pimpin’ ain’t easy
The next morning, Babyface woke up and took a deep breath before reminiscing about what happened the night before.
“Damn, this bitch done fucked my game up,” he said to himself.
He noticed that Victoria and Penny were still fucked up at what happened, but to him, it wasn’t that big of a deal. In actuality, he didn’t lose that much. It only cost him thirty-thousand to get rid of a ho he never wanted, but for Victoria and Penny they lost a lifetime friend who they loved since childhood. For some reason they felt responsible for bringing Liddia in the stable, and Babyface saw it.
“Why the fuck y’all looking so down? I know she was y’all friend, but she threw your friendship away a long time ago. You just didn’t see it.”
“I know, Face. I’m sorry.”
“What you sorry for, Vic. Never could I hold you two responsible for her actions. She was the one disloyal.”
“What we gonna do now, Daddy?” Penny asked. “We don’t have enough money to pay for the room for the week.”
“Look, baby girl, suck it up. It ain’t that bad. We come too far to get discouraged now. This ain’t nuthin’ but a minor setback. We gonna do what you been doing, and the same thing that got me outta jail, got my Lexus, and got this Rolex. You’re gonna use what’s sitting right between your legs to get what we need, baby girl.”
“Face, we gonna get all that back and more,” Victoria voiced, regaining her confidence. “The bitch mighta stole our money, but she could never steal our hustle. That bitch got the game fucked up. That shit ain’t do nuthin’ but make us wanna get more money.”
“That’s right, Vic. That’s what I wanna hear.” Babyface knew he had a winner in Victoria, who was strong in any situation. That’s why she got the bottom ho title, because she knew her position. “Now, Penny, I want you to promise me you’ll put all this shit behind you,” he said as he held her chin in the palm of his hand and looked into her eyes.
“I promise, Daddy, I’ma do whatever I gotta do to get you back that money and more.”
“Now that’s the Penny I know,” he said as he kissed her lips. “Look, I want y’all to go down to the video shoot they are doing for Lil’ Jon and the Eastside Boys that I heard they are filming today, and get them bamma’s bank. If you can get in the video go right ahead, but your main mission is to get that money. While you’re doing that, I’ma head up to the prison to go visit my man Bone.”
“Okay, Daddy, but hold on a sec. I still ain’t had my breakfast yet,” Victoria said as she dropped to her knees to give Babyface some head.
“Me, either,” said Penny as she joined in.
* * * * *
After putting his charm on the fat, unattractive C.O. and offering to take her out to dinner at the end of her shift, Babyface had no problem getting into the prison without being on Bone’s list. She let him straight through.
When Bone came out in the visiting room, he had no idea who was coming to see him, especially since he had told Candy not to come down any more because it cost too much money for her to travel back and forth. He would rather see the money in his account then spend a few hours talking about the same thing they could talk about over the phone.
As Babyface stood, Bone couldn’t believe his eyes. Happy to see Babyface, he embraced his friend tightly, and then held him by both of his arms, stepped back, and looked at the young pimp dressed in his Gucci sweat suit and tennis shoes. His eyes couldn’t help but to also notice the platinum Rolex shining on his wrist.
“Damn, boy, you look good. What the fuck brings you all the way out Atlanta? I know your ass ain’t come all the way from D.C. just to visit me. And how the fuck you get in here? You ain’t even on my list.”
Babyface smiled at his friend. “Bone, I got some shit to tell you, man. A nigga’s been through some rough shit, but it ain’t all rough. A nigga had some good times, too.”
After Babyface and Bone sat down, Babyface filled him in on everything that had happened since he left him back at D.C. jail. He didn’t have to tell him about Royal, though; Bone already knew from the last time Candy came to visit him.
A few hours later, visiting hours were over. It was hard for Bone to see Babyface leave. He was more than happy to see his young protégé come up in the game, and Babyface had stayed loyal to their friendship, as well, Babyface would give Candy a steady bank once a month to send to Bone. That in itself was enough to prove his loyalty, but the fact he came to visit was a true honor.
“Face, this visit is almost over, but before you leave, I gotta tell you something.”
“What’s that, Bone?”
“For one, your biggest mistake was not going back to knock that ho at the dealership. Never leave a potential ho behind. Two, you neglected Liddia by showing Vic and Penny more attention than her. Try not to show a ho that you love another more than the other. Keep it all the same and show the same love. And three, never let a ho know where your stash is at. You shoulda known that one, Face. You can’t trust a ho.”
“Yeah, you’re right,” Babyface agreed after having learned his lesson the hard way.
“Hey, look, Face, I’m bout to give you something I’ve had since I was sixteen years old. I ask that you treat it with respect. I got twenty years, so ain’t no sense in me holding onto it. Plus, from everything you just told me, you gonna need it.
“Thanks, Bone, but I don’t need no gun. That bitch can have that money,” Babyface said, assuming he knew what Bone wanted to pass onto him.
“Nigga, I ain’t talking bout no gun.”
Babyface looked at him with a puzzled expression. “What you talking ‘bout then?”
“Nigga, I’ma give you Candy. Take this number. She’ll be on the first flight out of D.C. to Atlanta.”
Babyface stood for a moment looking at him in shock, unable to digest his words at first. “Bone, I can’t take your ho.”
“Look, Face, you ain’t hearing me. Nigga, I got twenty years…not months, but years. By the time I get out, that pussy be done turned to dust. Now Candy may be a little up there in age, but she still look good and plus she’s a vet. She knows how to ho, and better still, she’s already friends with Vic and Penny. Nigga, they ho sistahs, so they’ll be happy to have her on the team.”
Face thought about it. He could use Candy. He’d just lost one ho, but he’d be gaining another. Plus, Candy was loyal; she’d do anything for Bone.
“Now, Face, if I happen to win my appeal, you gotta give me my ho back. Deal?”
Face looked at his friend. Bone was a real nigga. Pimps don’t give up there hoes, but in this case, he just wasn’t giving up a ho. He was giving Babyface a part of him.
“You got a deal, Bone.” He then embraced his friend.
“Ay, Face, learn from your mistakes and make sure it don’t happen again. Nigga, you a true pimp. Pimp hard, young nigga.”
* * * * *
While Babyface went to see Bone, Victoria and Penny were down at the video shoot at Magic City.
“Hey, Vic, we gotta get Face that money back. Did you see how he was looking? He was hurt, just couldn’t tell us.”
“Yeah, I know, Penny. I hate to see him like that. We gotta get this money and make our boo happy.”
“Come on, ho, let’s go in here and catch these tricks,” said Penny as they walked in Magic City switching and bouncing their asses.
Once inside, every nigga in the club was following behind Victoria and trying to spit game. She had so many niggas trying to get at her she didn’t know which one to choose first.
“Damn, Penny, these niggas are tryna fuck, ain’t they?”
“Yeah, Vic, they are. This one nigga over there is talking ‘bout he’ll take me to Cancun. I told that nigga he can take me to the nearest hotel and give me the money.”
Both girls laughed.
While she and Penny were talking, Victoria spotted Rick and Tank standing over by the wall checking out some other girls. She knew they probably wanted to fuck, yet wasn’t willing to waste the time of trying to get the pussy.
“Hey, Penny, look over there by the wall.”
“Oh, Vic, that’s Rick and Tank. Sure nuff bank. I bet them niggas’ dicks are hard as a rock thinking ‘bout fucking them bitches.”
“Yeah, Penny, I know, but they ain’t got the time to be here all day tryna get them bitches. These bitches wanna be in that video and ain’t leaving till the producer says ‘Cut’.”
“Come on then,” Penny said. “We can get this money and then come back to get the rest of these lames.”
As Victoria and Penny walked over to the crowd of horny niggas where Rick and Tank stood, other niggas couldn’t believe a bitch this bad was coming up to Tank’s ass. Tank was more than pleased to see Penny, and he wanted every nigga in the spot to know he was fucking a bitch this phat.
“Whazzup? I know you two ain’t tryna stay here and watch these bitches when you could fuck us?” Penny said.
“You got that right,” replied Rick, as he pulled Victoria by her hand to take her to an inn not too far from Magic City.
After working Rick damn near to death, Victoria quickly got up and put her clothes on. “Hey, Rick, I know we usually spend more time together than this, but I gotta hurry up and go back down to the video shoot.”
“Why, you got some nigga you wanna get?” he asked, sounding a bit jealous at the thought of her getting with some other nigga.
“Nah, Rick, I’m just tryna get in the video.”
“Yeah, right. You probably got a nigga waiting on your ass.”
“Okay then, Rick, whatever you say,” Victoria replied, not wanting to waste time by going back and forth with him. “Can you just hurry up and take us back.”
Rick lay on the bed sprawled out, tired. Even though he could have gotten up to drop them off, he wouldn’t. He didn’t want the rest of the ballers to see him drop her back off at the club after leaving with him. Ultimately, they’d put two and two together, and figure out that he was Victoria’s trick.
“Look, Vic, I’m tired. Here’s a thousand. Go tell Tank I said to drop y’all off.”
Okay, Rick. You the realest,” she said, kissing his cheek.
“Yeah, I bet I am.”
* * * * *
“Who is it?” Tank called out.
“It’s Vic. Open the door!” she answered from the other side.
Tank swung open the door. “What, girl? We ain’t finished yet.”
“Damn, Tank, we got somewhere to be. Can she come back?”
“No,” Tank replied flat out.
“Come on, Tank. Don’t be mean,” Victoria pleaded.
“I tell you what, Tank. We can drop Vic off and then come back, ‘cause I ain’t finished with your ass yet either,” Penny suggested while licking her lips.
At the thought of Penny sucking his dick again, Tank quickly agreed.
“Well, what the fuck you still standing there for? Let’s go,” Tank said.
While on their way to Magic City, they passed a Church’s Chicken.
“Oh, Tank, can you stop at Church’s? I’m hungry as hell,” Victoria said from the back seat.
“No,” answered Tank, “I’m taking your ass straight to Magic City, and then me and Penny going back to the room.”
“I’ma tell Rick how you treatin’ me. You won’t even let me get something to eat. That’s fucked up, Tank,” Victoria whined. “I thought we was cool.”
“We are cool, Vic, but telling Rick ain’t gonna make me turn around.”
“Come on, Tank. Let the girl eat. She ain’t had nuthin’ all day, and I’m hungry, too. Besides, I know you gonna want something to eat after you hit this ass,” said Penny as she rubbed his dick through his pants.
Tank looked over at Penny and instantly made a U-turn.
“Thanks, baby, and when we get back, I’ma let you fuck me in my ass,” Penny whispered in his ear while caressing his dick.
Tank pulled up in the parking lot. “Go ‘head, Vic, and hurry up.”
“Tank, my feet hurt from being in these heels all day. Can you get it for me?”
“Damn, Vic!” Tank shouted, becoming impatient with her.
“Go head, baby. Listen, I’ma do something extra for going through all this trouble,” Penny said while leaning over. “I got this lil’ trick I’ma show you with my tongue.”
Upon hearing that, Tank’s dick grew larger and harder. “What your ass want, girl? And I ain’t making no more stops for your ass either.”
“Thanks, Tank. You know you my man,” Victoria said.
After getting their orders, Tank jumped out of the truck, leaving the keys in the ignition so they could listen to the radio.
“Alright, Penny do you remember how to pop the stash?” Victoria asked, while looking around to make sure Tank went into the restaurant.
“I dunno, Vic. He be pushing so many buttons.”
“Well, try it, bitch. We ain’t got all day.”
Penny pushed damn near every button, but the spot still didn’t open. “Damn, Vic, I can’t get it to open.”
“Try again, Penny.”
Penny tried again.
“Hurry up, Penny. He’s at the counter now.”
“I am, Vic. This shit ain’t working.”
“Shit! Watch out,” Victoria said as she climbed into the driver’s seat.
Penny looked at Victoria nervously. “I know we ain’t ‘bout to steal his truck.”
“Shit, Penny, there’s money in this muthafucka. Fuck Tank. Our main concern is Face.”
As Victoria reminded Penny of their purpose for being there, Penny fumbled with the buttons even more. All she wanted to do was make Babyface happy. “Come on, muthafucka! Open up, bitch!” said Penny, growing impatient.
While Victoria pulled off, Tank came running out the store, food dropping out of his hands. “I’ma kill you bitches! Come back here!”
* * * * *
When they pulled into the back of the hotel, Penny was still fumbling with the spot. By this time, Penny was near tears from not having gotten the spot open yet. She felt she had failed Babyface.
“Vic, I gotta open it for, Daddy!”
“Okay, Penny, calm down. I know you’re upset. We’re gonna open it, boo. Just slow down and think, Penny…think.”
Suddenly, something popped into her mind. “I got it, Vic! I got it! Watch this.”
After Penny reclined her passenger seat all the way back, she hit every button she remembered, and just like magic the whole front dashboard opened up to expose the most money they had ever seen at one time, along with two bricks and a 9mm Taurus.
“Shit, Vic, how we gonna carry all this?” Penny asked.
“Look in the back for sumthin’.”
Penny came back up front with a big gym bag. She emptied the contents and they started placing the money inside, stacking it on top each other like cinder blocks. As Penny reached for the gun and bricks, Victoria stopped her.
“No, Penny, leave the coke and gun.”
“Why, Vic?”
“‘Cause, Penny, Face don’t need that shit. Coke is what got Face locked up. He don’t need to hustle; he got us. So what he need that shit for?”
“Yeah, you’re right.”
Penny left the bricks, but as Victoria was getting out the truck, she stashed the gun on her, thinking Babyface may need it.
The banging on the door alarmed Babyface. For a moment he thought it was the police, until he heard them yelling, “Face, open the door! Hurry up!” As he opened the door, they rushed in.
“Damn, where’s your key at? And what the fuck you outta breath for?”
“Come on, Daddy, hurry up and pack. We gotta go,” Victoria said.
“Go for what?”
“You gonna be happy,” Penny said with excitement, “but we ain’t got time to explain. We’ll tell you once we get on the road.”
“Explain what?” Babyface asked.
“This, Daddy!”
When Victoria pulled open the gym bag, Babyface couldn’t believe his eyes. He didn’t bother to ask any more questions; he just hurried and packed his things.
As they were leaving, he looked at the two people who meant the most to him in this world, and he vowed never to fail them. “I swear to God I love you bitches to death.”
“We love you, too, Daddy. Now, let’s go,” Victoria said, rushing him out the door.
After they were on the road, Babyface drove straight to the airport. Once they pulled up to where passengers of arriving flights would exit, he announced he had a surprise for them, as well.
“What surprise you got for us?” Victoria asked.
“That surprise,” Babyface replied as Candy emerged from the sliding doors of the airport.
“Oh my God! No you didn’t!” Victoria shouted.
They both hugged Babyface and kissed him before jumping out to greet Candy.
“CANDY!” they yelled as they ran to her, almost knocking her down.
“Damn, y’all bitches sure know how to greet a ho,” Candy said as they hugged and kissed her. “I missed y’all.”
“We missed you, too,” Penny replied.
As Babyface grabbed her bags and placed them in the trunk, he looked at Candy. “Thanks, Candy. Glad to have you on the team.”
“No, thank you, Face. You saved me. From this point on, I’m considered your ho, and whatever position you put me in, I’ll work it to the best of my ability. From now on, unless Bone happens to get out, you’re Daddy to me.”
“Well, in that case, hop your ass in the car, ho.”
They all laughed as they drove off.
After driving for about an hour, Babyface pulled into the Motel 6 right off the highway. Once inside, he started counting the money.
“Damn, Vic, there’s a hundred thousand dollars here! My bitches hit the jackpot!” He then went to the other room to put the money up and came back.
“Daddy, where we going to?” asked Candy.
“I don’t know yet. I ain’t made up my mind.”
“Well, Daddy, it says here that the three biggest cities for pimpin’ are Chicago, Memphis, and Milwaukee,” Penny said, with her face glued to the magazine.
“What the fuck you over there readin’, baby girl?”
“Oh, I picked up this F.E.D.S. magazine outta Tank’s truck while we was ripping him off.”
“F.E.D.S. magazine?”
“Yeah, Daddy, this is that new magazine. It’s way better than that other shit. It’s straight street. I’m reading this article on some guy name Pimpin’ Ken. He’s in here puttin’ it down for real,” she told him.
“Pimpin’ Ken…I heard of him before. Niggas on 14th Street used to talk about that dude. Ain’t that the dude that be hanging with Too Short and Snoop Dogg?” said Babyface.
“Yeah, Daddy, that’s him. There’s a picture of him in here wit Snoop, Bishop Don Won, and a few other pimps.”
“Let me see that magazine.” As Babyface read, he was amused by the article. He couldn’t hate; he had to give the nigga his props. “Damn, this nigga done made movies and all, huh?”
“Yeah, Daddy, but we can’t do no movies.”
“I know, Penny, ‘cause my ass will be indicted on everything. But what we can do is go to them cities and get that money. Damn, this nigga got legit bankroll,” Babyface said as he continued reading. “That’s what I need. If my bank was legit, I’d get a strip club. It’s money in that shit.”
“Well, Daddy, if you want a strip club, then we gonna get one,” Victoria said as she danced in front of him.
“Babyface, you can get all that shit, and you better believe us bitches gonna ho it up and get all that shit. We gonna get it done like it’s supposed to be done,” Candy added.
“Well, that’s good to hear, ‘cause tomorrow we’re on our way to the windy city. Chicago, here we come. There’s a new pimp in town and his name is Babyface, and can’t a pimp in the game take his place.”
They all laughed when Babyface recited his motto.
Victoria and Penny were happy to see him smile again. They knew he was proud of them for what they had done, but they vowed to make him prouder by getting that strip club, which was their next mission.