This my friends is the end of my poopy fart escapades. Nevertheless, it is a heavy duty piece of wind blowing artillery.
I am pretty proud of this masterfully orchestrated air whiffer because it shows off my butt whistling vapor style cloud producing skills!
I am sure you have seen these quiz shows with domino artists that create the most fantastic and unreal looking domino objects.
Step 1: The usual prep work, setting the scene for maximum intake of air and airflow.
Step 2: Stick out your burping bottom in an upward direction like you are about to tip over to the front and keep your balance.
Step 3: Fire your flatulent gassy air in a speeding spitwad against the first domino stone to get things rolling.
By the way for a lovely clean shot, the domino bomber works best if you are firing off your gassy air in a 45 degree angle against the first domino stone. The pressure of these poopy clouds will help to tip it off and this will get the disaster started!
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! I can see the dominos crumble down like an earthquake
hits 'em!
The creators, Timmie and Susie are freaking out.
Heck, I have never seen bigger and sweatier under the arm stink stains like this!
Have you?
Hahahahahahahaha! Yeah, Timmie and Susie are clearly in disaster land!
Anyway, I do not worry about them too much because I am sure Timmie the artistic one will start from scratch after he recovered from his sweaty outbreak!
I hope that you enjoyed all my airy chimes and that you had some unforgettable and inspirational times with my rocket shooting methane canons!
Thanks for your friendship and support:)
By the way, if this fart stuff makes You LOL, you will love reading more of my Chili bean blowing adventures. You will be able to get your hands on Volume 2 very soon!
I am having so much fun with my smelly vapor volcano escapades, and I can't wait to share more of my flatulent pranks with you in the future!
Hey, and one last word of warning from me:
Make sure not to forget to check your pants after you finish my butt whistling gas explosions.
I heard some scary story about a brave 8 year old boy who got so excited and laughed so hard about one of my fart whiffing episodes, he tore his underpants! Don't ask me about the reaction of his Mom who had to wash and mend her son's poopy ripped pants.
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha - This one is a real gag!
This boy is now part of the flatulent secret society!
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