


I’d be lying if I told ya’ll I didn’t do anything to deserve this shit, but when you’re living a certain lifestyle some things just go unsaid. Damn, look at me laying here all helpless and what not. I can’t even move, let alone think straight. The last thing I can remember is that my life had just started to take a turn for the better. Everything was going perfect…too perfect to be exact. Then, all of a sudden, out of nowhere this shit happens. I don’t even know where the hell I’m at. All I know is my profession is what got me here.

Now hold up, I know what you’re thinking. Don’t go pre-judging me. I’m not the one to blame here. I’m just a victim like everyone else, but I’m not trying to justify my actions either. First, please listen and analyze the facts before you go jumping to conclusions. I’m more than certain you’ll understand. By the way, if you don’t know by now, let me make it clear who I am and why I’m introducing myself to you. My name is Victoria, and these are my secrets.

So sit back, be quiet, and keep this shit between you and me.