Ustinov, Iona ‘Klop’: Former German journalist and diplomat, agent of MI5 and MI6.
Ustinov, Gregory: Klop’s younger brother.
Ustinov, Grigori: Klop’s Russian grandfather and notorious libertine
Ustinov, Adrian: Klop’s great great grandfather, founded the family fortune in the Siberian salt trade.
Ustinov, Igor: Klop’s grandson, now a sculptor based in Switzerland.
Ustinov, Magdalena: Klop’s mother, daughter of Moritz Hall and Katarina, Ethiopian aristocrat.
Ustinov, Mikhail: Klop’s great grandfather, owner of vast estates in southern Russia.
Ustinov, Peter: Klop’s younger brother, killed in action when his German plane was shot down by British guns.
Ustinov, Peter: Klop’s son: actor, director and raconteur named after Klop’s brother.
Ustinov, Platon: Klop’s father, Russian aristocrat who lived in exile in Palestine.
Ustinov, Platon: Klop’s younger brother
Ustinov, Suzanne (née Cloutier): Peter’s second wife, mother of Igor, Pavla and Andrea.
Ustinov, Tabitha: Klop’s sister, married to Palestinian businessman Anis Jamal.
Ustinov, Tamara: Klop’s first granddaughter, from Peter’s marriage to Isolde Denham, now an actress.
Hall, David: Klop’s uncle, son of Moritz and Katarina, later Counsellor of State to the Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia.
Hall, Katarina (aka Wayzaru Walatta Iyassus): Klop’s grandmother, Abyssinian aristocrat and wife of Moritz.
Hall, Moritz: Klop’s grandfather, of Polish extraction, missionary and armament maker to Emperor Theodore of Abyssinia.
Metzler, Peter: Evangelical pastor who converted Klop’s father Platon to Protestantism.
Metzler, Maria: Pastor’s daughter and Platon Ustinov’s first wife.
Benois, Nadia (Nadezhda Leontievna): Klop’s Russian wife, artist and theatre designer, daughter of architect Leontij and niece of Alexandre.
Benois, Alexandre: leading light of the World of Art movement and Ballet Russes.
Benois, Leontij (Louis): Nadia’s father, architect and professor at the Academy of Arts.
Benois Albert: Nadia’s uncle, successful water colourist.
Cavos Alberto: Nadia’s great grandfather, architect and designer of Mariinsky Theatre home of the Imperial Ballet.
Edwardes, Matthew: British businessman married to Nadia’s aunt Camilla. The family went into exile in Britain and Matthew’s grandson Julius became Peter Ustinov’s business adviser.
Horvath, General Dmitri: Married to Nadia’s cousin Camilla. Leader of the White Russian rebellion in Vladivostok against the Communist revolution, with British support.
Krohn, Hugo: London-based wine dealer and husband of Nadia’s relative Olia .
Rowe: Miss: Nadia’s childhood English governess.
Steiner, Olia: Nadia’s sister and companion in later life
Steiner, Ernest: Second husband of Nadia’s sister Olia.
Frieda: German cook and occasional nude model for Nadia at their London flat.
Akers, Sir Wallace: Director of the Tube Alloys project, Britain’s atomic weapons programme.
Archer, Jane (née Sissmore): Soviet expert at MI5 then MI6.
Attlee, Clement: Labour, deputy prime minister 1942‑1945, Prime Minister 1945-1951.
Baldwin, Stanley: Conservative, Prime Minister 1923‑1929 & 1935‑37.
Barton, Susan: Cover name of MI5 agent Gisela Ashley, working with Klop in Holland in 1939 and on the interrogation of German agents during WWII. Member of team running Double Cross agents.
Bazley, Sir Thomas: Gloucestershire landowner and MI5 officer who provided property for Special Operations training and homes for Klop and family members.
Best, Sigismund Payne: Long-serving MI6 officer in Holland, captured at Venlo.
Beurton, Len: Husband of Soviet agent Ursula Kuczynski (Red Sonja).
Blunt, Anthony: Wartime MI5 officer publicly unmasked in 1979 as a member of the ‘Cambridge Five’ Soviet spy ring.
Bristow, Desmond: MI6 officer working with Klop in Lisbon.
Bruce, Henry: First Secretary at the British embassy in St Petersburg at the time of the Revolution. Married Nadia’s friend, the ballerina Tamara Karsavina.
Buchanan, Sir George: British ambassador to St Petersburg during First World War.
Buchanan, Meriel: Daughter of Sir George and friend of Moura Budberg.
Burgess, Guy: Member of ‘Cambridge Five’ Soviet spy ring, defected 1951.
Burt, Commander Len: Metropolitan Police Special Branch officer responsible for liaison with MI5.
Cadogan, Sir Alec: Appointed permanent under-secretary at the Foreign Office in 1938, in place of Vansittart whose vehement opposition to appeasement had become unacceptable.
Chamberlain, Neville: Prime Minister 1937‑May 1940, architect of appeasement.
Chenhalls: Family friends of Klop and Nadia. Joan worked with Klop at MI5, her brother Alfred was a show-business accountant and agent, sister Hope also had film star connections.
Christie, Group Captain Malcolm: Vansittart’s foremost intelligence agent and peace-broker.
Churchill, Winston: Conservative, vociferous opponent of appeasement. Prime Minister, May 1940‑1945, 1951‑55.
Cooper, Duff: Secretary of State for War 1937‑38, wartime Chancellor of Duchy of Lancaster, friend of Moura Budberg.
Dansey, Claude: MI6 assistant chief, controller of the Z organisation of agents.
Dalton, Hugh: Labour minister initially in charge of the Special Operations Executive.
Delmer, Sefton: Journalist, head of black propaganda unit during WWII, friend of Otto John.
Dukes, Sir Paul: MI6 officer in Russia at the time of the Revolution, closely linked to the Mariinsky Theatre.
Eden, Anthony: Foreign Secretary 1935‑1938, 1940‑1945, 1951‑55, Prime Minister 1955‑1957.
Edward VIII: King, 1936, thereafter Duke of Windsor. Abdicated to marry American divorcee Wallis Simpson. Suspected of Fascist sympathies.
Elliott, Nicholas: Fellow MI6 officer and friend of Klop and Nadia.
Foote, Alexander: Radio operator for the Soviet Rote Drei network in Switzerland.
Fuchs, Klaus: German refugee, naturalised British, convicted of betraying atom bomb secrets to the Russians.
Gledhill, Cecil: MI6 station chief in Lisbon.
Halifax, Lord: Foreign Secretary, 1938‑1940, ambassador to US 1940‑1946.
Hampshire, Stuart: Philosopher, MI6 analyst and interrogator working alongside Klop.
Hoare, Sir Samuel: Former MI6 officer and Cabinet minister, WWII ambassador to Spain.
Intelligence services:
GC&CS (Government Code and Cipher School): Signals intelligence including Bletchley Park, Enigma, Ultra and ISOS decrypts.
MI5 (aka the security service): Domestic counter-espionage, including the Colonies.
MI6 (aka SIS - Secret Intelligence Service): Foreign intelligence.
SOE (aka Special Operations Executive): Responsible for sabotage behind enemy lines and Resistance operations.
Kell, Sir Vernon: Founder and director general of MI5, 1909‑1940.
Kerby: Captain Henry ‘Bob’: Russian-born member of MI5 and MI6, friend of Klop and of Russian Royal family. Latterly a Conservative MP.
Korda, Sir Alexander: Hungarian-born film director with links to MI6.
Kuczynski: German Jewish refugee family, most of whom were committed Communists and Soviet agents. Jurgen recruited atom spy Klaus Fuchs and his sister Ursula (codename Sonja) ran Fuchs and other agents worldwide.
Liddell, Guy: Head of counter intelligence, later deputy director of MI5. Recruited Klop.
Lockhart, Robert Bruce: British diplomat involved in plot to assassinate Lenin. Lover of Moura Budberg. Later friend and supporter of Klop in London.
Loxley, Peter: Senior Foreign Office liaison officer with MI6.
MacDonald, Ramsay: Labour, Prime Minister 1924, 1929‑31 then as leader of National Government 1931‑1935.
Maclean, Donald: Member of ‘Cambridge Five’ Soviet spy ring, defected 1951.
May, Alan Nunn: British atom bomb scientist convicted of spying for Russian.
Menzies, Sir Stewart: Chief of MI6, 1939‑1952.
MI5/MI6: See Intelligence.
Milne, Major I I (Tim): Philby’s deputy in the Iberian section of MI6.
Morton, Desmond: Churchill’s security adviser and liaison with MI5 and MI6.
Mosley, Oswald: Leader of British Union of Fascists.
Mounsey, Sir George: Vansittart’s Assistant Secretary at the Foreign Office.
Napier, Sir Robert: Leader of British expeditionary force against Emperor Theodore.
Nicolson, Sir Harold: Diplomat and diarist, friend and supporter of Albrecht Bernstorff.
Norton, Sir Clifford: Foreign Office official who befriended Klop and later recruited him to Lord Vansittart’s private intelligence network.
Norton, ‘Peter.’: Wife of Sir Clifford, painter and arts patron, friend of Nadia.
Petrie, Sir David: Director-general of MI5 1941‑1946.
Philby, Kim: One of the ‘Cambridge Five’ Soviet spy ring. Klop’s boss at MI6.
Reid, Sir Edward: Director of Barings Bank and financial adviser to MI5.
Robertson, Major T.A.R. (Tar): MI5 controller of the Double Cross system.
Ryle, Gilbert: Waynflete Professor of Metaphysical Philosophy at Oxford University, analyst and interrogator with Klop for MI6.
Salis, Count Charles de: MI6 head of counter-espionage in Lisbon.
Sinclair, Admiral Sir Hugh ‘Quex’ Sinclair: Chief of MI6, 1923‑1939.
Stevens, Captain Richard: MI6 head of station in Holland, captured by the Germans at Venlo.
Trevor Roper, Hugh (later Lord Dacre): Historian and analyst for MI6.
Vansittart, Lord (Robert): Permanent under-secretary at the Foreign Office and vociferous opponent of Hitler’s Germany. Obtained British nationality for Klop.
Venlo: Place on the Dutch-German border where MI6 officers Best and Stevens were captured in a Gestapo sting operation.
Vivian, Valentine: Head of the anti-Comintern Section V of MI6, and later deputy director.
White, Sir Dick: Klop’s case officer in MI5, later director of MI5 and then MI6.
Willert, Sir Arthur: Head of News Department at the Foreign Office.
Windsor, Duke of: See Edward VIII.
Winsor, Rita: MI6 colleague of Klop’s in Lisbon.
Abwehr: See Intelligence.
Adenauer, Konrad: Leader of Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and first post-war Chancellor in 1949.
Banse, Felix: Klop’s Wolff Bureau colleague in Amsterdam and London.
Bene, Otto: Leader of German Nazi party in Britain prior to WWII.
Bernstorff, County Albrecht: Respected anti-Nazi diplomat who formed a social double act with Klop.
Brüning, Heinrich: Leader of the Centre Party and Reichs Chancellor, 1930‑32, later exiled to Britain and US.
Bussche, Baron Axel von dem: Volunteered for suicide mission to kill Hitler. Related to Klop’s godmother.
Canaris, Admiral Wilhelm: Head of the Abwehr, aloof from but not unsympathetic to anti-Nazi conspiracies.
Cramer, Fritz: Head of SS in Lisbon and one of Klop’s main adversaries.
Fidrmuc, Paul (codename Ostro): Successful Abwehr agent in Portugal.
Gehlen, Major General Reinhard: Hitler’s head of military intelligence on the Eastern Front, Cold War head of West German intelligence.
Gestapo: See Intelligence.
Geyr von Schweppenburg, General Leo: Military attaché in London 1933‑37, informant of Klop’s and organiser of secret pre-war peace talks.
Goebbels, Joseph: Hitler’s propaganda minister
Hess, Rudolf: Hitler’s deputy who flew to Britain in May 1941 on an apparently unauthorised peace mission.
Hesse, Fritz: Klop’s pro-Nazi replacement as press officer in the London embassy.
Heydrich, Reinhard: Director of RHSA Reich security service, assassinated in Czechoslovakia in 1942 provoking terrible reprisals.
Hilger, Gustav: German diplomat in Moscow, helped Klop and Nadia escape in 1920; instrumental in Treaty of Rapallo; interrogated by Klop at the end of the WWII; became a Cold War adviser to the US government.
Hitler, Adolf: Founder of Nazi party, Chancellor 1933‑1945.
Himmler, Heinrich: Interior Minister and head of the RSHA.
Intelligence services:
Abwehr: Military intelligence responsible for foreign espionage until supplanted by the RSHA.
RSHA: Reich Main Security Office Reichssicherheitshauptamt incorporating the Gestapo (security police) SS (political police) and SD (Security service) under the command of Heinrich Himmler.
Jahnke, Kurt: Hugely experienced intelligence officer now believed to have been Klop’s secret source within the Sicherheitsdienst.
John, Otto: Lufthansa lawyer involved in the resistance movement and the July 10 plot against Hitler. Defected to Britain 1944. Cold War head of German intelligence section, defected behind the Iron Curtain and back again.
Jung, Edgar: Anti-Hitler propagandist murdered during Night of the Long Knives, close friend of Klop’s contact Franz Mariaux.
Jünger, Ernst: Writer and philosopher, served with Hans Speidel in Paris during WWII.
Kaltenbrunner, Ernst: Director of RSHA under Himmler.
Kauder, Richard: Austrian behind the Max Klatt spy ring.
Klatt, Max: WWII spy network based in Bulgaria, later discovered to be a Russian double cross operation.
Kuczynski: See under Britain.
Louis Ferdinand, Prince: Grandson of Kaiser Wilhelm II and supporter of German resistance to Hitler.
Malzan, Ago von: Head of eastern department of the German Foreign Office. Sponsored Klop’s 1920 visit to Russian.
Mariaux, Franz: Journalist contact of Klop’s in Lisbon, linked to conservative political opposition to Hitler.
Max von Hohenlohe, Prince: Peripatetic German agent and peace-broker.
Oster, General Hans: Nazi-hating deputy head of the Abwehr executed for his part in the 20 July 1944 plot to assassinate Hitler.
Putlitz, Wolfgang zu: Aristocrat and diplomat, Klop’s best pre-war source.
Rathenau, Walther: German Foreign Minister in 1922, assassinated in right-wing plot soon after signing the Treaty of Rapallo.
Ribbentrop, Joachim von: Ambassador in London 1936‑1938, Foreign Minister 1938‑1945.
Roessler, Rudolf: German exile in Switzerland, principal source of intelligence for the Soviet Rote Drei network.
Rommel, Field Marshal Erwin: Head of Army Group B responsible for resisting D-Day landings, supporter of 20 July plot.
Rot, Mirko: Yugoslav Abwehr agent who defected to Britain and revealed details of Max Klatt spy ring.
RSHA: See Intelligence.
Schneider, Willi: Valet and lover of Wolfgang zu Putlitz.
Seeckt, General Hans von: commander responsible for re-establishing the German army in the 1920s.
Schalburg, Vera: German agent captured in Scotland and interrogated by Klop.
Schellenberg, Walther: Intelligence officer, head of SS Foreign Intelligence from 1944.
SD/SS: See Intelligence.
Speidel, Hans: Fellow officer of Klop’s in the 123rd Grenadiers during the First World War and lifelong friend. One of Hitler’s generals but an anti-Nazi involved in the plot to assassinate him. The first German to hold a senior position in Nato forces after the Second World War.
Spiecker, Dr Carl: Anti-Nazi politician whose information led to the Venlo incident.
Stauffenberg, Colonel Claus von: Planted the bomb intended to kill Hitler on 20 July 1944.
Wilhelm II, Kaiser: Abdicated as last emperor of Germany after First World War.
Wolff Bureau: German news wire service later absorbed into the state controlled DNB, German news bureau. Klop was their London correspondent from 1921‑1930.
Wurmann, Major Richard (codename Harlequin): Head of Abwehr in Algeria, captured and interrogated by Klop, revealing extensive details of German military and espionage operations.
Anatole Baykalov: Exile contact of Klop and Guy Liddell, of uncertain loyalty.
Budberg, Moura: Russian countess and socialite, whose lovers included the diplomat Robert Bruce Lockhart and authors Maxim Gorky and H G Wells. One of Klop’s best informants.
Cheka: See Intelligence
Dzerzhinsky, Felix: Director of the Cheka, 1917‑1926.
Golitsyn (or Galitzine) Prince Vladimir: head of wealthy White Russian family and leader of British exile community.
Gorky, Maxim: Russian writer, friend of the Benois family and lover of Moura Budberg.
Gouzenko, Igor: Soviet defector who revealed the existence of the atom bomb spy Alun Nunn May.
Horvath, General Dmitri: See Nadia’s family.
Intelligence services:
Cheka: Military and internal security police formed by Lenin after the Russian revolution.
NKVD: Overall state security apparatus which at varying times included OGPU: (secret police) and was also responsible for foreign intelligence gathering, initially through the Comintern. Mutated into the KGB during the Cold War and more recently known as the SVR.
GRU: Military intelligence often running parallel spy operations to the NKVD.
Smersh: Counter intelligence service.
Karsavina, Tamara: Friend of Nadia, principal dancer of Imperial Ballet and Ballet Russe, married British diplomat Henry Bruce.
Kerensky, Alexander: Leader of provisional Russian government prior to the 1917 Bolshevik revolution.
KGB: See Intelligence.
Kuczynski: See under Britain.
Lang, Ira: Principal supplier of the Max Klatt spy ring, later revealed to be a Soviet agent.
Maisky, Ivan: Soviet ambassador in London 1932‑43 and reputedly a friend of Klop’s from 1920.
Maria Feodorovna: Dowager Empress, mother of Tsar Nicholas II, sister-in-law of British King Edward VII.
Nicholas II: Tsar of the Russian empire 1894‑1917 when he was forced to abdicate in the wake of popular riots and the February revolution.
NKVD: See Intelligence.
OGPU: See Intelligence.
Poleschauk, Valeria: Secretary to Nicholas Schreiber, childhood friend of Nadia, introduced her to Klop.
Romanov, George Leonidovitch: Spy turned priest, one-time secretary to General Turkul. Briefed Klop on Soviet penetration of White Russian exile groups.
Rote Drei (Red Three): Russian intelligence operation in Switzerland, principally directed against Germany.
Rote Kapelle (Red Orchestra): Russian intelligence network in Germany.
Sabline, Eugen: Chargé d’affaires at the embassy in London until 1917, thereafter semi-official diplomatic representative of the exile community.
St Petersburg: Capital of Tsarist Russia, renamed Petrograd in 1914 and Leningrad in 1924, reverting to St Petersburg in 1991. With some exceptions, referred to throughout as St Petersburg.
Schreiber, Nicholas: Retired naval officer who rented a room in his apartment in St Petersburg to Klop – scene of his first meeting with Nadia.
Stalin, Joseph: Soviet leader (as general secretary of the central committee of the Communist Party) 1922‑1952.
Turkul, Prince Anton: Leader of various anti-Communist exile groups but strongly suspected of being a Soviet agent and member of the Max Klatt spy ring.
Vlasov, General Andrei: Leader of exile army prepared to fight for Hitler against Soviet regime.
Voss, Claudius: Soviet agent used to penetrate German navy. Also used by MI6 pre-WWII.
Wolkoff, Admiral Nikolai: Exile and former naval attaché at the London embassy. Daughter Anna was convicted of espionage on behalf of Germany during WWII.
Xenia Alexandrovna: Grand Duchess, sister of Tsar Nicholas II, figurehead of Russian exile community in Britain.
Bedaux, Charles: Nazi-sympathising millionaire businessman close to the Duke and Duchess of Windsor.
Blum, Paul: OSS agent who worked with Klop in London and Switzerland.
Donovan, Col. Bill: Head of OSS intelligence service.
Dulles, Allan: Swiss station chief for OSS, later head of the CIA.
Intelligence service:
OSS: Office of Strategic Services, forerunner of the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency).
FBI: Federal Bureau of Investigation, headed by J Edgar Hoover and fiercely protective of its role in internal security.
CIC: Counter Intelligence Corps of US Army used for Nazi interrogations.
Roosevelt, Franklin D: US President 1933‑1945.
Silver, Arnold: Interrogator working with Klop in Max Klatt case, later senior CIA official.
Simpson, Mrs Wallis: Mistress of King Edward VIII, married him after the abdication and given the title Duchess of Windsor.
Alemayehu, Prince: Infant son of Emperor Theodore of Ethiopia, brought to Britain and raised under Queen Victoria’s patronage.
Bartik, Major Josef: Czech head of counter intelligence in London in WWII
Cevat, Daan: Well-connected Dutch art dealer and secret agent who befriended Klop in the 1930s.
Chanel, Coco: French fashion designer, with a German lover during WWII, used her past friendship with Churchill and the Duke of Westminster to make peace overtures.
Freie Deutsche Kulturbund: German exile group in London with links to Soviet agents.
Garcia, Juan Pujol (codename Garbo): Spanish businessman, Britain’s most successful double agent.
Labarthe, André: Editor of La France Libre in London during WWII and employer of Moura Budberg. Later exposed as Soviet agent.
Masson, Roger: Head of Swiss military intelligence,
Moravec, František: Head of Czech Intelligence Service in WWII.
Muselier, Admiral Emile: Left-leaning rival to General de Gaulle for leadership of the Free French. Connected to Moura Budberg.
Pan, Major Vaclav: Head of Czech intelligence in Lisbon.
Pavelić, Ante: Croat pro-Nazi Ustashe dictator wanted for war crimes but allowed to escape, apparently with British connivance.
Radó, Sándor: Hungarian controller of Soviet Rote Drei network in Switzerland; married to Helene Jansen whose two sisters were naturalised British.
Sedlacek, Karel: Czech agent in Switzerland who had access to Rote Drei network and fed its intelligence back to Britain.
Slama, Vaclav: Klop’s main contact in Czech intelligence.
Szymańska, Halina: Wife of former Polish military attaché to Berlin, lived in Switzerland and acted as conduit between Admiral Canaris and Allied intelligence services.
Theodore, Emperor (aka Tewodros): Leader who united the rival tribes of Abyssinia (Ethiopia) by conquest. He brought down the wrath of the British Empire by taking their representative and other Europeans hostage.
Victoire (code name of Mathilde Lucie Carre: Member of French Resistance, captured and escaped to London where she was suspected of working for the Germans. Interrogated by Klop.