Down south pimpin’
For the whole 6 ½ hour ride to Memphis from Chi-town, nobody spoke a word. They just sat back and let the harsh reality of Scarface’s CD, The Last of the Dyin’ Breed, sink into their thoughts. Everybody had their own personal reason for not talking.
Babyface contemplated his next move, wondering if this pimp life really was for him. He knew life itself had a lot to offer, but he was stuck, addicted to the life of a P.I.M.P.
Victoria’s reason for not talking was because she felt Babyface was making the wrong move by letting Meeko into his stable. Meeko could never take the place of Penny, and for all she knew, Meeko could have been in cahoots with Mousey, or at least had knowledge of what would go down. Victoria was seeing Babyface differently. This pimp game was changing him; he was a fiend for money. That’s all he thought about…money. It stayed on his mind so much that Babyface started neglecting making love to Victoria. He no longer catered to her needs like he used to. All he worried about was making money.
As Victoria looked over at Babyface, she started thinking to herself, Look at him. How can he let this game change him like that? What have I done? Damn, Vic, you helped create a monster, but yet and still, you’ll always love him no matter what. He’s your soul mate, partner, and companion.
Meeko’s silence was for a different reason. She knew not to speak unless spoken to. She also knew Victoria didn’t want her with Babyface. Meeko always thought Victoria would feel threatened of her bottom ho position if she and Babyface were to get close. Meeko was pretty, but her body was semi-chubby, much like the build of the actress Kim on the hit TV series “The Parkers”. Physically, she couldn’t even stand next to Victoria, but mentally, Meeko had some of the same characteristics as Victoria and Penny put together. Meeko knew that in time she’d win Babyface over, but she had to do it in a conflict without words.
As Babyface’s Lexus floated down the Memphis highway, he saw an exit sign for lounging and food. Being both hungry and sleepy, he took the Milbranch Street exit. As soon as he pulled off the ramp, he spotted a Hampton Inn sitting right next to a Shoney’s Restaurant.
“Y’all hungry?” Babyface asked, breaking the 6 ½ hour silence.
Victoria looked over at him. “Yeah, Daddy, I’m hungry,” she replied, while smiling at the man she couldn’t stay mad at for at least twenty-four hours.
Babyface added humor when he saw her smile. “Wow, she speaks. For a minute, I thought you went deaf on me,” he said as he smiled at the love of his life. He was happy to see her smile. She brought brightness to his day.
“Oh, Daddy, I’m so hungry I can eat a horse,” Meeko voiced.
“I bet you can, Meeko, and now that we in Memphis, which is one of the biggest pimp capitols, by tomorrow morning your ass is gonna be eating a whole lotta horse,” said Babyface as Victoria burst into laugher.
“I don’t know what you’re laughing for, Vic. That goes for you, too,” Meeko said.
“Bitch, shut the fuck up!” Victoria’s mood changed when Meeko opened her mouth, but Babyface intervened quickly.
“Now, Vic, I ain’t gonna have this shit. You two bitches gonna have to work your problems out. I can’t have two hoes going at it all the time. I need both my hoes to get along. What I look like, a young, smooth pimp coming into a new pimp town with two mad hoes. That shit’ll blemish my name.”
Victoria looked at him with an expression that showed she was disappointed in herself. “You’re right, Daddy. I’m sorry.”
“I never had a problem with you, Vic. In fact, I always admired you. I know how close you and Penny were, and I’m sorry for what happened to her. She was my friend, too, and if it wasn’t for her telling me how much she loved you and Face, and how much of a family you were, then I wouldn’t even be here. I’ve always wanted to be a part of a family I could love and who would love me in return. Please, Vic, just gimme a chance,” Meeko said as her eyes became watery.
Victoria knew her words were sincere, but what really got to her was when she looked into Meeko’s eyes and saw Penny, a lost little girl who needed love.
“Come here,” Victoria told her as she took Meeko into a tight hug, as if she was hugging Penny. “I’m sorry, girl. You know you my sistah. She then kissed Meeko’s tear as it ran down her cheek. “Now stop that crying. You’re Babyface’s ho, and you know he don’t allow that shit,” said Victoria as she smiled at Babyface.
“You got that right. Meeko, it’s rules in this family and we don’t break ‘em for nothing,” Babyface said, happy that his hoes made up.
“Well, Daddy, I’ll be glad when you break me in,” Meeko replied, while smiling and indirectly begging him to make love to her.
“I’ll get around to it, baby girl, but right now, let’s go up in Shoney’s and eat. A nigga’s hungry.”
After eating, Babyface checked into the Hampton Inn. Once inside the hotel, they unpacked and settled in. While Meeko took a long shower, Babyface made passionate love to Victoria so good that it felt better than he ever did. This time he took pride in fucking her. He knew he had to make love to Victoria like that. He knew he had been neglecting her. No matter how much Victoria sold her pussy no one ever made her feel like Babyface did. When it came down to sex, he was her first and only love. The sex she had with tricks wasn’t sex at all; it was her job and never did she like it. After giving Victoria at least seven straight orgasms, they both became exhausted and fell asleep.
A few hours later, Babyface got up to shower. While standing under the hot water, his thoughts turned to Penny. Even though he didn’t permit crying, tears were running down his face as stuck his head under the water to camouflage them. He then thought about Bone, and felt he had failed him to a certain extent. But it wasn’t his fault. Candy should have let him know about her warrants before she got with him. Although it may not have made a difference, at least he would have been prepared and took better precautions. Now he had to get as much money as he could in Memphis, and then go back to D.C. to get Candy a lawyer and pay her bond. Next, he thought about his newfound ho. Although she was not as physically attractive like all his other hoes, she still was very pretty. He figured if he placed her on a strict 30-day diet, she’d lose about twenty-five pounds and become one of the baddest bitches he had other than Victoria. Or maybe she’d be running side by side with Victoria depending on her loyalty.
“Damn, I swear this pimpin’ shit is gonna be the death of me,” said Babyface as he talked to himself in the shower. “Killin’ pimps, robbin’ pimps, hoes stealing, hoes getting killed, hoes getting locked up…damn!”
As he stepped out the shower, he was startled at the sight of Meeko standing there, towel in hand. “Come on, Daddy. Let me dry you off.”
“Go ‘head. Be my guest,” Babyface replied, accepting the offer.
While drying him off, she paid close attention to his dick, caressing it and getting his dick to full erection. She then dropped to her knees and kissed the head of his dick before placing it inside her warm wet mouth. She bobbed her head up and down as if she was sucking a Popsicle, often times taking it out to jerk it and lick up and down the shaft. As Meeko sucked, licked, and stroked, Babyface almost reached his peak. She performed so well that he figured he’d award her with something she’d been longing for ever since she saw him. Babyface jerked back, taking his dick out of her mouth, and pulled her to a standing position.
“What’s wrong, Daddy? You don’t like it?” Meeko asked, looking confused.
“Oh, I like it, and I’m ‘bout to show you how much. Now turn around and touch your toes.”
Meeko loved the aggression; it made her pussy pulsate even more. She damn near had an orgasm just from pulling down her thong and thinking about what was soon to happen. She bent over, spread her legs as wide as she could, and wrapped her hands around her ankles.
As Babyface placed the head of his dick in her pussy, he could feel the wetness as it built up. He slowly drove his dick all the way in her pussy to its maximum length as she moaned in ecstasy. After a few slow strokes, his rhythm increased and her moans became louder. He then held both ass cheeks, spread them apart, and began pounding harder. As Meeko placed her hands on the wall to steady herself, she stuck her ass out to take all of his pleasure. His dick was so good that she fell in love instantly. Meeko came at least three times. Having multiple orgasms was something she had never had, and Babyface was the first man to discover her g-spot.
At the sound of her moans and the wetness of her pussy, Babyface couldn’t hold back any longer. He exploded as he held her from behind, fondling her big titties and softly kissing her neck while the tears fell down her face.
“Daddy, please don’t ever leave me. I love you and I’ll do whatever for you, even if it cost me my life. Just please don’t ever leave me. I’m your ho for life and even in my death.”
After hearing Meeko’s commitment and dedication, Babyface was pleased. He had completed his first mission with Meeko. She was the fourth ho to swear her life to him.
As Victoria lay still sleeping and Meeko got in the shower only to play with her pussy and reminisce about the next time he would make her feel good again, Babyface grabbed the suitcase and started counting the money from Tookie’s bitch-ass.
As he counted, Babyface couldn’t help but to laugh. “Tookie put shit in the game all around the board. He was twenty thousand short. Damn, this bitch nigga a cruddy muthafucka. What if those bricks were real? I’d be twenty thousand short. That’s a’ight, though, ‘cause whoever he give them bricks to, them niggas gonna kill his ass.
He calculated that after mailing this money to add to what he already sent home, he would have $225,000, and only needed another $275,000 to open the strip club, which he would aptly name “Victoria’s Cocktail Club”.
* * * * *
The next day, Babyface took the girls shopping at the Mall of Memphis. After Victoria and Meeko grabbed some things out of Goldsmith’s Department Store, it was Babyface’s turn to add to his wardrobe so he could be shitty sharp. He chose to patronize Milano’s, the most expensive store in the mall where all the ballers and playas came to shop. They had everything from Versace, Gucci, Armani, Caesar Paciotti, Burberry, and more expensive brand names. They also carried colored gators, slip-ons, loafers, etc.
Babyface purchased a grey Versace sweat suit, a pair of black Armani linen pants, and a pair of black slip-ons by Lorenzo Banfi. The most expensive thing he bought was a four thousand dollar Armani dress coat.
As he was paying for his items, a tall, baldheaded pimp stepped up beside him. “Damn, playa, I see you got a helluva taste in clothes. That coat costs a bad muthafucka.”
“Yeah, the joint’s a’ight. I’m just glad it’s the only one they got. I can’t stand to see another nigga with the same shit I got on,” Babyface said.
“I feel you playa. Me, too. I’m Lonnie B, Memphis’ finest,” the pimp said as he stuck his hand out, exposing two diamond encrusted rings. He had so many diamonds in his shit you could tell if the metal they were set in was gold or platinum.
“And I’m Babyface, D.C.’s most valuable playa.”
“From the way you look and the fact you got them two fine pieces over there with you, I take it you and I are in the same profession. Pimp recognize pimp,” said Lonnie B.
“It’s only right that we do. Character always reflects lifestyle,” Babyface replied.
As he spoke, Lonnie B’s eyes almost popped out of their sockets at the sight of Babyface’s Rolex that was worth almost his whole stash.
“Damn, playa, that’s serious timepiece you got there.”
“Yeah, it’s just a lil’ gift from my girls to show their pimp some appreciation.”
“How long you been in town, Babyface?”
“Just got here two days ago.”
“Damn, playa, I take it you ain’t been down the track yet,” said Lonnie B.
“To be honest with you, I don’t even know where it’s at yet.”
“Well, let me be the first to turn an outta town pimp on to some money. The stroll is on Brooks Road. We got a few shake joints down there we work out of. You’ll love it. It’s a real pimp’s atmosphere. You do know this is one of the biggest and best pimp capitols, right?”
“I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t, playa,” replied Babyface.
Lonnie B grinned. “I like your style, Babyface. Why don’t you come on down to the shake joint tonight? I’ll show you some southern pimp’s hospitality.”
“What the fuck is a shake joint?” asked Babyface, looking confused.
Lonnie B laughed. “Oh, that’s right. You from outta town so it’s gonna take a minute to catch our lingo. The shake joint is where the bitches dance and the playas shoot game.”
“Oooh, okay, you mean the strip club. Where’s it at?”
“We got a few,” Lonnie B replied, “but most of the time the fly playas hang out at Pure Passion. Come on by tonight. I’m sure you’ll like it.”
“I just might do that,” Babyface said as he paid for his things and exited the store, with Victoria and Meeko following closely behind.
* * * * *
As Babyface pulled up in front of Pure Passion, he checked out the many luxury cars lined up along the curb. While everybody looked at the Lexus wondering who was inside, Victoria killed all the curiosity by stepping out dressed in her new DKNY outfit. When she reached the driver’s side to escort her man, Meeko got out in her new DKNY spandex suit, as well. Her outfit was so tight that it looked like another layer of skin, and everyone could guess she had no underclothes on underneath. As Victoria opened the door, escorting Babyface out, Meeko stood to the side holding his new four thousand dollar Armani coat as if it was a cape. When he stood, she draped it over his shoulders as he slid both arms into the sleeves simultaneously. Victoria then closed the door behind him.
As they walked past a couple pimps and hoes, you could hear the whispers coming from their mouths, and once they entered Pure Passion, conversations went from loud to low as the customers watched the out-of-town, young-looking pimp. Babyface swiftly moved across the room in an attempt to find a seat, only to see Lonnie B standing at his table and waving for him to come over.
“Whazzup, Babyface? I’m glad you could make it, playa.”
“Yeah, Lonnie B, and from looking at this fine-ass bitch dancing on that pole, I’m glad I could make it myself,” Babyface said, mesmerized by the sight of the pretty, brown-skinned, Kelly Rowland look-alike.
“Have a seat, Face,” Lonnie said, as he made room for him and the girls.
Babyface motioned for Victoria and Meeko to stand on each side of his shoulders, Victoria on the right and Meeko on the left. The club was filled with a lot of ballers, hustlers, pimps, and hoes. From observing the spot, Babyface could tell the hoes got most of their customers just from hanging around the club. There were more hoes in the club then outside on the stroll.
“Damn, these country bitches is thick,” said Babyface as he observed almost every hoe in the spot. On top of that, they were fine, too. Victoria had finally run up on some competition, but for Meeko, the bitches straight outdid her. Although Meeko’s face was a flawless dime piece, her body was no match for these country hoes who were raised on fatback and grits. Those bitches were running neck and neck with Victoria, but the only difference is Victoria was a natural dime piece, not artificial like the ones walking around that joint.
As Babyface watched the other hoes mingle with the ballers, he knew this was the place a nigga who’s out there getting money comes when he got an extra fifteen hundred for play money. My bitches gonna turn this muthafucka out, Babyface thought to himself, but we gotta do sumthin’ wit Meeko and fast.
“Face, let’s have a drink to celebrate a new young playa in town,” said Lonnie B as he opened a bottle of Remy XO.
Babyface then turned his head and motioned for Victoria to bring her ear down so he could whisper something to her. “Hey, baby girl, keep an eye on this nigga. These muthafuckas down Memphis got a thang for slipping shit in a nigga’s drink.”
“Okay, Daddy,” Victoria said as she kept watch on Lonnie B out of the corner of her eye.
As Lonnie B poured their drinks, a short, brown-skinned waitress, with thick calf muscles and an ass on her that was so big it looked unreal, came to their table with a bottle of Cristal in a bucket of ice. “Excuse me, sir. This bottle is for you compliments of Lil’ Hott. He says he'’ like to welcome you to his town.”
“Well, thank you, Ms. Pretty, and when will a fine woman like yourself welcome a playa personally?” asked Babyface.
The waitress blushed. “You’d have to stick around a while and find out for yourself.”
“Don’t make me wait too long,” said Babyface, as he stared at her with cold eyes, letting her know he was dead serious. “By the way, baby girl, tell the playa that sent this I’m honored by his hospitality.”
“I’ll let him know, but you can do that yourself. He’s right over there,” said the waitress, as she pointed to the table where two hoes and the youngest looking pimp Babyface had ever seen sat.
The young pimp nodded his head and held up his drink, which was a compliment sign for pimps recognizing each other’s position in the game. Babyface nodded back slowly while halfway closing his eyes, which is a sign to let the young playa know that he wasn’t impressed by the champagne, but he respected his style.
The very instant Babyface slightly closed his eyes Lonnie B slipped something in his drink as he looked at Victoria and Meeko, ensuring they would turn their heads when he looked at them. But what Lonnie B didn’t know is that while Victoria followed ho rules well, she followed her pimp’s rules even better. She still kept him in her peripheral vision as she watched him slip something in her pimp’s drink. Victoria was sharp and always on point, and when it came down to Babyface, she was even sharper. Victoria squeezed Babyface on his shoulder, indicating to him not to drink the glass of Remy. Without showing any expression, he smiled and patted her hand as it rested on his shoulder, indicating he got her point.
Babyface made a mental note to reward Victoria later, as well as a mental note to put Lonnie B's head in the dirt first chance he got. For right now, though, he had to play it off. He was outnumbered in a town he hardly knew, and also, he fell for the hospitality pimp shit back in Chicago and vowed never to fall for it again. What puzzled Babyface the most was why Lonnie B would slip something in his drink? As Babyface looked at Lonnie B’s eyes, he saw they were glued to his Rolex, and he then knew Lonnie B had been plotting to get his watch ever since he saw it. Lonnie B would never know that he just gave up his life for a stolen watch.
“Hey, Lonnie B, did the waitress say what the young playa’s name is?” Babyface asked, while looking over at his table and admiring his style. He could tell he was a boss pimp.
The young pimp had on a grey linen Armani button-up shirt, which was unbuttoned to reveal a cream Armani mock neck silk t-shirt. He also had on a pair of matching grey Armani linen pants with a pair of grey and cream Mauri gators, with a matching gator belt to complete the look. From a distance, Babyface could see the sparkling of his 18-karat Rolex with the diamond bezel and marble grey face. He accessorized with an 18-karat gold chain with a diamond cross and a 2-karat diamond in his earlobe. What fucked Babyface up most was the diamond encrusted gold teeth that were in his mouth.
“That’s Lil’ Hott; he’s the youngest boss playa in Memphis,” Lonnie B told him. “Come on. Let’s make a toast. You ain’t touched your drink yet.”
Babyface turned his attention back to Lonnie B, looking him deep in his eyes. As bad as he wanted to crash his skull, he couldn’t. He had to wait it out.
“Nah, I forgot to tell you, playa…me and brown liquor don’t get along. I’ma pass on the drink.”
Lonnie B’s face was flushed with disappointment. He was still determined to get his hands on Babyface’s Rolex, though. “Since you don’t drink brown liquor, how about some champagne?”
Babyface stood and fixed his clothes. “Nah, Lonnie B, I think it’s about time for me to leave. Maybe we could do it another time.”
“Okay, Face, take it easy, playa, and once again, welcome to Memphis.”
“I’m obliged,” Babyface replied.
“By the way, you know the playa’s ball is in six weeks.”
“Oh yeah? Where is it held?” Babyface asked.
“At the Cook Convention Center downtown. And, Face, you gotta be real fly. You can’t be bullshitting at no playa’s ball. That’s a multi affair where a pimp is crowned and hoes choose,” said Lonnie B.
“Well, in that case, tell ‘em to have my crown,” Babyface said as he exited the club right behind Lil’ Hott.
Babyface noticed Lil’ Hott jump behind the wheel of a pearl white Range Rover, with his two bad-ass hoes taking occupancy in the supple leather seats. Babyface and Lil’ Hott locked eyes as they both pulled off in opposite directions.
* * * * *
For the next two weeks, Babyface put his game down. He had Victoria working the shake joint. She never danced; she just walked around in her thong and heels and pulled tricks all day and night. Victoria’s customers were local drug dealers, and with her charging at least five hundred for the pussy, she was bringing Babyface between two and three thousand every night. The only competition Victoria had was Lil’ Hott’s hoes, Nana and Tammy. These bitches had half the strip locked down, which was a disadvantage to Victoria mainly because she didn’t have a ho sistah to trick with since Meeko was outside working the stroll. Meeko wasn’t in good enough shape to work the club. She tried it a few times, but always ended up bringing home gas money, which enraged Babyface. He, therefore, placed her on a strict diet and exercise program of no meat, all vegetables, small portions, and forty-five minutes running on the treadmill everyday.
While Babyface spent most of his time trying to get Meeko in shape, Victoria was down at the shake joint getting money and getting familiar with everyone. She even made friends with Lil’ Hott’s hoes, Tammy and Nana, something Victoria rarely did. The two were trying to pull her in Lil’ Hott’s stable. The same thing her and Penny used to do was now being played on her. Consumed with trying to fix Meeko up, Babyface couldn’t see Victoria slowly easing away. However, Meeko noticed, but she wanted the bottom ho position so bad that she didn’t warn Babyface. Instead, she just sat back and prayed Tammy and Nana’s little scheme would work.
Meeko lost a total of twenty-five pounds, but Babyface put the finishing touches on her by sending her to the nearest clinic to get the fatty tissues in her stomach removed. While she was back at the hotel recovering from the liposuction surgery and Victoria was down at the shake joint sucking the life out of Memphis, Babyface was tailing Lil’ Hott all over the south side. Babyface wanted to know more about this nigga. He wasn’t just a pimp; the nigga had too much clout in his town to be a young pimp with only hoes. Babyface knew this nigga was doing something else. He had a Range Rover worth over a hundred twenty thousand dollars, plus he had a brand new Cadillac DTS worth about fifty thousand. Also, Babyface wondered why every time he saw this nigga in the shake joints, niggas were always coming up to him as if they were asking for something. Babyface made it his business to track this niggas every move, and not wanting to be noticed, he purchased a 1990 Lincoln Continental from Pyramid Auto on Union Avenue in order to do some investigating.
After three days of watching Lil’ Hott, Babyface learned the nigga was hustling. But he didn’t know how much shit he was moving and what product. At the completion of every transaction, Babyface noticed how Lil’ Hott did a funny-looking handshake with the youngsters he was doing business with. Babyface knew this sign, as he had seen it before in Don Diva Magazine when they featured a story on the leader of the G.D.’s.
Damn, look at this fool, Babyface thought. He ain’t so smart after all. The whole three days I’ve been following this nigga, he never once looked back. What if I was the feds? Not only would he get himself locked up, but he’d get his workers hooked up in this case. The next thing you know the whole fucking Southside of Memphis would be on trial for conspiracy. Yeah, he don’t need that money. It won’t do him no good in jail, so I’ma do him a favor and get it up off him, but the only thing is how?
Babyface knew he couldn’t rob this nigga, and for the size of the work he was passing out, this nigga wasn’t moving no light shit. It would be impossible to kidnap him. Babyface scoped that he was always strapped. Also, he learned that Lil’ Hott and Lonnie B were partners, and the two often met in 3rd Wall to talk. In fact, Lil’ Hott had been the one to put Lonnie B on the assignment of getting Babyface’s Rolex. When Lil’ Hott spotted the platinum collector’s watch on Babyface’s wrist outside of the Shoney Restaurant when Babyface first came to town, he fell in love with it and had to have it.
“For a minute, you country niggas coulda got me. That was a slick move, playing it off like you two niggas ain’t partners. But I’m from the Southside of D.C., nigga. Ain’t too much you can get pass me. I was born into this shit. Game recognizes game,” said Babyface as he talked to himself. It enraged him that he almost fell for the oldest trick in the book. This in itself made him want to kill them even more, but he couldn’t. It would fuck things up. Babyface’s plan was way more valuable.
* * * * *
While Babyface was putting his move together and Meeko was recovering from surgery, Tammy and Nana were down at the shake joint working on Victoria.
“Hey, Vic, why your pimp don’t come down that much?” asked Tammy.
“Yeah, Vic, he never comes to check up on you,” said Nana. “He probably tryna make that other bitch his bottom ho.”
“Nah, my man loves me. We been through too much. That'll never happen,” Victoria replied, although she had started feeling neglected by Babyface lately.
“Yeah, you think it won’t happen,” replied Nana.
“Why don’t you come over and meet Lil’ Hott? He a pimp for real. I know you unhappy. You been wit that nigga since you started, girl. Why don’t you try something new, change the flava?” coaxed Tammy.
Victoria knew they were right. Babyface had been neglecting her. At one time, he was always around to watch her back, but lately he had been spending all his time with that bitch Meeko. Every time she tried to sit down and talk to him, he always brushed her off, yet gave Meeko all his attention. Victoria was secretly beginning to hate Meeko, and Meeko secretly already hated Victoria. Even though Victoria knew Meeko was trying to steal her spot, she also knew she had something that Meeko didn’t…a history with Babyface that could never be forgotten or replaced.
“Nah, Tammy, I love my man and I’m loyal,” Victoria said, ending the discussion.
* * * * *
When Babyface got back to the hotel, Meeko was in the shower.
“Hey, Meeko, you in there?”
“Yeah, Daddy, I’ll be out in a minute. I took my bandages off. Wait till you see me.”
“Hurry your ass up then,” said Babyface, anxious to see his newest invention.
He sat back on the bed and fired up a blunt he’d gotten from a pimp named Preston. As he inhaled, the smoke of some of the best weed he’d ever smoked filled his lungs. He thought about the fortune he was soon to get, his last move that would get him out the game for sure.
“Okay, Daddy, I’m ‘bout to come out. You ready?”
“Yeah, come on, baby girl. Let me see what you working with.”
As Meeko emerged from the bathroom butt naked with a pair of red pumps on, Babyface couldn’t believe his eyes. Meeko had been transformed into a dime piece. She closely resembled a young Janet Jackson from back in her “Pleasure Principle” days. Babyface smiled, but he wasn’t just smiling at Meeko. He smiled at the fact of how he turned a tramp into a champ in less than thirty days. Babyface wasn’t just a pimp; he was also a magician, ‘cause what he was looking at had to be magic.
“Why you ain’t saying nothing, Daddy? You don’t like it?” asked Meeko, as she turned around modeling her new reformed body.
“Fuck yeah, I like it! Matter of fact, I love it. Damn, girl, you look good.”
In all actuality, Meeko looked just as good as Victoria and she knew it. And for that, she loved Babyface even more. To Meeko, he was her savior, her god.
“Come over here,” he said, as he ran his hands all over her body as if it was a fine piece of art. Instantly, his dick hardened, and he proceeded to both aggressively fuck and softly make love to her.
After he laid the pipe like a true plumber, Meeko laid back on his chest with tears running down her face. “Daddy, I’ma get you rich. I’ma make you so much money. Ain’t a ho in the game can fuck wit me now.”
Babyface knew Meeko was not just referring to any ho in the game; she was indirectly talking about Victoria. “Yeah, Meeko, I hope that’s true, ‘cause you got a whole lotta trickin’ to do to get back that money I spent getting you ready.”
“Daddy, I’ma get that back and multiply it a thousand times more.”
While Meeko and Babyface were lying in bed talking, Victoria came in. As she entered the bedroom, she couldn’t believe Meeko looked just as good as she. Victoria stood there in shock with her hand over her mouth.
“Oh my god, Meeko, you look good,” Victoria exclaimed.
“Thanks, Vic, but what are you doing back so early?” asked Meeko as looked toward Babyface for him to check Victoria.
Victoria quickly lost her excitement. “None of your business, bitch! You don’t question me! I’m a bottom ho. You outta pocket. Anyway, get the fuck up. I gotta talk to Face in private.”
Meeko didn’t move; instead, she looked at Babyface while rubbing his dick.
“Bitch, leave! Can I get some dick sometimes,” Victoria angrily said.
“You ain’t getting enough down at the shake joint? I hear you got all the clientele,”
That did it. Meeko had just disrespected her right in front of Babyface. “Bitch, I’ll break your fucking jaw in here,” shouted Victoria as she lunged at Meeko.
“Hold the fuck up! Now you bitches is tripping again. Meeko your ass is way outta pocket. Don’t ever in your fuckin’ life disrespect her or my pimpin’ like that again,” he said, as he coldly looked into her eyes.
“I’m sorry, Daddy. It won’t happen again,” Meeko said, as she got up and exited the room.
As Victoria closed the door behind Meeko, Babyface could tell she was still mad. “Vic, don’t trip off that shit. Now what is so important you wanna talk to me about?”
Victoria sat down on the bed next to him. “Look, Face, I know you love me and you know I love you, but you’re lettin’ this bitch come between us. It was never like that when Penny was around. This bitch tryna steal my spot, and I can’t let her do that.”
Tears started to form in her eyes as she spoke.
“Vic, you better not cry. What the fuck is wrong wit you? You know can’t nobody come between us; we connected for life. How the fuck I’ma let a bitch who ain’t got no history wit me come between us, huh, Vic? From what you saying, you make me sound like some weak nigga. That’s total disrespect. How you gonna think like that? What, you lettin’ them bitches down at the shake joint get in your head? Come on, Vic, I taught you better than that,” he scolded her. “You’re a diamond; don’t turn into a stone. I can’t believe you would question my love. What the fuck drug you taking, huh, Vic?”
Victoria evaluated Babyface’s sincerity, and realized she had been wrong for even doing such a thing as questioning his love for her. While letting his words sink in, Victoria felt ashamed at letting Tammy and Nana get in her head.
“You’re right, Face. I’m trippin’. I don’t know why my stupid ass would think like that. Nigga, you ain’t going nowhere without me,” she said, regaining her confidence. “I’m your bitch for life, and besides, ain’t a human being in this world that can fill my shoes. I’m sorry, Face. I really am sorry.”
He was happy to see Victoria snap back, ‘cause for a minute, he thought his best ho was contemplating on leaving him.
“Damn, baby girl, don’t ever scare me like that again. For a second, I thought I was gonna have to peel your cap. You know I can’t have you leave me like that. It’s to the death with us.” Babyface smiled.
“Shut up! You know you ain’t gonna kill me,” she said, while playfully hitting him on the arm. Playful hits soon turned to wrestling, which in turn led to fucking. This was the old Babyface that she knew and missed.
Afterwards, Babyface and Victoria lay in bed talking.
“Hey, Daddy, you know a lot of pimps and hoes in town are getting ready for that playa’s ball.”
“Yeah, I know, Vic. We gonna turn that muthafucka out,” he replied.
“You know that nigga Lil’ Hott is giving a pre-playa’s ball party down at the Premier Club.”
“Yeah, I know that, too, Vic, but I got plans for that.”
“What’s up? Lay it down to me, Daddy.”
“Vic, we ‘bout to make the biggest move and then we out. We going back home to fulfill our dream.”
“What’s up then? Tell me what I gotta do,” said Victoria.
He then told her about his plans and what he was gonna do with Meeko. He told her how he was gonna get Lonnie B out of the picture first, but that she and Meeko couldn’t join him at the pre-party.
“Daddy, why we can’t come?”
“‘Cause, Vic, it’s part of my plan. You see, every playa from outta town gonna be there flossin’ they hoes. By the time the playa’s ball comes up, niggas ain’t gonna be that thrilled no more ‘cause they already seen a nigga’s hoes. You see, Vic, a pimp’s ho is his secret weapon. I can’t let these niggas see my bitches, so when it’s time for the playa’s ball they can go try to fix they bitches up better,” Babyface explained.
“You right, Face, and I got the perfect outfits for me and Meeko.”
“Yeah, well, I’ma leave that up to you, but I can guarantee you they gonna crown me Pimp of the Year, ‘cause you know why?”
“Why,” Victoria asked, playing along.
“‘Cause I’m Babyface, and can’t a pimp in the game take my place.”
“You got that right,” Victoria said as she kissed the love of her life.