplace; military language of; mistake of translating outsourced or contracted work into FTEs (full-time equivalents); motivation through finding meaning in; need for leaders to know how to optimize all options for completing; the new “beyond employment” reality of; organization flexibility dimension applied to the; three barriers to the Free Agent World of; 3D framework of; understanding that leadership is about the. See also Assignment (Lead the Work framework); Employment; Lead the Work framework
- Work 4.0 conference (2015) [Germany]
- Work Market
- Work quality control principle: current and likely future states for; scenario and preventative action on; statement of
- Workers: automation replacing; “boxes” used to make sense of their organizational role; the casual look of U.S. percentage of employed among; comparing innovation and engagement of free agents and full-time employed; current and likely future governance roles of; debate over competitions that may exploit; detach less for career development of; detach more in order to access higher quality; dispersing work more to offer a better deal to; efforts to hire military veterans as; escaping the traditional regulation full-time employment; evolution of the modern blue-collar and white-collar; existing stories and examples regarding; how emerging trends are replacing the traditional “boxes” reality of; how the decision framework can be helpful to; how the flexibility choice applies to either organizations or; long-term job security no longer a reality for; moving to leading the work instead of just managing the; percentage belonging to unions; the value of new rewards for leaders, clients, and; why they might have concerns about beyond employment; why they will be happy in the future beyond employment world. See also Performance; Rewards; Talent; Wages
- Workplace: diversity and inclusion in the; the emerging trends are replacing the traditional reality of; lack of a framework to guide leadership decisions in the; work being done outside of the organization
- Worley, Chris
- XPlace
- Yahoo!
- YouTube
- Zenith program (IBM)
- Ziskin, Ian
- Zipcars