Pimp of the year
Tonight was the night, the start of Babyface’s plan. He’d talked to Victoria earlier and laid out the whole format. Although he knew she was with it, he thought Meeko should be the one to carry it out. Babyface got his self together for Lil’ Hott’s party premier, but before he went there, he stopped at the massage parlor on Winchester Street to holla at Dollbaby, one of the last old school pimps Memphis had left. He was an old timer, but still in the game. In fact, out of all the pimps Babyface ever met besides Bone, Dollbaby kept it real. He liked Babyface and saw his potential. Therefore, when Babyface came to ask for a favor, Dollbaby obliged.
As Babyface pulled in front of the Premier Nightclub, he could tell by all the different license plates on the luxury cars that pimps came from all over ready for the playa’s ball. From all the Benz’s, Jags, etc., parked outside, he was no longer the only one with a tight whip. And the fact he didn’t have any hoes with him didn’t help either. Therefore, his arrival didn’t cause many heads to turn. However, Babyface was pleased because he didn’t want to draw too much attention. He came for one purpose, to start his mission and prepare for his long-lasting future.
Once inside, Babyface observed all the potential pimps who thought they were worthy of the Pimp of the Year crown. Most were straight up bammas to Babyface, but some were smooth-ass, wealthy niggas with jewelry pieces that looked like they belonged in a museum. Babyface was amused at their pimp cups as he saw those popping bottles and showing each other hospitality. The atmosphere was cool, with everybody introducing themselves and telling their pimp stories. It reminded him of a family reunion.
As he walked briskly through the crowd of pretty hoes and fly ass pimps, Babyface could have sworn he saw Tookie. Nah, that can’t be him. I know them niggas had to kill him about them pound cakes. When he turned back around from looking to make sure it wasn’t Tookie, he found himself face to face with Lonnie B.
“Whazzup, young Babyface. What the pimp life like?” said Lonnie B.
“It’s cool,” replied Babyface. “Having a lil’ trouble in the stable, but it’s nothing I can’t handle.”
“I hear ya. Pimpin’ ain’t easy. Come on over and have a seat,” Lonnie B offered. Shit, why not? Might as well sit down and check out some potential hoes. Never know who you gonna knock”
“Yeah, you right, Lonnie B. ‘Cause I damn sure need more bitches in my stable.”
While Lonnie B was talking, Babyface observed Lil’ Hott, his two hoes, and an entourage of pimps and hustlers. He was busy playing host to these muthafuckas, while his partner was busy trying to work Babyface for his Rolex.
“Hey, Face, you still coming to the playa’s ball?”
“Yeah, I’ll be there, but I know somebody who ain’t.”
“Damn, Face, you having that much trouble in your stable that you gonna leave your hoes behind?”
“I’ma leaving one of ‘em. The bitch can’t be trusted,” Babyface replied.
“Well, Face, you know what they say. If a bitch can’t be trusted, then that bitch must be busted; if a bitch ain’t about your doe, then that no good ho gots to go.”
“Oh, believe me, Lonnie B, this bitch sure ‘nuff bout to go.”
“How ‘bout a drink, Face? You look like you need one. And I know you don’t fuck with that brown liquor, so how ‘bout some champagne?”
This nigga must really think I’m stupid. I got something for his ass, though, Babyface thought. “Sure, Lonnie B, I’ll have a drink wit you. Besides, we never got the chance to properly celebrate my pimpin’ in Memphis.”
Lonnie B was all smiles. He knew for sure he had Babyface now. After pouring Babyface’s drink, he began to pour himself one in his gold pimp cup with the initials L.B. in rhinestones. As Lonnie B was pouring, Babyface hit him with the oldest trick in the book, and like a dummy Lonnie B fell for it.
“Damn, that’s a fine-ass ho over there staring at you, Lonnie B. You must be boss pimpin’ to have a ho check you out from the back.”
When Lonnie B turned around to see who Babyface was talking about, Babyface easily and swiftly dropped the small, laced white pill he had gotten from Dollbaby into Lonnie B’s drink. Babyface didn’t know how it worked, or better yet, if it did work. All he knew was that Dollbaby said a nigga had less than eight hours to live after it dissolved in his body.
I hope this shit works. If not, this is gonna put a dent in my plans, but if it do work, then a nigga’s on his way to the big leagues.
Lonnie B turned back around to Babyface. “Nah, Face, you seeing thangs, playa. That bitch ain’t looking at me. She’s more like looking at Lil’ Hott. But while we sittin’ here talking, there’s a ho over there in the cut watching you.”
Babyface knew this was Lonnie B’s moment to drop his pill. Therefore, he gave him more than enough time to work. As Babyface slowly turned around, Lonnie B quickly made his move. When he turned back around, Lonnie B was all smiles. He just knew he had Babyface this time.
“Come on, Face, let’s make a toast.”
As they put their cups in the air to touch, Lonnie B did the honors. “To the pimp of the year…whoever that may be. May you have a long lastin’ pimp career.” Then Lonnie B gulped down his champagne like water and watched Babyface at the same time. “Why ain’t you drinking? We just made a toast, playa.”
“Hold up, Lonnie B. Let me see that bottle,” Babyface said, while lifting the bottle to eye level. “Man, what the fuck you ‘bout to make me drink? Look, playa, I’ma boss pimp. I don’t drink no cheap ass Moet.”
“Ah, come on, Face. It ain’t nuthin’ but some Moet. Go ‘head and drink the shit.”
“Nah, Lonnie B, I’m a pimp and I pimps too fucking hard to be drinking that cheap shit. Man, you should be ashamed of yourself. Look at your surroundings. You gonna let muthafuckas see you drink this bullshit? Nigga, when I met you, you said you were Memphis’ finest. You can’t be drinking some thirty dollar champagne. Man, you just disrespected my pimpin’, Lonnie B. Never should you treat a real playa like that. Man, I’m gone. You just ruined my night, and besides, I gotta go check on my trap. My bitches is out there getting that paper while all you nigga’s bitches is in here spending y’all’s money. I’ll holla at you, Lonnie B.”
“Hold up, Face. Look here, playa, I can order some Cristal. I ain’t nowhere near cheap. My pockets run deep like the James River creek,” said Lonnie B.
“Oh yeah? Well, in that case, my pockets are overflowin’ like the muthafuckin’ Atlantic ocean,” Babyface replied as he got up to leave. “No thanks, Lonnie B. I’ll drink wit my hoes tonight. See you at the playa’s ball, if you can make it.”
* * * * *
The next morning while Lonnie B was being pronounced dead, Babyface was pulling out of Smith's Imports car dealership in his brand new pearl white 600 AMG Mercedes Benz with butter biscuit leather interior and bamboo wood grain. Babyface’s Benz was like a living room on the inside. He had a navigation/DVD player up front with a flip down TV in the back, and the back was equipped with a pull-out cocktail bar. This was Babyface’s dream car, which he finally got, and there was no better time than getting it right before the playa’s ball. Next, he went down to Jack’s Jewelers on Popular Street. He already had a diamond bezel, so he got his watchband iced out in all diamonds the same exact size as the diamonds in his bezel. He paid eleven thousand to have them set in. Although they weren’t official Rolex diamonds certified by Rolex, they were the best quality VVS diamonds and glossed just as well. He didn’t have to go shopping for clothes since he had prepared for this moment early while in Chicago. Therefore, Babyface was all set and ready to go, but he had to do one thing… prepare Victoria for her most effective and dangerous move.
When he arrived back at the hotel, he pulled Victoria into the bedroom away from Meeko so they could speak in private. Victoria knew something was about to go down from the serious expression on his face, not to mention he had poured her a glass of Hennessey.
“Sit down, baby girl. I gotta talk to you. Now I want you to listen closely ‘cause I’ma need your undivided attention.”
“Whazzup, Face?”
“Look, I’ve been planning this move ever since the day we got here, and it’s what’s gonna get us out the game.”
“What’s that, Face?” Victoria asked, anxious for him to get to the point.
“Well, baby girl, this is your most dangerous task, and I need to know now if you’re game enough for it.”
“Face, you know I’ll do anything for you. Now tell me what I gotta do and what position to play.”
Babyface looked Victoria deep in her eyes. As bad as he didn’t want to, he had to. It was their only way out, and Victoria was the only person capable enough to pull it off.
“Vic, you gotta choose Lil’ Hott,” Babyface said.
“What! You know I can’t do that. I can’t leave you. How you gonna make me do this,” she said as she began to cry. She knew he didn’t approve of crying, but she didn’t care. His words coerced the tears out of her eyes. She couldn’t believe he’d throw her away like this. “Why can’t Meeko do it?”
“‘Cause, Vic, she ain’t built like you. She ain’t cut from that cloth. She is too dependant on me. She’ll break and most likely end up dead.”
“What if I break?” Victoria cried.
“I know you won’t, Vic, and you know why? ‘Cause I trained you not to break under pressure. Look, baby, It’s only gonna be for a little while. We gotta do this.”
“Well, what you want me to do, Face?”
“Baby girl, I’ve been tailing this nigga ever since we got here. This nigga is paid. He movin’ bricks like welfare cheese, and since them bitches tryna get you in his stable, it’ll be real easy for you to slide in and get up under him to get to that money.”
“How am I gonna get that close? He already got a bottom ho,” said Victoria.
“Yeah, he got a bottom ho, but nobody is loyal to ho rules like you. And to top it off, you look better. Now, baby girl, it’s gonna be real easy for you to get in that position. Reason why is because when you choose him, you gonna give him my watch. He’s fiendin’ for this shit. Plus, I’ma leave you ten thousand in a hotel, so every time you give him a bankroll, you can come chip off the ten and give him at least a thousand more than them other bitches. I guarantee within two weeks you’ll know where that bank at.”
“And while I’m doing all this, what you gonna be doing?” Victoria asked.
“Baby girl, this the real twist. You know how Meeko wants your bottom ho position so bad. By you crossing me, it’s gonna make her even more loyal. She gonna hate you; she gonna think I’m fucked up about it, and she gonna try to do whatever you did for me and more. So, I’ma take her back to D.C. wit me, and while she out on the stroll, I’ma finding us a house and prepare to look for a spot to pen up the strip club. When I come back to get you, I’ma give her the option to leave or either work for you at the club. Vic, it’s the perfect move. We’re killing two birds wit one stone. Baby girl, I know how you feel about it, but I really need you on this.”
“What if he got partner, Face?” She worried something would go wrong with his well-thought-out plan. “What if he catches on?”
“Baby girl, I killed his partner last night. I know you heard about the dude Lonnie B dying in his sleep. That’s my work, and another thing, Vic, how can a nigga catch on to a bitch that stole a sixty thousand dollar watch from her pimp and gave it to him. Baby girl, the nigga ain’t that smart. I’m telling you, I know. I studied his every move,” he assured her.
“Babyface, are you positive this is gonna work?” asked Victoria as she wiped away her tears.
“Vic, do you think I’d risk losing you if I wasn’t sure? Baby, I’m absolutely positive it’ll work. And after all this shit is done, we outta the game for good. Baby girl, I love you too much to put you in this position. You think I wasn’t scared to place you there? Of course, I was, but after evaluating the circumstances, you’re our only hope.”
“Babyface, I love you and you know I’ma do my best, but if I fail, please don’t leave me down here.”
“Vic, you ain’t gonna fail me. You never have and never will. Know why? ‘Cause I ain’t gonna fail you. And when all this shit is done, we gonna take us a vacation. Now come here and stop that crying.”
Victoria got up to hug him, and he held her tightly in his arms. He then kissed her passionately and made love to her like he never did before.
* * * * *
The next day, Victoria went down to Pure Passion to give Tammy and Nana the hint that she’s getting tried of Babyface. She made them think she was unhappy with her pimp by lying about him giving her bottom ho position to Meeko. She knew this was dangerous job, but she also knew this was something she had to do, and she planned to do it well. Of course, Tammy and Nana took the bait, and did not hesitate suggesting that Victoria join Lil’ Hott’s stable. Before departing, she told them she would give it much consideration.
Babyface’s lil’ plan is starting to blossom already, Victoria said to herself.
While Victoria was down at Pure Passion working her shit on Tammy and Nana, Babyface was at the hotel gassing Meeko’s head.
“Meeko let me ask you something, and I want you to tell me the truth,” said Babyface.
“What’s up, Daddy?”
“Tell me what the fuck is up with Vic. Is she getting tired of shit? Is she trustworthy?”
Meeko saw this as her opportunity to steal Victoria’s position, so she worked fast. “That bitch can’t be trusted, Babyface. I’m telling you, she be hanging with them bitches Nana and Tammy too much. Plus, she always be crackin’ slick behind your back.” Meeko knew she was lying, but she had to give it her best shot. “I’m telling you, Daddy, you need to cut that bitch. She gonna be our downfall.”
“If I cut her loose, though, that only leaves me and you. Now, Vic done made me a lot of money, Meeko. How you gonna top that?”
“Daddy, I swear on my life. I’ma make you rich. I’ll fuck a dog if he got money. Face, please, I know I can be that bottom ho. I know I can do it. Just gimme a chance, Daddy. I’ll prove it to you,” she pleaded. “I’ll put my ho game down day and night till my heels break. Look at all you done for me. Please gimme that chance to show you I’m worthy.”
At the sound of her sincerity, Babyface knew he had accomplished his second goal. “Okay then, Meeko. I’ma drop that bitch like a hot potato, but only after the playa’s ball tomorrow.”
“Why can’t you drop her now?”
“‘Cause I at least have to have two hoes at the ball,” he replied.
“Oh, I see, and after that I’m bottom ho, right?”
“You already bottom ho, but Vic won’t know till after the ball.”
Meeko jumped all over him. “I love you, Daddy. I love you. I love you. I swear you won’t regret it. I swear ain’t a ho in this world gonna love you like I do.”
“I know, baby girl. Now what you still got them clothes on for? I gotta break you all the way in.”
That night, he gave Meeko what she had wanted for a long while: a good fuck and the bottom ho position, or at least that’s what she thought.