As Babyface and Victoria rode the bus in silence, many thoughts ran though his mind. Damn, what the fuck did I just do? Why the fuck did I have to walk up on some shit like that? He hated the fact that he’d just killed a dear friend; it crushed him.
And who the fuck is this little bitch? Why was she with him in the first place? She’s probably some lil’ freak bitch anyway. She’s pretty, but what the fuck was she doing sitting in the alley with Wayne? And why did she tell me that she has nowhere to go? I hope she don’t think I’ma take her home with me, ‘cause I don’t even have a home. Plus, my name ain’t Captain Save-a-hoe. All I got is seven hundred and fifty dollars to my name. How the fuck I’ma survive off that, and to add, where am I taking this bitch?
Babyface broke out of his train of thought when the bus driver yelled over the intercom, “This is the last stop. Next bus doesn’t arrive until six o’clock tomorrow morning,” before he dropped the remaining passengers in front of Iverson Mall.
After they got off, Babyface reached in his pocket and peeled off three hundred dollars, shoving it in Victoria’s direction. “Here, take this.”
“What’s this for?” Victoria asked.
“I don’t know. You figure it out. Go back home.”
“I can’t,” Victoria cried.
“Please don’t do this to me. I told you I don’t have nowhere to go either. All I got in this world is seven hundred and fifty dollars. How the fuck I’ma take care both of us on that, huh?”
“Look, you got me now,” Victoria pleaded. “We can make it together. Whatever you want me to do, I’ll do it. I owe you. I have nowhere to go, just like you.” Victoria then took the time to give him the condensed story of her life, including the sexual advances of Rico. “So, you see, I can’t go back.”
Babyface looked at Victoria’s battered face, with her swollen eyes and split lip, and felt sorry for the lost girl. He knew she was lost, but yet and still, he was unsure of how he could help.
He looked at her for a moment, and as the words came out of his mouth, he couldn’t believe what he was saying. “I guess I’m stuck with you, huh?”
Victoria smiled, hugged Babyface, and then took a step back so she could take a good look at her prince. He was extremely handsome with dark brown, milky skin, thick eyebrows, and curly hair. He wore his hair tapered low on the sides, and he was in very good shape. His body was hard as a rock, but his touch was smooth as butter. Babyface was a pretty boy by nature. He didn’t try to look like this; he came out of the womb like this.
“Come on,” Babyface said as he went to get them a fifty-dollar-a-night hotel room at the P.G. Motel located across the street from the Iverson Mall.
* * * * *
The next morning, Babyface left Victoria sleeping in the bed, while he went out to get them breakfast. First, though, he stopped at the mall across the street to purchase her a few pieces of clothes with the little money he had left.
While out, he bumped into an old friend who he met while in Lorton, Young Tom. Now, Young Tom was a smooth nigga, who mostly hung out with the old heads, sucking up all the game he could. Tom had connects with everybody; he was a true hustler. If it was something you wanted, he either had it or could easily get it for you. As Tom pulled up in his brand-new grey Mercedes and got out, he couldn’t believe his eyes as he walked up behind Babyface.
“Nigga, you slippin’,” he whispered in Babyface’s ear. “In jail, you couldn’t pay a nigga to walk up on you like this.”
Babyface knew whoever this person was standing behind him was right, but fortunately, he knew it wasn’t an enemy, ‘cause if it was, his brains would have been on the sidewalk thirty seconds ago. As he turned around, he was face to face with an old friend whom he often thought about.
“TOM! My muthafuckin’ nigga, what’s up?” As he and Tom embraced, Babyface could feel the bulge of Young Tom’s .45 Desert Eagle.
“What’s up, nigga? I see they finally let your ass out,” said Tom as he looked him up and down. “When did you get out?”
“Ah, man, I just got out yesterday.”
“Yesterday, huh? So where you staying?”
“I’m across the street at the motel,” Babyface replied.
Tom laughed. “What, nigga? You over there buying pussy?”
“Nah, slim, I ain’t gotta buy no pussy. Me and my girl got a room.” As the words left his mouth, Babyface couldn’t believe he had referred to Victoria as his girl.
“Damn, it’s good to see you, Babyface. Hey, has anybody hit you off yet?” Tom asked.
“Nah, you know I don’t fuck wit a lot of niggas. I grew up in the system. The only niggas I know is either dead or in jail.”
“Well, nigga, that’s an understatement, ‘cause I’m alive and outta jail,” Tom replied. “Matter of fact, take this. It ain’t much, but it will hold you for a while till you can get your own.” Tom peeled off a thousand dollars and gave it to Babyface, who needed it after having spent close to four hundred dollars on a few things for Victoria and himself.
“Thanks, Tom.”
“Yeah, slim, you alright. If I can help a good nigga out, I will. But look here, write my cell and pager numbers down. You already know my profession, so whenever you’re ready to get your grind on, give me a call.”
As Babyface walked away, Tom’s words repeated in his head as he wondered how he would take care of Victoria with only thirteen hundred dollars to his name. He knew it would only stretch but so far. Therefore, he had to find a hustle, and he had to find one fast.
* * * * *
As the weeks passed, Babyface and Victoria did everything together. They talked and got to know each other without detailing their childhood. Most evenings, they stood on the balcony of the motel and watched the pimps roll up in their flashy cars to pick up their hoes and take them down to the track on 14th Street. Babyface admired the cars, loved the hoes, but looked at the pimps as though they were some straight up bamas from outta town, with their loud-colored, tailor-made suits, pink gators, walking canes, and Jeri curls.
One night as they stood on the balcony, a pimp from Chicago, by the name of Royal, pulled up in his Benz. He was smoother than the rest of the pimps they saw. Yes, he wore suits, but only Armani and Hugo Boss, and although he wore too much jewelry, he still was a smooth nigga.
“Babyface, that nigga tried to holla at me yesterday when I was out here by myself,” Victoria said, while pointing down at Royal.
“Oh yeah? What’d he say?”
“I don’t even remember. I just walked back in the room,” she replied.
Babyface’s expression became serious. “Hey, Victoria, would you ever do that?”
“Do what?” she asked.
“You know…sell pussy?”
“Nah, I couldn’t see myself out there like that.”
“What if your life depended on it?” he pressed.
“Only if my life was worth something to depend on,” she said. “Now my turn to ask, would you do that?”
“Fuck no! Fuck I look like selling my dick?”
Victoria laughed. “No, silly, I mean pimp hoes.”
“Oh, hell yeah, but for real, it would have to be a last resort. Besides, I don’t think I can get a broad to do that, and another thing, I ain’t feeling the shiny suits and shit.”
Victoria laughed at Babyface’s answer.
“Come on, you wanna go see a movie?” he asked.
“Yeah, but let me get dressed first,” Victoria replied.
When Victoria emerged from the bathroom dressed in her Calvin Klein outfit, Babyface’s mouth damn near hit the floor. Her jeans fit perfect, as if made just for her, defining her wide hips and plump ass. Her nipples protruded from underneath the wife beater Babyface let her borrow, and the matching jacket, with only the last three buttons snapped, revealed just the right amount of cleavage. Victoria was fine, and on a scale from 1 to 10, no doubt she’d be a 10 1/2. Victoria had a body like Lisa Raye and a face like Beyonce.
Babyface couldn’t help but to express himself to her. “Damn, you look good as shit. You’s a bad muthafucka.”
“Come on, Babyface, you’re making me blush, and besides, look at you.”
Babyface was dressed fresh in a brand-new blue and white Iceberg sweat suit, with a fresh pair of blue and white Air Force Ones Nikes on his feet.
“Yeah, I’m alright, but, Victoria, you’re a dime piece for real. Whoever gets you will be one lucky muthafucka. I’d tilt my hat to ‘em.”
“Well then, why don’t you tilt your hat to yourself,” Victoria said shyly as she walked up to Babyface and pressed her chest up against his, then looked him directly in the eyes.
She took a deep breath, scared of being rejected by him. Victoria was already in love with Babyface without him having even touched her. Today, though, she knew she had to make the first move. He was too much of a gentleman to try his hand first after witnessing what she'd been through.
Victoria closed her eyes and gently placed her lips on his, slipping her tongue inside his mouth and kissing him with built-up passion. As they passionately kissed in an ecstasy neither ever knew, they embraced each other so hard that both of them could feel the other’s heartbeat.
As they continued kissing, Babyface unbuttoned her jacked and gently took it off, caressing her perfect breasts through the wife beater. She then pulled off his sweatshirt and discovered he wasn’t wearing a t-shirt. As she kissed on his chest, she ran her fingers up and down his chiseled six-pack, touching him as if she was exploring a fine art sculpture. After pulling off her wife beater, he caressed her round, firm breast as he began to gently nibble on her nipples.
As she rubbed on his swollen dick through his sweatpants, she wondered if she would be able to take all 9 1/2 inches. It didn’t matter to her, though. She wanted him, regardless of what pain she may have to endure. She took out his dick and began to caress it, slowly running her soft palms over the head of his dick as she kissed on his neck.
Babyface, I want you inside me,” she whispered in his ear. “I've wanted you inside me ever since I met you.”
The sound of her soft, erotic voice sent chills straight to his dick, causing it to stand at supreme attention. He unbuttoned her pants, pulling them off only to witness that she was wearing no panties at all. After he laid her on the bed, he gently played with her clit, rubbing his fingers in a circular motion and causing her to reach a climax while still kissing her soft nipples.
“Oh, Babyface, please…I want it inside. Come on, please,” Victoria moaned.
He continued to tease her by getting on top of her and rubbing his dick on her clit, causing her pussy juices to soak the sheets. Victoria couldn’t believe what she was feeling. No one ever made her feel this way. He took her on a high unknown to her, and she loved it.
“Put it in me…I can’t take it no more…stop teasing me.”
Babyface ignored her begging and continued to make her want it more by running his tongue down to her navel and ultimately to her thighs. As he continued, the curiosity of what he was about to do made her more heated. Finally, he began kissing on her clitoris, licking it up and down slowly while feeling the wetness of her walls.
“Oh god, Babyface! Damn that feels so good. Why you make me wait so long? Come on, put it in me, please.”
After licking her pussy with perfection, Victoria was on the brink of another climax. She couldn’t take it anymore. She had enough of his teasing. He teased so much that she began to cry real tears. Victoria wanted him inside her so bad that she grabbed his dick, pulling him on top of her and guiding it straight to her pussy.
As he penetrated her walls, loud moans of ecstasy escaped from her mouth. From the sound of it, Babyface couldn’t figure out if he was hurting her or pleasing her. He began digging deeper, ignoring the cries but obeying the passion. Her pussy gripped his dick so tight, it felt like he was pulling her body with his dick every time he motioned in and out. As his dick pounded her pussy, he could feel the juices dripping off his balls. This was the best pussy he'd ever had.
“Damn, Victoria, this pussy is good,” he panted, while reaching his climax. Moments later, Victoria reached an orgasm, as well.
As Babyface laid back on the bed in a daze, Victoria sunk her head in his chest, wiping her tears with his body. “Babyface, I love you. I now have something worth living for.”
“Me, too, Victoria. I have a genuine tuff love for you. No matter what, I’ma always be there for you and do whatever it takes to protect you.”
After planting a kiss upon her lips, Babyface laid there in silence while contemplating their next move. With only three hundred dollars left, they needed money and fast. The room was paid a week in advance; therefore, he could save as much as he could without worrying about where they were gonna sleep. Still, they were broke, and he had to do something fast.
As he rose from out of the bed, he felt the wetness on the sheets and figured he would get a towel to soak it up. As he pulled the comforter back, he was shocked at the puddle of blood that had soaked the motel's clean white sheets. He looked at Victoria in disbelief.
“Damn, Victoria, why you ain’t tell me you was on your period?”
Victoria put her head down in shame. “Babyface, I ain’t on my period. You’re the first nigga I gave it to.”
“You can’t be a virgin,” Babyface argued. “What about the situation wit Wayne?”
“I guess he ain’t get it in all the way. You must have saved me in time. Either that or his dick was just too small to bust my cherry.”
“Damn, so I’m your first, huh?” Babyface boasted.
“Yeah, nigga. Like I said earlier, go ‘head and tilt your hat to yourself. You are now the proud owner of this pussy. Babyface, I’m your bitch fo’ life.
* * * * *
As he laid down the diary, Babyface sat back and reminisced about the first time he made love to Victoria. He remembered her declaration to her…bitch fo’ life…and she sure did live up to it.